Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1377 The dead young navy, the new rebel ninja

"The fist is good, but it's too slow. It's better to let that Garp come."

Shaina didn't care who Kebi was. He had never been a threat in Shaina's eyes. Although the navy was vaguely building momentum for him and seemed to want to push him into the position of a new hero, Kebi did not suppress him. The strength to live in this location.

In the turbulent sea, insufficient strength is always empty talk. You can't give Garp a clone fruit and then let Kirby make unlimited sacrifices.

Scheina usually pays attention to many things. People who are worthy of her memory must have their own value even if they are not powerful enough. To her, Kebi is just like the ordinary navy before, he just violated the rules. Rules people here.

Scheina did not look back at Kebi, but just walked by calmly. The flames that passed through Kebi's chest had dissipated, but the hole in Kebi's chest had not disappeared.

The wound had been burned, and no blood flowed from it, but Kebi's vitality was still flowing out.

At this time, there was no navy continuing to attack Scheina, and it seemed to have entered a state of quiescence.

The morale of these navies has long dissipated under the successive blows. Although the blood moon has returned to normal, the flames behind Shaina are already burning. The bright flames dispel the darkness and ignite the dark lamp leading to hell.

"Don't you cherish your last life? If you don't move, you can probably survive for a minute."

Kebi grabbed the ankle of Shaina who was walking in front of him, as if he wanted to use his meager strength to delay her for another second or two, but this time, these few seconds had no effect.

"I am very cowardly. I am also very weak. I want to work hard and stop holding others back."


Scheina kicked Kebi's body away with a casual kick. She was not interested in hearing any more nonsense from this mortal man.

Her legs are much stronger than her fists. Even if it is a random kick, Kebi can't bear it now.

"You have perseverance, but if you could achieve everything by just "thinking", our family would not have this experience."

This was just Shaina's muttering. Kebi, who was kicked out by her, seemed to have something else to say, but his body no longer supported him in doing so.

"Okay, let me see who is next. If you want to die, you can continue to attack me. If you defeat me, you will be one step closer to freedom."

Although the navy was already scared, Scheina had no intention of stopping. Instead, she issued a provocation to the surrounding navy.

"These idiots dragged my eldest sister here and caused such a thing."

Manderfish shook his head. Originally, the number of deaths would have been much less than this. If Drake had not acted, Manderfish would still have been able to capture most of them alive.

After all, with the combination of Camel and his abilities, it would not be difficult to freeze most of the navy here.

Now these can be said to be chain reactions.

In terms of murderousness, Shaina and Jhin are not small at all. Their hostility to the Navy and the World Government is the highest among the top brass of the beasts.

"Sauro, I advise you not to do stupid things. Things have already come to this. If you come up with any more tricks, there won't be any living navy on this island."

Manderfish glanced at Sauro out of the corner of his eye and casually reminded him that such a large pirate group would naturally be divided into factions.

Each of the high-level cadres has a senior cadre in charge of them, and Sauro is naturally very close to Kuzan due to his identity, and he is considered to be one of the few naval factions among the beasts.

He is the one who feels the most heartache on the battlefield.

"I know, but until when?"

"Don't worry, the eldest sister is still sensible. As long as Lord Arceus doesn't give her an order to kill them all, there should be some left alive."


"Well, who can be 100% sure about this? Just like the situation with Chiqi, he has experienced the power of Lord Arceus and seen the majesty of Lord Arceus, but he is still so stubborn."

"Some things are hard to look away from. Many of the soldiers who volunteered to join the navy have a yearning for justice. Kuzan and I are no exception. But justice is hard to say. What is justice? , I still can’t understand it.”

"Yes, if one of our own was so stubborn, we would be happy too. It's a pity that he chose the path of becoming an enemy."

Seeing that Sauro didn't mean to do anything irrational, Manderfish also casually chatted with him. As a neutral faction within the pirate group, he has never been in the habit of making enemies with others.

"Lieutenant General Bogart!"


The successive deaths of the navy made the remaining navy feel very complicated, especially the other members of the sword. Although these prisoners were all navy, they came from all over the world, and only a few of them really knew each other.

Gruss and Peacock are both ability users. The wave set off by Manderfish just now kept them in a drowning state for a long time. Before their bodies could recover, they saw Kerby's fallen body.


