Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1403 Even if you have flags all over your body, you can still imagine the future

The hardness of the air-dried ham is not low. This processed ham was obviously used as a stick by Helu. Of course, even with the seastone handcuffs, the strength here is not as strong as a beating stick for Luffy.

Therefore, you need to use additional skills when swiping, such as lowering Luffy's food first, then letting the smell of ham waft into Luffy's nose when swiping, and finally removing the ham in time.

This way you can see Luffy's teeth biting on the fence, unable to touch the food in his hands.

When the fruit's ability is sealed by the Sea Tower Stone and the arm length is fixed, Heluo is able to do this based on his understanding of Luffy. It is torture for Luffy to see that he cannot eat it.

In a sense, this is a common method used by humans to tame animals, but now it has become a way for a certain unicorn to try to tame humans.

Judging from the shallow teeth marks on the fence, this may not be the first time. Although the railings are not made of seastone, being able to do this in just a few days can be regarded as a gift.

"Damn it, Helu, you might as well hit me with a mace, or you can let me take a bite. It smells so good."

Although Helu's plan was partially successful, it also led to some not-so-nice consequences. For example, Luffy's focus was all on food at this time, but he ignored what happened on the Red Earth Continent.

But this time there was no need for Helu to take action, because Luffy had already received a severe blow from his partner behind him.

"Luffy! Is this a food problem? Do you want to see how terrifying the people here are! They have directly overthrown the World Government!!"

The Iron Fist from the top Haki user Nami helped Luffy change his appearance. In this timeline, although Luffy participated in the War on Top, the Straw Hats did not attack Justice Island and burn the World Government flag.

In other words, they have never declared war on the World Government. When facing the navy, their first reaction is still to run away.

Therefore, challenging the World Government head-on is an extremely terrifying thing in Nami's eyes. What's more, the beasts did not challenge the World Government head-on, but directly defeated the World Government.

"Speaking of which, this piece of ham is well cooked, with a high-quality fat ratio and a simple smoky flavor. This technique is Ms. Clecy's method, right?"

He didn't give it to Luffy, but Helu would still take a bite when he was tired. Most Pokémon are omnivorous, with only favorite foods and no absolutely fixed recipes. It was in this process that Sanji got... Just came to the conclusion.

"Who is Clacy?! Why is Sanji focusing on ham? Does it matter?"

Compared with Luffy's abnormality, Sanji, who was originally relatively normal, began to be infected, which is a more terrifying thing.

"Don't panic, Miss Nami, Ms. Cressy is the chef of Onigashima. As for the current situation, there seems to be no point in worrying. After all, our captain is just a stickler, so you might as well count on him.

Hey, is there any gossip you can share? "

Faced with Sanji's question, Helu did not answer directly, but the Rotom in his arms contained many interrogation records with Uta. To summarize, he was studying the problem of red-haired people. .

In the previous prison break incident, this group of people was considered to have worked hard. According to Kaido's previous promise, it is not complicated to get this group of people out.

But based on the current situation, Helu felt that even if he fished Luffy out, he would crash in again soon.

After a rational analysis based on the fact that his brain was forced to grow, Helu believed that Arceus would not let the pirate era continue, so Luffy should be locked up for a while longer.

When the overall situation outside is settled and order is restored, it is time to let this group of people go out.

But doing so may lead to other consequences. At this time, Heluo was still analyzing what was the optimal solution, but in the process, Luffy brought some excitement to Heluo.

"By the way, Helu, can you release that kind of terrifying light wave?"


"Or just open a hole in the sky. Those are also members of Pokémon. Since you are also a Pokémon, shouldn't you have similar abilities?"


"I thought before that the great creator in your mouth was a super powerful unicorn, but now it looks different from what I thought."

In Heluo's slightly trembling expression, Luffy was saying many weird remarks. Heluo wanted to open his brain and see what was inside.

Heluo had some doubts as to whether the help he had provided during the voyage was too much. Otherwise, how could Luffy feel that he was omnipotent?

Seeing that Luffy's topic was a bit dangerous, Heluck grabbed another thing from the side and stuffed it into Luffy's mouth, letting him fall asleep soon after.

It was extra food, but it contained a powerful sleeping pill that could knock down even Quinn, and was enough to completely silence Luffy.

After Luffy, the unstable factor, completely fell asleep, the rest of the Straw Hats also calmed down a lot and stayed in prison according to their normal habits.

