Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1379 The dragon on the frozen surface has high blood pressure

With the death of Kozuki Momonosuke, the direct bloodline of the Kozuki family can be said to have been completely severed. According to the concept here, Hiyori's descendants and Momonosuke's descendants are not of the same bloodline at all.

Of course, there is actually another way. There is still a man in the Kozuki family who is still alive - Kozuki Sukiyaki.

He is the most tolerant man. When Momonosuke was imprisoned, he was indifferent. Now that there is a large-scale prison break in Rabbit Bowl, he is still indifferent.

Unless one day someone really drives away Kaido and the others and returns Wano Country to the rule of Kozuki, he will never tell his identity, no matter what happens to his grandson or granddaughter.

Originally, he was imprisoned by the Black Carbon Orochi. No one could explain why the Black Carbon Orochi usurped the throne and didn't kill such an old guy. Even Kaido thought he was dead long ago and let him take advantage of the situation. Oden escaped while fighting Kaido.

And he changed his appearance and became an ordinary person.

He was more magical in the original timeline, and his method of escaping was the same, but according to his habits, if Nika hadn't unreasonably knocked Kaido over, he might have been able to hide until Kaido died.

After all, he was already extremely ill when he was imprisoned by the big snake, but after being imprisoned in the Supreme Cell, all his illnesses were cured, and he even managed to kill his son.

Therefore, he will not contribute his own force to Wano or someone, but will only choose to jump out when it is absolutely safe.

"General Hiyori, where do you want to go now?"

"Let's go to the beach and take a look, and take care of some things on the way. His traces should be completely erased."

There is still Oden's tomb in Wano, and Kaido doesn't think there is any problem. At least in Kaido's view, Oden's force is still noticeable.

As for cultural modification, there is no smearing. The Hundred Beasts truthfully recorded what Oden did, which is incomprehensible to the new generation of Wano Country.

The residents of Wano who grew up in the new educational environment had no idea what the son of a general was thinking.

But Hiyori did not intend to erect a monument to Momonosuke, but instead wanted to throw him into the sea directly.

The terrain of Wano Country would not allow corpses to wash up on the sea. Even if they did, no one would be able to recognize who it was.

"Please help me cremate her body and return it to her family, and the death benefit will be deducted from me."

Just as Hiyori said, she had no intention of eradicating the little ninja. Anyway, the only insiders here were the Koga ninja frog and a steel-armored crow. There was no doubt that they could not stab her in the back.

"Someone will take care of it later, don't worry."

Koga Ninja spoke to the steel-armored crow, and then followed Hiyori towards the seaside, and Momonosuke's body was dragged behind Hiyori.

She did not inherit the martial arts from Oden, but she was still much stronger than Momonosuke. At least it was not difficult for her to drag the body of a young man.

At the same time, in the Rabbit Bowl, Maz was pushed to her limit.

"Tch, my adoptive father's Red Lock is really useful. Without this kind of weapon, it would be quite difficult to kill you monsters."

Yamato shook his arm. In the past period of time, Long had been defeated by the combination of Black Yamato and White Yamato. Because he wanted to maintain his absolute zero state, Yamato did not let the two of them come back, but used the remaining The power continued to attack Maz.

"You can't kill us. The power of the World Government that has stood in the world for 800 years is something you pirates cannot understand.

It was indeed a mistake to let you grow up to what you are today, but we still have time to undo this mistake. "


There was a thunderclap, and Black Yamato spit out two bolts of thunder from his mouth, which finally merged with White Yamato's flames and exploded on Maz's body.

Maz, who had just been hit by Yamato again, had no ability to evade. The black flame armor on his body was frozen by Yamato's power, not to mention anything else.

The golden feather on Maz's body was completely shattered by the continuous attacks. For Izu Zhentian, it was the most important feather on the demon's body. Losing this feather would even cause them to lose some special abilities.

"I think you will only have one mouth to talk about in the end! The final gossip!"

The two foot blades are Maz's most important weapons, but these weapons were damaged in the battle with Yamato. Now Maz is a halfling in the true sense, with only half left.

The extreme cold inhibited his body's recovery. It even formed a barrier for Yamato, turning her into an untouchable ice hedgehog. Even if he attacks her body, he will suffer the backlash of absolute zero.

Yamato's club just hit Maz on the shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground uncontrollably.


Yamato's figure chased Maz to the ground, and stepped on his chest with a heavy stamp.

