Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1247 Who can tell me who hollowed out this place!

Kizaru is protecting the safety of the king of the alliance country, and Akainu is guarding the navy headquarters.

Garp and Sengoku were also nearby, but they were currently eating senbei and drinking tea while watching the show, and with the legitimate reason of helping Kizaru, they stood idly by.

As for the Knights of God of the Heavenly Dragons, their presence is even lower than the five meeting monsters of the Five Old Stars.

The Five Old Stars hold meetings on big and small matters, discuss the results and then arrange for others to do it. They are tied to Mary Joa like the Earthbound Spirit.

The Knights of God are even more special. They seem to be isolated from the world. In most cases, they are only responsible for dealing with the internal problems of the Tianlong people.

In addition, even if the Tianlong people are beaten outside, it is the navy's business.

Only in a vicious event like the Valley of Gods can we truly see their presence, which is why Long wants to force these unknown guys out.

In their view, the navy was capable of handling the current turmoil, so they took no action at all.

Even the Celestial Dragons have a chain of contempt within them. In the eyes of the Knights of God, ordinary Celestial Dragons are also a group of eyesores. They are responsible for such matters only because of their bloodline.

The number of people attacked by the revolutionary army was not large, but they were all elites. There were three army commanders and a chief of staff. Ordinary soldiers and agents had basically no effect.

Green Bull originally thought this task was very simple, but Fujitora not only didn't help much, but also tried to hold him back while trying to catch the fish.

If this meteorite is really going to be pulled down, Green Bull will probably have to deal with the meteorite first.

The Celestial Dragons were still backstabbing him. As soon as he made a move, the Celestial Dragons began to curse. One moment they refused to let the green bull affect them, and the next moment they disliked the green bull for damaging their house.

Now Fujitora and Crow are fighting back and forth, but Green Bull can clearly see how much strength Fujitora hides. Even if the environment here is taken into account, Fujitora's ability cannot allow Crow to manipulate coal arbitrarily. Ash.

"It can really cause trouble for people. This way you can't let go at all."

Different from Fujitora's attitude of being able to kneel down and admit his mistakes to other citizens, Green Bull has a high degree of identification with the World Government and the Tianlong people. To sum it up in one word, it is "licking".

The World Government's brain has not been completely flooded. They will not stop ordinary soldiers from being executed by the Celestial Dragons, but the World Government will not abandon such combat power as the Admiral.

Anyone else would not care about the voices of other Tianlong people, with the exception of Green Bull.

His philosophy is completely opposite to Fujitora's. He believes that people from non-member countries do not deserve human rights because humans have survived on species that are "lower" than themselves, and non-member countries are equivalent to "inferior".

Only by stepping under the feet of non-member countries can people in the member countries live with peace of mind. "Discrimination" is equivalent to peace of mind.

"These bastards are so forbidden and hateful!"


Even if he is restricted, he is still the current general, and it will be difficult for Mori to deal with him if he gets angry.

But just when Green Bull summoned a large number of forests, a wave of darkness swept from the ground, swallowing up all the trees he summoned and smashing them into pieces.

"Saab, go and get the slaves' collar keys! Let's hold them here!"

The scope of the collars of the bears and slaves was limited to Mary Joa, and it was impossible to leave here directly before taking off the collars.

If there were only one or two people, they could still use a special method to remove the collar, but there were too many people. If they didn't get the key to the slave room, their operation would probably fail.

The destruction by the Revolutionary Army attracted the attention of most of the guards, but no one guarded the place where the keys were stored. Sabo quickly obtained the keys and sent them to other crows through the Sooty Crow.

The only remaining problem is the bear.

Here, Sabo also met Bonnie who came to see the bear. Because he had heard about the bear's daughter, he finally handed the key to the bear to Bonnie and told her the location of the bear, asking her to go there to wait for support.

He himself sneaked into an area that he had not been able to sneak into before.

At this time, Charros still did not give up his greed for the mermaid. After bandaging the wound, he took the bear away again while Roswade was resting, hoping to secretly capture Shirahoshi.

Musgard and several princes tried to stop Charros, but it was in vain. Charros, who was determined, directly used force.

Since it is Charros who is renting the bear now, when he is awake, he has higher authority than Musgard. Musgard can only stop the CP0s next to him, but cannot stop the bears.

"Scumbag, this is really difficult to handle. Are we just going to watch like this?"

