Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1329 The tauren took away your brain

Even with the cover of Kanjuro's painting, Kinemon's irritability was clearly revealed. Kozuki Toki only sent a few of them twenty years into the future, but not the others.

In twenty years, the country of Wano has changed. Except for the deliberately preserved areas, there is no trace of the original country here. It is not only the people but also the things that have changed.

The fruit ability of Kozuki Toki is not known to outsiders. Only Oden and his retainers know this ability, so outsiders have no idea that these people have arrived twenty years later.

Although there are still reward orders for Kinemon and others in Wano, most people think that they are dead, and the reward orders are just because their bodies have not been seen.

Wano Country is so big, it is simply impossible to survive here for twenty years as an enemy clearly. Even with the previous arson case, most people in Wano Country feel that they are two very similar people. Got it wrong.

After all, how could someone's face remain the same for twenty years?

"Asshole, these pirates actually"

Kinemon seems to have forgotten his previous plan. Many people will persuade others to be patient and persuade others to give up something, but this is because those things did not hit their heads.

The civil strife that Hiyori Kozuki experienced back then was almost a similar situation. They just felt that Hiyori, as Oden's daughter, had no integrity and wanted to use the lives of others to fulfill her own righteousness.

Oden's retainers were different. At least they still had some faith, and almost all had the consciousness to die for Oden. However, when they found that their heads seemed to be green, Kin'emon still broke through.

Wano does not prohibit martial arts, and there are many people with swords on the streets, so Kinemon still has his double sword hanging on his waist.

At this time, he had clenched his fists, and his arms were almost uncontrollably touching the handle of his knife.

"Kin'emon, calm down. You still don't know what's going on. I remember that Ahe opened a teahouse, right? Maybe they are just her customers. It is inevitable to put down your body to attract customers."

Kanjuro had a bad feeling, but still comforted Kinemon.

"Yes, you are right. How could Ahe abandon me?"

Kinemon muttered to himself, seemingly answering Kanjuro, but more like comforting himself.

Although you can see the store in operation from this distance, you can only see it. You can't hear what is being said inside.

At the same time, in the shop ahead, Ahe had packed up the things in the shop and was about to close the shop.

This is no longer the teahouse that it was for twenty years, but has been expanded and turned into an izakaya.

There is no doubt that Ahe alone cannot do this. She has no financial resources, and most of her original income was used to subsidize Kinemon and the others. The reason why this place is like this is because of another man - Poker.

Beast Pirates numbered person - Serial NO.43.

"Ahe, have you packed my things for me? I may not come back during this period."

"It's packed up, are there any new actions?"

"Same as usual, except this time the movement is a little louder, and all the cadres have received transfer orders. Your business has been pretty good these two days, right?"

"It's not bad. There are quite a few new people coming to Ghost Island who come here because of its reputation."

"Definitely, the person responsible for hosting them during their visit to Wano Country was on the same boat as me before. He will still give me this face."

There seems to be nothing special about Poker and Ahe's words. This is because they have been together for five years.

Yes, it was only five years. After Kinemon and the others disappeared, Ahe did not abandon him immediately, but continued to persist for fifteen years. During this time, Ahe had been waiting for Kin'emon. Hope to see a miracle.

In the past fifteen years, she has also witnessed the development and changes of Wano Country as a witness.

Within the towering walls of Wano Country, the development of various regions has long been stagnant. Kuri was once a chaotic zone in Wano Country. It was because Oden used force to stop this chaos and redeveloped Kuri that he was conquered by Wano Country. people sing praises.

Of course, the Black Carbon Orochi and Kaido of the original timeline played a great role here. If their destructive development had not completely disregarded the life and death of others, they would not have set off Wano Country so well in the past.

However, the scene now is completely different, Arceus' development is much stronger than theirs.

A wide road crosses Wano Country, connecting several areas of Wano Country. Tall telegraph poles and cement lamp posts are also built on both sides. These seemingly inconspicuous facilities make people marvel at the power of human beings. civilization.

The electric energy generated by the Electric Shock Monsters and the Meli Sheep tribe is transmitted to all parts of Wano through special converters. Rotom also lives in the electric current and moves at high speed.

Starting along the road, it seems that all Pokémon have changed. In addition to the original quarry, several factories have sprung up in the Rabbit Bowl area.

The double bomb gas in the form of Galar absorbs the waste gas in the sky, and the Alolan stinking mud decomposes the toxic residues, turning the pollution in the factory into nutrients.

Continuing along the road, you will reach Baimai, where high-end residential areas and offices are gathered together, as well as a bustling commercial street that is not inferior to the Flower City.

In addition to the crowd, this is also a place where Pokémon gather. Groups of Pokémon have already integrated into the crowd and become an integral part of this place.