As soon as he regained some strength, the peacock rushed to the side. Kirby's death stunned the skylark so much that he didn't notice Drake beside him.

In his Jailermon state, he almost trampled Hibari to death.

"Senior Kebi. Is he dead?"

Skylark's feelings for Kerby are very complicated.

When she was very young, a very important person gave Skylark a toy bear. For Skylark, this little bear was an extremely important talisman.

As a member of Sword, Skylark will naturally participate in the war.

Skylark was saved by Kirby on the battlefield, but her teddy bear was lost at that time, and Kirby returned to the battlefield after the battle to retrieve the little bear.

Kirby's death was undoubtedly a huge blow to Skylark, and Drake was also hit. His consciousness had long been separated from the outside world. To him, these few minutes were like a long number. ten years.

Time seemed to have stopped, but he was unable to interfere with future changes. He knew that someone would die in his hands soon, but he could not control his current body at all.

Looking at the navy that was in disarray, Scheina also took out Rotom.

"Hey, Quinn, take a picture of the green cow for me. I can use it."

"Huh? I'm fighting! Fighting! Are you contacting me at this time just to take photos of a corpse?"

"Didn't our Uncle Quinn just kill a general? You can defeat even a general, so your fight with those brats counts as a battle?"

"That's true, but I'm having fun with these brats."

boom! Boom!

"Why do I feel like you were beaten?"

Listening to the noise coming from the microphone, Shaina was sure that there were definitely some differences between the scene and what Quinn said.

"I just didn't want to kill them! Otherwise, I would have killed them all long ago. Satan's body is gone, and not all the green cattle are left. You can make do with it yourself."

Shaina hadn't left the Rabbit Bowl for long, and the game time that Quinn considered to be had not ended yet. Before long, the green bull's mutilated body projection appeared in Shaina's hands.

"Your general is dead! In 10 seconds, put down your weapons and surrender, or I will give you a ride!"

Scheina hadn't completely killed him yet, but she didn't leave them much time to think. When the time came, another group of marines died in his hands. It was only then that she walked over to Del Rey in the form of the Jailer Beast. In front of Gram.

After experiencing a long period of mental attacks, his consciousness had completely collapsed, he had lost his previous perception, and turned into a walking zombie.

"This is the first, the best and the last!"


The Red Lock has conveyed a new meaning to Shaina. The complete breakdown of his thinking means that Drake's sentence has ended. After the long execution process is over, there is no need for his body or anything to continue to exist. .

"Manderfish, Savullo, you can handle the rest of the navy. I have something else to do."

After the traitor's matter was dealt with, Scheina's focus turned to other areas. These navies were only part of the Rabbit Bowl escapees, not all of them.

Even outside, there are some people who have not come in.

For example, Marco and Ace, who make up the flight module, although they arrived at the nearby sea area at the same time as Long, their speed of reaching the sky above Wano Country was a bit slower.

It was at this time that they noticed the movement in Wano. Out of caution, they made the idea of ​​staying outside to observe.

Facts have proved that what they did was right. The noise of the fighting inside was getting louder and louder, and the sudden rise of the glacier city wall could be seen in the sky.

At this time, they were still hesitating. After all, the fiercer the battle, the more the forces in Wano were involved.

Just when they hesitated for a long time and were about to take the risk, the blood moon appeared again.

"Hey, is this power too strong?!"

"Dad's original judgment was indeed right. We can't afford the price of being hostile to these guys."

Marco is a calm type, and Ace has also changed after learning several big lessons. The purpose of their coming here is just to know the truth about Kozuki Oden, but they cannot involve themselves for the truth.

The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates still have an alliance with the Cross Guild. If the three of them were to break here, the alliance would probably turn into annexation.

There is no true alliance between two forces whose strengths are too different.

Kaido's alliance is also led by Kaido, not to mention the Whitebeard Pirates and the former Shichibukai. They didn't even have any friendship in the past, and they were purely for self-protection.

"I think the current situation is very inappropriate. How about we retreat? This gives me a feeling of extreme danger."

Ace looked at Wano and thought for a long time, and finally said something that he would never have said in the past.

"I think it's okay, or you can find a nearby island to stay temporarily and read the newspapers later. Izo, what do you think?"

