Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 136 The glory of the Carp King will spread all over the world

Above the sea, three battleships belonging to the Beast Pirates sailed in the sea, Kaido's Beast King, the newly built Arceus' Siyuan, and the last one was Quinn's Brachiosaurus.

Pirate ships are also an important source of firepower. For three years, the cadres each owned their own ships, but Jhin and Shaina's ships were left in the territories of other beasts and stationed on the island together with the left behind personnel. .

After the pirates became famous, there was no need to stay in the territory all the time. Whitebeard was still running around, but there were not many pirates who dared to attack his territory.

So as long as the basic troops that maintain daily order and can deal with general troubles are enough, it is not required that they can defeat all opponents, as long as they can send out information.

The reason why Quinn’s Brachiosaurus was launched is because Quinn’s ship has the largest tonnage and can carry more crew members. Shaina’s ship is mainly used when going out to find stone slabs, so the tonnage is not large. Pay more attention to speed and convenience, while Jhin's ship is relatively comprehensive.

Only Quinn deliberately increased the size of the ship in order to carry more things. At the same time, his Brachiosaurus is also used for business and warfare. It was his Brachiosaurus that was used when delivering goods to the BIG MOM pirates.

He came up with the name himself, and the reason is that this way he can hide his real ability and play tricks on the other party in an inadvertent place, although this has not played any role.

After a period of sailing, according to the eternal pointer left by Kurotan Muchan, the ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates has arrived in the waters near Wano Country, and they have also felt the changes here.

The waves are choppy and the wind is violent. Compared with the relatively calm sea area just now, the sea area environment here can only be described as harsh. There are still some stone pillars standing in the sea water, and some broken hulls can be seen at the root of the sea surface.

Wano's man-made terrain and the hostile sea outside are also one of the reasons why it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is also the reason why Wano's people seldom go out.

Most people in Wano country punted on inland seas and inland rivers. They have never experienced strong winds and waves. The biggest possibility of going to the open sea with their navigation skills is to directly capsize the boat.

Back then, Whitebeard encountered an accident here, so the ship could only be repaired in Wano Country.

The navigators on his ship are much better than those of Wano Country.

The clouds in the sky were distorted, and it seemed that there would be heavy rain falling at any moment. The navigator on the ship looked nervous and ordered the sailors on the ship to adjust the situation of the ship.

When sailing, they are the masters of the ship, and even the captain has to refer to their opinions.

But not everyone was so nervous, Yamato climbed more and more proficiently, she didn't have the nervousness of the pirates outside, she just felt that the dangling of the ship was very interesting.

She had been crawling around on the deck before, and the four lucky eggs had been running around behind her. As for Jack?

It was picked up by chance, as long as you don’t starve to death, the lucky eggs are mainly taking care of Yamato, and Jack is just doing it by hand.

As it got closer to Wano Country, the shaking of the ship became stronger and stronger, so Yamato was forcibly brought back into the cabin by four lucky eggs.

"Kaido, are you almost there?"

In order to prevent the ships from colliding with each other, the King of Beasts and the Siwon kept a certain distance, but Kaido was not on his ship, and even he and his daughter were on the Siwon now.

To be precise, except for Quinn staring at the newly cultivated saplings on the Brachiosaurus, the other cadres are here now.

"We'll be there soon, I've already contacted that old woman, and people from Wano Country are ahead.

At this time, unidentified creatures jumped up from time to time on both sides of the ship. At first, the people on board didn't notice them, but as the ship moved along the current, more and more of those creatures appeared, and they turned out to be giant carps.

"How do carp live in the sea?"

"Who knows, it's a new species, and normal carp won't be this big. Hey! Mandelfisch, look, these are your people!"

The other pirates joked unscrupulously. After all, Mandelfish's ability is the carp king. It is reasonable for ordinary carp to listen to the carp king.

These pirates didn't pay much attention to those carp, but Arceus was different, he suddenly had some ideas when he saw these carp.

The sea current here is very turbulent, even some sea fish cannot live in this kind of water current, but the carp, which should be freshwater fish, has evolved a huge size here and has strong physical strength.

First is Zeraola, then the Lucky Eggs. His current strength can support small-scale creation, but it is not suitable for large-scale creation. If you want to mass-produce a certain species, it is more suitable to transform.

He needs more eyeliners. These eyeliners may not necessarily be human beings. The previous Millennium Dragon is an example, but the number of Millennium Dragons is too small. Even if the leader asks his companions, he will have to wait for more than 20 years.

These tenacious carp are different.

The vitality is extremely tenacious. Who is the Pokémon that can survive in salt water or fresh water, sewage, or even puddles? It is the king carp.

There are distributions in various regions, and who is the fish that makes countless anglers have the biggest headache-it is the king carp.

Who is the Pokémon with extremely strong reproductive ability and can quickly expand the number of groups-or the carp king.

These carp kings that can live in the rapids filled the biggest weakness of ordinary carp kings, so Arceus began to observe the carp in the current, and finally he took a fancy to the most active carp.

Waves of power gushed out of his body, and finally entered the bodies of those carp kings.

There are two ways to transform animals. One is the ability given by the Millennium Dragon. While gaining the ability, they can also choose to change back. Otherwise, other Millennium Dragons will not recognize them after decades.

In this case, their children are still millennium dragons, and their power will not be inherited.

And this transformation is a permanent transformation, just like the two cows before, from now on they will always be big milk tanks and cannot be transformed back into ordinary cows.

This time Arceus transformed these carps for the same reason. After the transformation, their offspring will directly become carp kings, and are deeply influenced by Arceus.

After a period of time, these king carp will lay eggs, and the growth cycle of carp is very fast. At that time, the king carp will spread to the surrounding ocean with tenacious vitality, huge numbers, and strong physique inherited from native species.

They will go to the deep sea to find traces of stone slabs, and like the Millennium Dragon, they will return here every once in a while to report on their communication. This solves the problem that the beasts cannot explore the deep sea on a large scale.

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