Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1387 Shaken Justice

The country on the bridge, Tajira Wolf, is not a country to be precise.

After a blank hundred years, that is, 700 years ago, the Tianlong people decided to build a bridge in the East China Sea for some unknown purpose.

He wanted to connect every island with a bridge and strengthen the connection between various parts of the East China Sea. However, after seven hundred years, the bridge was still not completed.

There are so many slaves captured here to build bridges that they have formed a unique country. For the sake of "sustainability, fishing from the lake" is even allowed for slaves to give birth regularly, providing a steady stream of labor.

Today, the workers here no longer know what the original intention of building this bridge was. They only know that this is a bridge that will never be completed until death.

The Red Continent and the windless zone around the Grand Line together divide the sea, forming four sea areas: east, west, south and north. The bridge built in the East China Sea naturally has a part that connects to the Red Continent.

This was originally a channel for the World Government to suppress workers in the Kingdom on the Bridge. Compared to places like underwater prisons, the environment in the Kingdom on the Bridge was much freer. It was not difficult to create some riots with the tools at hand.

It's just that there are only a handful of successes, and the best result is that some slaves escape from here smoothly.

Now, the bridge has become a channel for counterattack.

At this time, Misu had transformed into the form of a blue flame blade ghost and was riding on the back of the flaming horse. Since both hands were sharp blades, Misu only relied on the strength of his legs to clamp the horse's back.

The flames of the two illuminated the way forward, and the members of the rear knights also followed neatly according to the grouping of the soldiers. The military formation was neat and uniform, and no other sounds were heard except stepping and breathing.

Silently, they are like an army of vengeance returning from the underworld. In other words, they are such a group, with an unforgettable hatred for the World Government.

"Hey, don't follow them and die. They have killed the guards. If you don't take advantage of this to escape, what are you waiting for?"

Misu and others did not have much energy to take care of the newly freed slaves. This was their holy war. After winning, they had enough time to assist the weak.

If the war is delayed, everything now will be in vain.

In addition to those who took up arms and followed voluntarily, there were also many who wanted to give up and were about to leave here on the boats originally used by the guards.

"What's the point of running away?"

"You can live. Isn't living enough?"

"I watched my father die from exhaustion on the bridge, and watched my uncle freeze to death trying to move a stone into the sea. But the so-called investigator just thought that a stone was not beautiful enough, so he ordered it to be demolished for use. A bridge made of several human lives.

I'm still alive. I couldn't die before, because if I die, no one can avenge them.

Now that the opportunity has come, I don't care if I can drag those guys with me to hell. "

Not paying attention to his companion's attempts to stay, he picked up the gun he snatched from the guard and followed the team forward.

“What a fool”

Looking back at his friend disappearing on the long bridge, he was extremely hesitant. In the end, he did not have the courage to take that step, and left here by boat with the others.

There were more than one similar situation. Some people were inspired to catch up with the people in front of them, while others gave up their thoughts under the persuasion of their family members and chose to resign themselves to fate again.

Everyone has their own choice, you can't force it.

However, some people who wanted to participate in the battle were directly persuaded by Lamy who was behind the scenes.

"You're too young. This is not something you kids should get involved in."

"I'm going. Dad said that you must seize the opportunity to resist, otherwise you will always be a slave!"

"Then let's wait until you are as tall as your father. Who are the parents of this child?"

"His father is dead. They tried to escape from here before, but failed."

People passing by explained the child's identity and seemed to explain why the child was so determined.

"That's not okay, don't come and cause trouble for us."

Although he had a strong fighting spirit, he was still forcibly pulled into the retreating team.

In the darkness, the team moved forward steadily, and on the other side of the bridge, the navy responsible for reinforcements also rushed towards this side along the bridge under the orders of the World Government.

These navies are already reserve forces staying behind. The revolutionary activities launched by the revolutionary army all over the world have restrained many of the navy's forces. The anxiety of the new world battlefield has also completely trapped the navy's elite.

There are also pirates from the Four Seas and the first half of the Grand Line who are taking advantage of the situation. Some forces that are not as good as the Emperor of the Sea, but cannot be ignored completely, also need military force to confront them.

If this bridge hadn't led directly to the Red Earth Continent, these reserve teams might not have been able to be mobilized.

