Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1237: Changes in the amount of super information and the Garlic Wangba family

Ordinary souls naturally cannot contact the living. Shaina's parents can touch her because her body is getting rid of the restriction of the spirit body.

The power of Arceus reunited the body belonging to the Lunaria tribe, which is closer to the standard of resurrection than Guina's state.

It's just that the example of resurrection is not just opened casually.

This is the great order between life and death. When the boundary between life and death is completely broken, sooner or later the world will be in chaos. However, the Lunaria family is Arceus' family after all, so some special arrangements are required.

The reverse world is a field prepared for Giratina. According to Giratina's character, he doesn't like the empty and lonely world.

It is punishment for the Giratina of the Pokémon world line to live alone in the reverse world. The Giratina here does not need to be punished. The Lunaria tribe is enough to make the reverse world more humane, and Giratina also Can protect that piece of the world.

The only thing that is not happy about this may be Kaido. After all, if there are more people who settle down, he will not be able to do it unscrupulously.

But the last time he fought Yamato also showed another attitude of Arceus, fighting is okay, but it has to be limited.

The illusory soul gradually solidified, and the flames behind them rose again. The Lunaria were not charmanders, but the rising flames also meant that they had returned to the state of the living.

Even the age group who is still dead in appearance can be regarded as an alternative way to restore youth.

"The strength of the flesh."

After moving his wrist and feeling the strength in his muscles, Shaina's father sighed slightly.

Among the many races on the sea, the Lunaria people's combat talent is unique.

Even if they do nothing and grow up as ordinary people, when they become adults, they can also have the ability to fly freely, control flames, and invulnerable bodies.

With a little exercise, one can reach the level that ordinary races can only achieve after several years of exercise.

"Speaking of how long we've been dead."

"Thirty-five years, and then Abel and I fled for a while, and then... everything was fine.

The sacred objects in the clan are real, but after the revival of the holy beast, everything changed. "

Then there was the science popularization time from Shaina. The huge amount of information was a little difficult for her parents to accept. They had also accepted the inheritance of the family, and some parts were even more comprehensive than Shaina.

Things that have not been waiting for hundreds of years, did not expect to appear more than 30 years after their death, and the changes far exceeded their expectations. , I am afraid there is no end to it.

At this time, Giratina has returned here with the remaining souls. In addition to Shaina, there are seven more Lunaria people here.

Including the parents of Shaina and Jhin, and some of their relatives.

"This is just the beginning. After waiting for a while, the Lunalia tribe will regain their glory. Now go to your new home."

After receiving the instruction of Arceus, Giratina opened the door to the reverse world and brought the Lunaria people into the reverse world. Only Shaina remained beside Arceus.

"Shaina, you can go too. We haven't seen each other for decades, so spend more time with your family."

"Master Holy Beast, then your side"

"Aren't there Emmaline and the others? I will go back with Zeraora and the others. Do what you want."


Shaina took a few steps back facing Arceus, then turned and followed her parents.

Inverting the world, Quinn still stayed here for a long time after being trapped last time. He has discovered that there are great benefits here, at least his safe house is still not damaged.

If it weren't for the lack of fire prevention preparations, maybe there would be no need to flee.

In the past period of time, he has once again strengthened the security level of his safe house. If it is still the aftermath of last time, the situation will definitely be different.

And after careful testing, Quinn determined that Kaido and Yamato would not be able to destroy this place unscrupulously, and would definitely be within the scope of Arceus' planning.

After getting some information through Xie Mi, Quinn has already started his own planting business outside the site planned by Arceus.

In addition to the original tropical dragon banana, tree fruit and other plants, his new planting also includes SMILE. To put it bluntly, artificial devil fruit is also a kind of plant, which can be cultivated artificially.

At the beginning, Doflamingo asked the little people to plant because the little people were better at cultivating plants. Now, with the formula in hand, the task of planting fell to Quinn, and Naiqin became his assistant.

One of the daily tasks of the two is to be responsible for the planting of various plants. With new varieties, the workload will naturally increase.

Of course, Quinn still has some assistants. Although few people can enter the reverse world, as the reverse world takes shape, the number of Pokémon inside has increased.

Little humans can grow plants, but grass-type Pokémon can grow these plants in a more unscientific way.

For example, the three bees are assisting the pollination of the plants here. After all, the number of organisms in the inverted world has not yet developed.