"Hey, hey, your lord has an order, and we can only obey it, but in my opinion, this matter will be over soon."

Kaku and Luqi have died, but their teammates were successfully promoted to CP0 during this period, and became Charros's accomplice at this time.

Even just looking at it, they didn't think that the princes of the Dragon Palace Kingdom would be Xiong's opponents.

"Saint Charles, that is the princess of the franchising country. Do you want to calm down?"

Other kingdoms did not dare to intervene, but some people could not stand this kind of behavior, so they boldly tried to persuade Charros to give up the idea, but it had no effect.

"So what? Even if they are from the royal family, these fishmen can be settled with money. Get out of here, invincible slave bear. If anyone dares to stop them again, I will kill them all!"

Charros pointed at Shark Star and others who were rushing over and gave the order, but at this time, Bonnie had already arrived beside the bear.

"Enough is enough, Dad, don't let these bastards enslave you anymore! This is not your character, nor is it what you want to do! I beg you, please make sure to successfully change back to your original form!"

Bonnie held the bear paw bubble she found from Egghead in her hand, and then stuffed it directly into the bear's body.

The bear's body suddenly went rigid, neither returning to normal as Bonnie had hoped, nor continuing to obey Charros' orders.

"You actually broke my invincible slave?! CP0, kill this woman for me!!!"

The downtime of the bear made Charros very angry, as if some beloved toy had been broken, and Musgarud just didn't allow those CP0s to touch the white star, and at this time, by coincidence, Charros caught the loophole.

CP0 could only listen to their orders and attack Bonnie.

"I'm sorry, little girl, who made you offend the Tianlong people?"

Gabra said he was sorry, but his body had transformed into a werewolf, and he stabbed Bonnie in the back with ten fingers.

Because the bear had not recovered, Bonnie was very disappointed at this time and did not react at all to Gabra's attack.

However, Gabra's attack failed in the end, and the bear's arm resolutely blocked Bonnie's side.

"New body. Some rust."


The familiar voice came to Bonnie's ears, her tone was still unhurried, but she could feel the emotion in it, and there was a flash of inspiration in Xiong's eyes.

"Are you Bonnie? You've grown so big."

"Wait a minute, Dad, let me open your collar first."

With joy in her heart, Bonnie stretched out her hand holding the key tremblingly, and Xiong also stretched out his other palm and pampered Bonnie's head, which reminded Bonnie of the happiness she had more than ten years ago time.

As the chains fell to the ground, the bear also looked at Gabra.

"If you were to travel, where would you like to go?"

The flat tone seemed to suppress a little anger. At this time, Gabra felt what a tyrant is. In his eyes, the kind bear is a raging beast, with sharp teeth around his throat, ready to give him a tyrant at any time. He struck a fatal blow.


The bear took off his gloves and waved his arm towards Gabra. At that moment, Gabra's figure disappeared.

"Where did you get Gabra?!"

"Where? Probably. The end of the world."

At this time, the ground squirmed, and Mori, who was about to retreat, emerged from underneath.

"Little Bear! Have you really regained consciousness? That's really great!"

"Morrie? Why are you here?"

"The actions of the revolutionary army, to make a long story short, let's get out of here first!"

"Wait a moment."

Then Xiong directly tore off the chains on Shirahoshi, and said softly to him: "I'm sorry, you have encountered some bad things because of me, this place is too dangerous, I'll send you back to Fishman Island first. "

As he spoke, Xiong waved his arms again, sending Shirahoshi and the others back to Fishman Island one after another, then lifted Bonnie and put them on his shoulders, intending to leave here directly with Morrie.

"Stop! Invincible Slave Bear! Kill that woman and these guys!! I am your master, don't you obey orders?!"

Charlos couldn't accept that his slave wanted to run away face to face, and even picked up a pistol and shot Bonnie and Xiong. Disobedient slaves had no meaning in his eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots rang out one after another, but Xiong asked another question.

"Morrie, the Revolutionary Army has declared war, right?"

"Yes, Little Bear, the leader has decided."

"That's no problem."

The laser condensed in the bear's mouth, and his target was Charles Ross himself. With the gunpowder smoke generated by the roar of the laser, the figures of the bear and the revolutionary army disappeared here, and Charles Ross also disappeared.

However, the burning pieces of cloth on the ground proved that a Celestial Dragon once existed here.

The army captains of the Land of the Gods also began to retreat, and like the gophers, they disappeared on the ground inexplicably. The only thing left behind was the bomb.

