Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1334 Kaido’s Class and Arceus’ Face

"Brother Kaido has started again. This kid is really lucky."

"He actually asked Governor Kaido to come here specially. Is there anything special about this kid?"

With Kaido's voice, the entire prison area heard what he just said. For the pirates who had already joined the Hundred Beasts, they were just envious and curious about it.

Kaido's vision is getting higher and higher now. Not to mention picking up children outside, even the number of personal recruitments is pitiful. At this point, the number of people who can be recruited by Kaido himself has become very few.

Looking at the entire pirate group, all those brought back by Kaido were high-ranking cadres.

"Hmph, you two don't know the Governor well enough. He didn't become interested because of that brat. He came here just because of that Heracross."

Quinn had already pulled Babanuki's chair and sat aside. Although it was a little small, he could still squeeze in, and Quinn used his own understanding to define Kaido's behavior.

As a person who was beaten every day, he was sure that even Jhin, the so-called right-hand man, didn't understand Kaido as well as he did.

After all, Jhin only needs to do what Kaido arranges, and he himself needs to figure out Kaido's mood and preferences, so as to avoid the crazy Kaido from persecuting him.

"But Brother Quinn, there are many Pokémon in Wano. Governor Kaido doesn't need to care about this one."

"I remember that Miss Uta also had a Heracross beside her. That one seemed to have a better luster."

The pirates around him still didn't understand Quinn's thoughts, which also aroused Quinn's dislike.

"That's why I said, your brains are always not enough. No matter what that girl Utana says, she is still working under Tezolo, and taking risks has nothing to do with her.

This one is different. Looking at them like this, they may have been together since they went to sea.

There are countless new people every year. Among other things, there are many kid from the extremely evil generation here, right?

People who can travel to the new world from all over the world have some ability, and being able to follow Heracross is the source of Brother Kaido's interest.

It's not difficult to kill that brat, but what's difficult is how to deal with that Heracross. In other words, do you want to see Lord Arceus angry? "

After hearing this, the pirates fell silent. Compared to Kaido, who had an erratic personality every day, the angry Arceus seemed more terrifying.

"It's not entirely correct to say that I'm taking care of that Heracross. After all, the root problem is that creatures like Pokémon were created by Lord Arceus."

After changing his position, Quinn took out a fan from his pocket. Kaido even came here in person. If something happens again, the Beasts Pirates should disband on the spot.

"You are right, only Lord Arceus can make Governor Kaido think rationally."

"The eldest lady can do it sometimes, but she's a bit casual. Ms. Quinn is still the best. You can see it."

"Okay, why don't you two even know how to praise people? Such blunt praise is meaningless. It seems that you haven't learned anything useful from Babanuki.

This is the power of Master Arceus. Even some kid who is new to the sea can get a little light. This kid is indeed lucky enough. "

The compliments from his subordinates did not make Quinn feel happy. Perhaps it was because they had been in prison for a long time. These two subordinates did not have Apu's ability to observe people's emotions, nor could they flatter him.

However, when Quinn lamented Luffy's good luck, what Luffy did shocked Quinn, and the fan in his hand fell to the ground.

"Why should I fly your flag! I didn't say I wanted to join you! Drunk uncle!"

The whispers in the Rabbit Bowl disappeared almost in an instant. Both the pirates of the beasts and the prisoners detained here were frightened by Luffy's words.

"That guy just rejected Governor Kaido?"

"You still call Governor Kaido a drunkard uncle?"

All this seemed a bit dreamy to them, and they instinctively confirmed among their companions that this outrageous thing was real.

"Brother Quinn, what do you think of Brother Quinn?!"

The people who were still around Quinn wanted to ask Quinn what he thought about this matter, but the original chair had already become empty. Quinn had already ran to a prison made of seastone and ordered the jailer to Open the door and shut yourself in.

"Master Quinn, what are you doing?"

