Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1223 On Human Complexity and Diversity

"Wait, wait, so many years have passed, why do you still hold grudges like this?"

Hailoushi was still wearing handcuffs, Caesar had no power to resist, and could only let Gage's shoes step on his face.

From a metaphysical point of view, he should be grateful for the pair of handcuffs, because of this pair of handcuffs, Sanji just used his body to block the wind instead of letting Caesar light a cigarette.

People who dare to light cigarettes for Sanji usually suffer misfortune. Caesar did not directly help, so the effect is much reduced.

"Hold grudges? Who said Lao Tzu's invention was rubbish, and used his poison gas weapon to sneak up on me from behind? It seems to be you, Caesar!"

Gage intensified, bringing Caesar into closer contact with the ground.

"Didn't you call back then?"

In the original MADS, Vegapunk's technology had the upper hand, while Ba Jin was busy with other things on his own, leaving Caesar, Quinn, and Gadge to peck at each other.

At that time, they were not the type who were good at fighting, and their main force relied on things they invented.

It's different now, Quinn was forced into a very powerful shape by reality, and the arrogance honed for survival made him far stronger than Caesar and Gage.

Even if the current Quinn deletes all the strengthening external forces in his body, the current Quinn can still use his domineering attainments to rub Gaji and Caesar in different ways.

"Hmph, no matter how many times you punch me in the face, I won't feel pity, but don't worry, I won't do anything to you, after all BIG MOM appreciates you very much.

It would be great to have you on this island with this son of mine. "

As soon as this remark came out, the sweat on Caesar's face grew even more.

"Hey, hey, I said, calm down, bringing me in front of her will kill people! You should understand that kind of technology, it has always been a very special theory!"

"What does it have to do with me? It's not what I promised BIG MOM, so prepare yourself to meet that woman's wrath.

But again, you don't have to worry about anything, I didn't say anything bad. "

Charlotte Lingling asked Gage about the possibility of realizing Caesar's technology, but Gage shied away on the grounds that it was not his field of expertise.

Who knows if Caesar will really come up with something weird, and it won't be good to slap him in the face at that time. As long as Gage doesn't express any opinions, Caesar will only bear the consequences.

"Commander, the area you mentioned has basically been excavated. These are things that may be valuable. Please take a look."

A group of clones came to Gage with all kinds of scraps. Vegapunk's written materials were stored in the punk records above Egghard, but that part of the data had been completely sunk.

Most of the leftovers in Egherd are fragments of inventions, and what Gage can do is to infer some things based on these remaining items to see if they can gain some results.

"Very well, prepare to retreat, this island is worthless."

The world government has brought people to plow through here. They really don't understand technology, but there are so many people that basically everything that can be dismantled has been taken away.

Jia Zhi, a knowledgeable person, took someone to clean it up again, and there was really not much scum left. At this time, Caesar seemed to think of something.

"Wait, Gage, now that Vegapunk is dead, it also means that our biggest obstacle has disappeared!"

"So what?"

"So what? After the news of that guy's death spread, who is the new number one in the world? It's Quinn! Can you bear the pressure of that guy who's trying to catch his name all the time?!"

Wanting to win over a person can either be mutually beneficial, or have a common enemy. There is no doubt that Quinn can take on this task.

"A reward of 3.2 billion Baileys, the title of the world's number one scientist, do you think he deserves it?"

The world government announced the death of Vegapunk, but did not publicly state that the two clones of Vegapunk are still alive today.

A well-known scientist and a tool man who can only work for the world government, Wulaoxing prefers the latter, so the name Vegapunk in the sea is already synonymous with pure death.

Without Vegapunk, Quinn would naturally take over, which made Caesar very unhappy.

But Caesar didn't know that Quinn, who used to be very fond of being famous, didn't want this reputation at all.

"Come on, you and I join forces, our combined abilities will let the world know what is number one in the world!"

Gage did not respond to Caesar's passionate speech, but after Sanji left a note for Brook, he took them back to Germa's fleet.

But in the process, he was a little gentler. In a sense, Caesar succeeded.

However, his words are not worth the risk for Jiazhi, so Jiazhi's choice is only temporarily shelved.


