Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1300 The hero ends, the Ukiyo-e of Hell

"Lieutenant General Garp!!"

The sudden change made Kebi on the side look stunned. He instinctively tried to do something to help Garp, but found that he couldn't do anything.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault that Lieutenant General Garp is like this."

"Don't be so self-righteous, Kebi. That guy came for me in the first place. It's just a minor injury. Continue your pace, Fist Bone·Bamboo!"

Garp punched forward, and the powerful punch created a gap in the ice wall of Kuzan, revealing the pirate ship docked on the coast, but this road did not seem to be a shortcut to life.

On the sea level in the distance, the flag with a black background was fluttering in the wind. The pirate flag belonging to the beasts declared their master to the sea. It was only then that the real large force arrived by boat.

As the ship moved forward through the waves, one ship after another gradually revealed its complete figure. The pirate ship of the beasts had arrived.

"Brother Fozzie Foo! Are you okay?"

Several people hurriedly dragged Fozzie Fu aside, intending to treat his wounds. This was the advantage of having more people. The people around him were not only reserves and spectators, but also ready-made emergency doctors.

"Originally it was fine. If you guys had made bigger moves, I would have been in trouble! This old guy's fists are really powerful."

Fozzie Fu leaned on a pile of gravel, coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood, and after taking the potion handed over by the person next to him, he suppressed the discomfort in his body.

"Lord Fozzie Ford, isn't this measurement enough? You"

"That's almost enough. This is not a critical time. We always rely on medicine. If the body becomes resistant to medicine, it will be over when we really need to fight."

Rejecting the potion offered by his younger brother again, Fozzie Fu gave his own reason. Although these potions were very effective, he relied on his body's own recovery ability in most cases.

Only in emergencies will he use a large amount of medicine to give himself a second life. This is also his consistent style. In order to maintain combat sensitivity, he will not even use anesthetics in most cases.

"Where's Duopeng?"

"Over there, you haven't woken up yet."

"It's all thanks to him this time. Without him to attract attention, it would be really difficult to get an old guy like Garp."

At this time, the younger brothers had already put on the bandages for him. Apart from anything else, these pirates who were always fighting on the front lines were all top-notch in their bandaging techniques.

If Garp was in his prime, Fozzie Fu's first reaction when seeing him would be to run away and would never fight him.

Even though he was old, Fozzie Fu treated him with the most caution in his life.

"It's a pity that he is too much of a burden. Otherwise, if we wanted to keep him, we would have to save our lives."

Glancing at Kerby, Fozzie Fu felt that he was the best MVP in the game. Without Kerby, Karp would not have come to the door.

Without Kerby, Foz Fu wouldn't have formulated this tactic. He saw Garp's attention to Kerby, so he asked Doppon to try to sneak attack Kerby.

The power may not be enough, and the attack may be missed, but the movement must be loud enough to make the whole audience pay attention to him. This is the requirement that Foz Fu gave to Dopon.

In terms of ability, Peggy Wan is far more suitable than Dopeng, but Peggy Wan is not that easy to fool. It is more difficult to make Peggy Wan a target, let alone he is still in the big melee over there. .

If Garp hadn't opened the door to protect Kebi, Foz Foko wouldn't have had this opportunity. Even after being hit by Kuzan's ice spear and then stabbed by himself, Garp still killed Foz with this punch. ·Fur nearly half his life.

"I'm really curious about what this old man could do when he was young. What are you going to do?"

Seeing several pirates around him actually picking up weapons and walking towards Garp, Fozzie Fu felt very confused.

"Brother Fozzie Fu, that old guy is like that. We also want to try to see if we can take his head."

"Yes, this is the hero Garp. If we can kill him, he will definitely be famous throughout the world, right?"

"Stop dreaming! Are you idiots? Even if that old guy is standing there without his hands, you can't deal with him. How did you get the courage without even a number? Ahem. A bunch of bastards, I'm so angry. .”

After a series of coughs, Fozzie Fu's bones that hadn't grown yet were almost dislocated, but he was able to stabilize his body through the meticulous manipulation of Life Return. He also had his own calculations in doing so.

Just delaying time will not gain anything at all. With the entry of Kuzan and Quinn, Garp has already been marked as a sure loser in Foz Fu's heart. After all, even Quinn, who cherishes his life the most, ran out. This What it means is obvious.

Let Garp escape when the emergency assembly order is issued. When Kaido comes back, none of them will be fine.

Because he saw the result, Fozzie wanted to increase his importance in the process and make himself an indispensable and important formula in the entire problem-solving process.

