Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1348 The three disasters have begun, and the three emperors are gradually approaching

"Uh-huh-huh, Jack did a pretty good job. It really exceeded my expectations."

[The Beast Pirates are responsible for this attack]

The note Jack left on the front page of the newspaper is very eye-catching.

If it were any other pirate, his first reaction after doing something like this would definitely be to run away. Jack's behavior of leaving a note deliberately for fear that the other party would not know that he did it is undoubtedly a slap in the navy's face.

Because the person who did this was Jack, the level of ridicule was even higher. After all, Jack usually gave people the impression of being rough and crazy. The behavior of such a person would have a greater impact on those who think they are wise generals.

They often use the most direct way to break other people's sophisticated arrangements.

And this method will also cause trouble for those who are setting up defenses.

The more simple something develops to the point where it cannot be handled, the more difficult it is to deal with. For example, the attack of the fish-men tribe, everyone knows the way of their attack.

Lurking in the deep sea, looking for opportunities to launch attacks, but this is a problem for the world government.

Unless a general-level figure is personally escorted, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

In the past, the fish-men were peaceful and peaceful, and occasionally some radicals were eliminated. This made the world government look down on the fish-men more and more. It was not until the fish-men island completely overturned the table that they realized the terror of this aquatic race.

"But it's really a waste for Morgans to be a reporter. He can even get this kind of information. I'm a bit underestimating him."

Chikang had just been attacked by Jack, and Morgans could get the news just by turning his head. This kind of efficiency even Kaido admired, this group of part-time photographers was the strongest intelligence organization on the sea.

"Governor, everything is almost ready, the communication channel is ready."

The royal king came skipping in, and many capable cadres had been sent out. He, Kaido's secretary, finally had another chance to work.

"It's been so many years. This war, please don't let me down. It's time to have enough fun, and then it's time to get down to business."

Clenching his fists, Kaido had an unconcealable smile on his face. After receiving the microphone from the royalist, Kaido's heroic voice immediately spread throughout Wano.

"Boys! The war is about to begin!"

Meanwhile, Morgans's newspapers had spread the news around the world, causing a wave of panic.

The Red Harbor under Mariejoia and the former Marine headquarters of Marineland are considered by most of the citizens of the participating countries to be the safest places in the world.

Now that even places like this are being attacked by pirates, where else is safe?

After the news spread, in less than an hour, all kinds of people gathered at the port.

Rich businessmen, nobles, and even staff of the World Government all want to leave the island as soon as possible.

Both Malinfando and Chigang are too close to here. In order not to be affected, they all want to go to a rural place as soon as possible to escape the storm.

Come back after the pirates are wiped out.

This kind of thing has happened before, and the navy will always be the final winner, whether it is Roger who completed a full circle around the Grand Route or the golden lion who single-handedly broke into the navy headquarters.

Countless powerful pirates have been born on the sea, but they were ultimately defeated by the navy.

The port suddenly became extremely panicked. There were scoldings, curses, cries, and begging. The many ugliness of human nature were vividly displayed at this moment.

"For those who don't know, you would think that the pirates have already arrived here. As for scaring them into being like this?"

"Who knows, maybe they think their lives are more precious. I think this is good. Those nobles were scared away, and the Tianlong people didn't dare to come out.

As for pirates, there are usually quite a few pirates here. "

"What you said seems to make sense."

In the slums of the Chambord Islands, the residents here just sat and watched all the changes without any emotional fluctuations themselves. It was obviously the same island, but it seemed like it was separated into two worlds.

"Raleigh, did you see the newspaper?"

Xia Qi's rip-off bar, Xia Qi brought the newspaper in front of Lei Li.

The population auction house run by Doflamingo collapsed long ago, but after that, a new auction house quickly appeared, and Rayleigh also started his own business, auctioning himself.

The owner of the auction house had just run away, so Rayleigh unlocked the door and ran back.

