Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1400 The final sanction of Guang Li

The management of Huangquan was handed over to Darkrai. When he first took over the place, Darkrai thought it was very simple. It was just a group of undead without much order. He had absolute restraint on this kind of creature.

No matter how strong he was in life, he would be nothing more than an undead soul after death, unable to cause any trouble.

However, reality tells Darkrai that many things are not that easy. This underworld has many loopholes. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the undead to return here.

But the Underworld Fruit is an exception. People who eat the Underworld Fruit will have another chance. After birth, old age, illness and death, the Underworld itself is also a part of nature, and the attitude towards the Underworld Fruit is naturally disgusting.

It's just that the power of this fruit is somewhat specific to Huang Quan, so there's nothing you can do.

The fruit of the underworld can resurrect the dead, and other loopholes in the rules also appear in the underworld. The resurrection of the Five Old Stars also took advantage of this loophole, allowing their souls to travel back and forth and regenerate their bodies with the help of the same bloodline.

After Darkrai discovered the vulnerability, he was fixing it. However, it is obvious that Darkrai does not have the experience of a programmer, otherwise he would understand that if the entire program can still run normally, a small bug Just ignore it.

To be precise, don't move.

Sometimes it is not the program that breeds bugs, but the bugs that maintain the program.

Of course, the rules of nature are not electronic programs. There is still a slight difference. Darkrai just repaired it in a way that was too simple, which subsequently caused some chain reactions.

After a period of checking and filling in the gaps, Darkrai finally got everything back on track. He traced back to the root cause and discovered some problematic factors.

However, judging from the situation at the scene, it was no longer needed. Darkrai was just repairing the loopholes. As he was repairing, he found that his boss planned to completely replace everything.

"Darkrai, what happened before?"

"It has been processed according to your request. There is no residue."

The elimination of the Celestial Dragons is not only in a purely physical sense, but also from both a scientific and theological perspective. Scientifically speaking, the Celestial Dragons will disappear, and the killed Celestial Dragons will not have any signs of life left.

Theologically speaking, even their souls will not continue to exist, and everything will disappear. Even if a resurrection fruit that can resurrect others is born in the future, these Celestial Dragons will not be able to continue to exist.

Even in the past on this timeline, when Dialga and Palkia left, it became an inherent fact that cannot be changed.

"Very well, it's time for this to come to an end."

Arceus didn't care what the loophole Darkrai said was. He didn't care. Whether it was Im himself or the King of Heaven, this loophole would be cleared by him personally.

In a sense, this seems to be something like reincarnation. The Celestial Dragons headed by Imu do things their own way. They only need to put an X on the map to announce the fate of an island.

Moreover, the reason given was not that the island was destroyed for some reason, but that it had never existed. However, when doing these things, Im and others never thought that one day in the future, they would also Cleared.

The one who did this was not the legendary Nika, nor the Joyboy of the past, but a race that in their perception had long been destroyed.

"Everyone, it's time to come back. I believe you are not keen on killing. This is just a gift in return for the treatment you have received over the past eight hundred years."

This area of ​​revenge is not large. Even on the Red Earth Continent, it only occupies a small area. Those who attack the Tianlong people are not killing for fun, but simply revenge.

The helpless Celestial Dragons were completely vulnerable to these Avengers. Although the elite Celestial Dragons of the Knights of God were still trying to resist, the sound of fighting was getting weaker and weaker.

The Celestial Dragons are about to disappear, but Arceus does not intend to let the Lunaria become a new group of Celestial Dragons. One group of such scourges is enough, and he does not want his dependents to become new evil dragons.

The power of new development is like a bud. As it grows into a towering tree, it needs to be constantly trimmed to prevent it from growing crooked and endangering the development of normal order.

The Arceus Religion is an example. In the development process of religion, many things are gradually being revised. It is not terrible to make mistakes. The terrible thing is to allow the mistakes to develop.

"Londe! It's time to retreat, haven't you fought enough yet?"

"Come on, there are quite a lot of trash among the descendants of these guys, but not all of them are passable."

A ball of fire rose from Lund's hand, and then he punched a Celestial Dragon in the face. With the sound of his skull shattering, the Celestial Dragon's head was smashed directly into the ground.

