Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1384 Super Slate, Two Dragons of Time and Space

At the same time, in another special "sea area", the Origin is sailing here in a drifting manner.


The sailor on the boat swallowed, then touched the sky in disbelief, and finally punched his companion next to him.

"Alek, you bastard, why did you hit me for no reason?"

"Does it hurt, Jevich?"

"Nonsense, I'll give you a punch and see if it hurts!"

Yevich felt very unhappy about being punched for no apparent reason, so he gave Alek a gift in return in the manner of a pirate.

"Well, it's quite painful. It's not an area that the Dream Origin can navigate. The range is a bit exaggerated."

Alek is also an old sailor on the Origin. When he first entered the Underworld, Alek was on the ship. Later, he was not absent when it sailed into the Rainbow Mist. Now he is rare to be on the sea of ​​​​stars.

At this time, there was darkness around the Origin, but the stars in the distance were shining on the ship. They were not in any part of the sea, but in the vast starry sky.

In front of them, a white planet is also gradually enlarging.

"My life is worth it, so the moon looks like this."

Instinctively taking out his camera, Alek took a photo of the moon, intending to show it to his grandma when he returned home.

Tell her a story about your own experience, which is much more interesting than the ghost story about the underworld told by grandma.

"So you punched yourself out of nowhere just to verify if you were dreaming? Wouldn't it be better if you just hit yourself!"

"I can't do anything. Don't worry about the details. You've called me back and we're even."

The two fell into silence again, and most people on the ship were also shocked by the starry sky.

This world is very special. There is no vacuum outside the atmosphere. Not only is there oxygen that people can breathe, but even the temperature is within the tolerance of these people.

The Origin had sailed the sea step by step before, but the sea did not respond to Arceus. Arceus itself had not found the exact location of the super tablet, but most areas in the sea had already gone through his search.

The initial arrival is a process from top to bottom. If a certain stone slab is suspended in the sea of ​​​​stars and is not captured by the gravity of the planet, it is not completely impossible.

What's more, the seventeen stone slabs are also guiding the general direction of the last stone slab. The super stone slab seems to be in a constant state of movement and has a fixed trajectory.

When the record pointer points to the sky, people will think of the existence of an empty island, and Arceus himself is no exception.

Finally, his attention was focused on the sea of ​​stars above his head. The distance remained roughly the same and he could move within a certain pattern. It seemed to be this accompanying satellite.

"Lord Arceus, we are about to, uh... land on the moon? Anyway, we are about to land. Do you have any other plans?"

The current power source of the Origin is the wind shell. After all, in this sea of ​​stars, traditional sails, oars, and outer wheels have lost their function. If it were not for Arceus's own ability, this ship would not be able to reach this position. .

The navigators on the ship didn't even know how to describe this kind of thing. Like Alek and the others, no one on the ship thought they would have a chance to reach the moon.

In their opinion, this is a rare feat for humans.

"No, let's land. There may be many different things on this planet. Please pay attention."


The sailors on the ship adjusted the angle of the wind shell, but they had little experience with this, and finally landed on the lunar surface with a hard landing, bringing a new "crater" here.

"It turns out that the moon is like this, and there is such a big crater."

The moon here is not a gravity-free environment, but it is much smaller than that of Qinghai. The people on the boat quickly adapted to this environment and came off one after another.

"I have heard their stories on Sky Island before, saying that there is infinite land on the moon. Now it seems to make sense."

The moon was vast, and except for some low hillsides, there was nothing blocking their sight. At this time, Arceus seemed to feel some kind of aura and immediately walked towards a part of the moon.

Some people kept up with Arceus' pace, while others stayed on guard.


Alek seemed to have discovered something, and immediately surrounded him with several people holding weapons. Under their investigation, they finally discovered a special cave entrance.

At the entrance of the cave, a dwarf dressed as a soldier was watching them warily, and behind him there were several dwarfs who had fallen.

"Are they indigenous people? Are there people living on the moon?"

"Just ask him and you will know. Little man, are you a moon man? Don't be afraid. We are just looking for something."

The dwarf seemed to want to say something, but in the end he fell directly back into the hole.

