Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1294 Kaido’s thoughts, Arceus’ back-up plan

No matter what, since the Battle of the Valley of the Gods 38 years ago, Garp has become a hero of the navy.

During his naval career, he did effectively fight against a large number of pirates, and he was also a benchmark role among the naval community.

He cannot lose. Once Garp loses, it will cause an unprecedented blow to the morale of the navy.

The members of the Arceus Cult, the pirates of the Hundred Beasts themselves, and the local troops of Wano, all added together, the total strength of the Hundred Beasts has exceeded 100,000.

Some of them are just strong ordinary people, but even if they are excluded, as well as doctors, chefs and other support staff, their combat strength is still the highest among pirates.

Just as Akainu said before, the beasts can gather more than 10,000 troops to rush to that island in one day, all of them are elites who have fought in the new world.

If time goes on longer, this number will continue to rise. Garp's sudden action will make it too late for the navy. After all, compared to the navy, the territory of the beasts is relatively concentrated, and the main forces are also in the same sea area.

The navy's forces are distributed all over the world, and now there is no time to mobilize them. The only one who can get there in a short time is Kizaru.

"Porusalino, don't mind what you're doing."

"Sakaski, are you serious? The uprising in the Kingdom of Kukutar is very serious. If we don't provide support, the revolutionary army may subvert another country."

"I can't control them anymore. The navy is in bigger trouble now. If the World Government has any objections, I will be responsible. Now you immediately go to the territory of the beasts to support Garp.

Go to the nearby branch immediately and they will provide you with the eternal pointer of the G-14 branch. "

Garp was using Kirby's life card to guide the direction, and there was no need for an eternal pointer at all. But it was different from other navies. Even if the branch could prepare pointing props, Kizaru would have to go through a lot of twists and turns to get there.

"Hundred Beasts? Lieutenant General Garp? What happened there?"

"Garp's unauthorized action, he ran there with Sword's team. You only have one goal, bring Garp out to me. The others will do their best. If you can't do it, you can choose to give up."

"Including skylarks and peacocks?"


After pondering for a moment, Akainu finally answered in the affirmative.

"If the situation goes wrong, abandon the mission. No matter what, you can't have an accident."

Garp was already a huge surprise, but Garp usually has a high degree of autonomy in his actions, and can be considered in addition to his fixed combat power. Although Kizaru looks like a fish monster, starting from the time he joined the navy, He has served three terms as marshal and is now the mainstay of the navy.

Of course we should save him if we can, but we can't let him get involved.

"I know, I'll leave now."

Understanding the seriousness of the situation, Kizaru didn't waste any time and immediately turned into a flash of light and flew quickly towards the new world.

"Dolu, I'm Sakaski, do you know where Garp went?"

"Report to Marshal Sakaski. I don't know, but I have the life cards of other members of the sword team. I should be able to find Lieutenant General Garp's location."

"Very good, Porusalino will hand over to you and prepare props to coordinate his actions."


Several calls were made from Akainu in succession, and preparations for this unexpected operation were rearranged.

"The trouble this guy Garp has caused, please pray that he can come back smoothly, otherwise, we will face even greater troubles."

Akainu left his office. He needed to calm down. Sengoku and He didn't say anything. Even though Peacock was her granddaughter, He knew that Akainu's decision was the most beneficial to the navy today.

No one cares about the descendants of these elders. They are not famous people, but Garp is different.

What's more, Akainu is also cruel to him.

Not only was the headquarters unaware of Garp's sudden action, but the team performing the mission, the World Government, and the pirates, none of them knew that Garp would do such an irrational behavior.

On Baphomet Island, Kaido and others are still carrying out their unplanned alliance as usual.

It seemed that they were competing to see who had the stronger lung capacity. Kaido and Big Mom maintained their own special laughter. Shanks seemed to be interested in this competition, and finally joined the event.

So much so that this time the league turned into a laughter contest.

"President, how long do we have to wait?"

"Wait until they finish laughing."

"It seems like they have no intention of stopping."

"Then just keep waiting and don't waste film yet. One freeze-frame shot is enough."

Morgans was very calm. He knew that the mental state of these sea emperors was somewhat problematic, and almost no normal person could sit in this position.

But under this aura, Perospero felt tremendous pressure.