For example, Von Clay is practicing transvestite yoga, or Zoro is exercising using Franky as a dumbbell.

The other areas of Rabbit Bowl were generally quiet. After the riots, the number of people in Rabbit Bowl dropped sharply, whether it was the navy or pirate prisoners.

The morale of the navy was low, and other pirates were directly killed. However, Babanuki and the others suspended their previous activities in order to prevent any accidents at this time.

"Brother Babanuki, it looks like you are going to be promoted."

"What kind of promotion should I get? What do you think?"

Listening to Duopeng's words, Babanuki felt that he was a little whimsical. After all, his strength had reached its peak as he grew older. It would be good if his strength did not decline in the next period of time. How could it possibly rise.

"No, Brother Babanuki, think about it, Lord Arceus and Lord Kaido have already won the battle, and even the World Government is no match for us, so the entire sea will be our territory.

In this case, Imperialton will definitely not be abolished, and you will definitely be promoted to the warden of Impel Down City by then. "

In Duopeng's eyes, the prison will definitely not be abolished. After all, no matter what order it is, there will always be people who challenge the normal order. Even if the original political power is replaced, it is impossible to directly blow up the original prison.

The priority of one's own people must be higher than that of those who surrender later, unless the other party's strength is like Kuzan's, and he is a super model in his own right.

The position of prison warden cannot be handed over to some random passerby.

"Forget it, even if I really have that plan, I don't want to take over. The Rabbit Bowl is inside the country of Wano, and I can keep up with the logistics and supplies. If I go to a place where I can't see the sun, my life will be boring. It’s over.”

Babanuki has never been to Impelton, but he knows what the environment is like in that ghost place.

"But isn't it a bit noisy today? What kind of day is today so festive?"

Babanuki heard the sound of many firecrackers and fireworks, which had been going on for a long time.

"I don't know. We should know when Davego comes back. Didn't he go to escort the supplies?"

Not long after, Davego, who had gone out, returned here and brought the current situation of Wano Country.

In a nutshell, it was the ordinary people of Wano who were celebrating. Under the influence of Arceus' ability, these people also saw what happened on the Red Earth Continent.

After many years of influence, in the eyes of the people of Wano, this is the liquidation of the false gods by their Lord of Heaven and King Ming, and it also marks the arrival of a new era.

Therefore, today is the day when God returns to the world. It is not only worthy of celebration, but also an auspicious day. Those who happen to get married today feel that they are extremely lucky.

Others were a little regretful, but the marriage couldn't just be concluded. Instead, some people who were interested in each other temporarily decided to get engaged today, which made Wano Country a lot more lively.

Even in the reverse world, the atmosphere is the same.

"It seems that I can retire now. It should be peaceful in the future and I don't have to worry about any messy things."

Beside the river in the reverse world, Manderfish was enjoying the wash of the water. There were many Bulbasaur washing their bodies on the bank.

After going to sea, becoming stronger, getting promoted, starting a family, and buying property, Manderfish felt that his current financial resources were almost enough, and his future life would be peaceful. He inevitably thought of his original dream - to retire peacefully.

"Dad, according to Sister Yamato, your behavior is called planting flags. If you plant too many flags, you will get further and further away from your goal."

Merlo emerged from the water on the side and mentioned the dangers of planting flags to Manderfish.

"In that case, then I'll just stick to it for a few more years. I can still bear it now, so that I can leave you with a richer family."

After all, Manderfish is also used to the fact that every time he is ready to retire, something unexpected will happen to make him continue to work. If he was the only one, he would have applied for retirement long ago.

However, with a family, the burden on the shoulders is a little heavier. People always have desires, and Manderfish is no exception.

"Uncle Manderfish, smile."

The voices of Meowna and Wolf came from the tree nearby. At this time, they were wrapping their tails around the branches, hanging upside down, and holding Rotom in the form of a camera in their hands.

"What are you two doing again?"

Manderfish made a cooperating gesture, and then asked them.

"Taking photos as a souvenir, today should be a very memorable day. When we grow up, it will definitely be fun to recall this day."

"So we have to leave some evidence. It seems that the word evidence does not apply. In short, it is just a commemoration. We can't look for photos on the reward order in the future."

As the door opened, a photo belonging to Mandfish was left in the negative.

The overall trend in Wano is in a happy state. Even the original drama troupe has become busy again. Wanting to compete for rankings, they almost gave up their original ideas and started rehearsing new dramas.

