Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 127 The Resurrection Grass and the Child

It took Naiqin three years to prove her ability. She has an excellent talent in herbal medicine, and even Quinn can't match her in the preparation of herbal medicine.

Now her annual salary has reached 150 million Baileys, which has exceeded her own bounty. It can be said that even if she is sold, she can't get the money.

Kaido has also launched a solicitation to her. Talents in this area are also talents, but she has been declining. Although the various novel herbs in Beasts have shaken her heart, she still insists that she is just a partner. Her captain Only Walder was alone.

But her situation is a little different. Although she still insists on her status as the ship doctor of the Valde Pirates, she has indeed been working for the Beast Pirates for the past three years, and Kaido does not think that Valde can learn from Impel. Dayton escaped, so he endured it.

However, this also caused Naiqin to only have the treatment of a cadre, but not the status of a cadre. She could not order anyone in the Beasts Pirates except when researching herbs.

During this period of time, not only Quinn and Assier were engaged in research, Arceus was also engaged in research, and he successfully cultivated some novel crops using the turquoise slate.

Not far away, in Setsuna's room, she was writing her own logbook. Not long after she came to the Hundred Beasts Pirates, she had the habit of recording some interesting things every once in a while.

Although it is not written every day, it also maintains the frequency of one article per week.

[December 16, 1494, heavy snow

Setsuna is very happy, Setsuna finally mastered the power of Moon Lion yesterday, now Zeraora can't say that Setsuna is weak, and Setsuna can help him.

But after three years, Zeraora still hasn't grown taller, and now Setsuna is as tall as him.

He doesn't like others to say that he is a dwarf. He beat a pirate very badly before.

Many people have obtained the power of Lord Sacred Beast, and Setsuna also wants that power, but Zeraora said that they have to wait a little longer.

The last time Mr. Kaido brought back a stone slab, Lord Saint Beast was very happy. I heard that there are many similar stone slabs. It should be fine if you find it.

Setsuna is a little homesick, but the outside is also very interesting. After I find the life card back to Zou, I must take everyone to see it. By the way, Zeraora has never been to Zou. I don’t know if you will like him.

But he hasn’t come back from his mission]

Her diary was not finished yet, but there was a knock on the door.

"Sister Shaina, what's the matter?"

"Come with me, Master Saint Beast is looking for us."

"I'll be right here." As she said that, she turned out of the window directly, and it was one of her hobbies not to go through the door.

After she was taken by Shaina, Zeraola, Jhin, Quinn, Mandelfish, Babanuki, Olga, Elizabeth, and several others were also strengthened by Arceus.

Many people have been strengthened in three years, but they don't have the luck of Mandelfisch. They all got the fruit, which just used up the stock of Beasts in the past two years.

But this is a very reasonable thing, they are all ordinary animals, and the purpose of finding them is to feed suitable subordinates.

Setsuna is the only exception among all the people. She only learned the three skills of sword dance, electromagnetic levitation, and endurance, while everyone else has the ability of Pokémon.

She is a little young and has no chance to fight. Learning a few skills is already a special treatment. If it weren't for her being a fur tribe and being able to use static electricity, it would be a problem to learn electromagnetic levitation.

If you don't have the ability of this department and force to learn skills, you can only forcefully consume physical energy, and it is also possible for a skill to directly empty the mana.

"Where's Scorch? Why isn't he here?"

"Master Holy Beast, he had a little trouble before. He met newcomers who had just entered the new world on his island. Those people burned our two flags. He is dealing with this matter."

Babanuki came out and explained to Scotch, but his answer caught Shaina's attention even more.

"Two sides?"

"Elder Sister, they not only burned down the Pirate Flag, but also the flag of Lord Arceus." Babanuki felt a chill in the back of his head, and Quinn, who was standing next to him, did not know when he did it for a moment. Move, at least thirty meters away from here.

"Brother Quinn, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, what can I do, it's just a little hot."

He already has some stress syndrome, bickering with Jhin is commonplace, but he will never bicker with Shaina, this situation is already an instinctive reaction.

And Shaina didn't mean to talk to Quinn.

"Leave that guy alone, then what?"

"Skoki has already dealt with them, but he was delayed for some time so he didn't arrive on time"

Burning the flag, or burning the flags of Arceus and Kaido at the same time, this is a clear declaration of war in the eyes of beasts, no need to ask, Scorch knows how to deal with this kind of person.

Only their blood can wash away this shame.

"Okay, it's fine that it's been settled. I'm calling you this time to give you something. If Scorch is not here, Babanuki, you will hand it over to him later."

As they spoke, they each held a box in front of them and handed it to them. Inside was a withered hay.

"Master Holy Beast, what is this?"

"Your New Year's gift - Resurrection Grass, don't look at it as inconspicuous, this is your second life, of course, it's a bit exaggerated to say so.

In short, eat it when you are physically exhausted or seriously injured. It can greatly restore your physical strength and give you the ability to fight again.

But it's very, very bitter, and I'm afraid you'll only taste bitterness for the next few days. "

The phrase "Second Life" is not an exaggeration at all, it means giving all of them a chance to perform sit-ups on the battlefield, which is a special ability only of the "protagonist".

Compared with this ability, its side effects are nothing at all.

There are not many of this kind of resurrection grass. Originally, the effect of the resurrection grass is effective on Pokémon. Even if they gain the ability, they still belong to humans and other animals. Only Zeraora can directly eat the resurrection grass.

This is also the reason why Arceus succeeded in improving the resurrection grass after recovering the turquoise slate. Only with the grass-type slate can he have a higher control over the plants.

The room was a little quiet, even Shaina and Jhin were shocked, and Quinn even dropped his glasses in shock.

Due to the different causes of birth, Zeraora was the first to respond.

I saw him kneeling on one knee, and his tone was full of piety: "Your will is our direction, and we will go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate."

After a leader appeared, there was almost a chain reaction. The people in the room fell to their knees, and the words they said became more and more outrageous. Arceus felt that if he gave Quinn some more time, he could directly make up a rap.

"Okay, let's all get up, this is just to give you an extra security." Sometimes he is quite envious of the forced calmness of the old man next door, at least what his subordinates do will not embarrass him.

He felt that Quinn's flattery just now was enough to trigger the condition of forced calm.

But today's matter is far from over. Kaido, who is missing every day, has also returned, but this time he did not come back alone, but came back with two children in his arms.

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