Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1268 Are there any related households? Let's pull it out together

Among the several pirate ships, Olga's Shadow Fox is the only exception. Olga's true body is not here, so naturally no one gives the ship a phantom skin. Therefore, both the appearance of the ship and the style of the flag are all the Shadow Fox. The appearance of this deity.

"Lord Snake Lady, what about us? Where is Lord Snake Lady?"

Margaret, who was holding a telescope, was reporting on the situation in the sea, but before she could get a reply, there was a gust of wind in her ears. When Margaret put down the telescope, Hancock had disappeared.

"Okay, Margaret, stop looking, Hancock is gone."

"Grandma Guluoliosa? When did Lady Snake Princess leave?"

"The moment you say the word Shadow Fox, don't worry about this kind of thing. Hancock should be able to handle it."

Croriosa's tone was slightly helpless, but it was not because of Hancock, but because of Kaido.

She finally agreed with Hancock's idea of ​​moving to the island because Kaido's force could provide enough shelter.

Judging from the previous situation, Kaido's force is enough. It is definitely a force that the world government cannot ignore. With the protection of this force, Nine Snakes should be able to stabilize.

The previous drunk driving can be regarded as Kaido losing his temper after drinking. There are also many people on Kuji Island who are not good at drinking. They are not allowed to do anything when they are drunk.

But what's happening now shows Kaido's unreliability.

People who are familiar with Kaido will think that he actually put down the island he was carrying before the fight. What a great improvement.

However, people who are not familiar with it will only think that this guy is still thinking about fighting on the way to move the island. Is he really normal?

"Sanda, Mary, let the remaining warriors assemble. Even in the new world, these pirates must not set foot on Nine Snakes!"

At this point, Groliosa knew that there was no turning back, so it was better to let the soldiers adapt to the intensity of fighting in the new world as soon as possible.

The gap between the end of the paradise and the middle of the new world is quite large.

Some fast-swimming pirates even approached Kuja's coastline by snorkeling. This could not be left alone.

When Groliosa took over the command, Hancock had already stepped on Salome's back and started moving towards the sea.

Anyone who grows up with Nine Snakes will have a snake as their partner. They can be used as crutches, ropes, and bows. They can be regarded as Nine Snakes' all-purpose tools.

Hancock's Salome also serves as an assistant, a seat, a tracker, a water transportation tool and many other important functions.

In fact, the pirates in the sea are also confused. Nine Snake Island is not as important as Fish-Man Island, but it is also a well-known island in the Grand Line. The reputation of the Daughter Country is basically known to everyone.

Everyone knows that Nine Snakes are in the windless zone in the first half of the period. The news of Kaido's move to the island has not yet spread widely. At this time, there are still many people in the sea who don't know about it.

So they didn't understand how Nine Snakes got here.

"Why is there Nine Snakes in front of you? Is it the illusion of the ability user?"

"This bow and arrow is not a fucking illusion!"

"Ah! I was hit by an arrow, who will save me?"

The sea was soon stained red with blood, and some people also had the idea of ​​​​retreating. When this idea came up, the aftermath of Barrett's battle also spread here, and the tsunami that rolled up forced them to continue moving forward.

The sea in the New World is very dangerous. You must either risk landing on the island, steal someone else's ship, or be prepared to die in the sea. This is the current situation in this sea area.

"Damn it, why is it the Nine Snakes who appear here!"

A high-heeled shoe stepped on his face, stepping him directly back into the water. Hancock was using this group of people as a pedal to move towards the Shadow Fox.

Originally, she wanted Salome to take the place, but Salome's swimming speed was rarely disliked by Hancock. Now it is chasing Hancock's footsteps underwater.

"Damn it, who is it?!"

"It's the Pirate Empress. Why is this woman so crazy?"

The pirates who had been escaping with difficulty were attacked head-on, and some people wanted to catch her, forcing Kuji and the others to stop, so that they could temporarily live in that safe haven.

But before they could take action, they were all stunned.

"You will forgive me, right? For the sake of my beauty."

The ability of the sweet fruit was activated invisibly, and many people were affected by Hancock's ability. They stared at her blankly. Hancock also touched his lips with his fingers and pulled out a large pink heart.

"Prisoner's Arrow!"

Pink heart-shaped arrows rained down on the sea, and all the pirates hit by the arrows turned into stone statues and sank into the sea.

Hancock's main purpose was not to do this, but in order to achieve her main purpose, she had already rushed into the enemy camp alone, and naturally she had to clear up some troubles for Nine Snakes.