The bomb Lindbergh obtained was not one, but a pair. After blowing up the grain depot, he still left such a thing to cause trouble for them.

In the end, Fujitora used anti-gravity to lift the bomb to a high altitude, and it was wrapped in the green bull forest. It did not have much impact, but it achieved the purpose of delaying time.

It's just that the shock wave from Quinn's special bomb caused a large number of cracks on the ground in the Land of the Gods, which was originally the space for the human elevator.

A large number of slaves were pushing the road below to serve the nobles above. Now that those slaves were rescued, the ground space collapsed. Coupled with the gravity exerted by Fujitora during the previous battle, the cave below was also exposed.

Green Bull picked up a boulder and threw it down, but never heard the sound of it hitting the ground.

"How deep did they dig?"

Except for Sabo, other revolutionary forces have begun to withdraw, and their strategic goals have long been achieved.

It's just that Sabo is following Kobra at this time, and Kobra is going to meet the Five Old Stars. Near the Five Old Stars, and during the turmoil here, Gengar also sneaked in here.

At this time, Geng Gui was admiring the huge straw hat, and even took out the camera from his stomach to take pictures as a souvenir.

Except for one room that it couldn't enter, it searched almost all the other places.

Now it is quietly lurking between the thrones, peeking at the conversation between the five old things and Cobra.

"King Cobra of Alabasta, what do you want to ask us when you come to us?"

"The origin of the world government, some of you know better than me, the 20 kings who established the world government have equal internal status.

In order to prevent a dictator among them, a blank throne was purposely set up here, surrounded by the weapons used by the 20 kings.

20 The kings swore together that no one could sit in that seat. "

Under the gaze of the Five Old Stars, Kobra recounted this past that should have been buried.

"The 20 countries that lost their royal families re-elected new kings. Their descendants have been passed down to this day and established the current country. In order for the country to have long-term stability, the 20 kings even deleted themselves from the history of their countries. They concealed an era. .

Alabasta is the only exception. Queen Lily, one of the 20 kings, did not stay here, but returned to Alabasta, and the surname Neferutari has been passed down to this day. "

"King Kobra, we are not interested in the history of Alabasta. If this is all you want to say, then you can leave."

"Of course it's more than that. Due to Queen Lily's return, there should only be 19 weapons in front of the throne.

After the last world conference, I searched through ancient books and even searched some ancient ruins, and I also found a problem, after a blank 100 years, the name of Queen Lily disappeared.

The throne of Alabasta was inherited by Queen Lily's younger brother. She does not seem to have returned home. May I ask everyone, where has our queen gone? "

Facing Kobra's question, Wu Laoxing didn't hesitate and immediately gave an answer.

"We don't know what happened 800 years ago."

"We can confirm that there are no records of Neferutari's royal family living in Marijoa.

It is a fact that your queen has returned to her own country. "

"Maybe she had an accident during the trip, or maybe she didn't record the process in detail. It's not an important topic."

Regarding Queen Lily's question, the Five Old Stars could deal with it, but Kobra's second question made the Five Old Stars look ugly as well.

"So what is D?"

The five old stars looked ugly not because of Kobra's problem, but because they noticed that there was an aura of Yim on the throne behind them.

"Lord Im, King Kobra is still here."

"Mum knows."

Only the five of them knew about Im's existence. The others had only one fate when they saw Im - death. At this time, they had already sentenced Cobra to death.

"I have heard of this name, and the name Im seems to be among the 20 kings."

"Don't pry into this stuff, you'll never get an answer, but Mu will answer you a question.

The so-called "D" is our enemy in the past. The current D's are just a group of empty shells. They don't know the true meaning of their names at all.

And all of this was because of Lily. If it hadn't been for her mistake that day, these abominable historical texts would never have been left out.

This is a sinful script that happened in the past, either a mistake or a human plan. "

Kobra had mentioned a letter left by the queen before, and it was when he told the letter that Im appeared on the throne.

After explaining his answer, Im began to ask Kobra a question, who was the sender of the letter?

Speaking of this, Cobra understood that there was no way he could leave here alive, so he simply told the answer.

"Neferutari D. Lily."

A black arrow suddenly shot out from Im's side, immediately piercing Kobra's body, and Sabo jumped out from the darkness at this time.

"Dark Liberation!"

