Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 106 Law of Conservation of Luck

White Zeraora also exists with different colors. Different Pokémon have different colors. This may be a genetic problem. After a slight modification, Zeraora has a one-click skin change function.

"Normally, it doesn't exist. During the full moon, you can choose to change the color of your fur, release a stronger current, and keep it tight at ordinary times."

"As commanded."

The next day, Setsuna woke up from her sleep. She didn't seem to remember clearly what happened last night, but she just felt a little weak in her legs.

Sitting up and rubbing her face, a full moon appeared in her memory

In the past, untrained young fur-tribes were not allowed to go out during the full moon, but during the days of the organ trafficking and assassination group, she didn't know the date, and she didn't even know that yesterday was the full moon.

She was having a lot of fun playing on the snow, but when she accidentally glanced at the moon in the sky, everything changed.

"Oops! It's Moon Leo!"

There were people watching her in Zuowu, but not outside. She quite liked it here, at least the villagers here didn't mean to be afraid of her.

For the residents of the Beast Territory, people with animal abilities are not uncommon, so the residents here have no special feelings towards demi-humans like the fur tribe.

It would be bad if one's senses were impaired because of the damage caused by a Moon Lion transformation.

She opened the curtains a crack and it was daytime, so she ran out directly, but it seemed that there had been no battle at all.

Setsuna walked to Zeraora's house. Shaina's residence was strictly forbidden to outsiders. Shaina had emphasized this issue to her again and again yesterday, and she remembered this very clearly.

"Zeraora, are you there?"

"I'm behind you, it's already noon."

Setsuna, who didn't get a response, was trying to climb in through the window, and Zeraora happened to appear from behind her. He went to a tailor to make a suitable set of clothes. Fur tribes can have very few clothes, but they won't wear them, otherwise It's like running naked.

Although skin is the clothing of Pokémon, they don't care about an extra coat. There are a lot of Pokémon wearing human clothes, especially in the gorgeous contest.

"Um, did anything extreme happen last night?"

"If 伱 means you transformed into a moon lion, that did happen, but don't worry, nothing happened."

"Huh~ That's good. I'm still worried about being driven away, but what was the specific experience last night? Was the moon covered by clouds?"

Untrained fur-tribes do not have the ability to actively disarm the moon lion. Either their physical strength is exhausted or the moon disappears.

However, exhaustion of physical strength does not mean falling down from exhaustion, but death from exhaustion.

The fact that she is still standing here completely means that the Moon Lion state has ended early.

"Lord Arceus helped you release your violent posture. Where are you going?"

"Go and say thank you."

"Don't be impatient. This is not Zou. You have to get used to the rules outside. Besides, Lord Arceus isn't there either."

"Then where is he?"

"Now, it should be at the banquet."


Zeraora felt that she had underestimated the difficulty of the task given to him by Arceus. He was obviously still a child himself, so why should he take on the task of raising a child.

The moment I first came into contact with the outside world was like a hundred thousand whys, everything here was full of unknowns.

And his understanding of the world came from Arceus, who only gave him preliminary common sense, so Zeraora didn't know what the answer was when he asked questions.

But Setsuna's stomach growled and solved the problem.

"Come on, I'll take you to the banquet to eat."

The fur tribe does not avoid meat and vegetables. Except for furry creatures, cattle and sheep are not in their diet, with the exception of poultry and sea animals. Although Zuowu is closed, there is no shortage of spices, but it is just like a grand scene like a pirate banquet. But rarely appears.

"Ah woo~" A huge chicken leg was stuffed into her mouth, and finally even the bones were chewed and swallowed.

It is true that the people in the organ trafficking and assassination group did not eat or drink less, but she was on a hunger strike to seek death, so she had been force-fed some nutritious cream. Although it was nutritious, the taste was unflattering.

The cook of the Beasts Pirates is not great, but she is above average, and the grilled food suits her taste very well.

"Zeraora, aren't you afraid of getting burned?"


"Yeah, that Viper cat has a cat's tongue. It's very afraid of being burned and can't eat hot food at all."

This is also a characteristic of the cat fur tribe. In her opinion, Zeraora is also made of cat fur, but she is not afraid of getting burned at all.

"I'm different from him."

"Indeed, you are much more handsome than him, ugh."

Setsuna was only interested in the food, and now she thinks the banquet is a good thing.

Other pirates also quickly got into the atmosphere. The banquet culture is considered a special culture among pirates.

Although Kaido has not returned yet, this does not affect the men's celebration of victory in the battle, but now there are people surrounded at the venue.

"Hey, hey, are you too lucky?"

"Yes, why is it yours that gets the first prize this time?"

"I can't help it, I'm lucky."

The first winner this time, Manderfish, was also the one who got the ability to splash water last time. The hard-to-narrow bones in this battle were taken care of by Shaina and Jhin. They were more just supporting the show. .

Although merit is calculated, most people just divide the money.

Manderfish did not participate in the attack because of his ability to splash and jump. Instead, he jumped and moved on the sea behind the island, just in time for him to bump into some people who were trying to escape with years of savings from the organ trafficking and assassination group.

The manager took only a heavy treasure with him when he tried to escape, and the remaining huge wealth was in the hands of these people, so the top spot fell to him after the evaluation, which made many people feel jealous.

However, they had to admit that this kid was really lucky, and he was extremely lucky. He really hit the smallest area of ​​​​the word "phantom" with a dart.

"Quinn, bring up plate number two."

After you win this, you still have to draw attributes. After drawing attributes, you still have to draw how to obtain them. Finally, you have to draw out what abilities you have. The process is quite complicated.

His luck had been pretty good in the past, with water attributes and direct transformation without borrowing fruits, but when it came to extracting specific abilities at the end, his luck seemed to be overdrawn.

Powerful abilities such as divine beasts, phantom beasts, and quasi-gods do not appear here. They are prepared for people with more outstanding talents. However, there are many excellent abilities among the remaining abilities, occupying different areas according to rarity and strength. .

This time he failed to inherit his previous good luck, but the dart landed firmly on a red carp pattern.

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