"Do you understand? You bastard, I told you not to see the dawn, then you won't be able to see the dawn!"

Frost spread upwards along Maz's body, and the extreme cold seemed to block his nerves. Even if he was forced to this point, Maz just stared at Yamato calmly.

"The dawn will not disappear, but it is not you who decide the dawn, but the order. This time you win, the daughter of Kaido."

Watching the frost gradually spreading upward, Maz understood that the outcome of the battle would not change, but in the end, he still made Yamato's blood pressure rise. This sentence seemed to trigger some kind of switch, successfully blocking the frost's spread.

"My name is Yamato! You bastard, you did it on purpose, didn't you?"



Seeing that a smile seemed to appear on Maz's face, Yamato directly hit it with a stick, not wanting to hear him continue talking at all.

In order to prevent his blood pressure from rising further, Yamato decided to kill him first, but coincidentally, the beak on Maz's body was indeed the last part to be smashed.

A deep pit was dug into the surface of the quarry, and Yamato didn't stop until the large ore vein below was exposed.

Then Yamato clapped his hands and relieved himself of his current state, and the black and white clones also disappeared.

At this point, Maz, one of the five old stars, also died in the country of Wan, the kind of death without a complete body.

"Phew, I haven't been this tired for a long time. With such a big outburst, I almost have to fight with that bastard dad."

Click. click

Along with the sound of the ice cracking, the long-standing ice cover finally shattered, and the ice crystals in the sky merged into the wind and snow, adding a bit of new coldness here.

"Let me see what to do with these two ice sculptures. Let Uncle Quinn do it. Anyway, he is used to doing hard labor."

Looking at the appearance of Garp and Long, Yamato had no intention of moving them personally. He put away the mace and walked towards the direction where Quinn was fighting, but stopped halfway.

"It's strange. Did I promise someone something before? It was that bastard Wulaoxing. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be so angry that I would forget things."

Maz succeeded in persisting until the end, and achieved the greatest result in this operation. While making Yamato angry, he successfully persecuted Quinn.

"Forget it, never mind, someone will definitely remind me then, Uncle Quinn! What time is it now!"

Shaina used the Red Chain to kill Sartan, she killed Maz, the enemy Green Bull had also been killed, and there was no one in Rabbit Bowl who could threaten Quinn.

Although I don't know why, the battle nearby is not over yet, but it certainly does not affect Quinn's answer to her question.

"Wait a moment, Miss! There's still half an hour before dawn! It's not timed out yet!"

After being persecuted for a long time, or seeking death too much, Quinn has developed an instinct. Even if it is an ordinary question, he feels that the sentence may be directed at him.

At that moment, he even felt that Yamato wanted to use his timeout as an excuse to wipe out the previously promised things and achieve a different kind of cancellation.

But at this time, Quinn discovered that something was missing.

"Strange, where's that Heracross?"

After casually catching Franky's attack, Quinn, who had had enough fun, threw him away and then looked for Helu's figure.

After looking around twice, he didn't see the figure of Heracross. In the end, he found the trace of Heracross in the distance through sight and smell.

It has arrived at Yamato's side.

Although Helu and Luffy had just engaged in a slightly bizarre self-mutilation competition to consume each other, this kind of battle ended as the bond evolved.

At about this time, the ice shield shattered and the battle on Yamato's side came to an end. It was at this time that Heluo moved his position.

While Quinn was looking for it, Helo had already begun moving the ice sculptures of Garp and Dragon.

According to the common sense of this world, you will not die if you are frozen or petrified. As long as you can thaw smoothly, there will be no accidents. After all, it is Luffy's father and grandfather.

Although the existence of these two people is infinitely close to zero, Helu still tried his best to protect Luffy's relatives to prevent him from becoming an orphan or a single parent. After all, Helu didn't know that somewhere in the sea, Luffy's Does my mother live there now?

On the other hand, it knows who to please now, and it's clear that Yamato can make an impact in the future.

"Why didn't you leave? Oh, it turns out you are the Heracross. I'll leave this to you. I'll go see what Uncle Quinn is doing."

The Pokémon in the Rabbit Bowl were all within the evacuation range, and even fully evolved individuals such as Rumble Rock, Pang Rock, and Boss Cordora followed the jailers away from here.

Then Yamato touched Helu's corner, and Yamato was relieved to hand it over to Helu. Helu also sighed after Yamato left, found a suitable cell nearby, and carefully started the moving work. .

I successfully paid 2,000, leaving a balance of 7,600

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