Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1302: Garp was officially offline


Quinn finally gave up the struggle and lay on the shore looking at the sky, seemingly losing a little hope for the future.

"After so many years, you still haven't gotten used to it?"

"How can you get used to this kind of thing!"

Quinn didn't care about the problem coming from the other side. This was also part of the first island chain, but it was just used for other purposes.

The defense line is used to prepare for the battle. The purpose of its construction is to gain geographical advantages after the enemy enters, rather than to expel the enemy through metaphysical means. If the enemy does not come, the defense line will become a piece of scrap metal, which may last for decades. It became a tourist attraction.

The sea is not land. You can directly build a sea wall. Counting the boundless deep sea, the sea is actually a three-dimensional world, and it is inevitable that there will be gaps.

In the face of an attack, it is enough to react in time.

"It's hard to get used to it, but you should understand that if Mr. Kaido or our eldest lady wants to do something, they can just find any excuse.

For example, you stepped out of the reverse world with your left foot first, or opened the door with your right hand first. "

"This is not the point. The point is Sir Arceus. I am used to Governor Kaido. The eldest lady is more gentle than the Governor. It's just that she has always wanted to outwit him in the past two years, but she will become angry when she fails to outwit him."

"Then you don't have to worry. There's no point worrying. If Master Arceus really wants to do something, even if it's extremely unreasonable, others will come up with a reasonable reason."

".You are here to expose my only fantasy, right?"

As he spoke, Quinn took out a strange instrument from his body and scanned Zeraora.

"What are you doing?"

"Look at whether you have any communication equipment on you now. I think you are persecuting me according to someone's instructions, but I lack evidence."

"I'm just stating an objective fact to you."

As time goes by, Arceus's status is constantly improving, and many of the names spread outside are god's names. After all, he spreads them in a religious-like way.

In this process, some fanatics will become extreme. They will question others and themselves, but they will not question their beliefs.

Arceus, who they believe in, cannot be wrong. If there is a mistake, it must be someone else's problem.

"Don't think so much, unless you hide Lord Arceus's tablet, or you publicly announce your defection now, Lord Arceus will not get angry.

Lord Arceus has treated you very well. Think about your treatment. At least in that research group, you were the best. "

Today's MADS group has long been disbanded, but the original members had different endings.

Vegapunk was already dead, Caesar was drained of his lifespan because he offended Big Mom, Barjin was imprisoned by the remnants of Whitebeard, and Gaji was slightly better, but he was still wandering the sea with Germa.

Only Quinn, who is in a high position, can still live a slightly enjoyable life.

"Stop praising this guy. He should be grateful that he was incompetent and the Navy looked down on him. If he had stayed in the scientific unit and participated in more follow-up research, he would have turned gray. Looking at his body shape, he should be able to Pack two more boxes than others,"

At this time, Quinn felt a large shadow appear above his head. The elephant owner's trunk extended over at some point, and Momo also stepped on top of the elephant's trunk and slid over.

"Everything here is almost over, so why don't you have any nostalgia for this ruins?"

"No, I just sent a message to Mr. Arceus and Mr. Kaido. After all, I caught a big fish, so I can't keep it quiet, right? Quinn, I'm leaving first. You can think about it slowly."

Zeraora looked at her Rotom. Shaina gave a reply, but there was no news from Kaido. She didn't know what she was doing at this time.

After confirming that there were no hidden dangers here, they left Quinn alone here and returned to the elephant owner's back. Only Quinn was still thinking about life.

Some time later, the Navy G14 branch.

"What happened? Why is martial law suddenly imposed?"

A navy soldier asked his companion next to him. His name was Wally. He was a member of the navy during the World Recruitment two years ago. Because he was born in the Kingdom Guard of the New World, he came to the Navy branch of the New World after simple training. service.

In the past two years, he has never seen the G14 branch so vigilant.

"I don't know, it's just Lieutenant General Dolu's order. There may be some pirates in action."