"See, Kaido really made a big move."

"They moved New Fish-Man Island and Nine Snake Island before. After Fish-Man Island declared its separation from the World Government, they started attacking the Draco transport ships. Now they have done this again. You don't think they are just scaring people. Bar?"

"How is it possible, Kaido? This guy advocates war.

Golden Lion, White Beard, John, Wang Zhi, and the old guys retired one by one. The original trainee turned into a monster more terrifying than Rocks.

His goal won't be that simple, this kind of thing is just a prelude.

A new era is coming again. "

"What, are you missing the past?"

The women's cigarette in Xia Qi's hand kept burning, but Reilly remained silent. The rum liquid reflected the lights in the bar. Even Xia Qi didn't know what Reilly was thinking about now.

"Maybe Roger, is the current situation what you want to see?"

The young figure wearing a straw hat appeared in Rayleigh's memory again, but he could no longer respond to him.

Marie Joa and the Five Old Stars naturally received this information. After all, what just happened was right under their feet.

"Undersea creatures like the fishmen are really troublesome."

"It's harmless. This further proves that our decision is correct. Do they really think that one pirate can change the world? When all beasts disappear from this world, this race will regret what they have done."

"No, they have no chance to regret. There is no reason for a race that has committed serious crimes to continue to exist and offend the majesty of God. The only fate waiting for them is to disappear."

Wu Laoxing didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior, nor did he think he oppressed the fishmen too harshly. He didn't even think it was wrong for Charros to capture Bai Xing as a slave in public.

"It was also a mistake. Maybe it was a mistake to agree to change them from fish to humans."

Nasushiro added one last sentence, and then continued: "If it weren't for the existence of Neptune, this race would have disappeared from history long ago.

Your thoughts are too much. If this race disappears, the madness of the super-large Neptune class will destroy the sea. "

"Indeed, Green Gu has already set off. It is reasonable for him to do that. It is time for us to set off. The navy alone is no longer enough to deal with the situation at hand."

Sartan agreed with Nasshouro's statement, and then walked towards the outside world with his crutch.

"Has Sakaski's action begun? Although his face doesn't matter, this is indeed a pretty good plan."

"Report, we have arrived at the predetermined location, but the target island has not been found!"

The vanguard of the navy had already arrived at the estimated battlefield. According to their records, there should be an island in front of them, not an empty sea.

"Enemy ship found! Why did they get behind us!! Open fire!!"

"Enemy attack, open fire!!"

boom! boom! boom!


The artillery on the ship was roaring, and even the pacifists fired lasers at the enemy, but after a burst of roar, the navy was dumbfounded.

Broken ship fragments are floating on the sea, and the heavily damaged warships are sinking. This is not a big deal. It is normal to suffer damage in war.

The problem is, there are only the remains of warships here, and from beginning to end, they were only attacking their own people.

"Cease-fire! Cease-fire! The intelligence is wrong. The one stationed here is not Kaido II, but Phantom Disaster! We have entered her illusion field!!"

The warship realized that something was wrong and wanted to cease fire, but it was too late. The sea surface where there was no object suddenly tore off its own invisibility curtain, and high-intensity artillery fire bombarded the warship.

After a burst of barrages, the sea was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke. The navy's reconnaissance attack in this direction failed, and all participating ships were annihilated.

"It's really a bad start. Fire disasters and droughts are attacking the outside world, and the phantom disaster is stationed here. So where is the most dangerous epidemic?"

In the frontline headquarters, He looked at the information in his hands with an ugly expression. The beasts' sudden "defence change" broke their plan. At this time, He even felt that all the navy's actions were controlled by the other side.

In fact, the beasts have only been partially mastered. Olga came here to change defenses to clean things up. After all, after the relocation of Nine Snakes Island, the contact time between her and Hancock increased sharply, and sometimes she felt noisy.