Neither Ace nor Marco supported going in. Although Izo had the idea of ​​taking a chance, Marco and Ace stopped him.

In the end, Marco and Ace forcibly took him away from the dangerous area in their hearts. They did not send themselves in through various methods like the Five Old Stars and Dragons. The advantage of flying slowly was rarely reflected.

Within Wano Country, a group of people were also moving secretly. While other prisoners were rushing out together, these people quietly made a detour.

"Kanjuro, can't you draw a bird to fly us out of here?"

"I also want to do this, but unfortunately, my physical strength is extremely exhausted and I am not enough to draw a bird that can carry us away from the country of Wano."

This group of people is none other than Momonosuke's retainers and Momonosuke himself. They have the advantage of knowing the topography of Wano Country better than the outside prisoners.

Although the country of Wano has undergone tremendous changes in the past twenty years, as long as they can determine where their position is, they still know where the exit is.

Using their memories, they even found some remaining paths and thus avoided some of the guards.

"But I'm afraid we won't be able to escape. The ice wall must be heavily guarded. We may still be able to find a way, but what about Momonosuke-sama?"

The physical exhaustion is also serious, but Raizo and Kinemon still have the ability to move freely, so it is not a problem to deal with some cannon fodder-level pirates.

But Momonosuke is different. At this time, he has no fighting power and is a pure burden.

"Kanjuro, what if it's a smaller bird? Draw a smaller bird and send Momonosuke-sama out first. The previous doghouse is good.

Send Momonosuke-sama there first, and we can also hide there to recover some strength.

Kaido and the others should be out fighting. As long as they regain some strength, we can fly out and figure out a solution. "

Kinemon thought he had a good idea, but Kanjuro didn't agree with it. He felt that it was not as simple as it seemed.

"Wait, something is coming!"

A black shadow flew over here in the sky, and then a big kite fell in front of them, and a woman wearing pink clothes appeared here.

"Brother Kin'emon, long time no see."

"Who are you?! Also, I am Kanjuro, not Kin'emon."

Looking at the strange man who appeared in front of him for no reason, Kanjuro suddenly became alert.

"I'm Shinobu. If you think about it again, it took me a lot of effort to find you."

Compared with twenty years ago, Xiao Ren could not say that there was no change at all, but it could only be said that it had nothing to do with it.

Her body was severely put on weight, and her eyesight began to dim with old age, but she served as a member of the Kozuki family when she was young. However, during the time when Orochi came to power, she withdrew from the imperial family.

Although he later joined the current Hiyori Imperial Court Fans, like Denjiro, he still had hope for Momonosuke, but it was not exposed.

After a series of evidences, Kinemon and the others believed that the young ninja in front of them was the "enchanting kunoichi" from back then.

"In other words, Denjiro has been placed under house arrest, and there are still many people hunting us?"

"Yes, I'm afraid other ninjas will be here soon. If we don't go out, it will be too late. Mr. Momonosuke, please believe me and follow me to a relatively safe place."

She has a ninjutsu called the Big Kite Jutsu. The principle is to tie herself to a kite and fly it. She can still do it by taking away a child like Momonosuke.

"Are you sent by Hiyori?"

"Of course not, Momonosuke-sama, I ran out secretly, why do you ask that?"

Momonosuke's sudden words stopped Xiao Ren. She didn't understand why Momonosuke had such thoughts. Could it be that he thought that Hiyori Kozuki would save him?

"Hiyori secretly told me before that if I had to be patient for a while, she would find an opportunity to rescue me. She did so as a last resort."

Momonosuke was very naive and cowardly, and he didn't have much power. At this time, he was no longer wary of Shinobu, and he simply told what he knew.

"Momonosuke-sama, please put away such naive thoughts and wait until I take you to escape before talking about such things."

Shinobu didn't know when Momonosuke heard such outrageous words. She only knew that Hiyori really wanted to kill him, but she didn't know what happened in the middle, so she never took action.

And this is Doflamingo's theory of hope. When a person cannot see hope, he will lose his head, no longer have any expectations for the future, and live in confusion.

If you give a small hope, you can trick them into working hard for that trivial thing, and then destroy the hope when it is about to be realized. Only then can the impact be achieved.

Hiyori Kozuki absorbed this opinion, so he passed on this wrong idea to Momonosuke, which is why he has been silently moving stones.

