Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1406 The Final Island Rafdru

Shuixianxing Island is the last island on the Grand Route. Starting from entering the Upside Down Mountain, there will be seven different routes. These routes will reach the same destination by different routes, and they will eventually reach the Shampoo Islands.

After arriving at the New World from under the sea, the complex magnetic field will interfere with the operation of the record pointer, and the record pointer of the new world will also be upgraded. However, no matter what, after arriving at Shuixian Star Island, the record pointer will not be able to continue to guide the course.

There seems to be a more violent magnetic field nearby, which can make all ships return without success.

On a conventional map, Shuixianxing Island is the last island, but pirates who have lived in the new world for a long time know that it is just an illusion. The only way to identify the four nodes and find their centers is through the historical text of the four road signs. , can you log in to the real Rafdru.

"Governor Kaido, this is the pointer to Shuixian Island. Ships can sail at any time and everything is ready."

The royalist walked into the room holding a permanent pointer, but after placing the pointer on the table, the royalist quietly left. The style in this room was a bit too high.

All the big cadres and the single-digit numberers could only stand in the back. Using past standards, the bounty was less than 100 million, and they were not even qualified to observe at close range.

Onigashima's room has been renovated to a large size. Although it is not completely opened now, it is still large enough to hold a concert. More people are just standing aside with a little excitement.

Ever since Roger shouted those words, the position of Pirate King has become the highest honor in the eyes of pirates, and now the captain they have been following has stood at the top of the world.

They have defeated the World Government, and next, Kaido will challenge the highest position.

In the hall below, O'Hara's scholars are busy translating the latest information. Three light spots have already lit up on the three-dimensional sea chart suspended in mid-air, and there is only one final step left.

"The text of the road sign, I never thought anyone could actually collect these things."

"The world government has been destroyed. Is it any wonder? A new Pirate King is about to be born. I hope that their order from God can spread to the whole world smoothly.

Verification completed! The translation is correct! "

The scholars chatted for a while. They didn't know what the future would be like. All they could be sure of were the words in front of them.

"Conversion completed, longitude has been entered!"

"Latitude entered!"

The two red lines were delivered on the map, and Raffdrew's position had been completely determined.

Generally speaking, the scholars work very hard, because in order to motivate them to work hard, Kaido gave them a promise that as long as there is no problem with the final position, the best and hardest-working scholars can get a chance to travel in time and space.

As a bystander, they can go to the era they most yearn for to watch a historical change and become an observer in another dimension.

History is still what these scholars yearn for most, and this has become an irresistible condition. Even looking at it is a dream journey for them.

"Uh-huh, this will confirm the location. Red-haired, that is your former captain. Don't you know anything about what he hid on the island?"

"Captain Roger didn't tell me this back then, but I'm sure it's not some kind of treasure. Of course, you're not interested in that thing either, are you?

Captain Roger only said one thing, it was too soon. "

"Oh, it's too early. It seems that even Roger can't get rid of certain things."

Grabbing the bottle of wine in front of him and drinking it down in one gulp, Kaido seemed to remember something.

"Father, there are still many people in prison. How about their release? You should give me an answer."

"There's nothing to worry about those minor characters. It won't be too late to take care of them after everything is dealt with. Anyway, these people can't disappear for no reason."

In the current situation, even if there are people who can teleport, they can only teleport here and there. Kaido doesn't take this kind of thing to heart at all. Compared with this, he is more concerned about the situation at Kuzan.

"Kuzan, you should have taken care of it over there. If those people are up to no good, then I can only use force to eliminate them."

There was still a hint of drunkenness on his face, but his eyes were very clear. Kaido was not in a drunken state now, he knew exactly what he was doing.

Kuzan had just been transported back through time and space, and there were even traces of burns on his face, but this did not affect the fact that Kuzan was the final winner.

"It's not a big problem, but it won't happen overnight. I need some time."

"If you want time, of course I can give it to you, but this time is not unlimited. Let's decide these things for now. We will leave for Shuixian Star Island tomorrow morning. I will have to trouble you again then. I can't handle this distance. I don’t want to waste it on the road.”

Kaido looked at Arceus again. The ability of space is often very useful. In a sense, it is not a complicated matter to teleport directly to Rafdru.