"It's a pity that it's still not as good as before. With this little ability, do you still call yourself a clan of gods? You can't even fly. But I don't seem to have the right to criticize them. After all, we were the losers back then."

"Lund, is it really okay for you to say such things? Don't you hate all philosophical topics?"

When you see a person who rarely uses his brain suddenly research complex ideas, it's just like seeing Luffy writing a paper, which is always unbelievable.

"Stop coming! You've had enough. Can't I think of something else? Let's go and take away those who were originally slaves. It's not a good thing to keep them here."

After greeting the nearby tribesmen, Longde led the tribesmen next to him and began to retreat. These Tianlong talents were the most trusted force among the Tianlong people, and they themselves were not that easy to deal with.

Many Lunarians have obvious scars on their bodies. This clan is powerful, but not invincible, otherwise they would not be in this situation in the end.

"Speaking of which, what are your plans in the future? You can't live in hatred forever. After this is over, I plan to be a traveler and take a good look at the changes in the world."

"If I have the chance, I would like to see the stars. I heard that there are countless unknowns among the vast stars. If I have a chance to do it again, I must seize it."

Those who rob homes and plunder wantonly are pirates. Traveling normally and exploring unknown islands are two different things from being pirates. However, both the world government and the native people of the sea have confused the two.

But this cognitive confusion only appeared in the later period of the World Government's rule. In the era of Barrow and Lund, the distinction between adventurers and pirates was still very clear.

Of course, even if you are an adventurer, it will be difficult at first when you arrive at a new island or country.

No one can say who started it, but ever since a pirate disguised as an adventurer carried out a robbery and let the news spread, some places have not dared to let strangers onto the island at will. Something started, but It's hard to save.

The Lunarians who were fighting gradually stopped, the members of the Knights of Arceus Cult were retreating in an orderly manner, and the slaves of the Draconians were gradually taken away under the dissuasion of these people.

The Tianlong people who still had the ability to fight did not choose to pursue them. No matter in terms of numbers or combat power, these Tianlong people were at a disadvantage at the moment, and even if they wanted to pursue them, they were powerless.

The retreat of these people can be regarded as a relief for them.

"What happened to these untouchables? Why did they retreat inexplicably?"

"What else can I do? I'm afraid I have a new way to torture people."

The Tianlong people are very experienced in this kind of thing. After all, they have to do it every three years. If they suddenly stop during hunting activities, they must have a new "game method."

At this time, giving some illusions to the prey can stimulate their desire to survive and increase their own fun. But now, they have become prey.

"The gap is really big, but this is an opportunity. Their siege is not tight. Even if those guys can fly, they may not be able to escape."

This part of the Tianlong people is more rational, arrogant and will also analyze the specific situation. It is obvious that they cannot sit still and wait for death.

"Then you can only seek happiness for yourself from now on. We can't take care of others in this situation."

At that time, the Lunaria tribe was in retreat, and they were still able to make the decision that the strong ones would cut off the rear and let most of the tribe evacuate. After all, for the Lunaria tribe, flying was the same basic method of movement as walking and running.

But the Celestial Dragons couldn't do it. Faced with this desperate situation, they could only try to abandon most of the people and let a few elites escape. And with the character of the Celestial Dragons, they couldn't die for others.

Several people who were relatively strong and had not died in the previous battle looked at each other and immediately dispersed.

No one stopped them, no one even cared about them, the Lunarians in the sky were just watching them.

"So careless? Then you can succeed."

Seeing the cliff right in front of them, the Tianlong people showed a proud smile. As long as they jumped from here, they could follow the sea currents away from here. The height of the Red Earth Continent and the turbulence of the sea currents could be ignored in the face of strength.

Jumping headfirst off an empty island, crossing a windless zone with bare hands, these seemingly impossible things are easy in the hands of strong people.

At this time, they had forgotten that the outside air was "very dirty" to them, and did not think about where to find helmets and spacesuits later.

At this moment, the Tianlong people may be able to slightly understand the feelings of the original slaves, but they have forgotten that according to their habits, greater despair will come after hope.


With a muffled sound, the fastest charging Tianlong hit the transparent wall, and the huge backlash made him dizzy.