Here you can see auspicious eggs waving their arms to bargain with vendors, you can see Squirtle training the accuracy of his water gun, and you can even see Wei Li exercising while carrying a lot of heavy objects.

Dragon dragons occasionally receive some packaged packages and send them to various parts of the world, and occasionally a group of strange sick patients appear in the Pokémon Center.

These Pokémon are an important part of today's Wano Country, but they are not all of them. Pokémon can be seen in the sky and deep underground.

The investment of resources by the beasts made this area become the new center of Wano. Although the general's residence and economic center are in the Flower Capital, Baiwu was the first area to receive orders from Onigashima.

As a result, the local people have enjoyed this prosperous life, and in the center of Baiwu there is a building with a relatively simple style, but no one knows it.

This is the monastery of the Arceus Sect. The huge Chienzu Arms on the roof stand high no matter how windy or rainy it is, and it has long become a symbol of this place.

For today's Wano country, religious belief has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

Along the side of the monastery, a small stream flows. The water is crystal clear. The pebbles on the river bed shine with the reflection of sunlight. These intertwined stones sway gently with the water.

Walking along the stream, when traces of ice appeared on the stream, we arrived at Linghou. It still maintains the appearance of snow all year round. In order to prevent the houses from being crushed by the heavy snow, the houses here have a certain curvature. .

But since the beasts took charge here, Ling has never suffered from frostbite. The large charcoal trucks are shaking their bodies to transport coal. Occasionally, you can see the snow monsters climbing down from the vine mountains here. .

Following the footprints left by the snow monster upstream, you will see the City of Flowers in front of you. The towering Vine Mountain is now the holy land, and the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds flying in the clouds are also overlooking this land.

Finally, after crossing the vast grassland of Ximei, our eyes returned to Jiuli.

As long as they don't raise the banner to oppose the beasts, the beasts will not take any action, and the lives of the local people will not be affected. They just experience the convenience brought by the beasts, so the new generation of talents will respect the beasts more.

Affected by Kinemon, Ahe did not accept the existence of the beasts at first. However, as other people's lives improved, more and more people started small businesses. Under the competition, Ahe's own tea stall business It also gradually declined.

Originally, Ah He was working part-time as a rural doctor, but with the rise of the Pokémon Center, informal doctors like her gradually lost their market. Of course, she was free to see doctors on a voluntary basis and never charged fees. .

Originally she was able to persevere, and she had lived through poverty. However, during this period of time, the people around her gradually became a supporter of the Beasts, and under the influence of the general environment, she gradually began to waver.

"Ahe, that man is dead a long time ago. You have been waiting for him for 15 years. As long as he is still alive, he should reveal some information to you, right?

The country of Wano under the leadership of General Hiyori has also developed well. Lord Meio protects the safety of Wano. Lord Kami has made this place look brand new. Don't always think about those things. "

"You have done your best in 15 years, and you have no children. Do you still want to die alone like this?"

It is a fact that the country of Wano is developing for the better, so people living here will persuade Ahe with a "for your own good" mentality.

When she was surrounded by this voice, her heart gradually began to waver. After all, the beasts in this timeline were developing in the country of Ganghe. Finally, Ahe came up with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and five years later, a new beast appeared. family.

Poker is also a type of people who are willing to try to make a living. In the end, with the help of some local people who have already formed families with people from Baishou, they came together.

Just like in the past, companions on a boat would help divert traffic to poker families. With this help, the newly built izakaya quickly developed and became a well-known store.

And poker is a completely different type from the original Kinemon. He just needs to have a peaceful rest when he returns to his home, and someone can help him take care of the trivial matters in life.

Poker's own career will not only bring no trouble to Ahe, but will also help support the family.

A few dozen years ago, poker was also followed by Mandfish, and it was considered to be influenced by this big brother.

"Is there going to be another war?"

"What are you talking about? I'm a pirate. It's too early to settle down. Brother Manderfesh has worked so hard and he hasn't retired yet.

Don't worry, even if I die outside, the pension will be enough for your future life. "

"That's not what I meant. I meant that you have to pay attention to safety and come back alive."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are invincible, the beasts will not lose. Get some rest early, I will leave first."

Picking up the package that Ahe had packed, Poker walked out of the izakaya and walked towards Onigashima alone.


An unusual sound attracted Poker's attention, but since this was the country of Wano, Poker didn't take it too seriously and just regarded it as a wild cat.

After a long time, when Poker's figure had disappeared, there was another movement in the grass in the distance.

"Let me go! Let me go, you three! I'm going to kill that guy! Don't stop me. Ugh."

He was still suspicious just now, but Kin'emon just saw Poker being kissed when he left. This made Kin'emon unable to bear it anymore, but before he could take action, Brooke and Kanjuro held him down. .

Due to the limitations of the painting, Chopper did not change his form. He just blocked Kin'emon's mouth for them, preventing him from attracting the attention of passers-by at night.

