Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1382 Kaido of the Sky-Breaking Sky

Under the night, the red earth continent was so quiet that people were panicking. Vauchuli and Pitt were kneeling under the tall throne.

The cold weapon was still inserted in front of the throne, exactly the same as it had been all those long years ago, but there was an additional figure on the throne. Although he did not speak, there was anger in his scarlet pupils.

"Lord Im, we"

In the long silence, Wuchuli tried to speak, but Im did not hear him finish.

"Mu already knows what happened. Is this the answer you gave Mu during this period?"

"The enemy's strength has exceeded our expectations. Maz and Satan's lights have been extinguished, and we are planning to deal with the follow-up matters."

"The Navy is a little decadent and has not been able to achieve the expected results, but please believe us, we can still deal with this."

Peter and Wuchuli explained to Im successively that although they did not know what happened in Wano, they knew about the death of Satan and Maz. It was certain that there was a terrifying force in Wano. .

As for the green cow

With both Maz and Sartan dead, the life and death of the Green Bull is no longer a matter of concern to the Five Old Stars.

"But don't worry, Pluto has not been unblocked, we just need."

"That's enough. Do you think Mu can't notice anything? Things in this country are not something you can handle. Mu is very disappointed in you.

You have been living in the Red Earth Continent for so long that you can no longer recognize what a threat is. "

Im did not agree with the explanations of Volchuli and Pit, and his words even showed that he thought they were incompetent.

Wuchuli and Pit didn't have any objection to this, they just buried their heads lower.

"Alabasta, the Country of Wano, the Pirates, and the Revolutionary Army, you have not achieved any valuable results during this period."

"We tried our best to find the traces left by Queen Lily, but"

"Needless to say, let's activate that. The redundant existence needs to be erased. Before Mu takes action, I want to see you prepare everything."


Regarding Im's order, Volchuli and Pit would not give any other answer. When they raised their heads again, Im had disappeared from the throne.

"Lord Im has an order."

"We just have to comply."

The two of them walked out of the "throne room" together. With Im's order, they didn't have to worry about doing something.

"The guys from the Revolutionary Army took the opportunity to do something. Once these annoying bugs seize the opportunity, they will all come together desperately."

"After all, they are just mosquitoes. In order to suck a mouthful of the giant's blood, they don't know what price they have to pay. Let's start. After raising these guys for so many years, it's time for them to make a contribution.

Food is already in short supply in the Land of the Gods. If we do this, the food problem will be alleviated. "

Wuchuli's two beards trembled up and down with his words. Although his face was expressionless, this answer already revealed a lot.

"However, Sir Im has not made it clear whether to let the navy retreat. Judging from the current results, we are temporarily at a disadvantage. Do we want the navy to retreat?"

"The battle will not end so easily. Now they should be anxious. But even if we restart, we still need manpower. Let's convey the order to them first and let them prepare.

After all, if Master Im wants to move, it will take some time. "

"Okay, then the rest is up to you."

Wuchuli and Peter went in two directions separately. At the same time, Im came to a mysterious place. In a tall room, a huge straw hat was lying peacefully here.

Im was recalling what happened before. Just now, Im's attention was on the sky above Wano Country. The two Five Old Stars took action at the same time but did not end the battle. Instead, they extinguished their own lights. This abnormal thing was already noticed by Im. arrive.

But when Im wanted to observe what it was, what greeted Im was only a fist, the fist from Regichkas.

The punch that Regichkas threw out of thin air was not to say hello to the air, but to deal with the prying eyes.

"Nika Joyboy and this new unknown power. Mu doesn't want to see this kind of thing that is beyond our control."

Im's hand reached out to the huge straw hat, and he seemed to have made up his mind.

While Marigio made a new decision, the battle elsewhere was not over yet.

"Ledfield, you old guy, you have to come and join in the fun!"

Sora couldn't remember how long the battle lasted, but from the moment he arrived at the current naval headquarters, they were not the favored side.

The number of invading pirates was not large, but none of them were easy to deal with. After he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the army, he no longer paid attention to the situation on the sea. He did not expect that decades later, the pirates would be able to grow to To such an extent.