He is very utilitarian, but this is the nature of Fozzie Fu. He has no lofty ambitions and everything he does is for himself.

It was the same when I joined CP9, and it was the same when I defected after something happened.

Now it seems that he succeeded, and no one can refute the effect of that knife.

He can understand that these younger brothers have the same idea as him, but if they want to do this kind of thing, they have to be a little bit cautious.

Of course, reality has already answered for Fozzie Fu. Seeing that Garp was injured, it was not just the people next to Fozzi Fu. There were always people who couldn't restrain their ambitions and rushed forward, and one after another they flew out upside down. They are the most direct proof.

"No way. He was stabbed in the stomach and pierced in the shoulder. How can this old guy still be so strong?"

"No, he has become weak. It's just that the gap between you is too big."

Foz Fu can clearly see the changes in Garp, and he has to pay a price for supporting other sword members.

Quinn's heavy firepower, the Ulti siblings' siege

The consumption of physical strength and the consumption of domineering power were not obvious at first.

But the two wounds on his body caused the previous accumulation to explode at this moment. If Garp could briefly repel Quinn with one punch before, now he needed two punches to do the same thing.

"The legendary hero is nothing more than that. How long can you hold on? Garp?"

The powerful restorative power of the animal system is acting on Quinn, and the sunlight turns into little bits of energy that are absorbed by the leaves behind him, and finally converted into energy to restore Quinn's physical strength.

"I'll have no problem dealing with you."

Pulling out the claw blade from his abdomen, Garp's wounds rejoined and stopped the bleeding.

"The scars on the outside are easy to repair, but what about the inside? The hero of the year will eventually fall here."

As he said this, Quinn did not step forward rashly, and even held Ulti at the side.


"The trapped beast is still fighting. This old guy is almost at his limit. If he fights back with all his strength, you two brats won't be able to bear it."

"He is right. Those warship bags are all made with one punch. Mr. Karp, you have personally trained a troublesome apprentice."

Kuzan came to the front, but at the last moment, he chose to do it himself.

"You have been expelled from the master, stupid apprentice."

The warship bag is Garp's training method. He does not need to be domineering, but simply uses his fists to attack those abandoned warships. In the offshore scrapyard of the Navy branch, there are countless fist marks belonging to Garp on the armor of the warships.

Starting in middle age, Karp's experience was not smooth.

[My son became a revolutionary and founded a revolutionary army! 】

[My grandson is actually going to be a pirate! 】

When he was in a bad mood, Garp would either attack mountains or hammer warships. Now, his former number one disciple has completely stood against him.

Kuzan's right fist began to become elemental, and the entire palm completely turned into ice. As the domineering energy surrounded his palm, Kuzan made a fist-pumping gesture very similar to Garp's.

"Ice Glove!"

"Fist bone goes straight forward!"

The two punches collided with each other, and each of them hit the other's face. Centered on the two of them, a terrifying wave suddenly erupted, sending some pirates who were about to move away.

"Hmph, this is the result of greed. I have already told you that this is not your battlefield."

Looking at the boys who were swept away, Quinn didn't feel any pity. On the contrary, he felt that they all brought it upon themselves.

There are more wolves than meat here, and they who are watching from the side inevitably have a desire to pick up the missing ones.

But Quinn has long said that this is not a battle they can participate in. If they want to covet something better, they must be prepared to endure it. This is the price they pay.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Quinn couldn't help but ask as he looked at Kuzan who was lying on the ground and sitting aside.

"Of course, if he couldn't stand up at this level, I wouldn't stand in front of him in the first place."

After wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth and nose, Kuzan stood up again, and Garp on the side also stood up with his body propped up. The blood slipped from the corners of his eyes, but Garp did not choose to wipe it, but let it flow on his face. superior.

Compared to the skin trauma on his cheek, the scars on his body were actually more serious. The wounds left by Fozzie Fu and Kuzan reopened in the collision just now, and Garp's hand also covered his stomach.

"You are so seriously injured, can you still stand up? Mr. Karp, it seems that you still want to fight. Surrender. You have no possibility of victory."

"It's just a minor injury. What are you talking about?"

"Really? Then I'm worried about you for nothing."

"You have already made your own decision, and you still say such indecisive words, Kuzan, what are you thinking?!"

The blood in Garp's body surged, as if a new force had gathered. At this time, Garp was squeezing his body's potential. In a few breaths, Garp's body surged and came to the library again. In front of praise.

A punch hit Kuzan's cheek.

"I just want to respect the old and love the young."