"The house in Hailoushi is relatively strong. I suggest you find a place to hide now, or see you at the Pokémon Center later."

Finding cover has become one of Quinn's instincts. If it were Kaido under normal circumstances, Kaido would definitely be able to handle this without much movement. The problem is that Kaido is drunk now, so what happens next? Everything is uncontrollable.

" I was rejected again, it's really sad."

Things were just as Quinn expected. Kaido, who had just made an emergency landing in the Rabbit Bowl, had already released his transformation state. He was lying on his side on the ground in human form, with two tears actually flowing out of the corners of his eyes.

"It's over. It's over. I'm sad after drinking. Is Governor Kaido playing so big this time?"

While muttering to himself, Quinn frantically clicked on Rotom, and the information hit Yamato like a bomb.

【Miss! Help, Brother Kaido is having convulsions again! ! ! 】

[Can’t you run? What are you doing to me for this kind of thing? Do you still want to support me? ! 】

[No, according to my understanding of the Governor, escaping at this time will attract his attention, and he will settle the account later. Help! 】

[So you want to trick me into attracting firepower? dream! 】

Yamato simply hung up on Rotom and blocked Quinn directly, leaving Quinn helpless and panicking.

And Luffy's little brain left didn't know what was going on. He had seen Kaido twice, but that was only when Kaido was fighting with others. This time was his true face-to-face. To Kaido.

Looking at the crazy Kaido, Kidd felt a layer of haze in his heart. Kaido's appearance was almost exactly the same as when Apu and Hawkins deceived him. After that, Kaido was wiped out with just one blow. Kidd's pirate group.

"Hey, let's run out of here quickly. I feel like he's in danger."


"Can't escape? Yes, he seems to be able to fly, but why do you say that?"

Now Helu faces a very difficult decision. He knows that Luffy is not someone who would choose to join others at will, but the beasts are absolutely invincible to Luffy. After all, his creator is here.

Even though he had been mentally prepared before, Helu was still a little panicked when the incident came to pass.

But someone used his body to provide an answer for Heluo.

"Me! I'm willing to join you! Don't worry about that fool in the straw hat, I'm much better than him! Give me a chance, Lord Kaido!! Don't cry there, I'm more useful than him!"

Some people in the quarry seemed to have changed their minds and wanted to join the Beasts, but he chose the wrong time.

"Who are you? He's so noisy."

Zila Zila

Electricity surrounded Kaido's palm, and finally condensed into a golden electric ball, which Kaido aimed at the person who had just disturbed his rest.


The energy of thunder and lightning exploded in the prison, and the dissipated electric current caused great misfortune to the prisoners nearby.

However, no one shouted in fear because of this. Instead, they all blocked their mouths in fear, lest they attract Kaido's attention and become the next victim.

The dark unknown object inside said everything. Even if he was lying on the ground, the accuracy of Kaido's throwing attacks was not affected.

On Onigashima, Kaido would show some restraint and would not fly randomly over residential areas, but this was a prison, not a normal orderly area.

The person who can control Kaido is not here. Even the fire attractor is trying its best to reduce his sense of existence. Of course, Kaido will no longer control himself.

"It's quiet now. Hey, kid, I didn't hear what you just said. Please say it again."

"I said...I don't want to join you!!!"

Only Luffy took this sentence seriously, took a breath, and then shouted it loudly again.

Don't join. Join. Join. Join.

The Rabbit Bowl Quarry is a ring as a whole. Under Luffy's loud voice, these words even echoed, resounding in the sky above the Rabbit Bowl.

"Very good. Then I can deal with you with the same attitude as dealing with intruders. Hiccup."

Even if he had seen Kaido attack before, the distance was relatively far away. Seeing Kaido's attack at this distance was even more intimidating. At this time, Luffy seemed to have forgotten that he was not afraid of electricity, and held it carefully. fist.

It's just that Kaido's reaction was different from what Luffy thought. So far, Kaido was still sitting on the ground. When he used the mace to support himself to stand up, not only did he fail to stabilize his body, but It was swaying from side to side because its center of gravity was unstable.