However, not everyone is in this situation. At least some people are slightly worried. For example, an old man - Hana no Hyogoro - appeared in front of Kozuki Oden's tomb.

"Oden, everything has come to an end. The times are about to change, and the founding of Wano is almost on the right track. It's a pity that you can't see it anymore."

A pot of wine was poured on the ground. Hyōgoro did not regret what he had done now. From the perspective of the people, Wano Country has been getting better, and the ruling class with the biggest opinions have long since lost the chance to speak.

But this did not stop Hyogoro from visiting this old friend. The breeze blew, and the wind carried some flower petals, and Hyogoro silently performed his sacrificial ceremony.

As for Momonosuke, Hiyori Kozuki never disclosed this matter to the outside world. She did not want to bury Momonosuke here, but just let his body float in the sea casually.

In the perception of most people today, Momonosuke is just an insignificant passerby. Just like Kinemon and the others, he died in obscurity in Wano without making any big noise.

Under her arrangement, Shinobu's assistant also received a death notice from Shinobu. Hiyori Kozuki gave her a decent face and did not treat her as a traitorous ninja. After all, doing so would not look good on her face as a general.

If something like this happens among the family members, it would not be nice to publicize it.

Shinosuke acted very sad. The previous battle in Wano Country was carefully arranged, and the casualties among the cadres were not serious. He did not expect that his dear sister would die in this way.

As for Hiyori Kozuki, she herself is still staying in the palace of the Flower City at this time.

"It's all over"

Looking outside through the window, she felt a little boring. In the future, there would no longer be things that valued Momonosuke and ignored her. Momonosuke had disappeared, and the root problem had been solved.

But she didn't feel like her revenge had been avenged. Instead, she felt a little empty. What should she do in the future? What was her goal? She didn't have any new goals.

Doflamingo can't provide any advice at this time. He is still in the stage of gloating. Although he is a loser, it is obvious that other Celestial Dragons have failed more completely.

If there is anyone else who is in tangle now, it is the original Denjiro. Just as Ninsuke does not know what happened to Xiao Ninbo, Hiyori did not tell Denjiro what happened before.

It might not be a bad thing to let him calm down for a while in this state first.

Most people are thinking about their future, but on the Red Earth Continent, there is a group of people who are still on the road to losing their future.

"Thunder gossip!"

Kaido swung his stick and cleared an area of ​​enemies in the blink of an eye. The trapped beasts were still fighting. Although these people were making a final counterattack, their emotions could not allow their strength to break through the limit.

Facing the old and seriously ill Whitebeard, ordinary generals could still leave wounds on him and stab him a few times, but facing Kaido, they couldn't even break through the defense.

"I don't despise guys who die calmly. After all, our positions are different, but it's very inappropriate for you guys to talk about words like justice and pirates at this time."


Another heavy blow, and even Warring States could not withstand this strange force.

"I am indeed a pirate. After all, I will not obey your orders, but I heard from those guys in O'Hara who studied history that there was a huge kingdom 800 years ago.

In the eyes of the people in power at that time, was the world government you were loyal to a pirate or a rebel?

You used to be the marshal of the navy. What do you think of me changing my name to the Marine of Beasts? Forget it, these two words don’t sound good to me, and I have no interest in them. "

Without waiting for Sengoku to refute anything, Kaido withdrew the idea himself, but it also dealt a big blow to Sengoku.

"Did those O'Hara scholars not die, but fell into your hands?"

"It can also be said that who knows what Rafdru did at that time. It can only be found by translating the route from the historical text. The significance of these scholars is not small.

Of course, I don’t even understand what kind of horrible thing is worth erasing 100 years of history, but that’s not important anymore.

Warring States Period, have you really decided to die? "

"After being in the navy for so long, even if I have been disappointed, I can't imagine what it feels like to surrender in your old age. Moreover, life and death are not yet determined. If you are too arrogant, the outcome will be undecided."

Warring States released a coercion behind it, even accompanied by a little golden thunder. He believed in the justice of ruling the world, and Warring States' own overlord color was not low in intensity.

"Well, I have to thank you for reminding me, but this is not arrogance, but absolute confidence. You guys can't defeat me, but I don't mind if this battle ends Some fun!”

The battle of the Overlord color appeared on the Red Earth Continent. In the previous battles, no one used this power because it was of little significance. The Overlord color is good at clearing out the miscellaneous soldiers, and it can also exert excellent effects after being entangled. power.

