Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1309 A growing heart, misrepresented words, and a mysterious old friend

"You've talked a lot about your brother, but I haven't heard you say anything about this."

"You also know that I am Roger's son, but I have never had any impression of my parents. I only heard descriptions of them from others."

"Roger's sword is called Ace."

"Is that so? But that doesn't matter anymore."

Looking at the flames burning on his fingers, Ace's thoughts returned to the past.

"I grew up in the territory of bandits. Although I am a bandit, they are a good group of people. I should also call Garp grandpa. Although we don't spend as much time together as Dadan and the others, he will find time to come back every year.

But at that time, Luffy and I didn't really want to see him. Every time we met, he chased us, saying that we must join the navy and go to sea to see him again, which would be in Impelton. "

Marco didn't interrupt, just waited quietly for Ace to finish what he said.

"so what."

"If grandpa is really trapped in that kind of place, I think I should save him, but"

The flame in his hand went out, and Ace sat up again.

"I have thought about my father's last words for a long time. Without the strength of the Sea Emperor, some words are just empty talk. Responsibility is not something that is easy to bear. I used to be too impulsive.

If I were not so impulsive, maybe now.”

"It's a good thing to understand this. Dad doesn't want to die in bed like an old man. Being able to exit the stage with a flourish and shouting those words to the whole world can be regarded as completing his goal.

So you don’t have to blame yourself all the time. It’s a pity. If dad could see your growth earlier, he would be more pleased. "

Ace has grown up only after Whitebeard's death. He has experienced too much in the past two years, and he has experienced the consequences of impulsiveness.

Today, with the three major pirates united, the remaining living space of the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates is likely to be further compressed. At this time, he must not make too impulsive decisions.

Garp is his grandfather, but he has nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates. He himself is deeply involved with the Whitebeard Pirates, and he cannot lead the Whitebeard Pirates into the abyss on his own.

Even if Whitebeard was still alive, he would not start a war with these three people at the same time.

The opponent's alliance has just been established, and maybe they are waiting for an opportunity to establish their power.

"You can't tell where your grandfather is now, right? Even the Navy hasn't given any definite information. They must have your grandfather's life card. They seem to be worried about something.

You are right, it is not advisable to act rashly, but just to investigate the situation, it is okay to go to the nearby area to have a look. It is impossible for the Navy to take no action on this, we just need to seize the opportunity.

Izo also wants to investigate the cause of Mr. Oden's death. He doesn't believe Baiju's claims at all. Maybe you can come together. "

"Yeah, that makes sense."

After growing up, Ace did not act extremely impulsively. Instead, he calmed down and decided to wait and see for a while.

As Marco said, the world government and navy should be more worried about this kind of thing.

Except for these people who have direct or indirect relatives with Garp, the focus of other forces on this matter is completely different.

Deep sea, Fishman Island.

Neptune and others, who had just visited the Divine Grace Ceremony, have returned to Ryugu City, and have concluded trade with several countries in the territory of the beasts. They have seen the supreme power and the utopia in their dreams. Otohime is now filled with Motivation.

Not only did she visit the situation in Wano, but she also attended classes at the monastery. Although she did not become a fanatical believer, she also had new goals for the future.

Before they could digest the news, news from the Grand Alliance was sent to Fish-Man Island.

"Their alliance's New World sea area is almost integrated."

"Isn't this a good thing? If the sea emperors choose to join forces, the wars on the sea in the New World will be reduced a lot, right?

There are almost no ships that can enter Fish-Man Island nowadays. In this case, we will have even more space for activities.

The New Fishman Island has also settled down, and we should arrange for the residents who intend to live there to go there. The future of this new home is very bright. "

"Stability is not necessarily the case. The hinterland of their territory will become more stable, but there may be more pirate attacks from the outside. Coupled with Garp's incident, the Navy will not always pretend to be deaf and mute. I am afraid there will be a Great war.”

Neptune was less optimistic than Otohime, but worried about what might happen.

"By the way, do you want to agree to Haku's opinion?"

"Please help as many people as you can. There is no possibility of détente between us and the World Government. If we don't overthrow the current World Government, we will have no new life. The revolutionary army is also a force."

Fishman Island has mixed feelings about the future. While they see hope, they also need to worry about the cruelty of reality.

On the other hand, in the country of Wano, which is now the base camp of the beasts, there is a completely new attitude inside.

"Extra! Extra! The red-haired pirates and the Big Mom pirates have formed an alliance with Lord Meioh! The intruder Garp has been arrested!"

The news in Wano was a self-corrected version released by the Beasts. The description was more favorable to the Beasts. It was not affected by the Navy's smoke bombs. At this time, the citizens saw a more realistic situation.

