Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1278 This is a high-end game, but it’s a bit difficult to win.

"It's not easy to break their alliance."

The origin of the Pirate Alliance is simple, for profit.

Whether it's joining forces to plunder more things, or borrowing each other's strength to unite to protect themselves in the new world, these are all part of the benefits.

The weak seek shelter, and the strong collect profits. Generally speaking, it is an exchange of interests.

We do not rule out some true friendship and people who are desperate to repay a favor, but this proportion is too small.

Pirates are united because of their interests, so the best way to break up this group is to destroy their interests or make the benefits unevenly distributed.

"Speaking of which, there should be only one big secret treasure of Roger's. If they join forces for the big secret treasure, then they will eventually divide the spoils after getting it.

When that time comes, they will definitely start fighting among themselves. How about we wait until they start fighting among themselves? "

The Navy's meeting is not a one-word meeting. These Vice Admirals of the headquarters are the backbone of the Navy. They even know more about the situation in some sea areas than the headquarters. At this time, they are all making remarks based on their own ideas.

"I think it's good. They have just prepared an alliance and are probably very close. It would be too difficult to fight three sea emperors at the same time in their territory.

Their deputies also have strong strength, and the revolutionary army involves a lot of our energy. If we act rashly, we will suffer heavy casualties. "

"Your direction has deviated. We are now discussing how to destroy their alliance, rather than studying casualties."

"This is something that must be considered. Soldiers can't die in vain! That's the sea, and numbers have no meaning in front of them!

Don't forget, how many of those people can fly, let alone Kaido and Big Mom, even Kaido's KING, our soldiers can't stand it if no one controls it! "

"Then what should we do? We are the navy, do we really allow those pirates to join forces to seize that big secret treasure?!

One Roger turned the sea upside down and made the sea unsafe.

If new pirates are allowed to get the big secret treasure, how many more pirates will there be on the sea? "

There were gradually more voices in the conference room. Different generals had different opinions, and finally they were roughly divided into two groups.

One is to thwart its alliance at all costs.

The second is to let their alliances go, and then take the opportunity to take action when they are in internal strife.

Both sides have their own reasons, and they are also targeting the weaknesses of the other's actions. No one can convince the other for a while.


An angry shout ended their quarrel, but this time it was not Akainu who spoke, but Tsuru.

"What does it look like to be so noisy? You are the lieutenant general of this headquarters. I want you to discuss the action plan, not to quarrel like this."

"Counselor Crane"

In terms of grand strategic operations, the Navy is still led by Crane. Although Sengoku and Akainu are both present, Crane is the host of the meeting.

"Be prepared on both sides. Their alliance operation must be tried to destroy. If it cannot be destroyed, then the subsequent problems must be dealt with. This time it is not just a matter of the navy, the World Government has also sent people to support it, and it should be here soon. "

As soon as He finished speaking, a door opened in the air next to him, and Bruno, who had been promoted to CP0, walked out followed by several CP0s.

"Excuse me, everyone, we are the ones appointed by the World Government to assist you in carrying out your mission.

My name is Bruno, and I am a user with the ability of the Door Fruit. As you can see, I can open doors in various places, including the air.

I will be responsible for your infiltration and evacuation. "

Bruno straightened his clothes and kept the door open on the air.

Sliding doors, revolving doors, and doors of various styles are floating in the air, showing the convenience of capabilities.

"Hmph, the agents of the World Government are really free. The way they enter and leave here is so special."

The appearance of CP0 attracted the attention of many naval forces, but most of them were not very friendly.

Logically speaking, CP0 and the navy are both part of the world government. They are two violent organizations with different responsibilities and should be colleagues.

However, the relationship between them was not very pleasant. Many naval generals were disgusted with CP0's way of doing things, and their willful actions also disrupted the navy's deployment.

Akainu came to them from his seat and said his evaluation in a bad tone.

This is a conference room where senior navy generals gather, but these CP0s walk through it as if they were entering their own living room. This behavior is undoubtedly contempt for the navy.

"Marshal Sakaski, please understand that this is just to better reflect our capabilities and make the generals and soldiers performing tasks more at ease."

Bruno bowed slightly, seemingly apologizing, but Akainu was not aware of this emotion.