Before, Garp only picked up a few people and left the G14 branch, and Kizaru only had a face-to-face meeting with Doro. Ordinary soldiers had no idea how nervous the top brass of the Navy were during this period.

"But who?!"

Wally wanted to say something more, but Kizaru's figure appeared here.

"General Porusalino? What's wrong with you?"

Looking at Kizaru's figure, Wally put away the weapon in his hand, but the broken clothes on Kizaru's body made him feel a little strange.

"Nothing, Captain, where are you Lieutenant Generals?"

"Still in the command room"

"Go on duty."


The two soldiers stood at attention and saluted, watching Kizaru leave with a little excitement on their faces. It was a great honor for them to be able to talk to the general.

However, those who knew the inside story were not as relaxed as them. In the command room of the base, Talu already understood everything when he saw Kizaru returning alone.

But after waving to signal the other soldiers to leave, Dolu still asked with a hint of hope:

"Lieutenant General Garp"

Garp is a pillar of the Navy. Many people even join the Navy because they have their own admiration for Garp. If the news of Garp's fall spreads, the morale of the Navy may fall to the bottom for a while.

"The mission failed, Lieutenant General Garp was captured, and Sword failed to escape. Now we are in big trouble.

Duolu, how many soldiers know that Lieutenant General Garp is going to do this? "

Kizaru had no intention of joking, but asked a very crucial question.

"Very few, only a few of my adjutants and a few orderlies. Ordinary soldiers only know that Lieutenant General Garp has been here for supplies, but they don't know what he did specifically.

Aren't Kaido and the others not here? Could it be said that the pirates have become this strong? "

"It's Kuzan. I don't know the specific battle situation, but I can be sure that he was besieged. At that time, Zeraora and Quinn, two big cadres, also appeared there, as well as countless pirates."

Kizaru recalled the scene at that time. The densely packed pirate ships were incomparable even to the Navy's Demon-Slaying Order. At some point, this pirate group had the ability to engage in a head-on battle with the Navy.

"Tell those people not to talk nonsense and bring the white bugs to prevent eavesdropping. I want to report the news here to the headquarters."

It's not like Kizaru really can't tell the difference between phone bugs, or he occasionally uses bugs to make calls. This is also his way of teasing people.

At such times, he will not forget the most basic things.

White phone bugs are rare, but the G14 branch is also the navy's outpost in the new world. The sword team will also compile intelligence information collected from various places here. In order to avoid being discovered when reporting, the headquarters specially equipped them with this device.

"Sakaski, it's me."

"Did the mission fail?"

"Well, the situation is very dangerous. I don't have the ability to bring anyone out, but they are all still alive."

As people who joined the navy at the same time and trained together, Kizaru and Akainu had an excellent personal relationship. Kizaru's solemn attitude made Sakaski initially guess the outcome.

"Is it Kuzan?"

It is impossible to level a combat force like Garp simply by numbers. Without a decisive combat force, it is impossible to do this. As long as there are no problems with the Navy's previous intelligence, it can be done on Ghost Island. Kuzan is probably the only person who does this kind of thing.

"It's him."

"This bastard Garp, no, these three bastards, their master-disciple lineage can really cause trouble."

Kizaru could still call Garp Lieutenant General or Sir, but Akainu could no longer suppress his anger. The junior disciple was arrested, and the master went to rescue him. Finally, he was captured by the former senior disciple, and Garp was not easy to worry about. The changes his son brought to the world.

Judging from the consequences, Luffy became the one with the least impact.

"The matter has not spread too much, but Sakaski, you understand, this matter is not ours to decide. We don't know whether the pirates will use this news to publicize it.

You know how courageous that guy Morgans is, and he likes this kind of news. "

"Porusalino, go get rid of that annoying albatross."

"Sakaski, don't make things difficult for me. I'm not qualified for this kind of work. Morgans' traces are too hard to find. Besides, I've tried my best for this operation."

