Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1390 Target, Mary Joa

There was unprecedented silence in Mariejoyenne, and the five old stars felt a sense of crisis for the first time in so many years.

Whether it was the original Valley of the Gods incident or the subsequent Summit War, not even the Mariejoia attack planned by the Revolutionary Army later made them so nervous.

Those big events in the eyes of the world are just part of the balance in the eyes of the Five Old Stars. They do not need to use many trump cards at all. They can even be regarded as a weapons experiment.

It wasn't until the flames of war caught up with them and caused irreparable losses to the Five Old Stars that they began to feel upset.

"Please pay attention to each other. If you don't want to follow in the footsteps of Sartan, Master Yimu is already preparing to start his own reckoning. We just need to follow this trend. It was like this before, and nothing will change now."

Nasushiro's words seemed to finalize the outcome of this matter. The Im behind him was their last support and their belief.

In the eyes of Wulaoxing, there is no opponent that Yimu cannot solve, but most things cannot arouse Yimu's interest.

Soldiers fight against soldiers, against generals. This is the tradition of the world. The enemy's gods should naturally be dealt with by their own gods. However, they have not yet realized how big the gap between gods is.

At the same time, Wano Country.

For the natives of Wano, things have changed a lot lately.

After a night in Rabbit Bowl, a towering wall of ice enveloped the Rabbit Bowl area, showing no signs of melting.

But on the day Arceus returned, the ice wall disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed. After that, there were many new faces in the Rabbit Bowl.

All of them with brown skin and black wings shuttled through the weapons factory in Tuwan. They had no interest in hot weapons. Instead, they were looking for swords and spears that suited them. Some people couldn't find any that they could get their hands on, so they simply made them themselves.

There is no need for armor, because the Lunarian body is a natural shield, and it is very difficult for opponents of the same level to break through their defense.

Even though the death of high-end combat forces during the evacuation caused a gap in combat power, and they were strangled and wanted around the world, this ethnic group still persisted for a long time.

The locals of Wano are not afraid of them. In the eyes of the people of Wano, the black wings symbolize angels.

This is also a change in the culture here. In the Oden era, all demihumans who looked different from humans were monsters in their eyes and should be burned to death directly.

However, as the country of Wano changed hands, this concept also changed. The image of the angel was written by people, and the traditional white wings and halo were just the yearning of the writer.

In this era of Arceus' existence, the Lunaria tribe, as a dependent family of Arceus, naturally has a different definition.

Not everyone was in the factory, and some of the Lunaria tribe came to the sky island above. They looked down on things like muskets, not only because of their fighting habits, but they even felt that those things were a bit backward.

Instead of counting on the power of the flintlock gun, it's better to use your fists.

Today's Lunaria tribe does not only have a few remnants left, but a relatively complete race, which also includes their scholars.

Although the lifestyle of this race is very retro, there is also a lot of research on ancient technology in the eyes of today's people.

Give them more time, and they can really recreate those lost things and mass-produce them.

O'Hara's scholars are also cooperating with them. These are all living dictionaries from ancient times. Different from the special situation of Barrow before, some people even specialize in academic research and family documentation.

As long as some names are unified, the answers of these Lunarians are even more credible than the official history. Only by truly experiencing that era can we understand what exactly happened back then.

【It’s a big epidemic. 】

Just four words are enough to explain one thing, but the tragedy of that year is simply incomprehensible to future generations.

During this period of time, Yamato was also preparing for the battle. Taken had been polished to shine by her, and the ultimate goal was to completely smash Maz's mouth and teach him the correct pronunciation of a word.

In her lounge, there is a small diamond lounge chair, which is Dianxi's resting place, but it is currently occupied by another Pokémon.

Celebi was lying on it with a sad face, his eyes glancing at the clock aside from time to time.

"What's wrong with you? Is there something that worries you?"

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is Celebi's characteristic. This kind of Pokémon will find the most comfortable place to live. With Arceus and the others returning to Wano, the exit of the time and space tunnel opened by Celebi will naturally not continue to exist. Space, followed back to the country of Wano.

Among many locations, she finally chose Yamato.

Seeing Celebi having trouble sleeping and eating, Yamato was confused as to what she was worried about.

"It's nothing, it's just that a group of very troublesome Pokémon are coming to find me."