Ignoring the bleeding forehead, I hurriedly searched for other locations, but the result was very disappointing. Within a certain range, this transparent barrier seemed to be everywhere.

Whether they use the Moon Step to jump upward or dig beneath the red earth continent, they cannot leave this area.

"Asshole, open it! Open it for me!"

A Tianlong man picked up his weapon and slashed forward without belief, but when he swung his weapon forward, he didn't touch anything.


The Tianlong man tentatively threw some things into the distance, and still threw them unimpeded. But when he continued to move forward, the invisible barrier came into play again. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move forward. Take a step.

"This is the power of space. You Tianlong people can't get out. Just wait for the destruction to come."

Suddenly a mocking voice came from above. Hupa was sitting on a golden ring, looking down with a evil smile on his face, and his image also changed greatly.

Different from his previous fierce appearance like a dragon demon, he is now gray and pink, with a pair of huge horns. He is sitting on a golden ring, and his legless lower body is like a little ghost.

At this time, Hupa gathered most of his power and changed from his original form into a smaller form. Although this state is not as powerful as before, it is more agile and suitable for activation outside of combat.

The biggest difference is that Hupa's power is not sealed at this time, but he actively hides part of his power.

Groudon and Kyogre have their original returning forms. Dialga, Palkia and Giratina all have their own origin forms. These forms are undoubtedly more powerful, but in daily life, they may not Just use this attitude.

"Distorted space?"

"Yes, this space now refuses your passage. As long as you are a Celestial Dragon, it is impossible to cross this barrier, even my Golden Ring and Palkia. Oh, you don't understand this.

In short, I can tell you that this is an area that you cannot pass. How about it, am I being generous, but I gave you the answer. "

The golden space ring rotates in Hupa's hand like a ferrule. If Rejichikas is the type who doesn't want to communicate with humans even among beasts, then Hupa is the type who can happily communicate with even his enemies. type.

He will use the most cheerful tone to give the enemy the final result.

"Are you kidding? How could you have such ability?"

"You may not believe it, but the result will not change in any way. Your destruction is an established fact that cannot be changed."

While speaking, Hupa seemed to feel a breath, and immediately got into the ring and left here. At the same time, inside Ouranos, Im was still mechanically pressing the switch in front of him, but Ouranos did not give any Im not sure any reaction.

"Why is this happening? If the result is this, then what have you been doing for so many years? What is the meaning of this?"

Im's originally red pupils were already filled with blood. Apart from the scarlet color, there was nothing in Im's pupils. What happened at this time was an impact on Im's logical consciousness.

Arceus vetoed everything from the root with absolute power.

There is only Im, a Draconian, left in Ouranos. The air here is now indescribably quiet, but in a cabin further away, York and Lilith can still be seen.

"It's impossible. How is it possible that this machine was damaged in an unscientific way? There is obviously no problem, why is this happening?!"

York and Lilith are now in the warehouse room. York wants to open the door to leave here, but these metal facilities just don't obey.

Obviously there is no problem with the program, but it just can't be opened.

In the outside world, the air was also very quiet. A wisp of breeze blew by, the sand and gravel on the ground rolled with it, and some leaves also flew into the sky with the wind.

Palkia and Dialga glanced at Hupa, who had just come back from the front, and then took a step back together.

At this time, Arceus had some changes in its form. The stone slabs that were originally inside his body were now surrounding Arceus's body. The sun was eclipsed by the shining brilliance, and the energy contained in it was beyond that of the humans present. understand.

Whether it is telepathy transmitted to people all over the world or regular blocking, these exceed the limits of human power, but these are not as direct as the most intuitive destruction.

"Slate. Is that the stone slab that the beasts have been looking for all these years? Does that kind of thing contain such terrifying power?"

In the days when the slate was lost, there were temporary owners, but they never discovered the power contained in the slate. Indestructibility was the only result they could find.

It wasn't until those stone slabs surrounded Arceus that the unknown came to fruition.

"If that thing were in our hands."

"Don't be stupid. If that thing really existed and could have such power, careerists would have appeared decades ago. What matters is not those slates, but who is using those slates."

When the world's attention was once again focused on Arceus, greed naturally arose, but Arceus would not do anything if he simply had this thought. He would not interfere with other people's dreams.

