Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1370 The unfortunate Green Bull and the even more unfortunate Quinn

"Hey, are you kidding? Without the Mega Stone and the power of the Grand Crystal, can Pokémon still evolve like this?!"

Evolution is the most mysterious power of Pokémon. Based on different situations, they can show different evolutionary forms, including but not limited to changing body shape, because the environment changes attributes, and can even change the state after death.

Galar Sun Coral was just an ordinary sun coral a long time ago, but the sun coral in this area was affected by meteorites that fell in the suburbs, and died due to rapid changes in the environment.

A few years later, these sun corals that died in ancient times appeared in front of humans in a new appearance.

People in the sea didn't know much about the evolution of Pokémon, and Beasts undoubtedly knew the most. Quinn was certain that Pokémon like Heracross had no natural evolution.

Even if it evolves, it will not look close to its human companions.

Although Heracross has a Mega form according to the special information supplemented by Arceus, the Pokémon that can Mega now are all those with powers given by Arceus.

The Mega-like evolution of this horned fairy obviously does not belong to the Mega category.

Bond evolution is relatively rare and is not part of the normal evolutionary chain. Moreover, when it comes to Pokémon, Arceus often acts as a riddle, leaving many mysteries for others to explore.

There are good and bad aspects to this. For example, Quinn didn't know back then that the spiny ammonite beast's character would develop in such a weird way. If he had known about this earlier, Quinn might have been able to prevent more backstabbing.

"This evolution. Quinn! Don't stay there in a daze. If you keep looking at it, then I will take action."

Shaina's physical strength is now very depleted and she is not suitable for high-intensity battles, but the battle with the Green Bull is not considered a high-intensity battle for her.

The changes in Helu's body meant that another change in Pokémon was presented before their eyes. It was impossible not to let Arceus take a look at this kind of thing, and it had to be alive, not dead.

Shaina knows very well what Quinn is thinking now. For an unofficial friend like Luffy, Quinn will never be willing to block his knife. It is certainly not good for her to let the green bull absorb its strength, but compared to rescuing, Quinn would rather Prepare a big one for the green cow.

He wouldn't mind if Luffy was sucked dry.

"I know, I know, these guys can really come up with some new tricks for me. It's not unreasonable for Brother Kaido to be interested in this kid."

Glancing at Luffy, Quinn could tell that Helu's physical strength had obviously changed after evolving. Even in this extremely cold environment, he was able to fly at extremely fast speeds.

While dodging the subsequent vines, Heracross' name derived from Hercules was also reflected. Heracross bit hard at the vines pierced by the green bull on his arm.

The main food source of the Heracross race is tree sap, so during evolution, their teeth have even evolved to be specific to plants.

No matter how tough the bark is, they can always successfully open a hole in it and suck the juice from inside.

The green cow's vines were nothing to suck, but that didn't stop Hercule from chewing them up.

[Does the wood taste like this? How did Helu chew it? Now is not the time to think about this. The battle is not over yet.]

Luffy interrupted his random thoughts and continued to restore his physical strength. Helu also flew into the air after biting the vines inserted into his arms.

Although the green bull's vines followed closely, they were unable to hit him. At this time, a large number of plants that did not belong to him suddenly bloomed on the green bull's body and wrapped tightly around the green bull's body. .

"I am happy with the physical strength you have absorbed! Activate the parasitic seeds!"

Quinn planted his own seeds in the battle just now, but due to the herbicides he released and the extremely cold environment, the germination speed of the parasitic seeds was also limited.

Quinn seemed to be doing nothing just now, but in fact he was just waiting for his parasitic seeds to activate.

The green branches and leaves appear so abrupt on the green cow's body, forming a sharp contrast with the withered yellow branches and buds on the green cow's body. The rhizomes bursting with parasitic seeds are also frantically taking root in the green cow's body.

"You bastard!"

Realizing the specialness of this plant, Green Bull immediately grabbed the seeds and tried to pull the annoying plant out of his body. He could clearly feel that the physical strength he had finally plundered was leaving him. .

The parasitic seeds alone are not enough to shake Green Bull. Every handful of them can uproot many parasitic seeds. However, because they are both plants, the parasitic seeds have been integrated into Green Bull's tree body.

Every time he pulled it out, he felt the pain of his flesh and blood being torn apart.

"Damn guys, they are just a group of low-level people, but they actually drove me to this level of hatred in the heart of Death River!"