"Why did you offend those Pokémon? I can help you reconcile."

"It's useless. This is a fait accompli that absolutely cannot be changed."

As he spoke, the hour hand on the clock took another step forward, and a toy that looked like an auspicious egg popped out of the clock, clapping his hands to tell the time.

The time and space tunnel around him also opened at the same time, pulling Celebi back again.

"Strange, why do these Celebes smell exactly the same?"

Yamato didn't know yet that because of Celebi's behavior, she had to work overtime for a full month.

Just when she thought the communication method of this group was strange, Kaido sent a communication to Onigashima, and it was in conference mode.

"Father? Isn't that Morgans next to you? Why did you get there?"

Looking at the picture on Kaido's side, Yamato saw a very familiar bird head, but Morgans's face was not so relaxed.

Kaido suddenly found his trace and came directly to him. This kind of thing was a huge impact on Morgans's stimulated heart.

"Of course I am using this guy's newspaper to make some big noise. Such a grand battle would be a lot less fun if there were no audience. I want to tell those guys that the days of being firmly on the throne are gone.

You are almost ready here. It will not be easy to find another such a grand battlefield. "

"It should be almost done. It is said that my adoptive father went to the moon before and brought back many of Sister Shaina's tribe. During this time, the Lunarians were preparing for revenge."

"Kaido, do you have any new ideas?"

"It's not really an idea. I just want to tell them when to fight, and give these guys a sense of urgency. I hate those guys on the Red Earth Continent, but it's been a long time."

The appearance of Arceus interrupted Yamato's words. Yamato couldn't tell exactly what stage Wano Country had prepared for. Asking her for such details would be to embarrass her.

The raid on the Navy Headquarters has ended. This time Kaido plans to declare war more formally, find the location of Morgans, and also plans to make a live broadcast declaration.

"Really? That's just right. We're almost ready here. Once you finish speaking, we can start."

"I'm not that close to Mariejoia. Morgans is a very timid guy. It took me a lot of effort to find him."

"It doesn't have any impact. It's just a little distance. You can reach it in an instant."

Palkia can distort space. When the space loses its distance, the distance will naturally lose its meaning. The coordinates of Mary Joa are very obvious, so it is not complicated to open a few more passages.

"Uh-huh-huh, are you going to take action too? It seems like you have some time to rest."

"Some things you have to do yourself. Send your location back and wait where you are after you finish your work."

Palkia can lock the coordinates by himself, but with the detailed location, he can save a lot of energy. Kaido also knows where he is, so asking him to say a word will have no effect.

After Arceus finished speaking, he disconnected, and Jhin and Shaina disappeared one after another. They had taken over the identity of the helmsman of the Lunaria tribe, and gathering troops was naturally what they had to do.

But Kaido hadn't finished speaking yet. From Rotom's split screen, Kaido quickly found a evasive figure.

"Quinn, what are you doing?"

"Ahem, I was a little excited just now. The connection of the robot hand was loose. Brother Kaido, what can I do?"

"I heard that you killed the Green Bull with your own hands. It seems that I underestimated you."

"It's a fluke, it's just a fluke. It's not that I am strong, but that guy is too weak. There will be stains among the admirals."

If it were anyone else, Quinn would definitely brag about his strength and pile all kinds of complimentary words on himself.

But now he is facing Kaido, and admitting that he is strong in front of Kaido is just looking for trouble.

Quinn doesn't think the world government can withstand the final offensive of the beasts. Kaido is extremely enthusiastic about the battlefield, Yamato is so angry with Maz that he doesn't bother to trouble him recently, and a group of Lunarians are ready for revenge. Not to mention Arceus himself.

Judging from the calmness of the World Government, they may be hiding some cards, but no matter how powerful the cards they hide are, they cannot be as powerful as Arceus.

This is where the problem lies. Kaido will not give up fighting just because the enemy disappears. He will only look for a more powerful opponent. In this process, Yamato will definitely not be able to escape, and he will most likely be counted by Kaido.

Quinn's mind is racing, trying to save her future self.

It was impossible to deny the killing of the Green Bull, but if Quinn tried to shirk the blame, the minutes of the meeting could be used as evidence to liquidate him afterwards.