Kuzan gave a reason why Garp didn't believe it in a joking way. While saying this, Kuzan's body retreated slightly, and a layer of ice armor appeared on his arms.

After experiencing the previous confrontation, he did not continue to catch Garp's fist, but dodged to the side and punched Garp's elbow.

"I have more than just fists!"

Kuzan's attack caused Garp's punch to deflect. At the same time, Garp also raised his knee and hit Kuzan's heart.

Kuzan's body fell into ice shards all over the sky, and he avoided the blow by actively transforming into elements. However, when he had just condensed his body, Garp also kicked him in the head.

"Mr. Karp, I didn't know you had kicking skills."

Garp didn't say much. He just wanted to clear a way for other marines in this short period of time.

And Kuzan quickly understood why Karp basically didn’t mention this matter.

At Garp's stage, both fists and legs can be called killing tools, but compared with the iron fist that he has honed for many years, Garp's kicking skills are much inferior.

For Cap, this was just a feint, but Kuzan took advantage of this brief confrontation.

"Kuzan, you kid."

"Mr. Karp, have you forgotten, I no longer have my left leg."

When faced with Garp's kick, Kuzan chose to use his left leg to resist, but suddenly gave up the blessing of domineering on the leg halfway. Without the domineering, the ice prosthetic instantly turned into pieces.

Kuzan made Garp temporarily unbalanced at the cost of giving up "one leg", and then punched him in the chest. At almost the same moment, Quinn's mechanical flying claw flew from a distance and caught Garp at the moment he was out of balance. his body.


A laser cannon shot from zero range directly caused Quinn's mechanical claw to be declared useless, but Cap's blackened chest showed that it was all worth it.

One is missing an arm and the other is missing a leg. These two disabled people showed Karp in their own way that lack of limbs can sometimes be an advantage.

"Come on! Brother Quinn! Kill this old guy!"

"Come on, brother Kuzan, he is dying!"

Facts have proved that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. For their own safety, these pirates honestly chose to cheer with words and kept a certain safe distance.

"Mhahaha, Garp, how many more times can you withstand such an attack?"

Quinn was also very impressed by the flattery. The spare parts in his body quickly pieced together a new mechanical hand, and he seemed ready to do it again at any time.

Garp's body has gradually shown signs of decline, and all this has also caused a chain reaction.

"Lieutenant General Garp."

Bogart's battle is not easy. Although he is also a veteran among lieutenant generals, the opponent in front of him is not weak either. Even if it is 1v1, it will not be easy for him. The two of them joining forces will give him even more trouble. It brought tremendous pressure.

Had their goal not been to capture him alive, this battle would have been even more difficult.

The incident at Garp's place made him nervous, and the weapon he was swinging was slightly deflected. It was this moment that caused his weapon to get stuck in the angle of the dragon's facial bone.


After two attempts, Bogart failed to draw his weapon, and Iska's heavy punch had already hit his arm. In order to save his arm, Bogart had to give up his weapon.

But this did not allow him to turn defeat into victory, it could only delay it for a while. Iska's body was already emitting superheated steam, and his speed and strength were further strengthened.

The heavy hammer hit Bogart's chest six times in a row, and then Sasaki's huge body hit him like a locomotive, trampling the unconscious Bogart under his feet.

"I thought you wanted a Mega."

"It's not necessary. This level is enough."

It has always been difficult for Sasaki to evaluate Iska because she will not be ruthless in most situations, including in the ranking battles. Although Sasaki is ranked ahead of Iska, there is a certain difference in the ranking between the two. float.

[Game, I win, fight to the death. She wins. 】

This was Sasaki's own evaluation, but outsiders didn't know that after the battle, the steel carapace outside Iska's body also disappeared.

"Sister, towel, kettle."

The cheerleaders watching the battle handed over what they had prepared long ago. After all, disabling the ability does not mean restoring the state. The high-speed battle of the Giant Pincer Mantis consumes a lot of water, and the sweat she shed is enough to explain everything.

There is no doubt that Bogart is the backbone of this group, and when this pillar collapses, those on the fringes simply will not be spared.

"Ahem. Are the pirates here again?"

Belumeb's goggles had been broken into two pieces, revealing his true appearance. Just now he was close to the gap in the ice wall, but he was kicked back again.

"Hey, you guys can't do it. With so many people, can the enemy break through?"

"That's right, you guys are wasting your power. If it doesn't work, just give up your fruit power."

The person who kicked Bellumeb back was none other than the follow-up echelon that had just arrived by boat.

"Are you kidding? We were just playing. You ended our game as soon as you arrived. How should we spend the rest of our time?"

