Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1274 If something goes wrong, there must be a monster

Regichkas plunged into the volcanic lava, thinking about how to squeeze out a few more powerful pillars.

Others were busy with their own affairs. For example, in Onigashima, Arceus looked at Fujiyama.

Ever since Regichkas came back, he had noticed the other party's strange movement route in Wano, and it was only just now that he calmed down.

"What does this guy want to do?"

"Lord Holy Beast, the new fish-man island has arrived at the scheduled location."

While Arceus was thinking about Regichkas' purpose, Shayna walked in and brought the latest developments.

"I already know about this. How are the arrangements going?"

The fact that Regichkas can return to Ghost Island naturally means that his mission is completed.

Although Regigicas is sometimes strange and not so gregarious in the Pokémon group, he will always carry out the orders from Arceus.

The new Fishman Island has not been moved yet, and Regichkas will definitely not return here alone.

"The arrangements are almost complete. The supply ship has been sent over. We will supply these supplies until they resume production."

When arriving in new sea areas, fish people need to find new fishing places, hunt sea fish, pick up shellfish, and collect seaweed.

Before that, they had to be familiar with the new conditions in the sea and know what things should not be touched.

There is a complete set of Pokémon laws in the sea of ​​beasts. Pokémon are not allowed to actively attack humans in the alliance, and humans are also prohibited from attacking Pokémon.

Competition in nature is the self-regulation of the sea, but technological capture is not.

Regardless of the purpose, attacking a Pokémon is a serious crime in this sea.

The legal system here is not that of the Pokémon world, and poachers will be tried by the alliance.

If you are poaching here, you won't even have the chance to mine, and you will just sink it directly into the sea.

The Pokémon group itself is not a weakling without the power to fight back, and different groups will join forces under such circumstances.

Under the protection of multiple forces, this sea area has formed a better ecology.

"New Fishman Island is actually easier to arrange than Nine Snakes. After all, fishmen have very little demand for fresh water. Clean seawater is enough."

As a race that lives on the seabed, fishmen have special organs. In addition to being able to breathe in the water, they can also directly filter the fresh water the body needs from seawater.

The people with the greatest demand for fresh water on the New Fishman Island are not the fishmen or mermaids, but the desert dragonflies and the terrestrial plants grown here.

After all, New Fishman Island is defined as the first step for fishmen to go to land, and it is an outpost to understand the land.

In this case, there must always be some plants that can only be seen on the ground.

"The amount of fresh water nearby is slightly less, but it is enough after all. If it doesn't work, we still have a fresh water purification device, but"

A desalinator is a necessary item for pirates when sailing, and most pirate ships have this device.

No one can guarantee that there will be no accidents while sailing, not even in ordinary seas, let alone in the seas of the New World.

Failure to replenish supplies in time is very common on the sea. It is possible to survive without food, but not with water.

In this sea where civil science is developed and cola can be used as energy, there are countless kinds of black technologies, and various DIY seawater purifiers are also emerging one after another.

"What's wrong?"

“It’s not a big deal, it’s a problem with the reception staff.

The original plan was to have Tiger and Mandfish do it.

But Tiger was fighting with the fishmen, and Manderfish was taking care of the children with Nine Snakes, so the candidates were changed. "

After all, the fish-man's identity has a higher affinity. Although Manderfish is special, he is a special living sign on the fish-man island, but they are all incapable of doing the same thing.

"This last thing is what I want Jack to do. Although he has a bit of a grumpy personality and looks unfriendly, he is still a fish-man after all."

"Then who went last?"

If it was Jack who went there, Shayna shouldn't have reported it like this. From the looks of it, the facts were somewhat different from what she expected.

"It's Quinn."

"Quinn? Is he finally willing to come out of the reverse world?"

Quinn used to practice the style of a dead house. He would rather endure the noise of the environment created by Siyun God in the reverse world and live a day and night reversed than leave there easily.

Even if Semi forgot to open the door for him that time, it didn't make Quinn lose his confidence in the place.

For Quinn, this is a choice of transportation. The outside world is the car. Although the chance of surviving a car accident is not low, the frequency of accidents is high.

The reverse world is like an airplane. It has a high safety factor and will not go wrong easily. But if something goes wrong, it will be a big deal.

The last time he was involved was an example.

Kaido might be back at some point, but it was very unusual for Quinn to choose to come out at this time.

Not only did he leave the safe house, but he also took the initiative to take a job that did not belong to him. There is no doubt that this is inconsistent with the character of Quinn, who has no profit and cannot afford to leave early.

"What does Quinn want to do? What attracted him to it?"

"I don't know for sure, but there's a high probability that it's the snacks and mermaids from Fish-Man Island."

Quinn has a sweet tooth, the best after Charlotte Lingling.

Other than that, it was just part of his research and womanizing. He didn't have much obsession with treasure.