Then he could only show weakness, but this was Kaido's conspiracy. Whether he showed weakness or admitted it, the result made no difference.

"I see, it seems you are still not confident enough. When everything settles down, I will help you improve."

After that, Kaido didn't even give Quinn a chance to refute, and directly cut off Quinn's connection, causing him to lose the chance to speak.

"Olga, how are you doing there?"

"The navy is trying to retreat, but it's not that easy."

Olga's place was full of roaring artillery fire, and it sounded like a fierce battle was taking place. On the chaotic battlefield, it was extremely difficult to make everyone stop with just one sentence. Even if the high-end combat power could hold back, they would have already killed someone. The red-eyed soldier was not so easy to stop.

If you don't want to be targeted by the enemy, you can only continue to fight. Although the commander here is He, facing the current situation, no matter how smart she is, she can't think of any way to break the situation.

Unless the World Government now sends a stronger combat force, there is no point in investing in numbers, let alone that there is no quantitative support now.

"Just continue to do what you want, and remember to call for support if necessary."

Many captains and crew members have special care for trainees. Even if the original trainee has grown up, nothing has changed.

With Kaido offline, the final war mobilization began in Wano, but there was one more exception - Quinn.

"Is it because I haven't had much rest recently and am hallucinating, or are you crazy? You said you were going to fight in Mariegioa?"

Jhin patted his ears, feeling a little dreamy. After all, in Jhin's opinion, Quinn could be equated with Skaar. They were both timid lizards, and they were forced not to run away when in danger.

"What's wrong! This uncle is also a disaster! He is a senior cadre with the same name as you! He is the senior cadre with the highest bounty! He still has the most luxurious record! Do you have any objections?"

This is Quinn's true state. In a sense, what he said is right. He has the most luxurious overall record among disaster-level cadres.

Shaina killed Sartan, but with the help of the Red Lock, Olga played with the Yonko and the Shichibukai, but the time difference was stuck.

But Jhin has already had a lot of experience, and he knows how to deal with Quinn.

"A fight?"

"Ahem, the war is about to begin. How can we waste our energy in a place like this? What we should do is clearing the way for Lord Arceus and Governor Kaido. I will prepare first. You can continue to arrange your clan members. "

Faced with Jhin's extremely brief answer, Quinn chose to give up. The reason for his doing so was simple. He heard what Arceus was about to do.

The three monsters of the pirate group attacked at the same time. How could there be someone powerful enough to threaten him? Jhin, Shaina and the World Government all have a bloody feud, so they will definitely rush to the front, so that as long as he follows behind, he can lie down Win.

Of course, Quinn would not let go of this opportunity to participate in the decisive battle with a win. He had even planned in advance how to celebrate after the battle.

The current beasts are pirates, but if they win, who can continue to say that they are pirates?

At the same time, Morgans also came to Kaido trembling.

But it's not out of fear, it's out of excitement.

"Um, dear Lord Kaido, did you just say that you wanted to attack Mary Joa head-on?"

"Yes, didn't you hear everything?"

Kaido answered Morgans casually. He had already begun to imagine the final battle, dragging all those in power into the quagmire of war, and everyone fighting together fairly. This is Kaido's idea that has never changed.

"Oxygen! Get the portable oxygen quickly!! There are also medicines and AED!"

However, after he finished his answer, Morgans fell straight down. After hesitating for two or three seconds, the reporters behind him did not stop because of fear. Instead, they rushed up to give Morgans first aid.

Morgans' World Economic News Agency sounds like a serious newspaper, but it is actually a gray industry. It is through this news agency that Morgans can become the king of the underground world.

When it comes to news, he always follows his own mood. He has reported countless news that the world government does not want him to broadcast. If he hadn't been obedient occasionally and made the world government not take him seriously, he would have been kicked out by all means. Destroyed.

The reporters who have been able to follow Morgans are more or less because of the cohesion brought by Morgans. They still respect the president very much and have even formed a first aid team because of Morgans's condition.

"President, calm down. If you keep doing this, you will die on the big news sooner or later."

"It would be nice if there was big news like that, but the news won't disappear. I don't want to miss future opportunities like this."

"Hey, are you okay with this guy? I won't be polite to you if you delay my business."

Kaido on the side felt that Morgans' life condition was quite stable, so he immediately urged him.

