Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1060 The Giant Public Enemy and the Singing Skeleton

Geertz was mumbling to herself, and Robin didn’t know what she was talking about. For a giant seventeen meters tall, Robin was too small. If Robin didn’t use his abilities, even if he was filming Geertz She couldn't feel her feet either.

"Gerz? Geerz? What's wrong with you?"

The giant next to her saw that Geertz was in a daze, and reached out to push her shoulder. Only then did she react, put down the ax in her hand, picked up the large medical kit, and walked over.

The Elbaf Gun is the inheritance of the Elbaf Giant Kingdom. However, after years of development, the Elbaf Gun used by different giants also has certain differences. Like the fishman karate, it has evolved into Different genres.

Yamato's Elbaf Spear was inherited from Kaido, and Kaido learned it from Charlotte Lingling. It can be said that they are of the same origin. When Charlotte Lingling learned this move in the Giant Kingdom, Geertz also learned it. Be present.

She was Charlotte Lingling's childhood playmate, and they were good friends before Charlotte Lingling's onset of thiorexia.

The chance for outsiders to learn the moves inherited from the giant clan is slim. Yamato's moves have a hint of similarity with Charlotte Lingling, which makes Geerz have some doubts.

But before figuring out the details, you still have to go see your companions.

"Heldin, how are you?"

"You can't die yet. But the too big."

Among the young people of the Giant Clan, Haildin was considered a leader. Unexpectedly, he suffered a disastrous defeat not long after leaving the Giant Country, and he was killed instantly.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought you should be able to withstand beatings for such a big man, but I didn't expect you to be so weak. Ah, no, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that I didn't use this strength on purpose. It was wrong of me to overestimate. I says."

"Ahem, Your Majesty Guiji, no need to say more, I understand what you mean."

If Yamato continues to talk, Haildin may really die.

"Elbaf is respected by his strength. Your strength is strong enough. Logically speaking, I should fulfill my promise, but there is a question. What is the relationship between you and the devil Charlotte Lingling?"

Haldin and Geertz were also childhood playmates. He had also seen Charlotte Lingling. Even Geertz who was watching could see it, let alone him who was fighting head-on.


"61 years ago, when I was only 12 years old, I, Elbaf, met Lingling for the first time. She was extremely talented. At the age of five, she had already shown very terrifying talents, so the elder asked her to come with us. study.

But on the twelve fasting days of the winter solstice."

Geerz talked about what happened many years ago, and made Yamato understand that all the giant countries rejected Charlotte Lingling.

“Originally, that marriage was an opportunity to reverse the deadlock, but Lingling’s daughter chose to escape from the marriage. Although Prince Loki was not angry, he was very sad, and Lingling’s reputation in Elbaf further declined.

Giants who are out can join any force, but they must not have direct contact with Charlotte Lingling, otherwise they will be removed from the giant clan. "

Elbaf was not so crazy as to refuse all indirect contact. In that case, all connections with the underground world of the New World would have to be cut off. Without newspapers and shipping, Elbaf would also suffer huge losses.

So their ban is that they can't join the Big Mom Pirates, and they can't have anything to do with Charlotte Lingling's relatives, but there's nothing else.

"It doesn't matter, it's just some transactions. According to my adoptive father, we may become enemies at some point. But now there is no major conflict between our pirate groups."

Geerz and Helding looked at each other and agreed with each other's decision.

"We are willing to become mercenaries under your command, but we cannot perform any missions to get close to Charlotte Lingling."

"Mission. Wait a minute, Robin! Who is in charge of our mission?"

Under the influence of their strength, the New Giant Soldier Pirates changed their working companies and became external mercenaries of the beasts under the name of Yamato. However, these giants had some doubts about the thinking activities of this young lady.

For Baishou, this is just a harmless personnel addition, but for some emerging companies, it is a painful blow.

"Hey, Bucky."

"Isn't this Mr. 3? Why are you still wearing that outfit? Those giants are coming soon. Don't let them look down on us."

With the help of his cloak to stretch his body, Bucky was showing off his power in front of his little brother.

He knew how much he weighed and could only increase his deterrence in this way.

"That's what I want to say. Those giants said they found a better place to go, so they apologize for what happened before. They said they would cooperate again if there is a chance."

"What?! What bastard dares to steal business from me! Who is it?!"

"Forget it, Bucky."

"3. Times have changed. Now I am also a Shichibukai! Guys, there is someone."

"It's a hundred beasts."

"Anyone want a drink?"

Bucky suppressed his words forcefully. He couldn't afford to offend this, and there was nothing he could do about future employees being pried away.

After recruiting a group of new employees, Yamato and Robin also re-planned their itinerary, but she was not the only one recruiting people.

After Yamato recruited giants and Quinn recruited fun people, Tezzolo also embarked on the road of looking for new people.

To be precise, he was just doing a team-building exercise.

When the war broke out, he thought that Beast Fruit would suffer a major blow, but he didn't expect that things would develop completely differently from what he thought.

Out of consideration for Kaido's strength and obsession with the "elixir", the World Government acquiesced in the existence of the Beast Fruit.

Then they focused on the pharmaceutical department of Beast Fruit. During this period, many people were poached from the pharmaceutical department, and some undercover agents were also brought in, which indirectly caused Foz Fu's work level to skyrocket.

After the aftermath of the War on Top gradually faded away, Cavendish immediately made his debut. Nearly a year and a half of practice and his good looks made him popular and he became a new star in the entertainment department.

And he also began to enjoy the feeling of being in the spotlight. For him, being a star seemed to be much more enjoyable than being a pirate. This team building also congratulated him on his successful debut, but the location of this team building made him uncomfortable. like.

"Let me tell you, we have plenty of funds, right? Why come to the Tenakina Kingdom? There is nothing special here except the Long Hand Clan, right?"

The Kingdom of Tenakaina is located on Jianshan Island on the Great Route. It is the hometown of the Changshou Clan. It is also a relatively closed country and lacks understanding and awareness of the outside world.

"There is nothing special here, but it is said that there is a singing skeleton. I think this image is very suitable to fill our vacancy."

twenty four

I am trapped in reincarnation, try to get out of this reincarnation as soon as possible

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