As long as this ambition is not put into action, there will be no evil consequences.

With the huge population base, some people also saw the essence of the matter. Arceus holding the stone tablets was obviously much more dangerous than those stone tablets.

"Has this kind of power, what Mu is pursuing, always wrong?"

Im can still see what is happening outside, but Im doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with his actions, he just regrets that he chose the wrong power.

The ghost slate and the evil face slate also came to the main position at this time, and the double salvation can completely deal with the hidden dangers from the soul level.

Arceus's eyes flashed with light, and then a vast energy surged out of his body.

However, it was not emitted from a certain part of Arceus' body, but a terrifying purple light point was condensed below Ouranos.

"Sanctioning Guang Li."

The voice was plain but mighty, like a bell like a bell, surrounding everyone's heart.

As the light spot spreads, an earth-shattering pillar of light formed on the spot, breaking through the sea of ​​stars above and destroying the Nine Netherworld below. No matter it was the Heavenly King just now or the clouds in the sky, the remaining Celestial Dragons below or those who are enough to destroy the world in the eyes of the world. Ancient weapons.

All of this ushered in destruction in the light gravel of Arceus. Where the light affected, everything ended and everything was destroyed.

There is no difference between these clones of York and Im, the so-called Lord of the Dragons.

boom! ! ! !

In the starry sky, the beam of light penetrated straight through the sea of ​​stars, and the blow that penetrated the stars dimmed the stars. The stars also trembled at this moment, and most of Arceus' power was aimed upward.

It's not because Ouranos or Im are worth it, but if we aim at the Red Earth Continent, it won't be able to withstand it.

In an unknown galaxy, on a space pirate ship, all kinds of aliens looked nervous.

"It's a warning. It's a warning and an order from the people on that planet. No one is allowed to approach that star field!"

The sanctioning light gravel came to an abrupt end in front of them, and they themselves planned to go for revenge because the pirate ship heading to the moon transfer station lost contact, but this time, they completely dispelled the thoughts in their minds.

"What is this?"

On the battlefield between Kaido and Nashirō, Nashirō was unusually stunned. This was not something Im could do. Although in his mind Im was omnipotent, he also knew that this was compared to the sea. .

Im's own strength has not yet reached this level of strength.

"Uh-huh-huh, hey, stop looking! He can't wait any longer over there, so I have to speed up here too!"

Kaido didn't give Nasushiro time to think, but crashed him into a comet that had just passed by.

There was no trace of dust or gunpowder smoke on the sea. After the sanctions light gravel disappeared, everything was wiped out. Even if the main attack was aimed at the stars, unimaginable traces were still left on the red earth continent.

The entire red earth continent seemed to have been squeezed by an invisible giant hand, and a piece of it disappeared. The holy land that originally belonged to the Tianlong people, now not even ashes were left.

At the break in the red earth continent, scalding heat was exuding, and the land that had just experienced the war was filled with the aura of extinction.

The red land that had not changed for hundreds of years was dyed black, exuding a suffocating depression.

Everything in front of them, whether listening or watching, seemed like a nightmare, but the sound of the waves below told everyone that all of this was real.

Silence, the world is surprisingly unified at this moment, as if someone has pressed the mute button on the world.

If there is any unusual sound coming from outside nature, it is the sound of Morgens' shutter. At this time, Morgens's mouth is wide open and he is looking blankly at everything in front of him. Only his fingers are still pressing the shutter according to the instinct of his body.

[Are the Celestial Dragons really destroyed? 】

[Will there be no more Celestial Dragons in the future? 】

Similar voices emerged in the hearts of countless people, but in the next moment, they could no longer see Mary Joa's situation in their consciousness. Arceus had closed this connection.

Many people on the Red Earth Continent had not yet realized what was happening, but another Pokémon appeared next to Hupa.

"Eh? Where is this? Isn't it on Ghost Island anymore?"

Celebi's position was on Arceus. It was obvious that she hadn't figured out the situation yet, but before Celebi could do anything, she was caught again.

"Wait! Let me figure out what's going on here!"

"Don't wait, just wait until tomorrow you tell you! Come to work! We need your power!"

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