After some investigation and confirmation that this was not a trap, Alek and the others dug out all the dwarfs in the hole.

"Fainted? Ship's doctor! Come and take a look!"

"Why are you looking for a ship's doctor? These guys are robots, ship's men! They're here to fix things!"

Metal joints were exposed on the damaged clothing, which also exposed the true identities of these villains, and Alek and the others also found what they wanted in the military logs remaining in the cave.

"The name of this robot is Spacey. It is a robot made by Dr. Tsukimi of Robot Island."

"I've heard of this name. I heard that he was a very outstanding scientist, but he disappeared later."

"Don't bother me, I haven't finished reading yet. Dr. Tsukimi likes to admire the moon, but during a moon viewing two years ago, an explosion suddenly occurred on the moon. Dr. Tsukimi, who was observing the moon through instruments, was frightened. Finally... Choked to death on the rice cake balls.”

Alek learned a lot of information from the diary, including some outrageous information.

"What a hasty way to die. What about these dwarfs?"

"They are robots created by Dr. Tsukimi. They wanted to come here to find the murderer and avenge Dr. Tsukimi. However, they encountered the brutal Space Pirates. They were no match for them. They were no match for the Space Pirates, so they stayed here to fight. guerrilla

The group of space pirates seemed to regard this place as a rest stop and would come here every once in a while.

No, there are pirates in the Star Sea? Governor Kaido would probably be very excited if he knew about it. He didn’t know what level these pirates were. "

"Whatever, we are here with Sir Arceus. No matter what kind of pirate, it is impossible to stop Sir Arceus!"

Regarding the appearance of the Starry Sky Pirates, the people of the Hundred Beasts were not afraid, but felt a sense of excitement. There was only so much effective information in the diary, and the rest were dispensable war records, and once None of them won.

"Boatman, can these guys still be repaired?"

"It's not broken, it's just out of power. Here comes a charger that can discharge electricity! Recharge them!"

As the sound of electric current sounded, these mechanical villains stood up again, and after a brief panic, they understood the current situation.

These villains are the robots that Enel met in the original timeline, and Enel became their savior. However, Enel here does not have this opportunity, and the robots can only fight against those cosmic seas on their own. A thief.

However, the space pirates did not find anything valuable on the moon, which led to the current situation.

"Wait a minute, according to what he meant, it should be the day when those space pirates appeared recently. He thought we were that group of space pirates, so he warned us.

The direction Lord Arceus was heading just now seems to be the stronghold of the space pirates that these robots mentioned, so..."

"That's really unfortunate. They should pray that they don't anger Lord Arceus."

Yevich spread his hands and observed a few seconds of silence for those space pirates. At this time, the noise coming from the distance also showed what happened over there.

A group of creatures of various shapes jumped off the pirate ship, with top hats on their heads, and spoke words that the members of the beasts could not understand.

But this had no impact, because these people threw their weapons at Arceus. They felt that the Beasts' people had occupied their rest stop. According to the rules among pirates, this was already a declaration of war.

Since it is an enemy, it is much simpler.

These space pirates are different in height and have heads shaped like crocodiles and seals. Originally, the people of the Beasts paid enough attention to them, but as they came into close combat, the pirates of the Beasts had different ideas.

"These guys are a bit weak. The guys sailing in the starry sky don't seem to be that good either."

Aviation in the pirate world does not need to be complicated. As long as the material is enough, a hot air balloon can come up. These space pirates just added some technological points to the aircraft.

10 minutes later, the space pirates were all wiped out, and at the same time they also contributed the star map of their voyage to the people of the beasts.

And a ruins also appeared in front of Arceus. This was the lunar city of Birka in the ancient times. However, due to the problem of resource depletion, the lunar people here had moved to another blue planet.

There were many identical small robots in the dark city, but Arceus didn't pay attention to them. The thing that aroused his interest the most was the excitement in his heart.

Invisible energy surged around, and a stone slab was emerging from this ancient city.

"No wonder we haven't been able to find anything belonging to Lord Arceus."