Huge snails were spliced ​​to the land, and those who went to Egherd to dig the ruins also returned to the Germa Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Germa is an extremely rare exception. This country does not have a fixed territory, but uses a special snail as a carrier to sail on the sea. It accepts mercenary missions in warring countries and uses commissions as funds for the kingdom.

The downfall of Doflamingo was actually a good thing for Germa, which gave them more opportunities for activities.

And in the castle in the center, Sanji returned here again.

"You have changed a lot, Sanji, and you are really different from the weak you you were back then."

Vinsmoke Reiju sat on a chair and lamented Sanji's growth. Unlike Sanji's other brothers, Reiju also had her own feelings, but this feeling did not allow her to disobey Gage's orders.

If she hadn't let Sanji go, Sanji might have died in a corner ahead of schedule.

So for Reiju, Sanji's attitude is still slightly different, but it can't be said to be enthusiastic.

"How long do you want to stay there? Just go out if you have nothing to do."

"You are really indifferent to your sister whom you haven't seen for thirteen years. Don't you have anything to say?"

"No, I have already severed blood ties with you."

Looking at the mural of Gaji beheading the four kings on the wall, Sanji made a contemptuous voice again.

"I don't want to have anything to do with the lunatic family who like this kind of mural. I'm just going to fulfill the so-called marriage contract with you. I will leave after the marriage contract is over."

"That's my father's wish. He wants to revive the Germa Kingdom, and his blood is still flowing in your body. It is not an easy task to completely cut it off."

"She is right, or is it that to you, a prince of a country is not as good as a cook on a little-known pirate ship? I remember I taught you swordsmanship, why do you only use your feet in battle?"

"Oh, my hands don't exist for fighting, and you, don't talk nonsense as a father!

I thought you would change a bit, but in the end you became even more scumbag. Now you are just a strange uncle who has nothing to do with me! "

While speaking, Gaji had ordered Reiju to put a pair of bracelets on Sanji.

This pair of bracelets has the same function as the slave collar of the Draco, and will explode when left in certain areas.

It is in this way that Gaji restricts Sanji's actions.

Egherd, Brook, who was left behind, met Luffy and the others again after waking up.

Although he is already a skeleton, Brook has a lot in common with humans. He can eat, drink, and sleep. It has always been a very mysterious question which space the food and water went to.

And this also has a disadvantage, the toxin that works on humans is equally effective on this skeleton, and the same is true for abilities such as drowsiness.

[Guys, I'm going to see a woman, I promise to come back. 】

Sanji told what he was going to do in a relaxed tone, but that didn't mean that Luffy and the others would feel at ease.

"Brooke, where did Sanji go? And Caesar? Why didn't he disappear?"

"This...Sanji came to this island after he brought us back from the storm, and then we met a group of strange people, they called themselves Germa 66, and the leader said that Sanji was him son."

"Sanji's dad? So he has a dad too."

Luffy's straightforwardness made him have a big bag again, and Brook continued to speak under Nami's deterrence.

"Sanji doesn't seem to be willing, but his father seems to have threatened him with something, and finally took them away."

"Then what was he taken away for? The skeleton is in charge."

"This... is married to BIG MOM."

"Your pirate group is really complicated enough. Is the head of Blackfoot actually a member of the Vinsmoke family?"

Luo rubbed his head, and started his science popularization work again, and Luffy could occasionally add a few sentences for him.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Luffy understands it himself, but he is translating Helo's words, but unless there is a communication plug-in such as the power of Periphery and the power of waveguide, otherwise Pokémon's language communication is to convey the mind.

You can understand what it means, but it is not easy to translate each word specifically, especially when it involves professional vocabulary. After all, oral English and academics are two completely different things.

If there is no Luo, Lu Fei's translation ability will be comparable to the terrifying power of Sauron's lost.

"Oh, I see, let's go, everyone, go and bring Sanji back!"

Luffy's brain filtered many things and came to this conclusion directly. As for the level of the enemy, that was not something he considered at all.

After getting used to it, Luo didn't feel surprised anymore, but thought it was more reasonable, and Luo also thought it was an opportunity.

Big Mom's tea party is a big gathering in the underground world. It is very troublesome to get together this group of guys on weekdays. With Doflamingo's position vacant, Big Mom's tea party even means shuffling the cards. opportunity.

