Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1355 The Charlotte family, the strongest female pirate ever

Perospero stood at the bow of the ship, waving the candy cane in his hand to give orders, and behind him were various ships.

Compared with the navy's standard warships, the Big Mom Pirates' fleet is a little more messy, but overall it is still a large army characterized by its appearance of food.

The army composed of Homiz was at the front. These Homiz all came from Charlotte Lingling's abilities and were consumables that did not require death.

Once the current war situation expands, the entire sea area will become a millstone of flesh and blood, and ordinary people will become numbers here. Only when the top combat forces decide the winner, will this war come to an end.

Although Homiz will feel fear, it is much better than risking his own life.

"The castle fires! The knights prepare their bows and arrows, and the soldiers prepare for close combat! Mom will deal with the strongest enemy, and the rest are our opponents!"

The chess legion of the Big Mom Pirates has formed different camps according to the types of chess. Now they have all arrived at their respective posts. In front of the pirate ship, you can still see countless Charlotte Crackers. Cookie soldiers made.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, these were countless Crackers, so much so that news about the general stars was reported one after another.

Sometimes the Navy's intelligence department is extremely powerful, and sometimes it seems as if it has lost its mind. Cracker always protects himself in biscuit armor because he is afraid of pain.

For a long time, even the wanted order was so dignified that people couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Owen! It's almost done! If we continue, our ship won't be able to get through!"

The environment does not have a friendly force identification system, and the boiling sea is a player who attacks indiscriminately.

With a complete industrial system, the combat power of warships is generally stronger than that of pirate groups. Except for the Beasts, which can conduct long-distance artillery battles with the navy without suffering losses due to its developed military industry, other pirate groups are much inferior.

Boarding battle is the most suitable way for them to fight.

"I got it, Brother Perospero, Atami Banrai!"

Under Owen's control, the boiling sea water condensed into small scorching currents, attacking the warships in the distance. However, these warships all had bottoms reinforced with seastones, and Owen's attack was only averagely effective.

"Perospero, I leave it to you to control the battlefield."

"What are you going to do, Katakuri?"

"Of course I'm going to help mom, Fujitora and Kizaru. If the two of them attack me, it will be too bad for mom. Mom can never lose. You have to understand this."

Whether it is the navy or pirates, it is impossible to let their subordinates fight randomly. There must be someone who can take charge of the overall situation.

This person must have sufficient prestige, but his combat power cannot be too high, otherwise it will delay the battle on the battlefield. The beasts are an exception. Only their cadres can be rich enough to deal with various complex battlefields.

Katakuri, Smoothie, these cadres known as generals cannot watch from behind. Only Perospero, the eldest son, is the most suitable for this kind of thing.

"I understand, I'll leave it to you, mom."

Perospero mobilized the actions of the other pirates, but it was not very safe here. Quinn was hiding in the rear anyway, and frontline commanders like Perospero could not be said to be very safe.

At least the navy is now targeting him.

Although the ships of both sides have not yet come into contact, the strength of the navy's vice-admirals and the senior officers of the Big Mom Pirates have long been able to overcome the constraints of the terrain.

"Bai Man!"

Two wisps of white smoke flew from a distance. Relying on the power of the Smoke Fruit, Smoker had flown over Cocoa Island and stared at Perospero, who was directing the actions of others.

As a well-known 50-50 opponent among the navy, Smoker's biggest characteristic is that he can defeat anyone with two moves, but usually he can't defeat anyone. In the eyes of some people, Smoker is a natural-based lieutenant general. Might as well be a certain naval captain.

But prejudice will not prevent Smoker from obeying orders and fighting.

"Candy Shield!"

Perospero created a huge candy shield with a wave of his hand, blocking Smoker's attack. Other pirates were not polite to Smoker who was deep in the enemy's position, and many people had already targeted him.

"Devil's Thin Cut!"

Charlotte Dafu rubbed her waist repeatedly, and the blue lamp demon also slashed at Smoker with his sword. Several attacks shattered Smoker's body, but at this time, other marines had also arrived.

"Team Six-Shiki, charge with me! Kill all these pirates who are disrupting order!"

Dalmecia has brought a group of navy elites to Cocoa Island. If they can skillfully use the Sixth Form, they will not be ordinary members of the navy. These soldiers are already far ahead of ordinary soldiers.

Dalmecia, who had eaten the Dalmatian Fruit, had also entered the human-animal form. She rushed forward first, but was blocked by a lion with a turtle shell.

"The turtle that ate the cat fruit?"

"It's the lion who ate the turtle fruit!"

Pokomus spun his turtle shell and hit him. This was a move he learned from Squirtle at the fire station when he was on vacation on the ghost island. The hard turtle shell hit him like a cannonball while spinning at high speed. Dalmecia.

When Dalmecia received the impact from Pokomus, Baron Eggman also stabbed him from the side. Dalmecia relied on his rich combat experience to block Eggman with Pokomus' turtle shell. Egg Baron's blow.

"Fingergun·Dog Burst!"

Taking advantage of the gap in Baron Eggman's defense, Dalmecia stabbed Baron Eggman's chest with one finger, poking a big hole in his chest. Baron Eggman's body leaked a lot of egg liquid along the hole in his chest. The body also slowly fell down.

But Bokemusi didn't panic. After a while, Baron Eggman stood up again.

"It's time to start round two, okay."

The Egg Baron is a person who eats the Egg Fruit. After receiving a certain amount of damage, he will break out of his shell and be reborn into another form.