However, in the battle between the top experts, there is no practical significance in competing for the Overlord's color. Even if the Overlord's color is weaker, those who can train to this point will not be affected by a little momentum.

The people who were most affected by these two overlord colors were the original slaves and ordinary people who chose to participate in the war.

"Father can really cause trouble for others. Foster father, I'm going to help Sister Misou move. If you have anything to do, let Quinn do it. If he doesn't do well, remember to punish him well."

The battle was generally over, and even if someone was unconscious, it would not be difficult to deal with it. After preparing a bright tripwire for Quinn, Yamato became a volunteer worker and participated in the follow-up operations of the Arceus Cult.

Quinn's performance is also slightly different. Now he stands upright, as if he is always ready to serve Arceus.

Yamato's words did not leave any pressure on Quinn, because Quinn knew very well that Arceus would not arrange tasks that he could not complete. If he did, Arceus would be causing trouble for himself.

Of course, Quinn didn't say anything too eloquently. Celebi's overtime work was still vivid in his mind, and he didn't want to dig a hole for himself.

"Lord Holy Beast, I'm sorry for the slight delay. It's over now."

While Quinn was studying the philosophical relationship between the pit and the trapped, Shaina also returned here from Hupa's space. Seeing that both Yamato and Shaina chose to leave normally, Hupa also firmly believed in the previous one. Everything was caused by Kaido himself.

Snap, snap, snap.

A burst of applause came from the side. Quinn got a clapping device from nowhere, and he was able to complete the stage effect by himself.

"What are you doing?"

"Congratulations on the end of the battle. You must feel good after killing your old enemy."

"Yes, but what do you want to do?"

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. If Quinn does something weird, he must have a new plan.

"Nothing, just congratulations. Of course, if you are in a good mood and are willing to burn that little notebook, I will also be very happy."

"If you like this thing, I'll give it to you."

After hearing what Quinn said, Scheina then threw him a notebook. She bluntly said that this was Quinn's record of committing suicide over the years.

Looking at this book, Quinn had an incredible feeling. This development was a bit dreamy to him.

"Are you in such a good mood?"

"Didn't I say it? It's not bad. You can burn it if you want. Anyway, everyone has an electronic version."


In silence, Quinn returned the notebook. There was no way he could hack into Rotom's system to delete this part of the record. Doing such a thing would be a complete breach of authority.

Burning this little book can only gain temporary benefits and is completely unnecessary.

After Shaina comes back, it will be useless for him to stay here. Even if Arceus has something to do, he will ask Shaina to do it first. Quinn knows very well that now is the time to establish a reputation.

Yamato went to help lift people just out of sheer interest. She thought it was reasonable to do so, so she did it. Quinn was taking the opportunity to gain reputation. Among the people present, Quinn thought that her medical skills were still ranked first. The top few.

With his own purpose in mind, Quinn also became a member of the volunteers.

"Is the battle complicated?"

Kaido was doing the sideshow, Arceus was also thinking about how to arrange other things in the future, and he was also concerned about Shaina's battle situation.

"It's not complicated. Although his abilities are troublesome, they are vulnerable to the chains you gave him."

Back to a few minutes ago, the battle between Shaina and Pit was still going on. From a capability perspective, Pit's threat to Shaina was not as great as that of Satan.

However, Sartan gave the other five old stars enough lessons at the cost of his own life, and the intelligence brought back by Maz made Pitt very wary of Shaina's weapons, so he delayed the battle.

In the space now filled with blue fire, both Shaina and Pit were bathed in the sea of ​​fire. Shaina was not afraid of flames, while Pit ate the flames.

At this time, Peter was completely hairless, and there were only huge hollows around his eyes. His hands were so round that they were almost fingerless. His neck and waist had disappeared, and it seemed that only a huge head remained.

And the flames were swallowed up by this huge mouth.

Human Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Meat Man Form.

As we all know, before the version update, except for Chopper, who is an ordinary Human Fruit, all other Human Fruits are in the form of fantasy beasts. The biggest feature of Pitt's Flesh Man is its nearly unlimited regeneration and the strongest defense among the Five Old Stars. .

It's just that this power is extremely powerless in front of the Red Lock, and Pit doesn't dare to try to touch it at all.

However, compared to others, Pitt has an advantage. He is seemingly the youngest among the Five Old Stars and the one with the best physical condition. Therefore, he can use physical skills to fight against Shaina. After all, ordinary attacks It can't cause any effective damage to him.

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