"Forget it, Sakaski, this little thing doesn't mean anything. After all, the enemy this time is too terrifying. Even I feel panicked."

Kizaru leaned against the wall, using nail clippers to trim his nails. He seemed to feel that the cut did not look good, so he quietly activated Life Return, and began to trim his nails again after they grew.

Midoriya and Fujitora are both fighting abroad. Midoriya is in charge of the Revolutionary Army, Fujitora is in charge of the pirates, and Kizaru is preparing to support various areas at the Navy Headquarters. He is also the only current general who has time to attend meetings in person.

"Porusalino, now is not the time to say such things."

"I know, isn't it because you are too nervous? I want you to relax, or how about we speculate on the contents of the big secret treasure.

Speaking of which, Roger might have found something there. If it was left by someone from the past, maybe it was Bailey. "

Under Kizaru's gag, the faint smell of gunpowder between Akainu and CP0 dissipated, but the topics raised by Kizaru left these marines confused.

"How many Baileys does it take to make Roger say that?"

"Maybe it's old money. You also know that Baileys have depreciated a lot compared to before. There may only be 1 million Baileys in it, but hundreds of years ago, this money could buy a huge amount of money in the world. payment.

But now, this amount of money is not very much. Farmers all over the world can earn this amount of money in a year.

If you think about it this way, isn't there nothing scary about the so-called great secret treasure? "

Kizaru was still trying to liven up the atmosphere, but it seemed more like a cold joke.

After Kizaru said this, the temperature in the conference room dropped.

"Hahahaha, that's a good guess. I think it's possible!"

When a group of people didn't know what to say, Garp suddenly laughed and acknowledged Kizaru's words, which also dissipated most of the original tension.


Crane held a notebook in his hand and hit Garp in the face.

"That's enough, the meeting continues. Do you, CP0, have anything to say?"

"No, the World Government's order is for us to cooperate with the navy's actions. This is the ability of a few of us. Chief Staff Officer, you can just look at the allocation.

If necessary, we can also provide a live demonstration. "

Bruno and several other CP0s sat silently in the corner. The World Government did arrange other tasks for them, but there was no need to inform the navy of the content of these tasks. They would judge by themselves whether this task should be carried out.

And He didn't take Bruno's words seriously. She knew very well what kind of virtue CP0 was, and she wouldn't believe these people if they didn't have some secrets.

Considering them as a reliable combat force will only bring uncertainties to the navy, but the ability of the Bruno Gate Fruit can indeed be used.

"Okay everyone, let's move on to the main topic of the meeting. Among the three pirate groups, the Beasts are the most powerful, both in terms of top combat power and backbone cadres. At the same time, they are also the pirate group with the largest number of people today. They have already The Whitebeard Pirates have surpassed their peak.

Kaido, Arceus, and Yamato, they are the trident of this pirate group. It is certain that the emperor-level alliance Kaido himself will definitely appear.

Who will stay in Wano and who will go with him are all unknown. "

Then He paused and made a decision.

"And there's one more person that has to be taken into consideration."

He nodded at Brannew. Even if He was the leader this time, the meeting king would still be there to help.

After seeing Crane's signal, Brannew pressed the button on the slide in his hand, and Kuzan's portrait appeared here.

"Although we don't want to face it, we must make this issue clear. The former general Aokiji is no longer a member of the navy, but a cadre of the Beasts Pirates.

In the previous attack on Egghead, Kuzan was one of the operators. We don't know what role he will play this time.

If he is really determined to do this, without considering other factors, we will need at least four general-level combat capabilities to contain these people.

Our current manpower does not allow us to do this. "

"Garp, it's the guy related to you again."

"How do I know he will take this step? He was very serious when he was studying. Alas."

His son became a revolutionary soldier, his grandson became a pirate, and his former protégé also left the navy. This was by no means good news for Garp.

As senior leaders of the Navy, they also knew that what He just said was an understatement, and four generals were simply not enough.

"The Red-Haired Pirates are the Iron Wall Pirates with the most balanced cadre strength. Vice-captain Beckman is as good as the red-haired pirates, and the cadres under his command are not weak. The base camp is backed by the Giant Kingdom of Elbaf.