"I know there won't be any new missions for the time being. You should take a rest first and don't spread this matter."

After hanging up the phone, Akainu sat back in the chair behind him angrily, smoking one cigar after another.

"Somebody come!"

"Marshal Sakaski! What are your orders?"

Hearing Akainu's shout, T-Bone walked into the office and asked for Akainu's instructions.

"Notify the intelligence department and announce to the entire sea that naval hero Garp has temporarily disappeared due to unknown weather conditions. Anyone who discovers his whereabouts should contact the nearby naval base as soon as possible. The navy will give him generous rewards."

"What? Did Lieutenant General Garp encounter a shipwreck? I'm going to prepare a search and rescue ship right now."


Seeing T-Bone hurriedly going to search and rescue, without even asking which sea area, Akainu called out to him, but after thinking about it, he did not tell the truth.

"Someone has already gone. You should inform the intelligence department first."

"Yes! Marshal Sakaski!"

This was Akainu's final decision. Garp's halo was too strong, and the impact of the news that he was captured by pirates was too bad.

Instead of letting the pirates make a fuss about Garp, it would be better to conclude this matter first.

It is extremely difficult to use human power to counter the power of nature. Human beings have only succeeded a handful of times, mostly through remediation after disasters.

Even for heroes, it is inevitable to encounter shipwrecks. When Garp's status is defined as missing, even if the pirates push him out to promote his combat power, the Navy can argue that Garp was only missed, not defeated. .

"Garp, this is the better result I can think of."

The Navy still has more or less information channels. As long as it is fast enough, it can muddy the waters and save the Navy's face no matter whether Garp lives or dies after his death.

Morale may still drop, but some of it can be restored.

The situations of Garp and Kuzan are different. Kuzan defected and is living well.

If this kind of reason is used to announce Kuzan's status, as long as Kuzan stands up and vetoes it, the Navy's face will be wiped out.

To a certain extent, Akainu is also gambling. He is betting that Garp will still insist that he is a marine and will not rebel.

As long as Garp doesn't betray, the pirates can still control it even if they publish the true situation in Morgans' newspaper.

Now Akainu wants to try his best to turn this real situation into false information, even when faced with people like T-Bone, he chooses to hide it.

The purpose is to better conduct a public opinion war when this matter cannot be suppressed, and define Garp's defeat as a slander by the pirates.

However, some people would still be notified of this matter. A few minutes later, Sengoku, Heru, and the green bull who had just returned to Mariejoia were all called over by Akainu.

"This is the situation. For the sake of authenticity, let the New World branch send out some search and rescue ships in the name of searching for other surviving soldiers."

Garp also has a life card, which is how Akainu and the others judge Garp's current status.

Although people in many places did not know what a life card was, the generals of the New World knew that. In order to better conceal it, they reunified and stated that the life card was on a search and rescue ship sent by the headquarters, and they were dragging a net nearby. Just help.

"As for rescue, although we don't want to face it, rescue is not realistic. We cannot abandon other sea areas and gather all our troops. It is very difficult to rescue people from the territory of the beasts."

"Sakaski, there is actually another piece of bad news. Lieutenant General Basque's life card was burned not long ago.

No news has come back yet, but it is basically certain that the mission over there has failed.

The sea emperor we have to face may not be one, but three. "

Crane told another new piece of news, pouring cold water on the already extinguished fire.

Before the war started, Garp, a key chess piece, was offline early. Even the headquarters did not know who could fill this vacancy immediately.

"Marshal Sakaski, there is actually some bad news. Because Brother Porusalino changed the mission target because of this incident, the country was conquered by the revolutionary army, and the Five Old Stars are very dissatisfied with this."

"Let them be dissatisfied. When the time comes, I will explain to them in person and arrange the things in front of them first."

The Navy Headquarters is busy cleaning up Garp's behavior, and the Rabbit Bowl Quarry has also welcomed a heavyweight character.

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