Under this situation, these pirates remembered that this woman had once obtained the seat of the Shichibukai with hard power. When they realized that Kuja was not a safe harbor for them, but the entrance to hell, they also Made smarter choices.

Rather than die, it is better to grab the limited number of pirate ships and escape far away.

The Shadow Fox was directly excluded by them because of the flag. Going to snatch the main ship of the Hundred Beast Cadres would be really boring.

The tsunami behind may not be fatal, but the crazy woman in front of him is different.

In the end, some people took advantage of the wind and rushed to the distance in boats. The wind pressure caused by the battle on the island gave their boats different power.

But these pirates who escaped the battle of the Sea Emperor, broke through the tsunami barrier, evaded the attack of the former Shichibukai, and captured the ship in the fight were not lucky.

The outside is still not the way out as they imagined, but the fleet that has been put on hold by the navy due to the failure to execute the demon-slaying order. If nothing happens to these pirates, they will eventually fall into the navy's trap.

Meanwhile, Hancock finally arrives aboard the Shadow Fox.

And ignored those members with red hearts in their eyes. Based on Hancock's character, she didn't say anything to these people, and just looked at them levelly, which was already a very honorable act for Olga.

"Where's Sister Olga?"

"She was just behind the scenes. She will catch up after dealing with some troubles. Don't worry."

Manderfish, who was leaning against the side of the ship, explained to Hancock that he and Hancock were not familiar with each other, but they had interacted with him several times and they were still able to talk.

"Well, Aunt Olga asked me to leave first, but there's no problem. Shanks is still there. He will definitely be able to handle it."

Uta was the last person to separate from Olga on the ship, and she was also the person most familiar with the specific situation. Originally, she wanted to explain, but after she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a sense of hostility.

"Aunt Olga"

Olga's generation can afford this title. Even if she ignores those more than a hundred years, she is still the same generation as the red-haired one. There is no problem for Uta to call her this.

Regarding Olga's frozen body, Hancock also knew something about the situation. She was not doubting Uta because of her name, but was in a state of self-inflicted thought.

Why did Olga come into contact with Uta last, why did they look familiar, and why did she never hear Olga mention this person.

Uta has a lot of fans, and her songs have a huge number of plays, but she is not the pattern on Pele. Some people are crazy about her, while others are completely indifferent to her.

Hancock is the latter. It's not that Olga didn't mention Uta, but that Hancock didn't pay attention to it.

【Hancock, it's impossible for us because.】

In just a few seconds, Hancock had finished brainstorming a romantic TV series.

Utta felt very uncomfortable being stared at by Hancock, and even the braided hair on the back of her head began to deform uncontrollably.

"Um, Miss Hancock, what's the problem?"

"I smell jealousy."

At this time, Garrot sniffed the air, and then expressed his opinion loudly. After seeing the female rabbit fur, Hancock had an even worse idea in his mind.

"She is Uta, Shanks' adopted daughter, our contracted singer.

This is Garrott, fur tribe. Throw away all the messy things in your mind. If you have anything else, just ask Olga yourself when she comes back. It won't take long. "

Manderfish can't read minds, and he doesn't have that special ability to see and hear colors. This is just his unique experience.

Young people may not understand, but Manderfish, a veteran, has seen through Hancock's thoughts. It can only be said that when the love factor occupies the brain, some people can easily become strange.

"Ahem, that's not what I meant."

"It doesn't matter, you won't feel at ease if I don't explain something. Sometimes I can understand this kind of thinking, but you don't mind if we take a rest on the island.

If Nine Snakes can appear here, then Governor Kaido must have arrived. With his character, it is impossible for him to leave without a fight. It will probably take a lot of time. "

Manderfish didn't notice where Kaido was at first. When he steered the ship in this direction, all he saw was Nine Snake Island.

But he knew the recent plans of the beasts. As an old member, he was very familiar with Kaido's temper. What's more, the fighting atmosphere and the shadow of the dragon behind them already showed that Kaido was there.

"No problem, but Nine Snakes does not allow men to enter. Can you please wait on the beach for now? I will mark an area for you."

"Of course, as long as we can stay temporarily."

Respecting the customs of different islands has always been an important part of the development of this sea. Manderfish can understand the situation on the Fishman Island, and he can naturally accept the rules of Nine Snakes.

He knew that even if Nine Snakes' rules were to change in the future, it would have to be done step by step, and it would not be possible to cut them off with a single stroke.

In the current situation, allowing male crew members to land on Nine Snake Island at will would not be beneficial to both parties.