In addition to his powerful domineering, the red-haired man also has the same top-level swordsmanship as Hawkeye. For some reason, he suddenly entered the honeymoon period with Kaido, and he was also difficult to deal with. "

He didn't pay attention to Garp's little episode, or she had already gotten used to it, but continued to analyze the possible alliance.

"There is no doubt that these people are monsters of the sea.

The captain of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Lingling, is the only woman among the three and the earliest pirate to become famous. Although she has the nickname of Steel Balloon, she is the biggest flaw.

After all, Charlotte Lingling is the most unstable of these people, and thinking is what makes her most unstable.

From a family perspective, the Charlotte family is indeed the strongest family, but it is also the best to break through. If everything goes well, then the breakthrough point for this mission will be her. "

In the following time, the Navy planned a secret operation against Charlotte Lingling. As the weakest link in this alliance that did not exist yet, Charlotte Lingling was eventually used as a breakthrough.

Meanwhile, Cake Island.

"Mom, have you decided?"

"It's decided, this is the best choice."

Charlotte Lingling grabbed the donuts that were trying to escape, and then threw them all into her mouth.

This was just the beginning. With the splash of saliva and residue, a large number of desserts were eaten by him one after another.

"That guy Kaido is not going to lie to me about this kind of thing. Our alliance will not be broken until the big secret treasure is really found."

After listening to Charlotte Lingling's words, Katakuri breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew better than anyone else that if Charlotte Lingling had a seizure at this time and chose a more radical approach, the Charlotte family would inevitably decline as a result.

"But Katakuri, you have to become stronger."

The BIG·MOM Pirates have a lot of people they can use, and they are a giant in the new world, but it all depends on who they are compared to.

Katakuri can handle most of his opponents, but top-level confrontations are not enough.

Once these sea emperors get serious, even the top cadres under their command will not be able to hold on for long. Looking at the whole sea, there are only a handful of people who can not be killed by them in one blow.

From this we can see how terrifying Jinhuang's vitality is, even if it is compared to Nika, it is not far behind.

"Mom, I will try my best."

Click, click, click

The sound of cracking cookies came, and Charlotte Lingling did not reply. Although she made her request, Charlotte Lingling knew that this was a difficult goal for Katakuri. After all, he was already 48 this year. Years old.

If he could go further, Katakuri would have broken through to this level a few years ago, and he wouldn't have stayed there until now.

It's just that Katakuri is the child closest to Charlotte Lingling's desired goal. No matter what, she won't have the chance to raise another child again.

"The location is still the same. Arrange things around Cake Island. This time the matter is not simple. I have to go there in person. If you go, that brat Kaido may not give you face."

Lingling in front of her, an old woman behind her back, Kaido in front of her, and a brat behind her back. Kaido can be said to have perfectly learned some of Charlotte Lingling's characteristics, doing one thing in front of her and another behind her back.

"Yes, but mom, I have another question. Where did you receive this news? No one below mentioned to me that Kaido wants to form an alliance with the red hair."

"Bought from that new cross guild, that red-nosed kid seems to have become something special."

"Ah sneeze!"

Kale Bali, Bucky sneezed as he was being recited, and the wound on his face was immediately affected, making him grimace in pain.

"You are very courageous, you really dare to do any business."

"Yes, you are the one who sold the information about Kaido and Red Hair to Big Mom. You obviously have no ability, but you dare to get involved in the affairs of these three monsters."

Hawkeye is holding his own knife. Judging from the marks on Bucky's face, the scars were made by Hawkeye with the blade of his own knife.

Being able to let Hawkeye use his main weapon, Bucky is considered very proud.

As for the other injuries, they were obviously caused by Crocodile.

All this is because he sold information. Apart from his own people, the only one who knows the details of Kaido and Red Hair is Bucky.

Red Hair had opened a way for him to survive, but Crocodile, who had retreated later, took the opportunity to retrieve the group of people who had almost sunk the ship.

"It's just a little bit of news, it's not a big deal."

"Not counting? I don't want to have anything to do with those monsters right now. While they are busy with their own affairs, we should seize the time to develop, instead of taking the initiative to have anything to do with them like you."

Seemingly feeling dissatisfied, Crocodile stepped on him again, and then sat back contentedly.

"The Cross Guild has made a name for itself, and the current situation is enough. But Hawkeye, you should know the red-haired guy better. What do you think he wants to do this time?"

