Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 118: Kaido's Deal

People who haven't seen it will naturally find it strange, but Charlotte Lingling's children have already seen the strange thing. The escaped pork chop was quickly caught back, but Shi Mo didn't intend to eat it.

She doesn't eat such animals, and pigs are also regarded as fur. After knowing that there are children of the fur tribe here, the kitchen of the BIG MOM Pirates specially prepared a batch of food made of sea animals and poultry.

In the New World, terrestrial animals are more expensive ingredients than sea animals, because the land area is much smaller than the ocean, and sea animals that roam all over the world are often served on the table in the New World. These creatures with huge meat have always been very popular with the sea. Thieves welcome.

The fur people don't eat furry creatures, but it doesn't mean they don't know the taste of cattle and sheep, mainly because of the existence of sea beasts, manatees, sea sheep, sea pigs, these strange creatures can live in the sea turn up.

For the fur tribe, these creatures that live in the water without any fur are naturally not considered as furry species, but whether they can eat such creatures can only depend on luck.

The fur tribe does not hunt, and the elephant owner will not stop. Zowu’s sea beasts are sent by the elephant owner. The giant elephant sprays water on the back of the elephant twice a day. The fur tribe calls it "fire-breathing rain". It is called "the rain of grace".

The Elephant Lord's size is too large, even some small sea beasts may be inhaled by him and sprayed up together.

They don't worry about eating furry animals by mistake. Sea animals are obviously different from terrestrial creatures in their roasted appearance.

Charlotte Lingling's children are fighting, and Charlotte Lingling doesn't care about it. She is almost completely free, so that the children have different personalities.

Not all the children went to play, such as Charlotte Moscato, who is more than nine years old this year.

The sixteenth son of the Charlotte family is the one with the strongest sense of justice among Charlotte Lingling's children. Many years later, when Charlotte Lingling's eating disorder broke out, he was the one who was afraid of others Time to stand up and try to stop my mother.

However, Charlotte Lingling, who lost her mind, did not recognize him, and instead lost a lot of life.

Charlotte Lingling asked him to take away the "children" of Beasts. He thought that as the master here, he had the obligation to take care of the guests.

The main venue.

They have confirmed the taste of the food, and the next issue to be determined is the production. This is why Kaido brought Quinn, and the data of these things are processed by Quinn and Assier.

Strictly speaking, Assie knows more about production than Quinn, but Assie is too weak to bring him out is not a good thing.

"Everyone, our output is not high now, but we have found a suitable planting area. The suitable planting area on that island is about 6,000 mu. By then, the annual banana production can exceed 10,000 tons.

It only takes one year for us to reach this output. As of now, we can only provide 2,000 kilograms for the first batch. "

This is the approximate value obtained after deducting the production that was sold to the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates.

A new island suitable for planting has just been found, and the island is now being reclaimed. To be precise, the information on this island was provided by the BIG MOM pirates.

That island used to be the territory of Charlotte Lingling's hostile forces, although they defeated the enemy later.

However, because the island was reduced to a battlefield, it was destroyed under the attack of Charlotte Lingling, and the original cultivated land was also abandoned, which happened to be given to Kaido by Charlotte Lingling as a trade item.

Now Beasts are only planting a small amount of finished products and raising seedlings on their own land. They can't replace all the food in the territory with cash crops, otherwise the food safety in the territory will not be guaranteed.

Then Quinn said: "And these are improved crops, they have no seeds, and it is impossible for others to grow similar crops."

"Two thousand kilograms is enough. We can use our own channels to help you open up business routes, but we require a stable supply that is second only to Lingling."

They may not be able to sell even if they purchased a lot in the early stage. One year is just enough for them to open up enough business channels. As long as Beast can guarantee the quality of the fruit and the characteristics of monopoly, they can make enough money from it.

But not everyone can benefit from this. The venues of Du Field and Stuci can directly benefit, and Umit and Kibson can also enjoy dividends in transportation and storage, but Morgans and Piecolo are different. up.

The news and assassination industries have nothing to do with fruit, so why not just buy it back as employee benefits?

If Kaido really borrowed their channels just to sell fruits, such a formation would be a bit too big.

At the same time, they still have a problem that they haven't figured out, and that is why Beasts attacked the organ trafficking assassination group.

The six people looked at each other a few times, and finally Morgans stood up, not for anything else, but because he wanted to interview the person involved to see if there was any bigger news.

"Mr. Kaido, may I ask, why did Beasts destroy that group before?"

Morgans took out a pen and notebook from somewhere, as if he was about to conduct an interview.

"They offended Laozi's subordinates and made an unforgivable mistake. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

In the face of Morgans' question, Kaido showed no patience, but this attitude made them all feel at ease. It's good to have conflicts. Beasts had previously gained an advantage against the Walder Pirates.

If Kaido also carried out indiscriminate destruction like that lunatic Walder, the trouble would be even greater. Enmity is a good result. As for how the enmity ended, he is not interested and does not want to know.

"Of course, we have another business to discuss."

As soon as Quinn said this, the people present also paid attention to it. After all, this is right. If the meeting between the two big pirates and several managers in the underground world is just to conclude a fruit business, it will be a bit overkill after all.

"We buy devil fruits of the animal family at a premium, whether it is phantom beast species, ancient species or ordinary species, it is the same."

Phantom beast species are very precious, but the value of ancient species and common species is actually not that high. All beasts need this type of fruit and they will only think it is Kaido's personal hobby.

It is much more normal for a pirate to collect devil fruit to strengthen his group than to sell fruit.

"At the same time, we still need to look for the whereabouts of this thing." This time, it's not the real thing, but an ordinary picture depicting the picture of the Arceus stone plate.

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