At this time, he was already Viscount Chicken, and he had stronger strength, and he and Pokmus attacked Dalmecia.

On the other side, Dafu's Djinn Demon cooperated with Perospero to surround Smoker. In the new world, it is impossible to get ahead by relying solely on the ability of the natural system. If you can't practice domineering, then the only role of elementalization is It just increases the hit area.

"Candy blockade! Dafu, take advantage of the moment! Dafu, what are you doing?!"

Perospero saw the opportunity and locked Smoker with a sealed sugar box, hoping that Dafu would give him a fatal blow, but Dafu's lamp demon stopped his movement and even struck him at once.

"It's not me, the lamp demon is out of control!"

"Hahaha, if there is only one, then let me use it."

At some point, there was an extra handle on the lamp demon god's back, and there was also an old lady-looking sailor on his back.

Lieutenant General of the G Branch of the Navy, Brugulath, is a superhuman rider with the ability to ride. His ability is that he can control the things he rides. The disadvantage is that he can ride one, and his combat power depends entirely on the mount.

Dafuku's lamp demon seemed to have met his nemesis. After Dafuku's ability "rebellion", Perospero fell into a disadvantage for a while, but it was quickly reversed by the addition of Kricker.

Troops from both sides continue to join, the battle situation is constantly changing, and the number of people involved in this part of the battlefield is gradually increasing.

"Hell Brigade!"

Fujitora waved the long sword in his hand, and a force of gravity pressed against Charlotte Lingling from above. However, this force could make ordinary people unable to move, and even the surface of the earth could be pressed out of abyss-like holes. The force placed on Charlotte ·Lingling seems to have some shortcomings.

Under the terrifying power, Charlotte Lingling still maintained her original fighting posture. Although she was occasionally hit by Kizaru, she was not greatly affected at all.

"Mom! Let me help you! Nuotuan stabs!"

Katakuri had already arrived at the area where Charlotte Lingling was fighting. The rice cake formed a spear and then stabbed Fujitora in the back.


Fujitora blocked Katakuri's sneak attack with a backhand sword, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his pale eyes.

"It's not a good idea to sneak up on a blind man like me."

"A blind man who can become an admiral, no matter how you think about it, is more dangerous than an able-bodied man, right? Cutting rice cakes!"

Katakuri's arm expanded with several spikes, spinning and hitting Fujitora like a mace. However, things did not develop as Katakuri predicted in the future. Even if he predicted Fujitora's reaction, Fujitora still made a new step of change.

For a blind man, seeing, hearing, and seeing is the greatest basis for free movement.

"Well~ well~, you are really my good son. The blind man is still a bit reluctant for you, but you only need to hold on for a while. I will help you after I deal with this flash kid."

"Yes, Mom!"

Katakuri shared part of the pressure for Charlotte Lingling, but in this battle, the pressure was also conserved. When Charlotte Lingling's pressure decreased, Kizaru's burden naturally became heavier.

However, the first person who couldn't hold on was not a certain person, but the warship they were fighting.

Fujitora, Kizaru, Charlotte Lingling, and Katakuri, the weakest among the four, all have the ability to destroy the warship group, let alone the aftermath of the battle.

Not only this ship, but also nearby ships suffered.

Although Kizaru can fly by his own ability without the help of external objects, Fujitora cannot. In a battle of this level, without a foothold, he cannot launch an attack that can affect Charlotte Lingling.

In addition, the navy continued to fall into the water under the influence of battles, and Fujitora also had new ideas of his own.

"That's not okay."

Seeing the soldiers who had lost their footing struggling in the ocean, Fujitora wanted to do something more. As a purple wave surrounded him, he aimed a powerful gravity field at the sea and launched it.


After a moment of silence, the sea began to boil. Under the influence of Fujitora's gravity and anti-gravity, the rocks under the sea undulated, and pillar-like things fell down in the sky.

These were prepared by the Navy for Fujitora in advance, allowing him to use this prop to establish a foothold anywhere.

Not long after, a small piece of land surfaced on the sea. Both the navy and pirates discovered the importance of this area and began to attack here, even these top combat forces were no exception.

"Looks like you need some help, Katakuri."

Temporarily separated from the battle with Kizaru, Charlotte Lingling also made a new decision. Since the return of Huang Quan, her soul power has been greatly replenished. Relatively, she can also do some things that she could not do before. .

Charlotte Lingling separated a small part of her own soul. She raised her hand and caught the air wave caused by the explosion in the distance. Charlotte Lingling then picked up a rock on the ground. , injecting the power of the Soul Soul Fruit into it.

"Come out, Cleos! Uriah!"

The air waves formed a slightly transparent Homiz with a serious expression, and a human face appeared on the rock.

Like Zeus and Prometheus, they are all powerful Homitz formed after the split of Charlotte Lingling's own soul. The stable spirit gives Charlotte Lingling a better foundation and can afford this kind of consumption. .

If she had used her abilities so unscrupulously in the past, not to mention her own pain, I am afraid she would have gone crazy first.

"Clios, Uriah, go help Katakuri."

"As you command, Mom."

Cleos's body continued to expand, and a strong wind blew out of its mouth, while Uriah condensed a boulder like a hill and smashed it at Fujitora.

Seeing Homiz, who symbolized "wind" and "earth", join the battle, Katakuri's mouth under his scarf also showed a long-lost smile.

"Mom has become stronger, and you marines are going to suffer!"

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