Even if there is no such thing, Luo will find a way to get involved, and the opportunity now is even better.

"Don't worry, we'll see them again sooner or later, but do any of you have any record pointers for going to Totland waters?"

The scene suddenly fell silent, and it was not until the lightning struck that they came back to their senses.

Sanji was taken away, so naturally there is no need to worry about the route, but they are different. The next stop of Egghead does not include the islands in the Totland Sea. Just the first step blocked their way forward.

"Don't look at me! I don't have an eternity pointer to go there either!"

According to the usual situation, there is still some time before the big mom tea party, Luo is not in a hurry to deal with this matter, who knows that big mom suddenly arranged a marriage, which made their situation even bigger change.

"Then what to do, hehe, what can you do?"

"I have the eternal pointer to go there. Just do me a favor and I'll give it to you. By the way, do you have anything to eat? Give me something first, I'm starving to death."

At this time, a strange female voice suddenly appeared next to their ears. Looking back, Joelly Bonnie also appeared on the ruins of Egghead.

"who are you?"

"Joelie Bonnie, the bounty is 320 million Bailey, the pirate who arrived in the Chambord Islands in the same year as you, the straw hat owner, can't you pay more attention to the intelligence on the sea?"

"It's okay, it's not important, then thank you, you are really a good person."

Bonnie received a good person card inexplicably, but she would not be bought by such a sentence.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is a deal. There is something I want in the ruins on this island. You dig up the ruins for me, at most one day. Whether you find it or not, the eternal pointer will be given to you."

Luffy's simple brain didn't even think about whether this might be a scam, so he agreed to the other party's request, and became the third wave of people digging on the ruins, and at the same time, a new question arose.

"Hello, why did you prepare so many pickaxes?"

Looking at the handful of people, and even some wealthy pickaxes, Luffy is a little confused about the situation, so it seems that Helo can predict the future.


What it can do, it can't say, this thing is prepared for your future, according to your personality, it will come in handy sooner or later.

It has been excavated twice, but both the World Government and the Vinsmoke family are developing it for protection and want to inherit certain technologies.

The Straw Hats and the others were different. They were simply digging holes and didn't care whether they caused damage to the surroundings.

If it weren't for their ability, it would be impossible to dig up this frozen soil. At this time, Bonnie used her ability to transform herself into a stronger form in the future.

Her fruit is not simply aging or rejuvenating people, her ability can show different futures, and reproduce every possible future form on her body. At this time, she uses a particularly muscular appearance.

In the end, Luo's ability became a tool for digging. After digging all night, they found some remnants in the deeper underground, and Bonnie also found what she wanted here, a bear paw. bubble.

Germa 66 is still on the way back, Luffy and the others have just finished their excavation work, but in Wano Country, it is a completely different scene.

In the reverse world, the battle between Yamato and Kaido is still going on, and Kaido has become more and more excited. If Arceus hadn't stipulated the area, they would have destroyed it all.

At this time, the inverted world has no connection with the real world, and they will not affect each other.

Otherwise, according to their movement, the real world will be in a big crisis.

After Quinn successfully escaped from the reversed world, no one wanted to go in and commit suicide. It was obvious that he rushed into the battlefield between Yamato and Kaido to die, but people are unwilling, which does not mean that Pokémon is unwilling.

A Pokémon that does not belong to the reversed world has come here at this time, and Rikuza is still very interested in this battle. After all, the duration of Yamato's battle is equal to the length of time Rikuza is not disturbed.

Compared with Kaido, who is obsessed with fighting, Rikuza feels that Gulardo and Kyoka, who only fight once in hundreds of years, are much more pleasing to the eye.

"Zekrom and Reshiram? Unfortunately, this is not the essence of power."

Rikuza easily saw the source of Yamato's power, but the body of Ssangyong was not in his body, and Yamato didn't use the essential power.

"This is not a good thing, this level of power mode. Why don't you leave it to him? This way I can relax, but this is not the creator's intention. That guy's brain is not normal, maybe it will be more troublesome."

Rikuza was talking to himself, and began to think about how to treat Kaido, but Rikuza didn't think of any good way for a while, so he turned and left here.

"Hehehe, it's fun, this is my good daughter, but this time, it should be almost over."

Kaido suddenly withdrew the baton and let the battle end without a problem. As for the final result of the fight, no one can say clearly.