"I am Big News Morgans. How could I fall down because of something like this? What do you want me to do?"

"Don't you have some kind of live broadcast in various sea areas? Open that thing and send the newspaper again. The other things have nothing to do with you."

"I see, I understand. However, the live broadcast requires a little time to prepare, and due to broadcast issues, the viewing angle will be affected. If possible, I suggest you put on makeup first."

On an unknown island, Kaido rarely sat quietly on the ground, while several makeup artists climbed on ladders to adjust Kaido's face to make him look more sinister.

They were very scared at first, but as they did so, they found that Kaido didn't seem to be that scared.

"Lord Kaido, blink."

"Lord Kaido, raise your head, there is still something to deal with here."

In fact, Kaido would not act casually when facing people who were useful to him when he was not drunk. As a person who is interested in drama, Kaido knew very well that he needed to put on makeup before going on stage, so he did not stop him. their behavior.

He is someone who will think carefully about his debut script. Although most people have the impression of him as fierce and direct, in fact Kaido pays great attention to his personal image. Of course, the premise is that he is not drunk.

"Light! Light! Adjust the angle in that direction!"

"The photographer is ready! The rough draft has been written out!"

"People in other areas have been contacted and we can start!"

All over the world, the working branches of the World Economic News Agency became active. Looking at their lit screens, local residents also gathered around. This is one of the few ways for them to understand the outside world in an island environment.

But as the screen lit up, the characters who appeared surprised them.


"The most powerful creature? The most terrifying pirate? What is the newspaper doing? How could such a person be allowed to broadcast live?"

"Come and see! It's Lord Kaido!"

Shock, fear, anger, excitement, with the appearance of Kaido, different people have different reactions.

Kaido did not hesitate. After confirming that the live broadcast signal was normal, he issued his latest war declaration.

"You read that right, I am Kaido, the man who planted the pirate flag at the Navy Headquarters not long ago!

But this is not the end, but a new beginning!

The Navy Headquarters is not my target. The Navy is just a dog led by the World Government. If the owner does not change, there is no point in killing many evil dogs.

My goal is the Red Earth Continent!

The Celestial Dragons call themselves gods and think they can rule the world. They do nothing, and just because of this status, they can make everyone obey their orders. This is what I hate the most.

Now, I will smash the altar of these Tianlong people and use their blood to cleanse the polluted continent!

That bald guy, I forgot your name, but you better be able to fight me harder this time! Uh-huh-huh! "

At the headquarters of the Cross Guild, Bucky was so frightened that he flew into pieces in the sky.

The Cross Guild is now also a major force in the New World, ranking only after the Sea Emperors. Morgans' news agency also has a branch here for the purpose of collecting some news.

The scope of the global war is very wide. In addition to the warring parties, there are countless people who take advantage of the opportunity. The Cross Guild has also made a fortune in the war and received war mercenary missions from many countries.

But this mission is not to fight the navy or the beasts, but to deal with those who fish in troubled waters.

"Kai Keduo? Is that guy crazy?! What on earth does he want to do!"

Bucky's teeth were chattering up and down. He originally thought that Kaido's target was also the Pirate King. After all, they were pirates, and finding treasures was what a pirate should do.

Unexpectedly, Kaido didn't seem to pay attention to these three words at all. Not only did Kaido do what Roger didn't dare to do, but he also made it clear in a big way how he wanted to do it, directly communicating with the World Government. This behemoth chose a showdown.

"Guhahaha, is the target the world? Yes, this is the courage this guy should have. If I had this kind of power, I would do the same thing."

Crocodile can understand Kaido's thoughts better. His ambition is quite big, but he just doesn't have the energy.

Kaido's live broadcast was very short. After that, the newspaper's printer was almost overloaded and the news was sent to all parts of the world. The Red Earth Continent naturally also received the news.

"You are so arrogant. You are just a pirate. Do you really think you have control of the world?"

Kaido's behavior has rubbed the face of the World Government under his feet, and he is also full of contempt for the navy. Although what Kaido said is a fact, the navy cannot accept this evaluation.

Even a marine like Sora, who had been promoted long ago, felt angry, but the reality was often more straightforward.


There was a vibration in Mariejoia, and directly opposite Mariejoia's gate, a hole opened in the sky out of thin air.

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