It is not the relationship that determines the status of the alliance, but the strength. It is their business to keep laughing. As the accompanying deputies, they need to control the situation at this time.

Perospero has always felt that he should be the second-in-command of the Big Mom Pirates, and now for the first time he feels disgusted with this position.

"It's better to let Katakuri come here."

He faced Beckman and Yamato, both of whom could compete with their own captains, but Perospero would not dare to resist Big Mom no matter what. In essence, there was a gap between him and the people in front of him. Such a gap.

"What the hell is this?"

In the invisible eye contact between Yamato and Beckman, Perospero took a step back first, and it was this step that just broke Kaido and the others' lung capacity battle.

"Uh-huh, Lingling, your son looks a little weaker. My daughter is better."

"I have 85 children."

"Can they all fight against my family?"

They are not young anymore, and they always want to compare themselves after meeting. Unknowingly, their children have become the objects of comparison.

Now Big Mom is still in a normal state of mind. She has to face the reality that her children may not be old enough to fight alone.

After excluding minors, only a few of the remaining children can catch Yamato's moves. As for defeating them,

Charlotte Lingling understood everything from the moment the news that Redfield failed to defeat Yamato reached her ears.

"Redhead, do you think this is ridiculous, little brat? You are a loner."

"Well, actually I also have a daughter. If she were to strike first, she would probably be able to defeat quite a few."

Uta herself is not the type who is good at fighting, but as long as she can use the ability of the song fruit, she will be invincible in the space of song. It depends on who strikes first.

The red-haired and Kaido seemed to have reached a certain tacit understanding and wanted to defeat her in the most proud part of Big Mom, and to a certain extent, they succeeded.

"Kaido, you called me here just to do this kind of thing?"

"Call you here? Lingling, you made a mistake. I didn't call you here, but you took the initiative. Even without you, I can accomplish my goal.

A war that subverts the sea will be launched from my hands, and it will be me who becomes the Pirate King!

You are just part of accelerating this process, but don’t overestimate your own value. "

His pupils shrank, and Kaido's overlord color came out, unreasonably pressing towards Charlotte Lingling, and Charlotte Lingling also did the same thing. After the lung capacity competition, it belongs to the strong one. The battle of overlord sex has just begun.

"The kid back then is getting less and less cute, Kaido, don't forget who was taking care of you when you were on Rocks' ship!"

"You are no longer the same person you were back then, Lingling. If it weren't for the friendship we had back then, I wouldn't have considered you at all!"

The red hair also has an indirect relationship with Uta. The current relationship between Charlotte Lingling and Kaido is purely business dealings, with basically no interpersonal communication.

The red-haired man did not join the game this time, but just watched from the sidelines. The team led by Angel also began to approach the predetermined position. The pirates did not pay too much attention to them and regarded them as members of other pirate groups.

"Sir, do we still need to take action? I think even if we don't take action, they may not be able to unite. Pirates are pirates, and a little profit can break the relationship between them."

"Shut up, if this was really that simple, we wouldn't need to come."


The confrontation between Kaido and Charlotte Lingling has evolved from a domineering confrontation to a collision of weapons. The manpower brought by both sides is also ready for battle. There is even a little yellow sand looming next to Bankila.

However, its sandstorm does not distinguish between friend and foe, so it is just ordinary yellow sand. Just when others thought Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were about to fight, they suddenly stopped.

"Kaido, what on earth do you think?"

"In the Offensive and Defensive Alliance, you should have heard of the Navy's weapon. With all due respect, you don't have a way to deal with it, but I do.

I help you defend yourself against accidents, and when I wage war, you must go out with me.

As for the big secret treasure, the territory of the three of us occupies most of the sea area of ​​​​the New World. After we form a unit, the New World will be completely controlled by us, and we can eliminate the possibility of people secretly picking it up.

Get that thing first, and then we'll figure out how to divide it. "

Kaido expressed his thoughts. Considering the actual situation, this is even a very preferential treatment. After all, Kaido himself does not care about many things. If it can make the scale of the war larger, he will acceptable.

As for the big secret treasure, after getting it, how to divide it depends on the strength. Even if they break up, he doesn't think he will lose.

"Besides, you know what I'm looking for. I need clues about that thing. Apart from these, I don't have any additional conditions."