Yamato has just started the final main line, and Kaido's various enhancements are not in vain, they are also getting stronger, and living for decades is an incomparably huge advantage.

"You won't be possessed by some dirty thing, right? It's not something you should say to take the initiative to stop fighting."

"Hehehe, when I have enough time, I will naturally have a good time with you.

I had a lot of fun this time too, but after all, something was missing, and you succeeded, so I have to work harder. "

Kaido put the mace back on his waist and canceled the transformation himself.

"Yamato, in fact, your character is not suitable for this sea."

"You bastard dad is even more unsuitable! You are full of war, war, so what should you do after you have fought your so-called biggest war? Restart the turmoil and cultivate new enemies yourself? "

"Who knows about that kind of thing? The matter hasn't reached that point yet, just wait until that day to talk about it.

Now that you are ready to fight, then continue to prepare, I will not stand still. "

Said Kaido suddenly stopped in front, and did not speak for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

"Find someone to open the door. I didn't bring Rotom with me."

Kaido glanced at Yamato and gave a very realistic reason.

In the end, it was Yamato who contacted the person who could open the reverse world. As soon as she left here, Yamato went to find a hot spring. After so many days, she needed a good cleansing.

Kaido was different, he went straight back to Onijima and held a small banquet.

In the capital of flowers, Senior is pushing his wife on the street in a wheelchair. Because of his perverted attire, he was almost arrested by the Shinsengumi, and he can only walk here freely after obtaining a special pass.

After a period of recuperation, his wife's reaction to the outside world has become more responsive. Although there is no sign of sobriety, it is also rare good news.

While Senior had new hopes for the future, Doflamingo saw the diversity of human nature and the speed of changing faces.

After Quinn left the reverse world, he was revising the new system. After a bunch of seemingly outrageous rules were re-registered, he also met Doflamingo.

In the past transactions, he and Doflamingo got along pretty well, but this time, Quinn's face did not have the previous enthusiasm.

Apart from the practice system, the first thing he did was to understand what happened during this period.

The news module of Rotom's mobile phone allows Quinn to know about major events, but not the details, which is undoubtedly very dangerous for him.

And the biggest event during this period is Doflamingo.

Quinn can be sure that Kaido is not interested in Doflamingo. After all, what Doflamingo can provide is very weak, and there are no substitutes for beasts.

In the same way, Arceus would not deliberately pay attention to such a character, so he had to consider his own eldest lady.

When it is determined that Yamato doesn't like Doflamingo very much, he will definitely not deliberately maintain the relationship with Doflamingo.

At most, Doflamingo would scold him secretly, as long as he couldn't hear it, it meant nothing.

But Yamato can beat him, and he can also wear small shoes on him. Quinn still has a bit of a B number in his heart about how to get the most benefit.

As for Doflamingo.

He didn't give up on himself because of this trivial matter, but instead found a special communication partner.

"咈咈咈咈咈, I see, so you don't like this elder brother? I also hate my younger brother, that guy actually betrayed me for outsiders."

"Betrayal? It's not the same. If my brother didn't exist, my mother's choice would have changed, so it's all his fault that led to this kind of thing."

"Actually, your life is not bad, at least the way Beasts deal with it is beyond my expectation."

Doflamingo doesn't understand the national conditions of Wano country. This country has a kind of obsessive worship of generals, which is fundamentally different from Dressrosa.

"But I can still understand you. After all, it's all my idiot father's fault. If it wasn't for him, our family would still be a noble in the world."

His mother would not die of illness, but Doflamingo didn't say the latter sentence.

"Oh? Then what happened to your father?"

"Later? I killed him with my own hands, it's that simple."


It was none other than Kozuki Hiyori that Doflamingo was chatting with.

He also accidentally ran into Kozuki Hiyori when he was wandering around the Flower Capital.

Kozuki Hiyori also learned about Doflamingo's situation through newspapers and other things, so he became a little interested and chatted with him.

It was just a scheming game, Kozuki Hiyori was not Doflamingo's opponent, so he was quickly tricked into saying something.

In a sense, their brainwaves were suddenly connected, and they even had some common topics.

"Speaking of your brother, I have some more interesting suggestions, do you want to listen to them?"

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