There was even a lot of frost on the bridge in the early morning. In an era when the navy's strength was relatively tight, the quality of the reserve team was naturally not as good as the soldiers at the front.

A soldier tripped and fell, and a sharp stone cut a bloody hole in his palm.

"Is everything okay?"

“It’s okay”

He is a new recruit in the navy. Looking at the lieutenant general with a scary face in front of him, he can't help but feel a little scared.

"How can it be okay? You're bleeding."


As the sound of the strips of cloth being torn was heard, the lieutenant general tore his cloak directly and bandaged the wounds on the soldiers' hands.

"I will be heartbroken if my subordinates bleed. The enemy will be here soon. Be prepared."

"Yes! Lieutenant General Penn!"

The general leading these naval forces was none other than Penn, who had been promoted to lieutenant general. He carried a straight sword on his back, and the beard on the corner of his mouth was combed into a straight horizontal line.

He hates things that are twisty and winding, and even his sword technique is a straight slashing method.

News of the attack on the Kingdom on the Bridge naturally reached the Navy Headquarters. Although the Navy Headquarters had been lost, the Navy's command system had not collapsed. Under the order conveyed by the World Government, T-Bone came here with his men overnight.

After arriving at the defense area, T-Bone quickly saw the enemy in the intelligence, but the picture he saw now did not match the vicious pirate described in the intelligence.

The leader was a woman covered in black armor, and behind her were neat rows of knights in golden armor. The flag of Qianzhou Arms was hanging in the team. T-Bone knew that it was a religion of the Beasts Pirates.

There is nothing wrong with this. A well-dressed pirate is still a pirate.

The problem is, these knight-looking people look more elite than the knights of the kingdom before he joined the navy, but they are followed by many people in rags.

Rather than saying they are pirates, those people are beggars.

"What's going on with the civilians being kidnapped by pirates?"

"Lieutenant General Penn! They are starting to charge!"

The information T-Bone received was that pirates were going to attack Mary Joa from here, but he didn't know anything else, and he had no chance to find out the situation.

After determining the enemy's position, Misu jumped off the back of the flaming horse and rushed towards the navy.

She can ride a horse, but she can't fight on a horse. The flame horse is just for walking or chasing enemies over long distances. If she is allowed to fight on horseback, it will only have the opposite effect in the end.

"Meet the enemy! Our mission is to stop all enemies and try not to accidentally injure civilians, but protecting ourselves is the most important!"

After T-Bone gave the order, he drew his sword and rushed forward.

He hated the curved blades in the enemy's hands, but the weapons of the Blue Flame Blade Demon were full of curves.

"Right Angle Flash·Penn Air Cut!"

The T-bone's sword blade cut a right angle in mid-air. This is also his unique right-angle sword technique, but the right angle also has a greater disadvantage, that is, a larger gap.

Not all ghost-type Pokémon have ghost bodies. Crimson Blade is an example. This type of Pokémon has a more obvious entity than Gengar and the like.

However, Misu's body adjusted to an angle, and instead he got out of the right-angled gap of the T-bone slash.

The two swords crossed and slashed at the T-bone, and the T-bone's blade also defended at a very twisted angle, turning around to block Misu's slash.

"Lieutenant General Penn, long time no see. The last time I met you, you were just a major general."

"I don't remember knowing you, pirate."

Penn used his arms to slash downwards. He was nicknamed the Ship-Slasher. One blow was enough to split a ship into two pieces. His own strength was very powerful and he was not at a disadvantage in the fight.

However, the flames rising from Misu's sword edge forced the T-bone back.

Taking advantage of this gap, Misu's helmet temporarily disappeared, revealing his original face.

"What about this? Although we just met by chance, I still have a deep impression on you."

Misu hates the people in the World Government, but she does not deny that there are righteous people in the navy. When she was missionary in the past, she accidentally met T-Bone, and even helped the local aborigines together.

"It's you. I misjudged you. I didn't expect that you would threaten ordinary people and become your helper."

"You misunderstood one thing. There is no threat. They are voluntary. However, in the eyes of your navy, these people are not civilians. According to your definition, they are slaves and prisoners."

There is no mutual agreement. Misu admits that T-Bone has her own justice, but when T-Bone blocks her, she will still take action without hesitation.