However, Kaido still needs some sense of ritual, so he just needs to teleport to Suixian Island.

It was just a little teleportation, Arceus would naturally not refuse, but at this time, the red-haired man had a problem.

"Aren't you going to inform Charlotte Lingling? The relationship between you should be pretty good."

"Well, I've paid off the old woman's favor now. Besides, what I plan to do will probably make the old woman very angry. Anyway, if I don't inform her, she will still know about it tomorrow. Let's wait until then."

After dealing with some trivial matters, Kaido had nothing to do tonight. After indicating to the cadres that they could rest for the night, Yamato was the only one left.

It's not time to hold a banquet yet, Kaido plans to wait until everything is over before holding the grandest banquet.

Not long after, Kaido and Yamato came to the rooftop of Onigashima again. The rest of the people had left, and even Arceus didn't come here.

"What do you want to do? Call me to watch the stars at night?"

Seeing Kaido sitting defenselessly on the edge of the Onigashima roof, Yamato did not let down her guard at all. She felt that Kaido had a conspiracy and was probably planning to throw herself off the roof when she got close.

Although it's not dangerous, it still makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Do you still need to be so wary of your own father?"

"Is there a possibility that it's because you are my father that I need to be so wary of you!"

"Forget it, just stand there if you want."

Seeing that Yamato kept a safe distance, Kaido didn't pay attention, but talked to himself.

"I know very well that the world you like and the world I like are not the same at all. The ideal world in your adoptive father's heart is what you yearn for.

However, he has the ability to create that kind of beautiful world, but you do not.

The world government has been destroyed, and the new order will be formulated by us. Of course, I have never been interested in this kind of thing. This sea can no longer bring me new fun. "

Kaido seemed defenseless and lay on the roof, shaking his palms toward the stars in the sky, as if to declare his ambition.

"Your foster father has the name of a god. Those in Misu who believe in him will naturally establish a "good order", which is at least much better than those of the Tianlong people.

But according to your adoptive father's temperament, he has already found all his own things. Unless someone wants to directly destroy the world, for example, even if someone smashes his statue, he will not care.

Of course, he will definitely leave behind stable means, just like those Pokémon with special powers, but many times, you have to rely on yourself.

After all, I will not stay here forever. I will finish the original evil for you, and all opponents will die in my hands. But as long as there is order, people who are dissatisfied with it will be born. When people are full, their ideas will also change. Just more.

How to deal with future opponents and how to prevent yourself from becoming a new Celestial Dragon are what you have to consider. "

Kaido talked to Yamato sincerely, and even started to pave the way for her. Seeing Kaido showing so much kindness, Yamato also moved slightly closer to Kaido.

"I think"


Before he finished speaking, Kaido's fist hit him. Yamato also raised his leg to block Kaido's punch as if he was on guard.

"Tsk, after all this talk, you are still so wary. You are such a good daughter."

"Haha, luckily I didn't let down my guard. I thought you were really going to change your gender! Give me back the emotion I just felt!"

"Well, those words are true. Unless you want to stay under the protection of your adoptive father forever and be a good boy, you have to make a choice, right or wrong, and other people's opinions can't help you for the rest of your life.

But for now, it’s okay to do some warm-up exercises! "

Ghost Island did not usher in its own tranquility. Amidst the noise, the night here was still the same as usual. Only Quinn listened to the movement with a smile on his face and fell into his own sleep.

If the father and daughter fight, he will be much safer.

Kaido was doing his warm-up exercises as always, the kings stayed up all night, and reporters from all over the world were also busy, but in fact, there was still a group of people who were in deep anxiety.

At the naval camp led by He, the projection of the phone bug revealed the faces of other generals. It could be seen that many positions were vacant. There was no doubt that those generals had died in the past battles.

"Smile, Porusalino, you have all received the news from Kuzan, right?"

"Received, that choice is indeed something Sakaski can make."

Kizaru's face lost the usual cynicism, Kuzan had communicated with them some time ago.

The general idea is very simple. The World Government has been defeated. Their order is not a good thing. To be precise, it is not order at all. It is just the system of the Celestial Dragons. Under this system, there are countless victims directly or indirectly. .