"It turns out it's on the moon"

The stone slab gradually approached Arceus, and the dust accumulated on it gradually dispersed, and a pink light enveloped everything around it.

The eighteenth stone slab, with super attributes, is the last stone slab of Arceus. Compared with the stone slabs that represent a certain element, a certain concept, or the undead, the super stone is the most special.

The superpower of thought means omnipotence, and the last missing piece of Arceus was completed, but there was no change in breath like before.

Everything returned to his body. At this time, Arceus did not have any strength to escape. Eighteen stone slabs surrounded his body and finally returned to his body calmly.

"Lord Arceus, you are now."

"I'm fine. According to what a certain guy said, I don't lack anything now, and it's time for some things to recover."

The power of the stone slab began to overflow, and two special stones soon appeared in front of Arceus.

The stone on the left is extremely round, white with a hint of pink and purple, its heart is like water waves, and its appearance is like a flawless pearl.

The stone on the right has sharp edges and corners, and its bluish appearance reflects the surrounding light. It contains a metallic luster and looks like a special diamond.

"Space and time, it's time for you two to be born in this world, Palkia and Dialga."

Arceus seemed to let out a sigh, and the two newly born gems also changed.

Purple and blue light continue to shine, with the two as the core, and the eighteen stone slabs are working together to inject power into it.

As dragons that control space and time, although they have no special attributes, these two dragons possess the most mysterious power.

Together with Giratina's antimatter and special dimensions, their three dragons are enough to build the foundation of a world.

The purple pearls extend outward, gradually constructing a whole creature, with gray and white as the main body, and purple lines connecting to various parts of the body.

Claws, teeth, scales, tail, wings, a dragon-shaped Pokémon standing on two legs just appeared in front of Arceus, a burst of purple light flashed in the pupils, and a roar came out.

The universe seemed to shake under this roar, and metal-like fangs appeared on the outside of the mouth. As the light flashed between the pearls, the space Pokémon - Palkia appeared here.

The attributes of water + dragon have the powerful ability to distort space. By distorting space, you can connect to distant different spaces at will.

But as we all know, when the enemy's BGM sounds, everyone will be defeated. Even the space god will inevitably be controlled by a guy named Hupa.

As a mythical being and the closest being to the God of Creation, every breath of Palkia is enough to make the space more stable.

When this god is born, the barrier blocking the world disappears, and the boundless space is born, which is how Xi Cui describes him.

At the same time, the diamond on the other side is also changing.

The diamond was gradually wrapped by a metal frame and formed a raised metal structure. Light blue lines appeared on the dark blue body. The silver-gray metal formed the armor on his body and also formed the sharp claws on the body. extension on.

The purest light shone in the black pupils, and there were several vertical lines on his face. He was very different from Palkia, but anyone could see that there must be a special connection between them.

Time Pokémon - Dialga, steel + dragon type.

With the same roar, the stars in the sea of ​​stars seemed to have changed, and even the light was distorted. This was not a change in space, but a capture in time.

As the God of Time, Dialga controls time and can warp it to speed up, slow down or even stop time.

By manipulating the flow of time, he can move to the past and future.

When this god was born, time in this world began to flow like a mighty river.

The meeting between Dialga and Palkia was not very peaceful. Under normal circumstances, they would live in the cracks of space and time without disturbing each other, so as not to disturb the operation of other things.

Each of them has the ability to disturb the other's domain, and they usually fight when they meet, but when Arceus was in front of him, they had no reaction.

"Be so strong"

"They are similar to Arceus-sama. What does Arceus-sama want to do?"

The surrounding pirates looked at each other, they didn't know what purpose Arceus had at this time.

"Go ahead."

As Arceus' order was issued, Palkia glanced at Dialga proudly, with a proud look in his eyes. Sometimes there was no need to say anything, the newly created one had already understood Arceus' order.

Palkia's right claw condensed a mysterious power. As Palkia swung out her right claw, a hole opened in the space in front of her, and Palkia got in.

"Don't be anxious. Your power is equally powerful and important. Go ahead and prepare. Waiting is where you can use it."

After calming down the impatient Dialga, Arceus also calmed down his thoughts. The current situation was still a little lacking.