The green bull's body expanded like an explosion. If he still had his original human appearance just now, then now he has completely lost his original appearance and turned into a "natural" form.

Countless unknown plants grew crazily, with pine needle-like thorns shooting out in all directions, vines and roots flying wildly like wild pythons, and their faces became extremely ferocious. Compared with the natural vitality, the green cow at this moment was more like nature's revenge.

The roots and branches gathered together to form two ferocious spiral guns, but in this gap, there was already a shining fat man in front of the green bull.

Seeing that Shaina was about to pull out the red lock stuck in the ground and join the battle again, Quinn took action.

Quinn is still the same Quinn, but he has a shiny shell on his body at some point, and there are even a few balloons hanging above his head.

"Are you playing a kid's game of house?"

"Playing house? This is your punishment, the final blow!"

Quinn's Tai Jing is slightly different from Kaido's Tai Jing. Kaido's Tai Jing does not have additional attribute marks on his head. It looks like he only has a layer of crystal armor, but Quinn's is the original Tai Jing. Crystallization.

While he is transforming into a flying crystal, the balloon pattern symbolizing flight will also be concentrated on the top of his head.

"The effects of my plague bomb will accumulate slowly. You can't recover so fast in Miss's severe cold climate. So now, how are you going to take this move from me?"

Quinn doesn't care about appearance. In the original timeline, he was able to develop weird moves like Brachiosaurus and Snake. He had already lost all his moral integrity. As long as he was strong enough, Quinn would dare to try even streaking. .

The domineering energy began to gather, and the power of the Taijing also began to gather at one point. However, this power was not emitted like a destructive death light, but gradually condensed on Quinn's fist.

As the ultimate move of the Taijing series, Taijing Burst has a very significant feature. It will actively present the most damaging method based on the user's special attacks and attacks.

Although Quinn likes to release laser cannons from behind every day and come up with all kinds of weapons, in essence, his domineering and physical strength that are forced to be beaten by his teammates are the most powerful.

The power of the flying attribute gradually merged with the domineering force, and a vast cyclone condensed on Quinn's fist.

"QUEEN·Fist of Suffering!"

Quinn thrust his fist forward, and the rotating cyclone shattered the Green Bull's defense. As the distance got closer, the Green Bull could even feel the materialized resentment coming from Quinn.

Being too crystallized means a change in attributes. When Quinn became a pure flying type, his attack attributes were also transformed into the purest flying type.

The power of Quinn's years of suffering exploded at this moment. Although the green bull's body expanded to become extremely huge, it was still sucked back under the wind pressure from Quinn's fist.

The body was shattered by the burst of energy from Tai Jing, and only one-third of the huge body was left in an instant.


Blood spilled in mid-air, and a large amount of blood spit out from the corner of the green bull's mouth. The body that was originally flying in the air with the help of plant propellers also began to fall downwards.

"It's useless. I am nature itself. The vitality of nature will not be wiped out so easily. Ah!"

From the side, Heluo, who had a unique form, hit the green bull, and the power of the super horn strike hit the green bull's back.

This Heracross, who had been using his intelligence for many years, finally used the power that was most suitable for his tribe.

After eating Quinn's resentful Taijing, the green bull's body was unable to resist at all, and its already broken body became even more shaky in the sky.

Luffy, who had regained his strength, also stepped on the air and blew into his arms while maintaining a jumping posture.

"You guy, what have you done to Heluo!"

Because of his bond with Luffy, Luffy can empathize more with him. Like Zoro, who in the original timeline has endured the damage accumulated by Luffy for many years, Luffy feels the fatigue on Helu's body and the pain of the wounds left by the green bull.

"Rubber. Great Ape King Gun!"

The huge fist hit the green bull, speeding up his fall and changing the direction of the green bull's fall. Originally, Quinn didn't pay much attention to this matter.

The skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and even if the green bull was beaten to a semi-mutilated state by his punch, it would not be easy for Luffy and Helo to kill it together.

What's more, the Green Bull itself is "nature". As a natural part of the earth, standing on the ground is enough to obtain a steady stream of energy. However, he chose to fly to escape. Due to his inner hesitation and weakness, he lost part of his greatest advantage. .

It is somewhat similar to a certain Dihuman who was given free phone charges and who obviously should stand on the ground for unlimited battery life, but loves jumping the most.

But he suddenly saw something terrifying.