Tap, tap, tap, boom!

"Did the red-haired boy give me fake wine? The strength of this wine is not right."

Kaido put all the problems on Shanks, completely ignoring the fact that he drank up a year's worth of wine in half a day. After trying again, Kaido finally stood up, but this time , Luffy has made his decision.

If you don’t want to join or surrender, then you can only fight first and then talk.


Taking a deep breath, Luffy bit his finger, blowing a large amount of gas into his body.

The arms became huge when filled with gas, and armed domineering energy wrapped around the arms.

"Rubber. Elephant gun!!"

A fist the size of a giant clan hit Kaido's face. Kaido, who was already unsteady on his feet, fell to the ground again. Luffy did not stop because of this, but continued to wave his fist.

"Rubber elephant gun shooting!"

Huge fists hit Kaido one after another. During the punching process, red steam began to emit from Luffy's body, and even the speed of his fists continued to increase.

I don't know how many fists were thrown, and even a big pit appeared on the ground of the Rabbit Bowl, but Luffy suddenly couldn't take back his fist. Looking closely, Kaido had caught his wrist at some point.

Except for a lot of dust on his clothes and hair, his body did not appear to have been attacked at all.

"Accelerate blood flow and increase speed and strength? It's a bit like that girl Iska, but kid, this won't work."

"Rubber Giant Seal!"

After his arm was caught, Luffy controlled the gas condensed in his fist to transfer to his leg, and flew forward along with Kaido's pulling force, kicked Kaido on the chest, and used the counter-shock to With his strength, he pulled his arm out of Kaido's hand.

"Rubber Grizzly Gun!"

Using both fists, Luffy struck Kaido with both hands at the same time. Under a series of fierce attacks, the ground under Kaido's feet gradually collapsed.

This is a quarry, but it is not filled with hard seastones everywhere. There are also a lot of ordinary soil and rocks. With the collection over the years, even with the restoration of rock-type Pokémon, it is inevitable that there will still appear underground. Potholes.

These many collapses are caused by this kind of thing.

"Mhahahaha, great, great!"

"Brother Quinn, you don't want to rebel, do you?"

Babanuki on the side wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and questioned Quinn's inexplicable laughter. He just didn't help when his boss was beaten, but he laughed out loud. How could this be abnormal?

"What are you talking about? Am I crazy for rebelling at this time? I'm just happy. This kid has perfect sandbag potential. Can I not be happy?!"

Kaido didn't kill Luffy with a single move, which shows that Kaido has not lost interest in him. I am afraid that in addition to Pokémon, he is also a little interested in Luffy himself, and Luffy fights so hard, he must be able to attract Kaido More attention.

Maybe I will be liberated by this.

At the same time, a series of attacks made Luffy take a few breaths, but his efforts had no effect.

"Is it just these two moments? I haven't sobered up yet. If this is all, then you are of no use."

With a flash of anger in his eyes, Kaido appeared in front of Luffy unscathed, his patience still wearing thin.

"Are you a monster?! How can you beat me like this and nothing happens!"

"Monster? Hahaha, that's a good comment. I remember you punched like this just now. You should do that!"

Kaido threw the mace high into the air, and then struck it forward with both hands.

After drunkenly stealing the teacher, Kaido took just a few seconds to move over all the things that Luffy had spent two years practicing from Rayleigh, completing his on-site teaching.


Luffy's abdomen rolled. Before he could see Kaido clearly, he was directly knocked away by Kaido with the "Upgraded Grizzly Gun", and the mace he threw landed on the ground just at this time, and hit the ground accurately. Kaido picked it up without any mistake.

"Hey, Heracross, go and persuade this brat. For the sake of the person who created you, I don't want to embarrass myself too much. After all, he can't even make me sober up. If he continues to fight, he won't be able to make me sober." Looks good.”

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