Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1414 The new era, no rejection

Time is passing, and the date set by Kaido is getting closer and closer.

The rising sun revealed itself from the gap in the red earth continent. The rising sun was like a pendulum hitting a big clock, announcing that the time was approaching.

In Fish-Man Island, Neptune has arranged his hair and beard, and also put on a large cloak.

Some male mermaids are accustomed to not wearing shirts, and Neptune is one of them, but in formal occasions, he will still dress formally.

"How fast, the new world conference is about to begin."

The unpleasant experience at the last world conference was still vivid in his mind, and Neptune could not forget the wanton behavior of the Draco people at the previous conference, but this time, the situation was different.

Compared with the previous participants, the Dragon Palace Kingdom has become a member of the "victorious nation" at this time. In the previous war, Fishman Island also sent a large number of soldiers, and the advantage of water warfare made them decide Initiative in some battlefield areas.

If analyzed according to the old order, the Dragon Palace Kingdom will also become one of the twenty kings under the new order. However, according to common sense, the new order will not follow the old path of the world government.

"Your Majesty Neptune, the honor guard has been prepared. When will we set off?"

Kaiba's right minister led a group of Marine Kings in shining armor to gather together. The purpose was not to protect Neptune's safety. With Tiger and Jinbe here, there was definitely no need to worry about safety issues.

These people are just for appearance, a face-saving project to make themselves look more impressive in meetings.

"Wait, although Marigio is above, but since Onigashima said wait, then we don't have to do anything superfluous."

Neptune seems to have been used to this kind of thing for a long time. After all, Tiger has taught him a lot, and with what happened before, it no longer seems strange.

Last time due to the unknown nature of the World Government, Otohime did not go with Neptune, but this time she was ready to go. This will be the most formal way for Fish-Man Island to set foot on land after hundreds of years. day.

At the same time, in the cake island, Charlotte Lingling was choosing her favorite dessert as usual.

Her children were very happy during this time. Since that alliance meeting, Charlotte Lingling has never had the problem of narcosis again. Although some manpower was lost in the war, the benefits were very considerable.

Especially after the war, the territory has experienced long-lost stability. Although we don't know how long this state will last, we can be sure that in a short period of time, most pirates will not dare to cause any trouble.

"Brother Katakuri, are you serious about what mom said before about Xinghai?"

"Mom won't joke about this kind of thing. She seems to have reached some kind of agreement with Kaida, but this is normal. From the day it was established, the Pirate Alliance has to guard against betrayal. Now that the war is over, the former allies It becomes a competitor.

If I were Kaido, I would also take some measures against the powerful pirate group next to me.

Although I don’t know exactly what my mother said to Kaido, this may be a good result. "

Katakuri was fiddling with a handful of jelly beans. After Kaido left, Charlotte Lingling held a family meeting, and after the meeting, she said something to Katakuri alone.

Charlotte Lingling did not plan to let Katakuri go with her, but planned to let this most reliable son stay in the sea to manage her kingdoms.

Regardless of strength or prestige among the brothers and sisters, Katakuri is the most suitable one.

Although Katakuri is strong, he is not as strong as Charlotte Lingling herself. This is also the result of her thinking. Who makes the Big Mom Pirates not as large as the Beasts.

The Hundred Beasts currently have sufficient manpower. Even if the members of the Arceus Cult turn to building the world, and most of the disaster and cadres follow Kaido on adventures in the star sea, Yamato will still be able to leave a sufficient team for her to develop her own ideas. .

But the Big Mom Pirates cannot. Unless Charlotte Lingling now has dozens of children, it will undoubtedly be extremely difficult to expand based on their development model.

At this time, there was a muffled sound on the ground. Charlotte Lingling wiped the residue on her mouth and came to Katakuri's side.

"Katakuri, are you ready? As the future regent of all nations, you have to go to the meeting with me."

Charlotte Lingling planned to continue to retain her position as queen, so she gave Katakuri such a position.

"Ready, Mom, but how are we going to get there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space beside them suddenly split open, and a huge portal appeared next to them.

"Well~ well~, isn't the road right here? Let's go, Katakuri."

Looking at the space portal that was exactly the same as when Kaido appeared, Charlotte Lingling took the lead and walked in without hesitation, even one step faster than the guide who walked out of the door.

Seeing Charlotte Lingling, Katakuri did not hesitate. Naturally, Katakuri also called for others to follow Charlotte Lingling. In an instant, the world around them changed drastically. They were transferred from Cake Island to On the red earth continent.

I also saw hundreds of portals of different sizes in the surrounding space.

"Kaido, this kid is really generous."

It looks like a simple portal, but there is a deeper meaning behind it. Although no one has come out of some doors, Charlotte Lingling can guess that behind them are the locations of the kings.

The power of cutting through space is indeed powerful, but this is to inform everyone that I can find your location even if you are thousands of miles apart.

If you can open up the road to get here, you can naturally connect the road to the past. If you reject this invitation, the next time you appear in front of you may not be an invitation.

Charlotte Lingling is very familiar with this process. She used to tell everyone in the underground world what it would cost to refuse her invitation. In a sense, Kaido is doing something similar to her, only on a larger scale. , the methods are tougher.

No matter day or night, most of the kings in other regions realized what this meant.

They may not be virtuous kings, but except for a very small number of people, most of them have experienced complex political struggles before ascending to the throne. They are very experienced in intrigues.

Not to mention the already excellent royal family, coupled with the ministers and the guides who came out of the door, these people quickly understood all this.

In the desert of Alabasta, in the blizzard of the Drum Kingdom, under the towering tree of Elbaf, in the garden where the Dontata people live, on the back of the elephant master, in the deep sea ten thousand meters below, in the sky island in the clouds.

