Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 115 Katakuri is still on the way

Zeraora suddenly appeared in front of Setsuna, and a lightning ball was thrown on the enemy in front of her.

The violent thunderbolt instantly eliminated the enemy in front of him, and then he looked at Jisu beside him, grabbed her and threw her back, directly throwing Jisa back. The fur tribe was very flexible and turned around in mid-air After two laps, Instantly landed on the ground smoothly.

"Geraola, what are you doing!"

"This kind of battle is too early for you. Before running, at least learn to walk. Going straight to the enemy's line is not suitable for you. You should stand next to those chess soldiers."

He doesn't object to Setsuna's participation in the battle, but he opposes him going straight to the enemy's line alone, maybe she won't be obedient, but Zeraora has a very simple way, as long as all the enemies are directly eliminated before Setsuna acts, there is no need to think about this problem up.

Since the problem is difficult to solve, let’s take a step to make the person who has the problem disappear, and the problem will disappear as well. The thunder light wrapped his body, and Zeraola surpassed the chess soldiers who had surrounded him in a short while .

His speed is very fast, but compared with the speed just now, there is an obvious difference. Now he belongs to the category of fast movement speed, while just now he is similar to teleportation, which is his own skill. alternative applications.

The original way to use it is that he will turn back immediately after attacking, and the next Pokémon will take over his battle, but there is no Poké Ball here, and the same ability can be used in different ways.

It just came from his innovation, the variant usage of volt replacement developed by Zeraola, who was born in the pirate world, it can be said that the order of volt replacement has been changed.

Choose Setsuna as a friend, instantly appear at her position to attack the enemies in front of her, and then throw her back to a safe position.

Then it was time for him to fight alone, his fists were covered with a layer of electric current, even if these people were full-time combat members of the organ trafficking assassination group, they would fall down in pieces like wheat harvesters.

Plasma Lightning Fist, Zeraora's exclusive skill, in addition to its own effects, after the end of Plasma Lightning Fist, he will enter a charged state, and ordinary attacks will also be transformed into electrical attacks.

Zeraora's full running speed is comparable to that of Thunderbolt, and in the process, the hair on his body surface and Thunderbolt will form a special membrane to allow his body to adapt to this speed.

Even if it doesn't attack the opponent, the scattered electric current will knock down the enemy. Although Zeraora doesn't have a power generating organ, his capacity is very large. The electricity Arceus charged him is enough to achieve super power in high-intensity battles. Long standby time.

In less than a minute, dozens of militants were all wiped out, and the chess soldiers of the BIG MOM pirate group could only clean up the mess, and couldn't intervene at all.

"What a strong fur tribe."

Fur tribes are only rare in the sea, and some traces of fur tribes can still be seen more or less in the New World. Unlike ordinary people’s misunderstanding of fur tribes, pirates who have lived in the New World for a long time have some understanding of fur tribes .

They knew that the fur tribe had a special way of using electricity, but it was the first time they heard that the electricity was exaggerated to such an extent.

At this time, Totland is still expanding and building, and there are still many races that are lacking in the interior. Not to mention the giant race that is hostile to BIG MOM, some rare races also do not live here.

You can see fur-like creatures in the Kingdom of Totland, but they are not fur-tribes, but Homiz obtained by Charlotte Lingling after transforming animals with soul-soul fruits and anthropomorphizing them.

Humanoid mammals that can use lightning and speak human language are almost an inherent feature of the fur race. Zeraora's actions today also made Perospero pay more attention to this race.

Just the thunder and lightning from the outside melted his candy walls. At this time, he felt a little strange about the Beasts Pirates. Why do all of them have the ability of high temperature?

Although the enemy was dealt with by the guests, as long as it was resolved, everything would be easy to talk about. If they really caused some irreversible consequences, Perospero didn't even know what his future would be like.

Everyone who witnessed this battle was amazed at Zeraora's explosive strength, even Setsuna herself was no exception. Although she was born in Zou, at most she had seen the training of soldiers.

The territory of Zowu has been peaceful for a long time, and there has never been a large-scale battle at all. Although the Furry Principality said that Yang Jisi Khan is the strongest warrior, she has never seen him fight.

The strength shown by Zeraora is the strongest among fur tribes she has ever seen. Although fur tribes are different from wild beasts, they still retain the instincts of wild beasts, such as worshiping the strong. Powerful fur tribes are more likely to get one side favor.

Although some of the fur tribe only like the same kind of fur tribe, or animals, such as Bepo who is looking for a female bear on Nine Snake Island, there are also a considerable number of fur tribes who are not obsessed with this kind of issue.

The total number of residents in Zou is less than 20,000. If they only combine with the same kind of fur tribe, then the fur tribe will easily become extinct.

Usually, they are looking for a favorite target. As for the type of offspring, they are not as random as mermaids and murlocs. They will inherit animals of the same family from their father or mother's genes.

However, some people are not very satisfied with Zeraora's performance, such as Kaido.

"Too young to understand women..."

He felt that Zeraora should wait for Setsu to realize his weakness before making a move. Although this might hurt him, the effect would be better than this. But the results were good, and Zeraora still gained worship from Setsuna.

However, some people disagreed with Kaido's words, and Quinn raised similar doubts, and Quinn asked the question in a joking tone.

"Brother Kaito, you don't seem to have anything to do with women, do you?"

"I'm very popular with women, but you haven't seen it."

Kaido doesn't care that his henchmen are joking with him, and he really has a lot of confidence in this matter.

Kaido is very confident about this, and he does have relationships with many people, involving a wide range of age groups, and he can barely be described as killing young and old.

Zeraora didn't make a killing move. If claws were used instead of fists, these people would probably be torn apart by him. However, the scene was bloody and he felt it was not suitable for children to watch, so he only used fists.

Except for those who were hit by him head-on, most of the rest just fainted, and they were also caught by the chess soldiers at this time.

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