Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 125 The Benefits of Using a Vest When Going Out

There was a breath of money in every mouth and mouth, but those surviving bounty hunters still agreed. Jhin's previous attack did not mean to let them go. If they couldn't escape, they really didn't have to invite him.

100 million Baileys is not easy to make up, even if they make so much money, they will have to hurt their muscles and bones. The professions of bounty hunters and pirates have some things in common. They are both people who want to enjoy themselves in time.

However, he only mentioned Jhin's bounty to him, but did not mention the others. After Naiqin's bounty of 100 million was distributed, they would still have some left.

"Just came out and said some strange things on his own, who do you think you are!"

A younger brother next to Jhin obviously couldn't stand it any longer, he picked up the ax and rushed out, but then he was sent flying back, and the thing that sent him flying seemed to be a teaching ruler.

"You are not allowed to speak casually in class, you are forbidden to speak." As he spoke, he wrote down a quiet word on the blackboard in his stomach, and the pirate who was kicked out suddenly found that he had lost the ability to speak.

Then he occupied a large area of ​​the blackboard and wrote Jin's name.

"If you violate classroom discipline, you will be punished to stand where you are!"

He is an ability user who has eaten the fruit called classroom. He can choose an area as his own classroom. Within the scope of the classroom, he can realize his teacher's authority by writing on the blackboard of his body. Now the scope of his ability is about The size of a playground.

The larger the proportion of the font on the blackboard, the stronger the effect of the ability, which is what he used to extinguish the flame just now.

At this time, he used all the remaining area, just worried that the strength was not enough.

The area of ​​the blackboard cannot be reused. Once it is full, no new operations can be performed. It must be erased. Once the font is erased, his ability will also be invalid.

However, this ability can only be effective on inanimate objects, because he can only formulate the environment of the classroom.

For living objects, he can only punish, such as punishing standing and silence, everything is related to the rules of the classroom.

Moreover, there are two conditions for the ability to take effect on a person, one is to be hit by his ruler, and the other is that he knows the other person's name.

"Yan Calamity, Jhin, you can't move, accept the punishment obediently!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Jhin suddenly appear in front of him, and punched him hard on the head.

"Too much nonsense."

Although Jhin's name was written on the blackboard, the prerequisite for this fruit ability to work is that the written name must be the real name, and Jhin is just Abel's code name. Abel was his name.

This ability has not been able to take effect on Jhin from the very beginning, which is also one of the biggest weaknesses of this ability.

However, sailors seldom use pseudonyms, and there may not be one in tens of thousands of people. Unfortunately, he met such a person. His physical skills are not strong, and he relies on his unique fruit ability to solve his opponents.

When I met Jhin who used a false name, the only function of his appearance was to extinguish the flames in the town. If it wasn't for the lack of space on the boat, I'm afraid Quinn's plantation would need to be recruited again.

After solving the group of bounty hunters, Jhin got the medicinal materials he needed and some of the medicinal materials' seeds from Naiqin.

Jhin is not good at this kind of thing, but he has more or less superficial knowledge of herbal medicine, and the same is true for Shaina.

When it comes to the handling of medicinal materials, Naiqin's level is indeed very high. If we only talk about herbal medicines, I'm afraid Quinn can't compare to her.

"Do you want to join Hundred Beasts? Your captain has been imprisoned. So far, no one has been able to escape from Imperton. The Walder Pirates have also been disbanded."

Whether it is the cultivation of herbs or the planting of tree fruits, these are the current development directions of Beasts. Arceus is also trying to get a kind of herb, but it has not been made yet. He thinks that Naiqin's ability can be useful.

Maybe it can play a big role in the search for rare plants in the future.

Because of Kaido's leading role, these cadres will try to recruit when they meet the right people, but apart from the enemies, the methods of recruiting beasts are not so violent.

There are only three outcomes for the defeated, join, die, and coolie, but these external talents are different, so he sent out a solicitation to Naiqin

"The Walder Pirates are only temporarily disbanded, but do you have any money? If the price is right, I can work for you before the captain shows up."

Binjack and Sebastian are also looking for their own way of life. In order to prevent exposure, Binjack told them not to communicate frequently unless they are sure that Walder has escaped.

It is also a good idea to find a powerful force to temporarily attach to.

"As long as you have the ability, money is not a problem."

"It's a deal, but I have to clean it up. The medicinal materials in my place are all made with great difficulty."

When Arceus' ship returned to the territory of the beasts again, the winter island was full of lively atmosphere. Unknowingly, it had come to the end of 1491, and the New Year's time of the Haiyuan calendar was coming soon.

Not all islands are eligible to enjoy the New Year, because no matter what the day, crises and accidents may come. If there is not enough power to protect the safety of the islands, New Year's Eve is just a luxury.

Besides, Chinese New Year means the coming of winter. Apart from the climate of those summer islands, cold winter is more likely to kill people. However, the territory of beasts does not have this scruple now, and the residents in the territory have the right to enjoy a good year.

The dividends of the past year have also been distributed to everyone, and the flowing funds have a higher value. Since the island is ruled by beasts, the foreign trade here is in charge of beasts.

Even if the salaries and dividends are distributed to the residents of the island, they are still circulated within the Beasts in the end, but it greatly activates the island's economy.

Naiqin has temporarily become Quinn's deputy. In fact, Assier is more suitable, but she has not yet gained the trust of beasts. Such a stranger is not suitable for contacting Assier.

In the sky, the millennium dragon that turned into the ancestor bird is hovering. They are particularly sensitive to time. They will hover over the territory every year. They will accurately calculate the time. When the millennium comes, they will gather in groups return to Dragon Island.

"Master Holy Beast, welcome back."

Since there are members of the Arceus Cult on board, Shaina has already received the news that the ship is returning, and the island is also preparing for the New Year celebration. She has been waiting here for a long time. As the New Year is approaching, it is better to finish some things early .

For example, the formation plan of the Hundred Beasts Air Cavalry.

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