To Sora, both Jack and Jhin, including Kaido, were just newcomers. When he was the marshal of the navy, Kaido was just Rocks' trainee.

But the one who brought the biggest crisis to Sora was the Red Earl.

"I am also a pirate as you define it. Isn't it a consensus that pirates act as they please and are self-centered? Don't tell me that I must obey your orders.

Speaking of which, I heard that your hero Garp was shipwrecked some time ago. Is there anyone who can help you after the war this time? "

The fangs at the corner of Redfield's mouth flashed with a cold light, but the edgeless umbrella in his hand stabbed into the air without any pause.

Dominance surged in the air. Today's navy headquarters was already different from before. Both the navy's vice-admirals and the murlocs led by Tiger had given up fighting and instead faced each other at a longer distance.

It's not that they want a truce, but the situation here no longer supports their fight. The battlefield has been divided into three major areas: Red Earl and Sora, Kaido and Nasushiro, Jhin and Jack and Sengoku.

No matter which area, outsiders are not allowed to set foot in it, and the aftermath of their battle has been enough to kill many strong men.

Tiger and others can only guard against the enemies in a safe environment and prevent them from interfering in other environments.

As for the fort at the Navy Headquarters, as the overlord colors continued to emerge, the people in the fort had long since stopped moving, and those who had not yet evacuated had already fainted, leaving these heavy cannons as decorations.

"Ledfield, get out of here!"


The punch force revealed by the empty fist hit the ground of the Navy Headquarters. In an instant, a huge collapse occurred on the ground. Even heavy artillery washing could not achieve this effect.

But Redfield was still flying in the air with a smile on his face.

"Are you aware of it? This is the impact of the gap in numbers. Although they and I are not companions and do not even have any interests, you who can only fight with me cannot take care of others."

Time flies, Sora is already old, but Sora has not been imprisoned. His life has become more nourishing these years, but Redfield has found the vampire fruit. Relying on the fruit's ability, he regained the power of youth and the phantom beast species. of blessing.

As a once famous character on the sea, he could have equalized with the air. Under the circumstances, Redfield had already had the advantage, but it was not easy to completely win the air.

But on the other side, Sengoku's battle is not that easy. Compared with Jhin and Jack, his biggest advantage is his Overlord Color. Relying on the Overlord Color, he can still maintain the fight.

But he was not facing a weakling. At this time, Jhin and Jack had already entered a state of full buff stacks. Jhin did not have the Red Lock as an additional weapon, but Sengoku was not an old monster like Sartan.

"Brother Jin, you were a little too careful before."

Today, Jack and Sengoku are both in giant human-animal forms. The Man of Steel and the Golden Buddha are constantly fighting each other. The huge size makes both sides give up on evasion, because it is simply unrealistic.

Instead of wasting time and energy trying to avoid the opponent's attacks, it's better to take the opportunity to punch the opponent hard.

Depending on the situation, Jack will also prop up the barrier in time to offset Sengoku's more powerful attacks.

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake. There is no room for mistakes in this kind of battle. Keep your spirits up."

If Jack is alone, Sengoku will not be afraid and can deal with him. Brutal confrontation is also his strength, but there is another Jhin here.

Blue flames enveloped his whole body, and sharp stone blades surrounded his body. Whenever Sengoku and Jack collided, Jhin would swing the blade in time.

Compared to Jack's fists, Jhin's attacks were the most threatening attacks to him. Jhin and Jack cooperated very well, and every time Sengoku had to fend off both of them at the same time.

Coupled with the characteristics of the Lunarians, Jhin also had unparalleled defense power. No matter which one they were, Sengoku could not defeat them in a short time, and eventually fell into the siege of the two.

"Big Buddha. Impact!"

Warring States slapped the Buddha's palm on the ground, temporarily repelling the two people in front of him, and then he gasped while covering his shoulder, which seemed to be shrouded in the golden body of the giant Buddha. But in the battle just now, the one in Jhin's hand Yama has pierced there.

After all, Sengoku was facing an opponent with no martial ethics. There was also a launcher for firing sea tower stone spikes in the hilt of Jhin's sword. If it hadn't been for the fact that the bullet capacity was only one shot and it hadn't been completely nailed into Sengoku's body, then The knife just now was more than just a wound.