Without the assistance of Pokémon like Three Bees, not to mention the artificial devil fruit that Quinn is planting, even ordinary tree fruits will have some problems.

Below, there are some vines that are picking fruits. Looking down along the vines, a few garlic bastards are very busy, and the outside time is approaching dusk.

But for the reversed world, it means that the sun has risen, and there are joyful smiles on their faces bathed in the sun.

From the appearance, they seem to be a green tortoise carrying a head of garlic, which is why they are called garlic bastards, which is not their real name.

Miao Frog Seeds is their scientific name. They come from the Yusanjia in the Kanto area. Following the Charizard Dragon Island and the Water Arrow Turtles in the Fire Station, the Yusanjia in the Kanto area officially gathered here.

Bulbasaur is a Pokémon that likes the sun. Whether it is the sun's sunlight or the moonlight reflected by the moon at night, the seeds on their backs can grow, but the effect of sunlight is better than moonlight.

So this group often enters here when night comes, looking for more lasting sunshine.

These are part of the scenery of the plantation, and the seeds of the frog are also dealing with some ordinary plants, and the key crops cultivated near Quinn are the most recent ones.

An overlord-level Pokémon with a size comparable to Quinn is also active here. It is not difficult to see from the appearance and structure that it has a lot of connections with Bulbasaur, but its size has become very large.

There are no longer markings on the blue-green skin, but some more bumps.

The plants on its back also grew from seeds and bloomed into a huge flower. A huge seed can also be seen in the middle of the flower, which means that this Pokémon itself is female.

On the contrary, if there is no seed in the center of the flower, it means that this is a male Pokémon.

And this kind of feature is the characteristic of the final evolution type of the Bulbasaur, the Frogflower. In order to bear its own weight, the limbs of the Frogflower have become thicker, and it walks on the land here like a heavy tank.

At this time, Quinn had finished his work, and then gestured to Miaowahua who was beside him.

"Well then~"

The body of the Frog Flower lit up for a while, and then the flowers on its back began to grow further, the branches became longer, and the leaves became larger. At this time, it might as well be renamed the Frog Tree.

It also had several diamond-shaped imprints on its forehead, and a pink flower grew out, and then its body leaned forward slightly, spraying a large amount of pollen forward.

A large amount of pollen gathered into a pillar, just looking at it from a distance, is enough to kill a rhinitis patient on the spot.

Huge amounts of pollen, which fly into the air in torrents and then fall like dust, also have a rejuvenating effect on plants.

No matter how barren the land where the pollen falls, as long as there are still undead seeds and enough water, the pollen of the Mega frog flower can revive them. Even in the wilderness, as long as there is enough time, a dense forest can be formed.

When the woods of the frog flower were sprinkled on the plants that Quinn had prepared, the growth speed of these plants also accelerated rapidly, and they began to bear fruit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mhahahaha, very good, this speed saves too much time!"

As soon as Quinn laughed out loud, the fruit that had grown exploded into pieces like a bomb, directly covering Quinn's face, but this didn't affect anything. Quinn had expected this, so he kept wearing a gas mask .

"Cut, did it fail again? It seems that this formula can't be improved."

What Quinn wants to do is not to reproduce Caesar's failure, but to improve it.

Not to mention a perfect replica like Vegapunk, at least the success rate must be increased.

The ability of Mega Frog Flower accelerates the growth cycle of plants, so Quinn doesn't have to wait a few months to see the results. As long as he determines the cultivation method, he can get his own results within a day.

"Today's experiment is over, let's follow your mood!"

Speaking of which, Quinn threw away his gas mask, put on a pair of goggles instead, and propped up a beach chair.

The more complete the reverse world is, the more things it contains, and the nearby beach is one of them.

Today's inverted world is no longer an empty space with only a few stone pillars, but a new world with complete oceans and mountains.

After being busy for several hours, Quinn also planned to take a good vacation.

As for the frog flower on the side, she didn't express any opinions. She just lifted the Mega state and started sunbathing. The sun is the nutrient that the frog flower just needs.

The large flowers on its back absorb sunlight and convert it into energy. When it spreads its large petals and basks in the sun, the body of the frog flower will become full of vitality.

Sufficient nutrition and sunlight will make the color of the flower more vivid. If it is often exposed to the sun, its petals can release a pleasant fragrance. The charming fragrance emitted by the flower can soothe the excited mood and heal the heart. Even eliminate the struggle.