"Well~ well~ I don't seem to have any reason to refuse this condition."

"I have a question, what is the purpose of your war?"

Relatively speaking, the red-haired one is relatively normal among this group of people. Others are considered normal targets of pirates. Kaido's war scale and ultimate goal are what he is concerned about.

"Of course, it is to subvert the entire sea, let the group of high-ranking Celestial Dragons completely fall from the altar, feel the fighting in the quagmire, and use this to determine a new status. Of course, this is our goal.

In general, we must at least get rid of the current world government, otherwise many people will be dissatisfied. "

"It was a big gamble, but this time I went with it."

Shanks didn't know what Roger saw on Ravdru at that time, but before his death, Roger started this era of great pirates, creating a special opportunity with the huge overall turmoil.

The inherited straw hat, today's choice is Shanks's bet, but this round, he has put everything on the line.

"Well, it seems like our alliance can be established. At least we won't have any conflicts in a short period of time."

"Indeed, those newcomers will be stable for a while because of this news, right? These people have been very active recently."

"Well~ Well, this is not necessarily the case, but the biggest advantage is that there will not be a second Roger who sneaks away alone. If there are three of our alliances, and someone can reach Lafdrew in advance, then it will be It’s really humiliating.”

Charlotte Lingling was still worried about Roger stealing the information about her historical text. Although there were some minor conflicts, they put aside these things and walked towards the alliance.

Angel's team was caught off guard by the turn of events among the pirates. They didn't expect that the few people who had just been at war with each other would finalize the alliance in an instant.

Watching other pirates start carrying drinks, they seemed to be planning to celebrate this event, so they also took action.

Among the members of the Big Mom Pirates, several people suddenly felt a surge of anger in their hearts, and then started fighting indiscriminately.


"Mom, I'll take care of it right away"

Perospero broke out in a cold sweat. He had already felt the displeasure in Big Mom's heart. After all, it was a shame to have internal strife in front of other people on such an occasion.

But before he could take action, Charlotte Lingling saw an incredible scene. Someone next to the fighting people took out a canvas with Carmelite images, and then tore it into two halves. .

"Sister Xiu!!"

What happened in an instant shocked everyone in the Big Mom Pirates. Before they could react, Charlotte Lingling had already let out a mournful cry.

The harsh sound made many people couldn't help but block their ears. Some Homiz also fainted because of it, and the soul heads in their bodies showed signs of flying away.

"Enemy attack! Prepare to meet the enemy!!!"

Smoothie roared, and then pulled out the giant sword on his body. The people of the Big Mom Pirates would never do such a thing. Either the enemy, Kaido or the red hair did such a thing.

The members of the Big Mom Pirates were unable to determine the specific situation at all and could only look at the people around them with vigilance. Kaido and Red Hair, who had just reached an alliance intention, were also within their suspicion.

"Lingling, calm down, I'm here."

Amedeo's disguised Carmelite appeared here, but the appearance of this figure surprised Baguette.

"Kill her!! That's a fake! She wants to hurt Lingling!!"

As the first person from the Carmelite and Lamb Houses to come into contact with Charlotte Lingling “after her disappearance,” Longbread knew Charlotte Lingling even better than her children.

This Carmelite could never be genuine, and Smooji and others also realized this, and launched an attack when Longbread shouted those words.

The broad blade slashed Amedeo, but was stopped by a thick arm.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling had lost her judgment.

"Don't hurt the nun!!"

"Mom, calm down, that's not a nun, that's an enemy!"

Napoleon tried to awaken his master's sanity, but she failed. Charlotte Lingling had already wielded a wide blade and slashed at Smooji, who had just attacked Amedeo, and slashed her back a very long distance with one blow. .

"Is this old woman really crazy again?"

"Father, do you want to help?"

"No, wait a minute, it's best if I can repay the favor I owe to the old woman directly, otherwise it will be too much trouble.

It just so happened that I wanted to see what tricks the World Government people could pull off. "

Kaido did not take action immediately, but chose to wait and see. In Kaido's view, this matter was still within his control.

"I'll look for it. I remember my adoptive father told me about this situation before he left and gave me something."

Yamato rummaged around in his backpack for his things, and at the same time, the red-haired man also chose to wait and watch.