"You bastard, what have you done?"

In the Beast Pirates, Quinn's mathematics is undoubtedly top-notch. All the techniques he does are inseparable from mathematical calculations. Through the analysis of the battlefield position, and from the perspective of Green Bull's new descent, he There is no doubt that it will hit Shaina.

Although Shaina had left her original position at this time, the spear transformed by the Red Lock remained in place.


The remaining part of the Green Bull was pierced by the Red Lock, and enjoyed almost the same treatment as Sartan, but it was not burned by the holy flames.

Moreover, the Red Lock at this time was not held by Shaina, and without the stimulation of her physical strength, the power exerted was different from before.

"Get up! You can't die! Aren't you an admiral? Aren't you clamoring that you won't die every day? Then you should show it to me!!"

After the Tai Jinghua was released and he returned to the ground, Quinn sprinted to the green bull and seemed to want to pull him out of the red lock.

After all, Shaina is the only user of the Red Lock. Even if Quinn is one of her own, she will experience the feeling of electric shock if she touches this thing rashly.

But with such a pull, the green bull was injured twice, and the last breath he had left suddenly disappeared.

Navy Admiral Green Ox died in the Wano Kingdom, becoming the first current general to die in battle in recent years. Among the many strong men who died in battle, the cause of death was the most bizarre and indescribable.

"Doctor! Get me a doctor quickly, save him and let me kill him again!"

Grasping his head, Quinn's face was slightly distorted, and then the robot hand suddenly flew out, and after flying out of the small rabbit bowl, he grabbed Chopper over there.

Even with his thick fur, Chopper was shivering from the cold in this environment, but Quinn didn't care about this at all, and instead ordered Chopper slightly frantically.

"Reindeer, I order you to cure him immediately!"

"Are you kidding me? No doctor can cure a dead person! Also, I am a reindeer, not a civet cat!"

"Isn't it the reindeer I'm shouting about! It doesn't matter what species you are, please bring him back to life quickly!"

"Yeah, wait a minute, what do you mean it's not important?!"

Since he was abducted by Quinn's Panacea during the Rabbit Bowl, Chopper contributed part of his medical ability to Quinn, so he is not that afraid of Quinn, and he dares to argue about technical issues. .

During that process, Quinn even seemed a little "nice", which is why this scene appeared.

"Quinn, that's enough. No one can survive being penetrated by the Red Chain given by the Holy Beast. His death is already doomed."

"Damn it! It's all you. Why did you stick it there? Or did you stick it there in the form of a gun?"

"Before you became too crystallized, I had already inserted the gun there. The old thing from before affected the earth veins under the rabbit bowl. Although I purified the poisonous water, the land was somewhat collapsed due to the influence of the holy flame.

I am borrowing the power of the Holy Beast to repair it, what does it have to do with me. "

Scheina's expression did not change at all, she did not mourn for Quinn, nor did she appear to be gloating about his misfortune.

"Is there a possibility that you have learned to predict the future, but you didn't tell us."

After thinking about it for a while, Quinn got a result that he thought was very reasonable. How could this be a coincidence? Someone must be persecuting him.

"I do have some clues about that thing, but you have been there for a long time, and I don't have the ability to predict such a long future.

What's more, didn't you ask for this? You can hit him on the head with that punch. You obviously want to tangle with that guy for a while. If you have an advantage, you like to play with your opponent to show off your abilities. Don't I know what your virtues are? "

After all, Quinn fought hard for a while. Shaina didn't want to say anything about Quinn's misfortune. He was the one who brought it on himself anyway. She even gave him some face and didn't kick him. After all, there were outsiders here, and it was embarrassing for her. The pirate group still looks bad.

Similarly, if there were no outsiders, Quinn would have the guts to lie on the ground and hug Shaina's legs, persuade her to take the gun away, and then they would fool Yamato together.

"Don't look at me with that ghostly look. You have to bear the consequences of what you do yourself. It will be over with the eldest lady soon. You can ask the eldest lady what she promised you."

Scheina didn't even take back the Red Lock immediately, but let it complete the effect she wanted to achieve before putting it away again, and Quinn also made his own deep voice.

"Straw Hat Boy. I'm starting to hate you."

Anyway, no matter what, it's definitely not his fault, unless Quinn can't find someone weaker than himself to take the blame.

The difference is 1,600, so let’s count it as 2,000 and pay it immediately (the previous debt is cleared!)

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