Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1311 The original believer

"Dad, what is that?"

On the Red Earth Continent, where the Lunalia tribe gathers, the Lunalia tribe is holding a sacrificial ceremony.

Under the altar, a short-haired boy was looking at the adults' actions in confusion. It was Barrow when he was a boy.

"We can control fire and soar in the sky, and that is our sacred object, a gift from heaven."

His father's words when he was young remained in his mind. The stone-like board was what the Holy Relic needed and was a part of His past.

The Lunaria worship sacred objects and search for stone slabs, and the sacred objects will bring blessings, allowing them to live a better life.

This is the exchange condition reached by the ancestors. This power plays a key role in our being able to gain a foothold here.

"The patriarch and the others have been searching nearby for a long time, but they have found nothing. Barrow, you have to work hard in the future."

"Is this why mom can make fire dance?"

"Yes, in order to make everyone live a better life and make yourself stronger, you have to grow up quickly."


"Winner! Barrow!"

A few years later, during the coming of age ceremony of the Lunalia tribe, Barrow stood panting in the field. He had just defeated his last opponent and became the leader of this generation of young people.

"Barrow, are you sure this is the location?"

"I'm sure. I hope the holy object can give me luck. I will use my eyes to search this world."

The determination of coming-of-age ceremony is not all about growth in age, but also growth in combat power.

Even if the age difference is still a little, the Lunalia tribe will give them tattoos when they believe that this person can stand alone and no longer needs the protection of the tribe, which means that they are already qualified warriors.

The method of judgment is force. Tattoos have different meanings, and those at the top have unique choices.

It was his victory in the coming-of-age ceremony that gave him the choice to have the Qianzhou Wrist pattern tattooed near his left eye. In today's Lunaria tribe, this is their most admired pattern.

A few years later, as he grew older, Barrow has become the new generation leader candidate of the Lunaria tribe.

Their selection method is not based on blood inheritance, but "divine selection."

In layman's terms, in a fight in front of Arceus in egg form, the strongest person is the clan leader, and the wise person is the prophet and priest, jointly leading the group's footsteps.

Some time passed.

"Barrow, from today on, you are the leader of the clan."

"The flame illuminates the darkness, and I will lead you forward!"

At that time, Barrow was high-spirited and confident in leading the ethnic group to create a better future, but misfortune also happened to this generation.

"Chief, we failed."

"Yes, it failed, but the inheritance of the Lunaria clan cannot be cut off here. Londe, how are things arranged?"

"Most of the young people and children have evacuated separately, and the team escorting the holy objects is also hidden among them. I will personally lead the bait team to ensure that all the eyes of those bastards are drawn away."


"There is nothing to be sorry for. Someone has to die here. Rather than those young people, let us old guys who have lived long enough die.

Although I hate that Baddeck guy, he has more knowledge in his head, so let him take the young people away. Anyway, we all are injured and we probably won't be able to evacuate. "

Lund said it very relaxedly, as if he never took death as a thing. Dismembering the elderly wounded sounded very cruel, but it was a plan that was beneficial to the continuation of the ethnic group.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to delay it for too long, and I don't know if these little guys can fly fast enough."

"Leave it to me. As long as I'm alive, those guys can't even think about it. I've already received the response from the holy object, and He has lent me his last bit of power."

Flames enveloped Barrow's body, and he was the first to face the flag that disgusted him.

Rushing, fighting, and the Fireball Slate gave him far more power than usual, but the Arceus at that time was not the Arceus at this time. He was still in an unhatched state and could control his own power, but others could not necessarily use it. .

During the battle, Barrow had already forgotten the time, and it exceeded the fighting time that Arceus mentioned to him when he lent the stone tablet.

The Fireball Slate is a piece of warm jade to Arceus, but when it is activated, it is a melting pot to outsiders.

Barrow fought until the last moment, using his own life to delay the enemy in front of him, and he gave everything he had.

But precisely because of this, the Fireball Tablet preserves Barrow's soul, allowing Arceus today to find his origin and resurrect him again based on the residue on the Fireball Tablet.

This is also what Arceus said. Barrow, who borrowed the power of the fireball slate, and Shaina, who borrowed the power of the sky slate, are the only two people in the world who can use his exclusive power with Arceus' permission.