The alliance has not yet been completely established, and even Kaido, who has a closer relationship with Charlotte Lingling, has not directly taken action, so naturally he will not intervene first.

The navy's operation did not go so smoothly. Angel found that Charlotte Lingling protected "Carmelite" so well that he had no chance to attack, and in the end he could only let Amedeo commit suicide.

"It's really troublesome."

Amedeo used the return of life to control his hair and stabbed himself from behind. The blood spattered just fell on Charlotte Lingling's face. The air seemed to be stagnant at this moment. Charlotte Lingling's name was sanity. The string seemed completely broken.

His eyes turned white, and then he started crying like a kid.

"Nun! Nun!!"

Waving her fists and feet randomly, she also used Prometheus as a grenade and threw it at the crowd, blowing up a large group of Homitz in one fell swoop.

"In this case, there is no need to stir up emotions. This lunatic doesn't even know what anger is!"

Basque activated his own abilities, but the effect was minimal. Charlotte Lingling, who entered this state, circumvented the influence of the fruit's abilities in an alternative way.

In the end, Basque could only provoke some members of the pirate group to fight with each other.

"Stop talking nonsense, the mission is over, retreat quickly!"

Angel was very satisfied with the current situation, so he pulled a few people and carried out the plan according to the plan. Bruno's door opened, and these people disappeared from Baphomet Island.

"Idiot dad, why don't you stop them?"

"It's not necessary. Since your adoptive father gave you something to deal with this situation, it means that he expected this kind of thing. Seeing him like this, he should have other backup plans.

If your partner is too careful, it will cause headaches. Stop it! Stop letting others fool you! "

The violent aura escaped, and Kaido used fear to dispel the anger in the hearts of the people, making them stop what they were doing.

"Yamato, I'll use the things your adoptive father gave you later. I'll go out first and try what level this old woman is now."

Kaido's way of thinking prevented him from immediately stopping what Charlotte Lingling was doing. Instead, he planned to have a fight with her first. For Kaido, if there was no fight in this situation, there would always be something missing.

Compared with those troublesome bugs, Charlotte Lingling is more interesting.

"Bruno, where is this?"

At this time, the retreating team discovered an anomaly. It was clearly Bruno's door world, but the surrounding colors were completely different, from the light green liquid feeling to the purple void feeling.

"I don't know either. This doesn't seem to be a world of air."


Countless cracks were created in the air barrier above Bruno. As the cracks continued to expand, the space seemed to be broken into fragments, and Angel and his party also appeared in this upside-down world.

The origin of this matter can be traced back to the Divine Grace Ceremony on Onigashima. Uxie, Emrido, and Acrom are very special Pokémon with unique abilities.

They are super-type Pokémon, and these Pokémon have the ability to predict the future.

This kind of future prediction is similar to the attack variant of telescope. They can predict the enemy's movement position and leave an attack at the location where the opponent will appear.

But when the three Pokémon, Uxie, Emridor, and Acrom, launch the same move at the same time, the ability of this skill will vary. They cannot predict Arceus and the stone tablets related to Arceus, but otherwise things can still be done.

What they don't control is the power of time and space, but they can see some fragments, which is the ability that Quinn dreams of.

However, if they want to get detailed and accurate information, Yoshi, Emrido, and Akonom will have to work hard for a long time.

What is happening now is what Arceus left behind before leaving based on those fragments.

The reverse world has spread to Baphomet Island. The moment Bruno opened the door, Giratina used his power to distort the space and pulled them in.

Before they could understand what was going on, two figures with black wings on their backs had already appeared here.

"Fire Calamity, Kaido's top cadre, seems to be someone from the Hundred Beasts."

Basque tightened the knuckles on his fists and immediately prepared for battle.

"Just let me experience the skills of the Lunarians. Angel? Why don't you speak?"

"No way, this is impossible"

Angel, who had not lost his composure when facing the angry Charlotte Lingling just now, seemed abnormal, and Basque felt a trace of panic in his tone.

"what's wrong with you?"

"That guy should have died a long time ago. I did this myself. How could he still be alive?!"

Angel's eyes were not on Jhin, but on Awanisha beside Jhin.

"You got the wrong person."

"He did not admit the wrong person. He was the CP0 who led the team on Sirik Island 39 years ago.

I failed that time, but now, I crawled back from hell! "

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