On the other hand, Manderfish went back to Ghost Island to visit relatives. In a sense, this reflects Manderfish's luck. A simple defensive maneuver ultimately led to the failure of the naval operation.

"There is really no chance to breathe. The attack on this route is temporarily suspended. I have to go there myself, old lady."

"Lieutenant General He, the war has just begun, are you about to go to the front line?"

"Otherwise, that ability is not something you can deal with. Remember to pay attention to Disaster Quinn's movements later on. That guy is too much of a threat on the battlefield, even more troublesome than Phantom Disaster."

Three of the four major disasters have appeared, and He doesn't believe that Quinn will do nothing.

If ranked by individual strength, Jhin is the greatest threat, but in a large-scale war, Olga and Quinn are the most dangerous.

An illusion that can make the navy indistinguishable from friends and foes, but it can be restrained. Whether it is He's own ability or the general-level AOE, it can break this illusion. However, the general now has a mission, and He has no choice but to do it again. Off to the front lines for action.

What's even more difficult is Quinn. If he can't take precautions in advance, Quinn alone will paralyze the entire fleet.

At the same time, in the waters of Totland, the navy's fleet began to take action, heading straight for Cake Island with a sharp sword.

On the surface, the Alliance of Beasts is a trident, but both the navy and the world government know one thing very well: the force of this trident is not balanced.

As the strongest spearhead, Baiju has the most terrifying strength, and the other two pirate groups are much inferior to Baiju.

Judging from the abilities of these sea emperors, taking the initiative to attack their territory does have to pay a high price, especially the base camp of the beasts is the same as the Iron Barrel Formation.

Therefore, the first targets to attack are the Big Mom Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates. Under the current definition of the Navy, these two pirate groups are the wings of the beasts.

If the beasts have no reinforcements, then take the opportunity to remove their wings. If the beasts support them, surround the point for reinforcements or directly attack the base camp after the opponent's troops are mobilized. These are all options for the navy.

Olga's naval fleet was blocked, but Big Mom's navy was marching straight in.

"Mom! The navy is coming! There are ten warships in the vanguard, and they look more terrifying than the Demon-Slaying Order!"

On Cake Island, the original peaceful atmosphere was broken. Ever since BIG·MOM participated in the alliance, the people of the BIG·MOM Pirates were in an extremely good mood.

Because Charlotte Lingling has never had an attack of cerexia, this is good news from heaven to them, and the biggest hidden danger on Cake Island has just disappeared.

"Huh? Did they finally take action?"

"Yes, Mom, the navy has entered our territorial waters, and it looks like it is heading straight to Cake Island."

Perospero answered Charlotte Lingling's questions carefully. Sometimes, he still missed Charlotte Lingling before. After all, her mental state was unstable at that time and she was relatively easy to fool.

But now Charlotte Lingling has entered a sober state, and has even regained the shrewdness of her youth. Although she does not have to worry about her life being taken away by her out-of-control, the punishment after making a mistake has become more severe.

However, Charlotte Lingling didn't care about this problem. Instead, she was a little angry at the navy.

"Well~ Well, it seems like these guys are going to use me as a breakthrough point. I'm really being underestimated.

It's exactly what that brat Kaido said, the war is coming.

Perospero, call your adult brothers and sisters. These marines seem to have forgotten that I am the oldest person in this pirate alliance!

Zeus! "

"Mom! Wait!"

Before Perospero finished speaking, Charlotte Lingling stepped on Zeus's back and flew away, looking like she was going to be the first to rush to the battlefield.

At the same time, Shanks had just defeated a group of insignificant enemies. The Bator Club's ship had sunk and the flag was shattered into pieces. This was the price for burning his pirate flag.

If Bartolomeo hadn't joined the Straw Hats and become an affiliated force of the Straw Hats, they would never have survived in the hands of the red hair.

It was at this time that the red-haired man received a new message

"Big boss! It's Dongli's call! There seems to be something new about Elbaf!"

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