Shinobu didn't know how to explain it. She felt that even if she said it, Momonosuke might not believe it, so she might as well take him out before talking.

It was not difficult to fool Momonosuke. After a few perfunctory attempts, Shinobu used the kite to take him flying. The wind stored in Raizo's scroll also became the driving force for her to lift into the air.

They had no choice but to let Momonosuke leave alone. With his body as a child, he would probably die suddenly. The risk of waiting for Kanjuro to regain his strength was too high, so they had no choice but to trust Xiao Shinobu.

Watching Shinobu and Momonosuke disappear into the horizon, Kinemon and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now it's time to study what we should do."

"What should I do? Of course you should just lie down and wait for death."

Not far away, Derek's figure walked slowly over. The group of people thought they were secretive just now, but in fact they were always under her surveillance.

Kawamatsu and Kikunoshi were ordered by Hiyori to deal with the other prisoners to save them too much trouble.

Then he ordered other members of the Imperial Court to disperse everywhere, searching for the location of these people. The ones still following Hiyori were Tian Yuzhan and Koga Ninja.

Drake didn't pay attention to what was going on here at first, but Xiao Nin's weird flight path caught Drake's attention, and then he paid more attention to them, but he didn't expect to make this unexpected discovery.

"Don't worry, I won't torture you too much. Rather than being an arsonist executed in public, it may be more suitable for you to die in the turmoil as an escaped prisoner."

Several flashes of lightning escaped from Drake's minions. Stimulated by thunder and lightning, he came to Kin'emon and the others in an instant and started his own killing spree.

In the sky, a steel-armored crow used the darkness of night to hide its figure perfectly, flying with Kozuki Hiwa and Koga Ninja in the direction where Shinobu flew away with Momonosuke.

In this process, the most difficult thing is not to lock their position or find the Pokémon to take them, but to notify the people defending in that area not to knock them down.

"Xiao Nin, you also made this choice, so did Denjiro, and so did you. He is the only one who is important. For him, you really can do anything."

Hiyori knew that Koga Ninja would not answer her incomprehensible words. He was not a talkative person, so he was just talking to himself.

It's just that neither Shinobu nor Denjiro realized the seriousness of the problem. Not only did this kind of assistance to Momonosuke fail to help him, but it only made Hiyori's hatred for him worse.

Xiao Ren's kite could only ride on the wind, and its speed was not comparable to that of the steel-armored crow. It didn't take long for him to be chased after him.

"Please wait, don't attack them first, wait for them to land first."

Even if it is just a steel-armored crow, Kozuki Hiwa is not so casual when communicating with it. Instead, he uses words like "please".

The Koga Ninja and the Steel-Armored Crow didn't care about this kind of thing, they just waited, but the Koga Ninja reminded Kozuki Hiyori of one thing.

"You can do whatever you want. I can also solve the problem for you, but this must end before dawn."

These are the cruel words spoken by the people of the Hundred Beasts in the Rabbit Bowl. It is time to finish the work after dawn. At least before the arrival of a new day, there can be no more large-scale turmoil.

"I know this matter won't take too long. Where can a mere kite fly?"

The fact was just as Hiyori Kozuki said, Shinobu's flight did not last long, and he hung on a tree and made an emergency landing not long after.

"Momonosuke-sama, we are safe."

"My dear brother, you can really run. I thought I would see you in the rabbit bowl, but I didn't expect you to get here."

Hiyori Kozuki looked at Momonosuke with a smile, but there was no emotion at all in the smile. Although his voice was sweet, it conveyed a fatal feeling just like the cold winter in the twelfth lunar month.

Momonosuke has no brains, but it's not like he can't feel anything.

"RiRihe, what are you talking about? Didn't you say that before?"

"Well, of course I'm lying to you. I just want you to work a few more days and make some contribution to the country of Wano. After all, it wouldn't be suitable for you to die directly."

The scabbard of Tian Yu Yu Zhan has been removed, and the single scabbard that was sleeping has also woken up. An eye on the handle of the sword turned around, and finally stared at Momonosuke.

"Lord Momonosuke, run!"

Xiao Ren had many more blades in her hands, but before she could even make an attack, a shuriken made of water interrupted all the blades in her hand.

"Xiao Ren, what is the result of rebelling against Ren? Do you need me to teach you?"

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