This is no longer a battle between individuals, but a dispute over positions. As long as T-Bone insists on serving the navy, the outcome will not change at all.

At this time, groups of formation soldiers had already cut through the navy's formation.

The front group of soldiers had red clouds surrounding their heads. Under the influence of the huge power, they had transformed into a race of giants. Facing these ordinary navy, the giants wearing heavy armor meant that they were unstoppable.

There is nothing limiting them except the width of the bridge deck.


The navy in front fell into the seawater on both sides like dumplings, but a figure finally stood in front of the formation.

The short figure looked naive, and the fleshy ball in his palm made him look unintimidating, but it was this enemy that stopped the soldiers rushing at the front.


The formation soldiers at the front noticed the force coming from the front of the shield, and their huge figures immediately flew out, relying on the formation soldiers behind them to support themselves.

"It's Seraph. In this way, it's a clone of Tyrant Bear."

"The vice-admiral is fighting the nuns. Except for this Seraph, the rest of the navy is no match for us."

"Find the person holding the authority chip. The intelligence said that the world government relies on that chip to operate the Seraphs. Without that chip, these Seraphs may give up the fight."

After a brief conversation, the ability users in the array quickly determined their own fighting methods, but finding the chip holder suddenly became a problem.

"Team 2, Team 3, stop that Seraph! The rest of the team will continue to break through. The Seraph will focus its fire on whoever it protects first!"

After a simple exchange, they quickly made tactical adjustments. They were betting on human nature and that the enemy would give priority to taking care of themselves when facing a crisis.

No matter how sophisticated the intelligence is, it is impossible to understand every enemy in detail. The tactical game is an unfair gamble. Intelligence reconnaissance is the most reasonable technique. You must use the existing intelligence to bet on the opponent's possibility.

At this time, Lamy, the medical soldier, also became a poison healer. While the soldiers were fighting in formation, she had already rushed into the enemy's rear alone.

If the battle of the soldiers in formation is a frontal battle, then the battle of Lamy is full of weirdness.

"Natural type! This guy is natural type! Use prison bullets!"

"It missed. You should aim better!"

It's not like the changes brought about by the Devil Fruit are in Smelly Mud's body. Even if Lamy is caught in the sea stone net, he can still get out directly from the gap in the net bag.

During the battle, she also activated shrinkage, turning herself into the size of the Dontata clan, because her battle did not require frontal combat at all, only breaking through defenses was enough.

After shrinking, Lamy caused chaos in the navy's formation and captured the prison bombs carried by the navy.

The knights haven't found the holder of the chip yet, and S-Bear has inherited the ability of the Bear Meat Ball Fruit. If it weren't for the special connection between the soldiers in the formation, which can stabilize each other's bodies, I'm afraid they would all be photographed now. The battlefield.

They can rely on their ability to resist the compressed air cannon and the laser cannon developed based on Kizaru's ability, but there is really nothing they can do about their ability to shoot them away.

However, the Seraph is just a weapon after all. The logical thinking of the battle is a pre-arranged program and lacks flexibility. It was attracted by Lamy's fake moves and was finally constrained by the prison bomb.

Green blood gives them the ability to reproduce the fruit, which is also affected by weaknesses. Among Vegapunk's inventions are bubble guns that can gather seawater energy. These bubble guns can limit the movement of Seraphim.

Likewise, net bombs embedded with sea tower stones can have the same effect.

As the S-Bear lost its combat power, the navy also lost the last combat power it could rely on, and was soon completely repelled.

Although Misu was not the type who was good at fighting, his T-bone's combat power was not as good as those of the elite veteran lieutenant generals. After persisting for a period of time, the long sword in his hand was cut off and he was captured.

At this time, he was bursting with tears, but it was not because of his defeat, nor because of fear of the future results.

Those ordinary people who he thought should be protected by the navy cheered after seeing the navy's defeat. This is what makes T-bone sad. The justice he defends is not what these ordinary people want.

"I don't want to kill you, and our goal is not to kill you. It's just that as a navy, your vision is too narrow. Where you can't see, there are countless darkness in this world. We started from that darkness. In the corner, the lucky guy who survived by chance.

keep going! The Red Earth Continent is coming soon! "

The T-bone was bound and thrown aside, waiting for the people behind to deal with it, while Misu's vanguard continued to walk forward.

There will be more in a while

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