Different entrances are connected to the same location, bringing everyone to this red earth continent.

Murlocs and mermaids, fur tribe, little human tribe, long-legged tribe, long-hand tribe, snake-neck tribe, giant tribe, different races, different kingdoms, due to the characteristics of the island, there are even different styles from ancient times and the future gathered here.

"This is truly the largest world conference in history."

The king of the country that was originally a participant in the meeting looked at the number of royal families here and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's not just the number of people, people who have never been seen before are also here. Is that the king of the giants? I have never seen the king of the giants at a world conference in the past."

Elbaf is not a franchising country, but it has some agreements with the World Government. However, the royal family has always stayed out of the matter and paid little attention to external affairs.

Compared with these people, the mood of those who were originally members of the participating countries but were not eligible to participate in the World Conference seemed more complicated.

According to the rules of the World Government, they don't even have the opportunity to observe. They can only passively accept the established order and think from a realistic perspective. The same situation is now, but they can come to the venue to observe, and perhaps Can give some opinions.

Maybe this is also an improvement?

The kingdoms that had accepted Kaido's protection were the happiest ones, at least they were not among the defeated.

The World Government is said to be an alliance of countries around the world, but in essence it is just a private country for the Celestial Dragons, and other participating countries are the people who accept their protection.

Although the combat power of the World Government has been completely destroyed, these participating countries still have their own armies, but they have no intention of taking the lead in resistance.

"Where are the people from the Hundred Beasts? Are you just leaving us alone?"

"Forget about the venue, there isn't even a chair here. What do they mean?"

Except for the person who first led them into the portal, they did not see other people from the beasts. Setsuna did not count, but her current identity was the king of the Furry Principality. Even if some people tried to get some information from her, she No reply was given either.

"Is that Aokiji over there? Hasn't this former general already joined the Hundred Beasts? Why is he getting mixed up with the Navy people again?"

"You have reversed the relationship. Look at them. The navy accepted his recruitment, and that person is a dragon. The revolutionary is actually here too."

The representatives of the navy and the revolutionary army once again made these kings a little more suspicious. No one knew what would happen in the future, so they had to gather in twos and threes according to the previous relationship.

As time went by, some people became obviously impatient and even began to complain. Even the World Government did not put on such a big air for them as soon as they met.

At this time, Kaido was watching all this in the mezzanine of space.

"Father, you've been waiting for most of the day, why don't you just go out?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to show off their patience to show off their patience. Those guys who start complaining are nothing to worry about. Guys who don't have any city government can only become kings because their fathers were kings.

You have to pay more attention to those guys who have a straight face. These people are most likely to be submissive, but this is not absolute. The human heart is the most difficult thing to grasp.

You said before that you want an order that is supported by the public, but you have to understand that force can never be abandoned, especially now, without force as a guarantee, they will not accept the new order even if you say hell. "

"Force maintains order, but it should not be a tool of oppression."

"Well, well, you have to figure it out yourself. No matter how good you think, some people will still spurn you and call you dictator, tyrant, etc. I really want to see you. It’s a sad expression.”

"What are you talking about, you bastard dad? Is this what a father should say?"

"It's not important. Let's go. It's time to end. If you let it sit for too long, it will simply waste time and I'll have to trouble you. Old man, if you want to be known to the world at this time, it's better to rely on the power of Morgans." Can not be done."

Kaido looked at Arceus who was standing aside. Space system abilities were beyond his control. Arceus had to do this.

And in order for order to spread to everyone quickly and to prevent some people from mistakenly conveying the meaning midway, Arceus needs to use the same ability as before and during the decisive battle.

"Isn't it already decided? What's the trouble? It's you. I see you have said so much, but you clearly miss the royal family of the Woka Kingdom."

The space shattered, Arceus and others appeared on the Red Earth Continent from above, and Kaido's laughter spread unceremoniously.

"Uh-huh, long wait, dear kings, it seems that you are ready to welcome the new order."

His words were polite, but his actions were extremely simple. A terrifying aura suddenly emanated from Kaido. This was a drop in the bucket compared to his own overbearing look, but the aura he exuded was able to suppress Most of the royal family couldn't breathe.

Those who have already joined Kaido's command and accepted his protection do not have this process. This can be regarded as Kaido's preferential treatment.

A few short seconds seemed very long in the experience of these royal families. The complaints just now disappeared, and Kaido had already used his actions to let them understand something.

"You are all curious about what the future will look like, but the content is quite complicated, and someone will explain it to you slowly later.

But let me talk about some key things first. First of all, not everyone can keep your throne. Some guys are destined to be replaced. "

As soon as they came up, Kaido unceremoniously dumped Zhang Wangzhao on them. He didn't even mean to appease them, and just gave them the most direct result.

"Secondly, many things need to change, such as the relationship between races, whether human or demi-human. I hope there will be no discrimination in the future, because there will soon be more species in the world.

At the same time, slavery will be completely abolished, and both capture and sale will be punished with the same severity."

"Wait, that's it"


Almost every word spoken by Kaido is a transformative event, and the interests of some kingdoms will even be completely shaken. Faced with this situation, it is inevitable that someone will put forward their own opinions.

But before he could express his opinion, a deep hole was dug out in front of him.

“Don’t get me wrong, I am informing you, not discussing with you, and you have no right to refuse.

If you find it difficult, then go and overcome it. If you really can't do it, find someone else to do it. It's that simple.

Of course, you can also try to defeat me. As long as you defeat me, the new order will be decided by you. How about it? Does anyone want to try it? "

The plot of the main film will be over soon.

After that, there is another story about Yamato and the daily development is not short.

Pokémon Age, the Eight Masters Tournament in the Four Seas and Grand Line divisions, and the like.

There is no idea of ​​​​a plot in the heavens. At most, there will be short stories.

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