"Kin'emon-dono, I don't think you can beat him. There is no point in doing this except exposing yourself. I think you should calm down."

Brooke has never been to Wano Country, but when he was working at Baiju Fruit, he had seen numbered people taking action. Judging from Kinemon's current performance, he was no match for someone with this number.

"Kin'emon, think about Oden-sama, why have you worked so hard for so long? Have you forgotten all about it?

Raizo was caught trying to cover us, and Momonosuke-sama is still suffering. Do you want to expose yourself for such a thing? "

When the names of Oden and Momonosuke reached Kin'emon's ears, his fingers had already been deeply dug into the earth, and his mind was constantly recalling the past.

In the days when he got along with Ahe, the scenes of Poker and Ahe coming into contact took turns appearing in his mind. Although his body no longer struggled, the soil under his hands was completely compacted.

"For Oden-sama. All for Oden-sama"

Kinemon kept hypnotizing himself, trying to make himself give up his angry thoughts.

"Ahe must have been forced. It's all the fault of those pirates from the Hundred Beasts. Ahe must still love me."

After a series of brainwashing, Kinemon seemed to believe his words and stood up calmly, but it also changed their original itinerary. They did not continue to Ahe's shop.

The reason Kinemon gave was that he didn't want to embarrass Kazuru, but everyone else could see that Kinemon was afraid of facing reality, but they just didn't expose him.

In the Kuri Mountain Forest, Kanjuro lit a bonfire using the flames he drew, thinking about what to do next.

Originally, he wanted to continue to fool the Straw Hats and let them attract the attention of the beasts, but an accident happened first at Kinemon.

Although Chopper ate the Renren Fruit, his body is still a reindeer. In extreme cases, he can survive as long as there are grass and leaves. For Brook, food is not a necessity, and Kanjuro is eating the cabbage he drew.

Kinemon disappeared.

"Um, did Kinemon go to the toilet for too long? Is it really okay that he hasn't come back for so long? I saw some herbs that can treat diarrhea nearby."

Chopper's words interrupted Kanjuro's thinking. Looking at the empty place aside, Kanjuro suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Could it be that guy from Kinemon?"

Running in the direction Kin'emon just left, Kanjuro did not find Kin'emon.

"Oops, Kinemon is looking for the pirate from Hyakju!"

In an instant, Kanjuro understood what he was doing. It seemed that he couldn't bear it at all. When things happened to him, Kin'emon finally broke through.

He even disguised himself in order not to let them stop him.


"In other words, are we going to be exposed?"

The wild fruit Chopper had just found fell to the ground. As long as Kinemon made an attack, whether he knocked down Poker or was killed by Poker, it meant that the beasts would respond.

Kanjuro's mood was even worse than Chopper, after all, Kin'emon's impulsiveness might destroy their last hope.

"Let's go, we have to catch up, we can't let Kin'emon have any problems."

After thinking for a while, Kanjuro made the decision to pursue him and chased him roughly in the direction Poker had left.

Chopper and Brooke looked at each other and had no choice but to follow them. After all, they were just grasshoppers on a rope, and it was impossible to survive alone.

At the same time, Kinemon was running wildly on the mountain path. He knew that Kanjuro would definitely stop him in order not to be exposed, so he used the urine escape to act without authorization.

"You can sneak attack him, he will definitely not think that anyone would do this.

Kanjuro can paint his skin, and even disguise himself as him after killing him, he might be able to sneak into the rabbit bowl and rescue Momonosuke-sama.

And if you kill him, Ahe can come back to me."

Kinemon was thinking about his plan while running, and gradually came up with a plan of action that he thought was perfect.

"The direction to Ghost Island is here. We will definitely block him here."

Kinemon's influence in the green halo seemed to have exploded with potential, and he simply surpassed the poker with luggage and came to his only path.

Although most of his brain evaporated, it was not completely gone. Kinemon used his power to get himself a hood before hiding in a nearby tree. Not long after, Poker's figure arrived as expected.

"Get closer, get closer. Now, suffer death!"

Kinemon jumped down from the tree, ignited fox fire with both swords in his hands, and slashed at Poker's head.


Kin'emon's inevitable blow failed. The blade was only one punch away from Poker's head, but it could not fall no matter what. A tail had blocked Kin'emon's weapon.

Although Poker did not turn around at this time, the legs of his lower body had turned into a snake's tail, with a sharp bone blade at the end.

It was this tail that blocked Kinemon's attack.

"I said, who taught you to shout loudly when making a sneak attack?"

Two red fangs extended from the corners of Poker's mouth, and there were some golden lines on his body. A cloud of poisonous mist was brewing in his mouth.

When he said those words, a cloud of poisonous mist was spit out towards Kinemon as he turned around.

It's a bit wilted today.

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