While Quinn was basking in the sun, the aroma of the Bhagavana flowers also began to spread in this area, and both Quinn himself and other Bhagava seeds entered a state of enjoyment.

However, this tranquility did not last long. Soon, a hole opened in the sky, and Giratina flew in from above. Seeing the figure somewhat similar to Arceus, Quinn suddenly had a bad feeling premonition.

"That... what Pokémon?"

"It's Giratina, the real master of the inverted world. I remember the master said this."

Xie Mi, who was also basking in the sun, gave his own answer, no Pokémon would admit to that kind of breath, but Giratina didn't fall down, just took a look and flew away.

Unlike before in order to hurry, Giratina is flying slowly this time, and seems to want to see this new home.

Unlike other Lunalia tribes, there are very few lives in the reverse world, and most of them are around the plantation of Quinn, which is why Giratina brought them here.

Giratina is leaving, but they are ready to land.

"White hair, brown skin, black wings. Where are there so many Lunaria people? It seems that I have been overworked recently, and I am a little dazzled."

Shaina and Jhin are almost recognized as the last Lunaria people, and Quinn also knows this. There are so many more at once, it is hard for him to believe his eyes.

In addition, Shaina was just in Huangquan, and she came directly to the reverse world at this time.

The other living beings in the underworld have been sent out by Arceus himself, and the reverse world is also the world created by Arceus.

In the absence of outsiders, in order to introduce the recent situation to these elders, Shaina did not transform, but maintained a human appearance.

Quinn knew what Shaina actually looked like, but outside, the chance of being able to see her real face was very slim. Even Quinn didn't react for a while, until Shaina came to the front, listening to the familiar voice , he just came back.


"It's me, what's wrong?"

"those people"

"My father and mother, over there are Jin's parents, and his eldest cousin and my cousin, the last one is"

Listening to the kinship relationship that Shaina said, Quinn suddenly slapped himself to make sure that he was awake.

Let’s not talk about where so many Lunaria people come from. Shayina caught him fishing. Logically speaking, he should have kicked him over. No matter how bad he was, he would have thrown him a fireball. How could he be so kind? .

Although I have just started fishing, the problem is that no one sees me when I am working. The supervisor just came in when I was fishing.

Some things are hard to say clearly.

They have known each other for decades, and Quinn knows Shaina's temper clearly. The good girl in front of him behaves like a good girl, and Quinn believes that she was taken away by the diary, so he slapped himself.

"I said, if I remember correctly, they should be dead, right?"

"Master Saint Beast found the location of Huang Quan, so he brought them back, it's as simple as that."

A huge amount of information poured into Quinn's brain again, and this also made him realize some things. I am afraid that Shaina restrained some things because she was in front of her parents and did not intend to expose them.

When he was thinking about whether this matter could bring him some benefits, Shaina seemed to have discovered his thoughts.

"Don't play tricks on me, I'm going to find Abel now, you'd better not do anything strange to me."

The flame chicken's mask appeared on Shaina's face again, and the fierce aura also returned, and at the same time, Quinn was sure that Shaina was still the same Shaina, without any change.

Not only the Lunaria people were reunited, but also the Charlotte family on Cake Island. There were many episodes in the middle, and the king of the underground world also lost two directly. The Vinsmoke family even ran away while in chaos. But the other half of the BIG MOM plan came true.

At least no one raised any rebuttals, and they all approved of BIG MOM's new proposal. In the underground world of the new world, only a few of them have voices.

"Well~ well~, although there were many episodes, the plan was finally successful. Then Zeraora, how do you think our sphere of influence should be divided?"

"Continue to follow the existing site. There is no need to change anything in the transaction between us, and everything will be fine as usual."

"Indeed, then today's tea party will come to an end. I will invite you again next time. The next thing is Charlotte's family affairs."

Charlotte Lingling didn't even propose to Zeraora to arrange a marriage partner for Miaona or Worf, but directly chose to see them off. This is obviously a bit strange, but Zeraora and the others didn't continue to say anything.

If the chat continued, he still had to think about how to reject the other party. It was better to leave now, and since the Shiyuan was still nearby, they didn't have much time to delay at will.

But before leaving, Tezolo asked what happened. If something really happened, Tezolo had to rearrange things.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that a traitor has been caught. Mom won't allow anyone to betray the family."