"What nonsense are you talking about again? Are we traveling so far just to watch a show?"

"If you don't understand Lord Quinn's order, you can ask him.

If that doesn't work, there's still a big one. Why don't you try fighting that Garp? "

Seeing the huge movement deep in the island, the pirate blocked his mouth and seemed to have completely forgotten what happened before.

At the same time, two sickle-like mantis arms lay across the necks of the peacock and the skylark.

"Sister Emmaline, you are trying to steal someone's head."

"Aren't you going to capture him alive? It doesn't make any difference. Besides, it's over over there. How long do you want to delay it?"

Emmaline, who was in the form of a mantis, didn't care about Bliss Guerra's complaints. She was supposed to sail with Shaina, but she took a rare annual leave and didn't sail. Instead, she came here with her. .

"Don't move, little sister, otherwise your neck will be like the barrel of your gun. Believe me, it won't feel comfortable.

I heard that you won't lose consciousness immediately after your head is separated from your body. Do you want to see what your body looks like with blood spurting out? "

The gun in Skylark's hand has been broken into two pieces, and the cuts on it are extremely neat. Emmaline is leaning into Skylark's ear to persuade her "intimately".

But this gentle tone did not make her feel kind. When combined with the orchid mantis' insect compound eyes, it actually added an extra bit of fear.

"I said you are too impatient, right? You just take action when you see the first signs?"

There was a slight delay from Holmud. Grus's clay fruit lost its original properties after encountering high temperatures. Although the hardened rock and earth hammer can fight, failure is only a matter of time.

"To be honest, it's easier to kill this kid than to capture him alive. I have to worry about whether I will bite his neck directly."

"Since you are so relaxed, can you send a message to this island? Is it free to sail out? Do you know how much it costs to gather like this? Can't you save some money?"

Scheina is not responsible for the economic issues of Ghost Island, but she reads the total expenditure report every year, and Emmaline has also processed some of the documents, so she knows some of the costs.

Although the operation was huge, she felt it was a loss-making deal.

"Isn't this just a drill? There's one left over there. Does anyone want to take care of it?"

Holdem changed the topic, causing a group of people to look at Kerby. The funding issue had nothing to do with them. Even if they wanted to pursue it, they would ask the person who pressed the action button.

While they were thinking about how to deal with the last enemy, the battlefield situation in the center also came to an end.

A large group of plants suddenly grew on Garp's body. Complex vines climbed all over his body, and the roots that penetrated his skin were taking away his physical strength.

The parasitic seeds Quinn left on Garp in the previous battle took effect. The sudden feeling of powerlessness completely interrupted Garp's rhythm, and his body was eventually pierced by the ice thorn in Kuzan's hand.

"Mr. Karp, just rest quietly for a while, Ice Time!"

The power of freezing began to spread from the wound, and Garp's body was gradually frozen. With great physical exertion, he was no longer able to resist the erosion of Kuzan's power in his body at this moment, and he was unable to shatter the ice.

"Kuzan. Justice will prevail."

"But Mr. Karp, no, Mr. Karp, what you insist on may not be justice anymore."

"You boy"

Before Garp could say anything, the frost had already spread to his head. Kuzan's face was also gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking on his elemental body.

"Oh! Kill that Garp!!"

"So what if we are heroes? We still lost to us. The beasts are the strongest in the sea!"

The surrounding pirates couldn't help but celebrate, celebrating their victory.

Garp's defeat seems to have put an end to some problems, and the cheers of the pirates opened a new chapter at this moment.

"Lieutenant General Garp!!"

The companions either lost consciousness and were defeated, or were captured by the enemy. Even Garp, who was the pillar of the navy, was defeated by Kuzan and entered a state of permanent freezing.


From the sky, an elephant roared. The tall figure of the elephant master gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone on Lianyi Island from far to near. The elephant trunk swayed with the body like a mountain, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly spread throughout Covered every part of Kebi's body.

"The mission failed."

On the horizon, a stream of light flashed across.

Kizaru gradually approached the island during the chase, but even if he tried his best, things couldn't go his way.

Countless sails on the sea were approaching the island. Since the landing position was limited, these pirates controlled the ships to sail around the island and included it in their own circle.

Even though he was flying at a lightning speed, and he could even feel a special aura, and the elephant owner's empty eyes seemed to be nothing, Kizaru always felt that the monster had seen him.

The giant elephant standing in the sea, the defeated Garp in the center, the reveling pirates, and the countless pirate ships. For Kizaru, this is a drawing from hell.

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