The unfamiliar word "daughter country" has also attracted the attention of children on the island, and there are also some special people who have very different concerns.

"Um. Um, can I ask a question?"

Bebo seemed to think for a long time before finally summoning the courage to ask his question.


"Is there a beautiful female bear in your daughter's country?"

This is the nature of fur people. They are naturally interested in creatures with the same kind of fur as themselves.

“Preferably White Bear”

As a bear fur, Bepo had a special liking for bears, and finally asked this question out of curiosity.

"Nine snakes don't have female white bears."


It was obviously a normal answer, but Beibo shrank directly into the corner, as if he sensed something special from the other person's aura.

After experiencing some conscious love storms, the Shadow Fox successfully docked at Nine Snake's temporary harbor, and the people on the ship also stayed on the beach in a very orderly manner and did not approach the interior.

It's not like they've never seen women before, so they won't lose their minds when they hear about the Daughter Kingdom.

However, there are indeed many people who have never seen a man on this island. Apart from the navy that invaded before, the only male they have come into contact with is Kaido. Now the appearance of these crew members has made them realize the diversity of human beings.

"The man looks so strange. Why does he still have skin of this color, and are those on his neck fish gills?"

It is normal for the murlocs to be on the ship of the beasts. Compared with ordinary humans, the characteristics of murlocs are more eye-catching.

"It's also furry. That child looks so cute. Is that a dog?"

"It's obviously a wolf. It looks good but is too thin. It's still cute like a bear, and its belly looks soft at first glance."

"Aren't there also women? The species in the open sea are all very strange."

Fur Tribe, Murloc Tribe, and even the Long-Handed Tribe and Long-Legged Tribe can be seen on the ship, which makes the people on the Shadow Fox always feel like they are being stared at by countless eyes.

This situation was relieved until Guluoliosa commanded a group of warriors to set up a scaffolding on this coast and then hung up a heavy curtain.

If we don't block it, the people of Hundred Beasts will be fine, but the people of Nine Snakes will have problems.

call out!

Croriosa thought that everything would be fine, and that nothing would happen as long as she waited for Kaido to finish there, but the reality always did not let her do what she wished for. There was a burst of sound in the sky, and another UFO flew towards Nine Snakes. .


With a loud noise, the UFO landed on the beach not far away. When the splashing dust dispersed, a strange-looking ship ran aground on the beach.

"Is that a wooden bird?"

"Brother, is there something wrong with your eyes? Isn't it just a boat with some accessories added? Go back and ask your mother to get you a pair of glasses."

"That's what I said. No normal ship would be like that."

Wolf slapped Meowna's funny hand away. In his field of vision, a ship with a bird's head as its prow and wings hanging on both sides lay flat on the beach.

This ship is actually the Sunshine. Frankie modified it into a gliding suit during the flight, wrapping the original lion head with a penguin head-shaped decoration, and adding gliding wings on both sides.

Without this modification, the Sunshine really wouldn't be able to fly so far.

Originally, their target was the sea, but the airflow that came halfway disrupted the Sunshine's taxiing rhythm, causing it to deviate from its original route and eventually land on Nine Snakes.


There was a sound of deflation. Under the Sunshine, Luffy, who had inflated into a balloon, exhaled the air in his body. When the ship encountered special circumstances, he, the captain, had the important task of protecting the ship with his body.

Under the double buffer of rubber and beach, Baoshu Adam's emergency landing was considered perfect, at least there were no problems with the hull.

As for people.

It's just a fall from several thousand meters, you won't die if you fall.

"Why is there an island here? There is no record of it on the nautical chart or the record pointer."

Nami covered her head and crawled out of the cabin, then she felt a warm liquid splash on her face.

Looking up, he saw a large amount of blood spurting out of Sanji's body.


"Sexy cook? Damn it, enemy attack?!"

"Wait, wait, it's not the enemy, it's a nosebleed! This amount of bleeding can kill someone. Where is the doctor? Where is the doctor?! Oh, I am the doctor! Luo! Come and help me, this bleeding can't be stopped!"

Before the people on the ship got off the ship, they fell into a new round of chaos due to unexpected factors, which made the Nine Snake warriors who surrounded the place very confused.

"It's so strange for men to be able to do such a thing."

After all, this is Nine Snakes Island. If something unexpected happens, someone from Nine Snakes will definitely arrive first.

The cool attire of this group of female warriors also instantly broke through Sanji's defense. It was only after Chopper and Law cooperated and even used the power of the surgical fruit that the bleeding was finally stopped.