"Is he some famous intruder? I haven't seen this kind of news for a long time."

"I heard that he was a very famous navy man and was called a hero. Master Kuzan and Master Quinn took it down. Lord Mingwang didn't take any action at all."

"Ah, isn't this very weak?"

A few people reading newspapers on the street discussed the situation, but a completely different view came out.

"Very weak? But the newspaper said he is a very strong navy."

"I mean, Mr. Quinn took action himself. I heard that Mr. Quinn is very cautious and never takes risks. Isn't the enemy who can let him take the initiative weak?"

"What you say makes sense."

Quinn's cautious style has been spread throughout Wano for some time, and those who are most afraid of trouble rush to the first place. This is obviously because the other party is not strong enough, so they go up to compete for credit.

Ordinary people don't know how much pressure there is behind Quinn's bravery. His passive avoidance of battle will make Kaido dissatisfied, and Hawkins' metaphysics makes Quinn worry about upsetting Arceus.

In this pirate group, both of them are dissatisfied at the same time, even Yamato has to lose his skin.

Unfortunately, outsiders don't know this kind of thing.

Therefore, as the news of Garp spread through newspapers, it spread into an alternative version in Wano. From a veteran who was dragged down by new recruits, he turned into a stupid boy who didn't know the heights of the sky.

"These people are also very good at finding opportunities. They actually know how to form an alliance with Mr. Mingwang. As expected, Mr. Mingwang is the strongest."

"Actually, I think the Lord of Heavenly Palace is stronger."

"That's a god. Isn't that natural? It's really funny to think about how those so-called kings before have never seen the world."

The young people talked and laughed about this, but the older generation remained silent. These people knew very well that the original Wano Country was the real people who had never seen the world.

Apart from the alliance and Garp, the person most worthy of their attention is Kuzan. As the main combat force of this operation, newspapers in Wano emphatically praised Kuzan's actions.

"Mother-in-law, today's newspaper."

In Baiwu's hut, Hanako brought a newspaper to her grandmother.

"Isn't this the little brother that time? He also made great achievements.

I am about to receive a commendation from the Lord of Heaven, which is a rare honor."

After wiping her reading glasses, the old woman confirmed the information word for word, and there seemed to be a smile on her wrinkled face.

The streets of Wano were also filled with discussions about this matter.

The atmosphere here at the Navy Headquarters is very solemn.

"Basque's action team is definitely dead. The pirates have also formed this unprecedented alliance. A pirate force comparable to, no, more powerful than the Rocks Pirates has emerged."

In the office, Akainu, He and others were sitting around the table. This was a high-level meeting that ordinary lieutenants were not qualified to participate in. Those who came here were all the highest-ranking members of the Navy.

"What should we do with Garp? The updated news from Morgans has had some impact on us. Although the morale has not been too low due to the previous arrangements, how to deal with this matter is also a problem."

‘Our troops are not enough to rescue Garp. If we want to do this, we have to gather elite troops from all over the world, and the branch generals must also gather together.

If they do this, the Revolutionary Army and other pirates may destroy the navy's countless years of accumulation. ’

Both Sengoku and He were irritated by this. Now they have abandoned their personal feelings and are just studying this matter as naval officers.

"We must save them. If the soldiers know that we have even given up on rescuing the great hero Garp, how will they trust us in the future?

But we can’t rescue immediately. After all, we don’t have enough ability. Plan a rescue, but don’t specify the specific time. "

A lie often requires countless lies to repair. Akainu could only give the Navy a pie first, saying that he would try to rescue Garp at the right time, but it was not certain when he would rescue him.

"That's all we have to do. At least this can stabilize the mood of the soldiers. How about the new reward order?"

"We are also ready. Once the World Government passes it, the latest news can be sent out."

The bounty people this time are not simple, and it is no longer something that the Navy can decide alone.

"Well, although it doesn't make any sense, we still have to show our attitude."

It's unheard of to have a bounty hunter with a multi-billion dollar bounty on his head, and to the point where raising the bounty is just a way of telling others that we're serious about our work.

At the same time, near the Red Earth Continent, the figure of the Origin appeared here.

The Red Earth Continent is very large, a huge land that surrounds the entire planet. Even the World Government does not have all-round military garrison. Although the current location is close to the Red Earth Continent, it does not have the prosperity of Chigang. Instead, it has a feeling of desolation.


Following the order, the Origin stopped, but the people on the ship didn't know why they were here, including Shaina.

They were just executing Arceus's order. Seeing that the ship anchored but took no further action, Shaina came to Arceus and asked respectfully:

"Lord Holy Beast, is there anything important here?"

"No, I just came to visit an old friend."

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