The objects previously swallowed by his darkness were all released at this moment, and boulders and wooden thorns rained down on the positions of Wulaoxing and Yimu.

"Did a bug actually touch a place like this?"

Sabo's attack just made Im feel disdainful, Wu Laoxing's body also changed at this time, several monsters just appeared between the thrones, and Geng Gui even saw a guy similar to himself.

"Dark Water!"

A fatal sense of crisis suddenly flashed across Sabo's heart, and he immediately deployed the dark water, but the dark water only blocked the frontal attack, and there was still a mysterious force hitting his body from other directions.

The severe pain was transmitted to the brain in an instant, but under the damage reduction of the dark fruit, the enemy's attack was finally absorbed by Sabo, but at this time Sabo's mouth and nose were bleeding, and even his eyes were slightly congested.

"The darkness that cuts the damage"

The black smoke emanating from Sabo's body made Im recognize his ability, but before Im and Wu Laoxing could continue their actions, another black shadow emerged.

At this time, Gengar had many spikes on his body, his lower body became red, and there was even something like a third eye on his forehead.

"Here hehe hehe."

A shadow ball was thrown towards Im by Geng Gui, and then it opened its mouth wide, swallowed Sabo and Cobra directly, and then went to the ground. Although Im attacked again, the five old stars also He launched an offensive against it, but in the end it only hit the ground.

"Lord Im, that thing."

"Mu knows that it is no longer in this world. Mu still needs some time. During this period, you can act as you wish."

Im and the others knew that their attack failed to destroy Gengar because at the moment of the attack, Gengar had already opened a special channel.

After Mega evolution, Mega Geng Gui will become able to connect to different dimensions, and his whole body is full of magical power. It can go anywhere through different dimensions. At this time, Geng Gui has come to the underworld, and he is holding himself in distress. 's tail.

Even if it used its speed to the extreme, it could not escape perfectly. If it were any slower, it would probably be split into two pieces.

At the same time, Wapol, who realized that he saw something that he shouldn't see, had already started his escape journey, and took Vivi away along the way, because his statement that he was going to escape to the ends of the earth made his queen feel bad about it There was a misunderstanding.

But Mary Joa's troubles didn't end there. Due to the disappearance of Gengar, Im's subsequent attacks and the attacks of the Five Old Stars all hit the ground.

With the aftermath of the previous battle and their destructive power, the land seemed to have reached its limit, and then it collapsed. A tiankeng tens of meters deep and a radius of more than 100 meters appeared on the red earth continent.

Many people fell down.

"He deserves to die, come here, get me out of here quickly."

In the ruins, Staley stretched out his hands and called for help. From beginning to end, he didn't know what happened.

"Hey, Garp, save me, I'm your king!"

Soon, Staley seemed to see the person who also fell. After confirming the identity of the other person, Staley returned to his original attitude.

"Ah? Who are you? Do I know you?"

"I am the king of Goa Kingdom! The king of your hometown!!"

"Oh, that's right. I think you're in good spirits and should be able to climb up by yourself. I'll go rescue other people in need first."

Garp left here while picking his nose, looking at the surrounding crypts with great interest.

Wulaoxing also saw the situation here. This kind of hole was obviously not a hole made by them, but the result of the hole below having been empty for a long time.

"You actually did such a thing outside at your feet?"

"Who did it and when did it happen?"

"Go and check. This is not something that can be done in a day or two."

One thing after another kept stimulating the brain of Wulao Xing. It can be said that this was the first time in 800 years that Mary Joa encountered such a disaster.

At the same time, the beasts were also making a new move.

"Kaido, it's time to go to work. The Shichibukai system has been abolished. The territory of the Shichibukai is now a thorn in the side of the world government. Simply move the island back."

After the Cake Island incident, Beasts and BIG MOM have a new request for Morgans. He can report at will, but the condition is to send back the information he knows as soon as possible. Morgans, who watched the whole process of the World Conference, has already sent The important information was sent back first.

"I will go, but not now."

"what are you up to?"

"If we move the island first, doesn't that make us afraid? I have to move the island in front of the navy. That would be interesting, huh, huh, huh!"

But what about Fishman Island? That place was under the sea, and there was nothing I could do. "

"The Fish-Man Island is in the deep sea, so there is no problem, but the new Fish-Man Island is different. You don't have to worry about it there. I will send people to get the island here."

"Oh? Are you going to create something new again?"

"Yeah, a guy I don't really like, but this kind of thing is his specialty."

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