Even if Quinn didn't say anything, Shayna could guess pretty well.

The technology of Fish-Man Island is backward. After leaving the vicinity of the Shampoo Islands, the new Fish-Man Island also lost the convenience of bubble technology.

In this case, the only things that can attract Quinn are the specialty desserts there and the young and beautiful mermaid.

"Then he will probably be very disappointed."

The advantage of revealing her true face is that Shayna will reveal more facial expression information, and Arceus has already seen the smirk on her face.

If I hadn't tricked Quinn more or less twice, I would be embarrassed to say that I was a leader of the beasts.

"Lord Holy Beast, I don't think so, after all, Quinn is not very normal.

But it will definitely be fun. "

Because he is always trapped in the reverse world, Quinn has a certain delay in receiving information from the outside world.

Big events can't be hidden from him, but the details of small things are different, such as this time.

Shaina knows much better than Quinn about what is going on on the New Fishman Island.

When Quinn asked for help, she agreed to Quinn's idea without saying a word.

"Now. He should be arriving soon."

"Little guys, swim faster and rush forward!"

The place where the new fishman island makes its home is in the sea not far away.

At this time, Quinn was holding a rein in his hand, and at the front of the rein was a large school of sailfish.

Quinn himself stood on a giant shell-shaped platform and let the sailfish pull him forward and slide forward.

Hundred Beasts made a time lag, and had already dispatched the supply ship before Regichkas officially arrived.

Both sides could basically arrive at the same time. At this time, these supply ships were following Quinn, watching Quinn's "graceful" figure break through the waves on the sea.

"Those swordfish are really hardworking. It must be very difficult to pull Brother Quinn."

"Who knows, I feel like I haven't seen Brother Quinn so excited in a long time."

"Ah? Isn't Brother Quinn very excited every day?"

"I was angry, I mean happy and excited. The last time was last year's position-changing battle."

On the bow of the ship, people standing here can already see the outline of the new Fishman Island, and it seems that they will arrive soon.

"Stop looking and go and pack up the supplies to avoid making a mess when unloading."

"Okay, Miss Lamy, leave this rough work to us."

There are also many members of the Arceus Cult on the ship. If Quinn hadn't been so active, Lamy would have been in charge here.

Her ability also works wonders in preserving freshness.

Because of her ability to control bacteria and viruses in her body, she can control some bacteriophages to destroy bacteria that cause food to spoil.

This keeps it fresh longer, but it also has a drawback.

Food must pass through her hands once before it can be eaten, otherwise the eater will be sent away directly.

Looking at Quinn who was dressing up like Neptune on the sea, Lamy shook his head and walked back to the cabin.

She had to take back her toxins, and saving food for freshness turned into poisoning.

With the splash of water splashing on her face, Quinn pushed up the sunglasses on her face, and then made a very handsome gesture.

Seeing that the sailfish were about to approach the shore, Quinn jumped up and then "gracefully"

The land fell on the land of New Fishman Island.

"Mhahaha, are you feeling tired after traveling for a long time? It doesn't matter, I have brought you plenty of supplies.

That is a special offering that can only be found in the sea near us. "

Quinn turned his back to the New Fish-Man Island, waving to the supply ship in the distance, and at the same time felt the gaze from behind with a sense of knowledge.

That kind of curious and puzzled look was very helpful to Quinn, but when he looked back, he found that the facts were different from what he thought.

Red, blue, brown, male and female murlocs of all colors were looking at him curiously.

When the transport ship docked to unload the supplies, there was a burst of cheers, but this was not what he wanted.

"You. Where are the mermaids here?"

What he wanted was the eyes of the young fishmen, not the eyes of this group of fishmen.

The mermaid race is as if they have been favored by God, and the young women are among the best beauties.

With their different shapes, there is always one that will make people's hearts flutter.

As a famous courtesan in Wano, this is the reason why Quinn takes the lead here.

But so far, he has only seen fishmen, not any mermaids.

"Hell, isn't it said that the ratio of mermaids to fishmen is 50:50? How come there aren't any?"

"Lord Quinn, all the mermaids have returned to Fish-Man Island and did not follow the new Fish-Man Island directly here."

"not a single one?"

Looking at the pirate in front of him, Quinn remembered his identity. He was Manderfish's subordinate and one of the entourage this time.

But Quinn didn't give up. He didn't want to take the risk and leave the reverse world, only to end up in vain.

"Basically not. After all, there are no bubbles here, and it is difficult for the mermaids to move around."

"Basically not. Does that mean there are still more?"

"Grandma Ekarsi! Is it convenient for you? Can you come out for a moment?"

A mermaid came out and demonstrated the process of merging her legs into a fish tail, proving her identity.

Quinn saw the mermaid, but looking at the old fish like Cocoro, Quinn's color gradually turned gray

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