Cracker, who was in charge of seeing him off, gave his own answer, and then left here with the biscuit soldiers.

"Traitor. Looks like he was caught, according to Big Mom's personality"

"Who knows, it has nothing to do with us, Master Arceus is still waiting for us, let's set sail!"

The flag of the beasts was raised, and the two ships left the sea area of ​​the Ten Thousand Kingdoms facing the setting sun, but under the setting sun, some people also welcomed their own setting sun.

The luck of the Vinsmoke family is relatively better. The Straw Hats borrowed the blessing of Lu Chi, and even Kanjuro and the others were temporarily spared, but Becky was different.

They ran into Katakuri's hands while fleeing and were brought back.

In the castle of Cake Island, the atmosphere became very oppressive. Anyone could see that Charlotte Lingling was holding back her anger.

"Becky, I trusted you, so I gave you the job of being responsible for the security of the tea party, but you actually betrayed me, you should know, what will happen to this?"

Becky's hands were tied behind his back by Hailoushi handcuffs, and other subordinates were also tied up in a row, even Qi Feng was no exception.

Faced with Charlotte Lingling's questioning, Becky did not answer or explain. The moment his last move was discovered and Katakuri caught him, he already knew the result.

On the other hand, Caesar was still begging for mercy, wanting BIG MOM to give him another chance.

"Shut up! Caesar, I've had enough of your lies, Bryn! Bryn?"

Speaking of which, Charlotte Lingling called her daughter, but it took a long time for Brin to realize that her love brain had a seizure just now.

Originally, she was not interested in Sanji, and after getting along for a while, she just treated him as a fool, but when Sanji said the words "beautiful eyes", everything changed.

A lot of things suddenly became reasonable in Brin's mind, plus Big Mom's idea was to keep Sanji, so it stands to reason that Sanji is still her husband now. After all, when the accident happened, their wedding was just short of the final vow. kissed.

Unlike the original timeline, Brin didn't take Sanji's memory away, so she kept thinking wildly. Charlotte Lingling yelled several times in a row before she came back to her senses.

"Mom, I'm here."

"Get me his memory and see what this bastard is doing."

In addition to the identity of the three-eyed tribe, Brin is also a superhuman-memory fruit capable user, who can read the target's memory.

In addition to reading, it can also edit and tamper with the memory of the specified object. Under the order of Charlotte Lingling, Brin pulled out a long series of films directly from Caesar's mind, and presented all the contents on Charlotte Lingling. In front of Lingling.

"Well~ Well~ Very good, Caesar Courant, you are very courageous, I have no patience to tolerate you, a liar, Perospero, kill him."

"Yes, mother."

As Caesar screamed in horror, Perospero turned him into a sugar man bit by bit, and knocked him into pieces.

Killing Caesar in front of Becky was tantamount to intimidation. Before Becky said anything, Qi Feng knelt down and began to pray.

"Mom, please, please spare Becky this time, a child cannot live without a father!"

Seeing Qi Feng begging, Charlotte Lingling did not soften her heart at all, but became more irritable, and then slapped Qi Feng away with her palm.

"Don't beg me with that disgusting face of yours! When I see you, I think of that guy Laura. Both of you sisters are equally disgusting. What right do you have to beg me!"

Seeing that Charlotte Lingling didn't calm down, and even wanted to continue to fight, Katakuri and Smoothie quickly stood up.

"Mom, please calm down, this is all Becky's fault, Qi Feng must have been deceived."

"Yes, mother, no matter what she says, she is also your daughter."

"Take her and that kid away, I don't want to see her now, and I don't want to see her in the future."

Katakuri and Smoothie are still a bit face-saving. Under their persuasion, Charlotte Lingling temporarily spared Qi Feng and her children, but Becky and the others are different. They have returned from the underworld. Charlotte The terrifying aura on Te Lingling's body became even stronger.

Soon, everyone in the Flame Tank Pirates felt a kind of spiritual fear.

But until the end, Becky didn't say a word. He knew very well that this was the best result. If he said anything else, even Qi Feng and the child might have to be sent away with him.

"Dead or Dead!"

In the year 1522 of the lunar calendar, Capone Becky and the Flame Tank Pirates were destroyed on Cake Island, and their voyage came to an end.

What happened on Cake Island is unknown to the outside world, but in another direction, the escaped Straw Hats encountered a new emergency. A gap suddenly opened in midair, and then a purple blade slashed at Sauron.

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