Sora tried to help many times, but was blocked by Redfield. This was Redfield's response, allowing Sora to experience the numerical disadvantage.

Compared to these two areas, the battle between Kaido and Nasushiro is the most intense area.

"Thunder. Gossip!"

Bazhai swung forward, and several warships were instantly pierced by the wind, turning into countless fragments and falling into the air.

Nasushiro dodged and danced among the ruins, and came to Kaido at a strange angle. The ghost came out of his body, and the blade was surrounded by blood-like murderous intent and a daunting dark aura.

The land beneath Kaido's feet was split in two, and countless objects fell into the sea.

This is the scrap shipyard of the original G1 branch. After the warships of the New World were scrapped and decommissioned, they were piled here. It was also Garp's training ground. In addition to beating mountains to train himself, he also had the habit of beating warships.

He did not use domineering power and skills, but used the purest body to beat the warships. There were traces of him on countless warships, and some were left by Kuzan. It is not certain whether Kebi did this.

The battle between Kaido and Nasushiro was not limited to the same place, but moved here while fighting. This place full of memories for the navy gradually disappeared in the battle between the two.

"Awakening? No, this is not the power of awakening. How can the awakening of the animal system produce such an effect?"

What is the situation of the awakening of the animal system? Nasushiro knows very well that Kaido's fruit was taken away by Ivankov during the battle of the Valley of Gods.

Before he could eat the fruit, Charlotte Lingling stopped him, stole the fruit and gave it to Kaido.

No matter how developed Kaido is, the awakening of the Blue Dragon Fruit should not turn into this green look.

"Uh-huh, your undercover agents didn't send back any information? You bullshit Tianlong people always call yourself gods, so what kind of power is this that you can't understand?"

The golden ring on Kaido's body was shining with light. As the ring lit up, his energy seemed to have reached its limit, and he came to Nasushiro in an almost flashing manner.

"Great Weed Thunder Gossip!"

Nasushiro rarely used both hands to hold the handle of Kitetsu's sword. After taking a deep breath, the slightly withered muscles on his body swelled up. He raised the sword with both hands to resist the club swung by Kaido.

boom! !

The scrapyard was almost completely torn apart by the collision between the two, but with the blessing of some of Rayquaza's power, Kaido already had an absolute advantage in the wrestling.

The power of the powerful Overlord Color and Armed Color exploded with unimaginable power after fusion. Although Nasushiro blocked the most direct blow, the remaining brute force was still transmitted into his body.


On the chaotic battlefield, the sound was tiny, but Kaido noticed the blood dripping from Nasushiro's hand. Even if the blood disappeared quickly, there was no wound on Nasshiro's hand, and Kaido still grabbed it. This slight change.

Activating the ability to forget will also consume your own physical strength. Activating the ability against a monster like Kaido will also consume more energy. When you find that this ability has no effect on Kaido and will instead make him fight harder, Na Si Shoulang did not continue to waste his energy.

Kaido's body is like a fighting machine. Even if he temporarily forgets what happened just now, his body will not forget how much force he just used, and will instinctively swing out a more powerful blow.

"Your recovery speed has changed. Let me think about it. Because this is an unexpected attack, you can't use the characteristics of your ability to recover. Can you only rely on your animal physique to speed up your recovery?

In this case, Dragon Dance Bagua·Yam Luo Preface! "

He was not wrong about Nasjuro's ability. The premise for Nasjuro to instantly repair a fatal injury was that the damage was within Nasjuro's expectation. This ability combined with his knowledge and color is almost invincible.

If you want to really hurt him, you have to go beyond the routine, and what Kaido is best at is going beyond the routine. The swing in Hachisai has been integrated into the dragon dance, which means that every time Kaido swings, a dragon will be superimposed. dance.

Even if you adapt to the power of the first stick, the second stick will exert even more terrifying power, just like Yama's cry for life. As long as it is turned on, the curtain of death will not stop.

In response, Nasushiro's body exuded a darker aura, the weather was distorted at this moment, countless black shadows surged around, and the hundred ghosts screamed in their souls at this moment, but Kai, who was at the center of the attack, Many but no change!

It’s just one chapter today, it’s withered

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