"Did this fall into someone else's house? Everyone! We have no hostility and are not enemies. Please listen to our explanation!"

Usopp waved his hands to show that he was not hostile, and the Nine Snakes warriors did not attack immediately, but waited for Hancock's decision.

With the arrival of Hancock, Nine Snakes' warriors also automatically made way.

"Lord Snake Princess."

"Pirate Empress - Boya Hancock. Is this Kuja?!"

In an instant, Luo realized what this place was, and at the same time, Nami's already anxious nerves were completely twisted.

"Nine Snakes? Isn't Nine Snakes in the first half? This is a new world."

"I don't know if you ask me."

"Pirate Empress? The most beautiful woman? The land of girls?!"

Sanji, who had just had his wound treated urgently, heard the key words to wake him up. His face, which had become pale due to blood loss, regained a bit of vitality, and he struggled to sit up.

"Stop him! This guy has a rare blood type, and there is no spare blood for him in the blood bank!"

Seeing Sanji trying to "commit suicide", Law immediately ordered to the others, but Sanji seemed to have some potential in his body, and Chopper and Usopp just couldn't suppress him.

"Get out of the way and let me come. I know how to handle this situation."

Von Clay stood at the front, slapped his face with the palm of his hand, and in the blink of an eye he turned into Dibani, a shemale from the Kamabaka Kingdom, who was also a lingering figure in Sanji's heart. nightmare.

When he saw the face of the shemale approaching him, a chill rose in Sanji's heart, especially when he saw the lips in a kissing posture, he fainted.


"Forget it, it's better to faint than to die from blood loss. Pay attention, this place is a bit deadly."


"Yes, the former king of the Shichibukai, the pirate empress Boya Hancock, has a bounty of 1.659 billion beli.

The Beast Pirates' number one, Kaido II Mandfesh, has a bounty of 690 million Baileys. That ship is also the main ship of the Beast Pirates' disaster-level cadres. This island can be No safer than before. "

Luo's hand was on the handle of the knife, but he did not dare to act rashly. Looking at the posture on the other side, he obviously regarded them as intruders. If he were not careful, those unfinished plans would collapse in the middle.

Logically speaking, there was no need for Manderfish to intervene in the matter of Nine Snakes, but Kaido had moved the island here, and seeing that the exchanges were gradually deepening, it was not a problem for him to care at all.

"I actually haven't recovered from my illness that prevents me from going to the island. Why don't we leave? They look so scary."

Luo's fingers were ready to activate the room, and he was about to move the Sunshine away, but he found that Heluo, who was usually the most normal, actually left the Sunshine on his own.

"One-horned fairy?!"

Before he could be surprised, the Ah Xian from before appeared here again, and Luffy, who was serving as a cushion below, also looked like he saw an acquaintance.



Hancock raised his hand to signal others to put away their bows and arrows. A potential crisis was directly resolved with an acquaintance, and Brooke also communicated with this former colleague who had been with him for a year.

In a further corner, they were temporarily surrounded by a rest area for a rest. Luffy wanted to wait and see if Shanks would come here.

Luffy and Uta have been childhood sweethearts for a while, and there are many fans of Uta in the Straw Hats. After the tense nerves relaxed, they gathered together like a fan meeting, and they were all together for a while. No one noticed that two people were missing from the boat.

Kanjuro and Kinemon did not dare to leave the boat to communicate with them up close. Instead, they sat on the boat and observed the situation on the beach through a small gap.

"Kaido II. Is that guy Kaido's son? He even has similar abilities?"

"I don't remember Kaido having a son, I only know he has a daughter."

"We have been away for 20 years, maybe someone was born during this time?"

Twenty years ago, Manderfish did not have the ability of Gyarados and did not operate in the Flower City. Kin'emon and Kanjuro had no impression of him at all.

What is etched in their minds is the terrifying figure from Kaido.

Due to his vigilance, Manderfish has always been in a state of beast form, which is somewhat similar to Kaido.

Coupled with the extremely confusing bounty title given to him by the World Government, they had this misunderstanding.

They also didn't know that it was Kaido who wanted to add some fun to life so that they could leave Wano Country smoothly. There was almost no movement and they were almost forgotten by the beasts.

For their own safety, they had no choice but to hide themselves in corners as best they could, and Kanjuro even drew a bunker to protect them.

The tranquility of the outside world did not last long. Although the messy pirates had been dealt with, there were always some creatures.


There was another loud noise, and a big white ball appeared on the beach on Nine Snakes, which was now firmly embedded in the beach.

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