"Eight hundred years is such a long time."

The sky is still the same sky, but everything Barrow knows has gone away from him. Everything in this time and space is very strange in his eyes. Even Shaina, a tribe member with the same bloodline, his senses are very strange. .

It is a very wonderful feeling for future generations eight hundred years later to stand in front of you and talk to yourself about the future.

"Did I succeed after that?"

"The contemporary patriarch Barrow fought bloody battles with the enemy for several days and died in battle."

"It's really a simple description, but it's rare for someone to still remember my name and leave a sentence after eight hundred years.

What happened next? Is the current situation of the Lunaria tribe okay? "

"If you include you, senior, there are still 10 people alive."


Barrow was shocked at first, and then felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. There were only ten people left in the original clan of gods. This seemed very ironic to him.

"Originally, there were only two people left. Like you, senior, most of them were resurrected by the power of the Holy Beast."

Listening to Shaina's description, Barrow became more and more confused about who he was back then. With only two people left, this was no different from genocide.

From prosperity to decline, from near extinction to resurgence, Barrow got too much news from Shaina, and it was even hard to digest.

His memory still lingered on the moment when he was exhausted. In Barrow's perception, only a few minutes had passed, but centuries had passed outside.

Shaina didn't know what happened in the past few hundred years. She only learned about the past of her clan from the legends of generations. Most of her stories were about the decline of the Lunaria clan until Arceus' death. Recovery, all this has turned around.

Hearing the helplessness when hearing about the decline of the race, the annoyance when hearing about the World Government hunting them down, and the indignation when hearing about human experimentation, Barrow now has mixed feelings.

Scheina did not discuss the topic after Arceus's recovery in detail, because she had already seen Arceus walking forward, and she silently stepped aside.

"Long time no see, Barrow. This is not the first time we have met, if you still have an impression."

"The memory is still fresh. Just as you said, hundreds of years apart are just what happened a few minutes ago to me. What you lent me power was just yesterday."

At that time, Barrow made a wish to Arceus to gain power, and Arceus also projected his words in his heart. This was not the first time they communicated, but now it was the first time they met officially.

During those years, Arceus did not always sleep, but every time he woke up, there would always be a group of new faces around him.

"History may forget you, and those in power try to erase you, but I remember you. The process is not smooth, but the Lunaria clan is ushering in its new life. I will rekindle the glory of this clan, now. Let’s go see our new home first.”

This is the location where Barrow last fought, so Arceus came here to resurrect him.

However, this is not the clan's place back then. Their battles were not fought on the same spot, but on a constantly shifting battlefield.

Now that Barrow has been resurrected, there is no point in staying here. Instead, the group returned to the Origin, but before leaving, Barrow looked back at this land again.

After returning to the Origin, everyone on the ship looked at the male Lunarian with curiosity, but Barrow did not pay too much attention to him. In Barrow's view, he and these ordinary humans would not be able to do anything at all. Generating too many intersections.

After Shaina returned to the command room, only Arceus and Barrow were left at the bow of the ship.

"You look different from what I thought, but it's great that you were able to revive and regain so much strength. Unfortunately, if we could have found these earlier, the result might have been different."

Barrow has his own belief in Arceus. In terms of time, he is the first batch of believers, because he is the first person to realize part of Arceus' power.

No matter what form Arceus takes, it will not change his position in Barrow's heart.

“This is what has happened, and the future is full of uncertainty that makes people yearn for it, but some results will never change.

You will see the revival of the Lunarian race.

Let's get used to this new world first. I'm still a little curious about things in your time and what happened back then. "

During that time, Arceus was often asleep. Now that the situation was different, it was natural to ask him carefully.

“It’s a long story, but one thing is, I don’t want to just watch the revival.

You may not know that when the war broke out, we had a saying that as long as there is still one Lunarian tribe alive, we will not give up the fight.

After all, I was once the leader of the clan, so just looking at it was really a bit embarrassing for me.

Maybe I am not the strongest clan leader in history, but I also want to do my part to at least tell these descendants that we worked hard back then and their ancestors were not cowards. "

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