"I don't know. Logically speaking, he is not someone who will ally with others casually. If he really wants to ally with Kaido, then something must have happened that we don't understand."

"Isn't it the same as you didn't say anything?"

"Hey, hey, give me some face, shouldn't you ask me about this kind of thing?!"

Speaking of Shanks, Bucky on the side became energetic. Now Bucky is working hard to prove the meaning of his existence. He wants to let the two people in front of him know that besides his reputation and military strength, he is still valuable.

"It seems like this. Red Nose and Shanks were on the same crew."

"That's true, but this guy is definitely a stain on Roger's ship. Roger and Red Hair, being so close to these people, have learned nothing good."

Hawkeye and Crocodile have developed a tacit understanding, at least when it comes to attacking Bucky.

Bucky ignored their ridicule with his own shame and spoke of his analysis with a serious face.

"Anyway, I know Shanks better than you. Although this guy is a bastard, shameless, and always pretending to be stupid, but..."

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"Of course not! Only after you have been with that guy for a long time will you realize how annoying he is!

All in all, Shanks will not place a bet easily. If he decides to enter the game, either he is fully prepared and feels that he will definitely win.

Or it's time to flip the table. "

Hawkeye and Crocodile looked at each other and chose to believe Bucky's words.

During the previous battle on Bubble Island, Shanks' actions made him understand that Bucky and the red-haired man had a deep friendship, and it was reasonable for two people who had known each other since they were young to know some special secrets.

And what Bucky said was pretty much what Hawkeye himself had guessed.

"Then this is a pretty scary gamble. What do you think of what happens next?"

Crocodile chose to believe Bucky's words, but after that he ignored Bucky and turned to Hawkeye.

He still adhered to the original idea. Bucky could only be used as a reference, and the idea could not be used at all.

"No, but now is not the time for us to get involved."

"I think so too, and I also have a new perspective. Look here."


Following the direction of Crocodile's finger, Eagle Eye saw the huge place name.

"That's right, Alabasta. During the world conference not long ago, the king of Alabasta died and the princess disappeared. This kind of thing is too coincidental.

I have worked hard there for a long time. Although I failed, I am certain of one thing. Even if Pluto is not there, there must be a big secret in this country.

There are so many historical relics there, and I don’t know how many things are hidden under the yellow sand.

If you recall carefully, this world conference was the beginning of everything. There must be a problem in Alabasta, or something related to the turmoil of the entire world. "

"You mean we evacuate the New World first?"

"No, no, no. If we evacuate here now, it will not be easy to come back. But this place has attracted the attention of the whole world. At this time, we sent a person with a low presence to Alabasta. Isn't it just right? ?"


"That's right, this guy is just like a nerd, he hasn't been out much, but his and his subordinates' abilities are so convenient, and their strength is enough in Paradise.

This guy has less to do than Bucky now, so you have to find something for him to do, right? "

"I think you are right, let them handle the matter over there."

After saying that, Hawkeye stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked outside.

"By the way, remember to inform Moria."

"Huh? Isn't that what you're going to do?"

"No, my express delivery has arrived. I'll go and receive it first, and I'll leave it to you over there."


Crocodile blinked in confusion. Among the three remaining corners of the Cross Guild, he felt that only Hawkeye was a normal person. Both in terms of thinking and strength, he was much stronger than Bucky and Moriah.

Now it seems that he was wrong again. There is nothing to say about Hawkeye's strength. It's just this way of life.

He gets up in the morning and goes to the garden to plant flowers. In the morning he goes to see his group of baboons, manatees and other animals. In the afternoon he goes to receive express delivery. He looks like a retired old man.

"Portable engine, single-person propeller, fully automatic fishing rod. No problem, these are all included."

After comparing the contents of the list, Hawkeye signed his name on it, and all Bucky's men were like licking dogs, carrying the things delivered to Hawkeye.

Not far behind them, Mr. 1 also quietly recorded what Hawkeye did, as if he wanted to learn how the world's greatest swordsman usually exercises.

Where Crocodile didn't notice, the style of the Cross Guild was gradually distorting.

At the delivery point of the express delivery, the steel-armored crow taxi has also landed. After many years, red-haired Shanks officially entered the country of Wano for the first time.

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