The country of Wano has real order, and it is a good thing to let this order expand.

There is no need to continue fighting for the Celestial Dragons who have completely disappeared. Who is the Navy's justice for? Can the justice of the past be called justice? For the sake of a calmer sea, I hope they can accept the adaptation and become the new navy.

The change in the timeline meant that Zefa had already passed away, but the idea of ​​establishing a new navy came to Kuzan by accident.

"You also know what Kuzan means, so what do you think?"

He sighed. In fact, what Kuzan said was different from what everyone said.

When communicating with He, he was speaking as a junior, and also mentioned that he could release part of Wano's captured navy.

Of course Crane understood who Kuzan was referring to.

"I don't know. To be honest, the Tianlong people are indeed a group of troublesome guys. Maybe it's a good thing that this group of people disappeared."

Kizaru gave another answer out of nowhere, and Fujitora even nodded silently.

"I hate pirates just as much as I hate the system of the Shichibukai, but didn't Mr. Kuzan say that you should let me see the changes in the future before making a decision? I think this is a suggestion that can be followed.

If it is really a system that is in line with the people's future, then we seem to have no objection. "

Fujitora, who joined later, had different ideas from other naval forces, and he agreed with the logic of seeing and then talking, not to mention that the beasts had already declared a ceasefire.

The most important thing is that they have no initiative now.

"But if the order is in turmoil, even if my strength is insignificant, I will still resist."

Fujitora rubbed the handle of his knife. He was blind, but he saw the scene of Marigio at that time. It was an image directly generated in his mind. Even Fujitora felt the fear of power and saw the people's fear. happy.

In the eyes of many people, the world government has long lost support from the bottom.

"Then let's do this and wait and see for now."

He ended the meeting with a hint of pessimism. She could no longer speculate on what the future of the Navy would look like.

However, each branch continued to hold on, and the order to maintain stability in the nearby waters was still issued.

After an anxious night, the newsbirds of the World Economic News Service also started their flight again.

There will be no more bounty orders this time, and all bounty orders in the world have entered a stagnant period.

But the thickened newspaper was being snatched up like crazy. Before the News Bird even landed, the people below were waving their arms. In the end, they didn’t want any change, so they dropped the coins, picked up the newspaper, and started reading.

Not to mention a newspaper, Morgans took enough photos for the last issue of the journal, but he still decided to use the cracked red continent as the first page of the newspaper.

【New Era! 】

Three simple words spanned an entire newspaper. What happened yesterday attracted worldwide attention. In theory, everyone knew what happened, so Morgans did not waste words there, but went straight to the topic.

【The Destruction of the Celestial Dragons】

【The Clan of Gods in the Past】

【People's Resistance】

【future! 】

【Hero returns】

The death of the Celestial Dragon, the burning of the World Government's flag, the shattering of the Celestial Dragon Seal statue, each photo illustrates what happened to Mary Joa before Arceus' action.

Misu pointed in front of him with the Qianzhou Wrist flag, the door shattered by Tiger's punch, the orderly knights of the order, the act of liberating slaves, and the scene of treating the injured. There were no exaggerated modifications. Morgans described it in the simplest language. about what happened yesterday.

This was enough to give the world the shock he wanted.

"This is actually not a dream."

Things developed so unexpectedly that many people could not believe the reality of the matter, especially those who were confused and even thought it was really a dream.

Although many people realized that everyone had the same dream during the communication after waking up, some people still understood what happened after reading the newspaper.

However, although these messages contained a huge amount of information, they were not what the royal family who had difficulty sleeping wanted to see.

"Not yet? No news about the royal family or anything like that? What on earth are they going to do?!"

In a certain kingdom, the king only scolded his attendants to find more important information quickly, but the newspaper did not report any reports on this aspect, and it seemed that they had been completely forgotten.

"Queen Weiwei, this change is not exactly what you thought."

Alabasta, Weiwei had secretly returned here before, but she never showed up, but quietly searched for some traces in this land.

As a result, before they could achieve results, the world government disappeared first.

Cobra has passed away, and as an only daughter, Vivi naturally becomes the new queen of Alabasta, but the changes in the world have canceled all her previous plans.