But above the sea, a special existence appeared in the space.

In the desert of Alabasta, Barrow and S-Crocodile are exploring new ruins. After this period of education, S-Crocodile is also growing rapidly. He has the ability to communicate freely in language and no longer shouts all the time. Words from the King of the World.

However, he started smoking cigars and was always planning something of his own, seeming to have picked up Crocodile's habit.

As the space shattered, Palkia's appeared here.

"Barrow, Father God asked me to take you there, come with me."

Palkia had some memories of Arceus and knew the situation of some people. After spending some time to locate Barrow, he opened the way here.

"Put it aside what you are doing, and I will send you back again."

The power of space enveloped Barrow and took him away directly.

When S-Crocodile walked out of the ruins, he did not see Barrow's location after searching for it. After confirming again and again that Barrow was really gone, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of S-Crocodile's mouth.

"Very good, that troublesome old guy is gone, so no one can stop my ambition, hahahaha!"

Accompanied by a burst of crazy laughter, S-Crocodile seemed to be planning something again. It turned out that Barrow's efforts had not yet achieved real success.

Almost at the same time, the same crack appeared in the sky on the island where Kaido and Jhin were resting temporarily. Kaido immediately touched his Hachisai, but soon relaxed his vigilance and returned to his drunken appearance.

It was the same power as Arceus, and even in appearance, Palkia was somewhat similar to Arceus.

"Abel, come with me, Father God wants to see you."

After Barrow, Jhin was also directly "abducted" by Palkia.

"Have you created stronger dependents again? The gap is really getting bigger and bigger.

There really is no limit to the end of the strongest creature. "

Looking at Palkia disappearing, Kaido felt that the future was more interesting, and Tiger also started a new round of prayer.

The Bible belonging to them has not been completed yet, after all, the miracles in their eyes are still increasing.

In the space rift of Palkia, before Barrow and Jhin could say hello after meeting, Palkia opened a space gap again and appeared on the ghost island.

"Senior Barrow? Abel? What's going on with you?"

"It's a bit complicated. I probably don't have time to explain it clearly to you."

The facts were pretty much what Jhin had guessed. To be precise, before Jhin even finished saying this sentence, Palkia said the same lines and made exactly the same move, taking Sha Sha away with the power of space. Ina.

After that, Palkia's movements became gentler, because what he cut was the space passage leading to the reverse world.

The moment Palkia waved her claws, Giratina was aware of all this, but did not express his opinion.

Eventually Palkia returned to the moon with all the Lunarians.

"Father God, I have completed your mission."

In the space passage, all Lunalia were brought back by Palkia.

At this time, Palkia even took the initiative to stand next to Dialga, doing nothing but staring at him with an unreadable look.

"Lord Holy Beast, is this the moon?"

Looking back at the blue planet, Shaina and Jhin were also shocked. This was also a land they had never set foot on.

"This is the moon, but that doesn't matter. Now that my power is complete, there will be no more problems in time and space. It's time to bring everyone back."

"what do you mean"

"The glory that is extinguished will eventually be rekindled. If the remaining firewood is difficult to rekindle, then bring back the flame that was ignited in the past.

Dialga, Palkia, it's time for you to show your talents, go to the corresponding nodes and bring people back. "

There have always been many paradoxes in the travel of time and space. No one can tell clearly whether the return from the future to the past is a given or what.

Arceus has the power to create the world, but Palkia and Dialga specialize in a certain aspect, and they are better at doing it than Arceus himself.

In order not to cause too big a problem, Arceus also created a new insurance when Palkia went to bring back some people.

"You also go with them. You are better at such details than Dialga."

"As you command, my lord."

A much smaller Pokémon flew out from behind Arceus, with a light green body, big blue eyes, and elf-like wings flapping behind its back. Compared to Dialga's Time Pokémon, this Pokémon The classification of Kamu is more clear.

Time travel Pokémon - Celebi, as the name suggests, this Pokémon most often does time travel, and Celebi is said to be a Pokémon that only appears in peaceful times. Her birth is also different. meaning.

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