After seeing the evil side of the World Government, Weiwei doesn't have a good impression of the World Government. She is not as worried as other franchise countries, but she is still full of doubts about the future.

There are also some kings of the participating countries who are happy, such as Wapol, who now does not have to worry about being silenced because he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

When the kings were full of doubts, the broadcast screen that Morgans had ordered his employees to prepare lit up, and the Rotom mobile phones sold all over the world also started their own video push.

"Everyone, long time no see. Of course, we may have just met. I am Big News Morgans. Today, I will"

"Today! I will broadcast the most shocking news live. Our great governor, Lord Kaido, will be crowned king today!"

Before Morgans could finish speaking, someone took away the live phone bug. There is no doubt that the person who did this was Quinn. With this kind of legitimate opportunity to be in the limelight in front of people all over the world, Quinn Cause will not give up.

However, Morgans did not express dissatisfaction. Instead, he picked up another microphone and became the second host. He did not particularly value whether he could appear on camera. As long as the news got out, that was enough.

"This is Shuixianxing Island, but this is just a starting point! We have found the way to Ravdru!"

The camera turned around, and the sails of the King of Beasts had been raised, and it was getting ready to set sail.

For the final sense of ritual, Kaido specifically asked Arceus to teleport his ship over.

"But this island is really mysterious. Many of us have high fevers for no apparent reason, and these people, without exception, are all Devil Fruit users.

For example, our President Morgans, although he is still here to broadcast live to you, he is actually suffering from a high fever, so most of the news will be conveyed to you by me, the handsome Quinn.

What? You ask me why everything is fine? That's of course because my ability comes from Lord Arceus' divine grace, not a simple fruit! "

Quinn explained what happened here in high spirits. Strangely enough, Palkia was fine when she opened the portal, but as soon as they came out, several people on the ship had high fevers for no apparent reason.

Given their physiques, having a fever is an unreasonable thing, but the accident happened like this. Even the special medicine developed by Quinn could not reduce the fever of this group of people.

On the contrary, Shanks himself thought this was very reasonable, because this island seemed to have some kind of rejection of people with abilities. Shanks thought it was a coincidence before, after all, Bucky was very weak at that time.

But the same thing happened to the elite group of beasts, so he could understand.

"Master Quinn! The ship has already set off. If you don't get on, it will be too late!!"

A man called Quinn with a loudspeaker. As the perspective shook, Quinn also changed the scene, and Morgans also followed with perseverance.

The waves were rough and the waves kept beating against the hull. Kaido stood on the bow of the ship and looked ahead. The record pointer at this time had lost its meaning and he could only sail in a straight line based on the crew's calculation of the distance on the chart.

Countless currents along the way want to change the direction of the King of Beasts, but with the exact target point, the navigator can always adjust the direction in time.

The sea current rises like climbing a mountain, the sea current rushes down like a slide, and there is even a tsunami. This last section almost condenses all the special sea currents on the Grand Line.

After sailing for an unknown amount of time, Morgans was almost torn to death by the wind and waves, but the surroundings suddenly became calm again.

"Governor Kaido! It seems like a windless zone! But it looks like we're getting there!"

After comparing the distance marks on the chart, the navigator started the outer wheel, and the King of Beasts began to cross the last distance.

Windless zones occasionally appear regionally on parts of the sea. At least there are no sea kings living in the windless zones here.

After some time, with the world's attention, an island appeared here. Through the adjustment of the camera, they could even see a pirate flag on the island.

Two flagpoles hung it up. After the ravages of time, the flag had long become dilapidated, but the shadow of the Roger Pirates could still be seen.

"It's Rafdru! It must be there! There's no way this flag is left anywhere else. He really found Rafdru!"

"Did Roger's treasure get into Kaido's hands? What an amazing wealth it is!"

The pirates who stayed on the island and saw all this from the live broadcast screen were very excited, but Kaido's actions once again broke their understanding. Kaido did not excitedly announce that he was the new Pirate King, nor did he Can’t wait to go to the island.

Under their gaze, Kaido was brewing a new attack in his hands, and even across the screen, they felt afraid.

"Could it be that he wants to destroy Rafdru?!"

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