Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 143 This is not the situation I want to see

On the other side, in Orochi's residence, after Kaido and others left, he angrily overturned the table.

"What kind of partner is this? This is a robber! A robber!"

"Master Orochi, pirates are robbers at sea, and this is exactly what you want. We want to take revenge on the entire Wano country. Only such a vicious party can do this, and only strong force can fight against Oden."

Heitan Muchan was not angry, but instead explained the pros and cons.

"And with Kaido coming, we can open more factories."

What they are worried about is not the resistance of the daimyo. As long as Kurotan Orochi has the title of acting general, those people will not act directly. Kaido's power is prepared to prevent subsequent incidents.

"What is lost now, we will get it back from those untouchables, so Lord Orochi, please be patient for a while."

"I know you guys go down, I'm going to rest."

But today is destined to be different from the past. As soon as Big Snake closed his eyes, he saw a terrifying ghost attacking him. He was so frightened that he sat up instantly and hit the wall behind him.

The fearful face left by Arceus is destined to give him a good dream, but this good is for Arceus.

Under the influence of Arceus' fearful face, Heitan Orochi couldn't fall asleep for a whole night. As long as he closed his eyes, he would see various monsters, which became more and more serious as time went by.

At the beginning, it was just a monster, and then what appeared was what he was most afraid of, such as Kaido with a stick, Kozuki Oden who was burning with anger, and a group of daimyos who discovered the truth.

It wasn't until the sun rose that the fear effect left by Arceus slowly dissipated, but just as the sleepiness rose, someone walked in.

"Who let you in?"

"Master Orochi, it was you who said yesterday that you would immediately report to you about the new situation."

"Tell me, what did those guys do? Did they burn down the house or kill people, or which big name had a conflict with them?"

"None of this, they forcibly bought a house for prostitutes, and filled your name on the bill..."

"What did you say?!" Orochi felt that something was wrong. He found this group of pirates in the hope that they would do something to the people of Wano, and it would be best to snatch them away. They are robbing him specifically.

What happened last night in Youkou, the capital of flowers, is not a secret. Except for Heitan Orochi, Shimotsuki Yasuka, Shimotsuki Ushimaru, Ugetsu Tengura, and Fugetsu Mikyu all received the same news.

This also made them curious about the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and wanted to know what kind of force this was.

And in Kuri, the daimyo Kozuki Oden has gone to sea, leaving only those retainers. They only know that Kurotan Orochi brought a group of foreign pirates, and those pirates have been carnival in Yukaku last night. I no longer know.

The next day, Orochi recruited a group of craftsmen and laborers in the name of Wano's acting general, and sent them to an isolated island in the Inner Sea to build a new territory for Kaido. Lizi and Maria were also brought back by Kaido. , One more baby was raised by the beasts.

But Maria's mother is still there, so the treatment is much better than Jack's.

The reason why Kaido bought the girl's room was also to collect information. Although the number is relatively small, there are also some women in the ordinary members of the Beast Pirates. Kaido sent them there to manage the girl's room and inquire about information. .

Babanuki also took a part of his staff to the submerged port, and guarded the entrance and exit of Wano Country with the people there. Since Orochi did not fully trust Kaido, he asked both parties to guard there together.

Kaido didn't reject him, anyway, it wouldn't take much effort to deal with those people.

Then, as previously planned, Orochi began to build weapons factories in Wano. He understood the principle of boiling frogs in warm water. At the beginning, his attitude was not too tough, and he just built factories in empty locations in various villages.

With Kaido's military support, Orochi became more courageous, but he ignored some details. Although the people of Beasts would solve some troubles for him, before doing those things, they must repeatedly emphasize that these are Orochi's orders. They just do what they are told.

after a while.

Kaido's territory has been renamed Ghost Island. There are a large number of craftsmen working on the island with enthusiasm, and there is no dissatisfaction in the slightest.

According to Wano country's rules, generals have the right to forced labor. These people were sent here by Orochi for such a reason, but when it comes to Beasts, it becomes a paid job.

As for where the salary comes from, Quinn is asking for salary from Heitan Orochi, and he is taking his plague bomb there, as if if you don't pay me, I will violently ask for salary.

And Arceus is engaged in animal husbandry. They acquired a piece of land in Kuri. Since Kozuki Oden is not around, Kuri does not have a direct manager in name, which also allows Orochi to intervene in the situation there better.

When Kaido asked for a piece of land suitable for planting and breeding, Orochi gave them a piece of land in Kuri without hesitation, hoping that after Kozuki Oden came back, there would be a more direct conflict with Beast.

Not long after coming to Wano Country, the people of Beasts generally reported that the beef tastes better here, so Beasts purchased a large number of local cattle from Wano Country, and some of them were transformed into large milk tanks.

Previously, the new dairy products of Beast Fruit have achieved good market response. This time, they are planning to expand production. In addition to the reactions of others, after dairy products and fruits, Arceus decided to add the third product of Beast Fruit. -Meat products.

In the name of the big snake, I got a few bulls that others were unwilling to sell, and then they were transformed into Kentaro. The Kentaro and the big milk tank bred Pokémon offspring normally. At the same time, Kentaro also Crossbreed with local cattle to breed second-generation cattle with Kentello blood.

This type of cattle is beef cattle for export, named by Arceus as a local specialty of Wagyu.

And the actions of the beasts appeared on Heitan Serpent's table again.

"They're planting trees and raising cattle?!"

According to Kurotan Orochi's plan, Wano's weapons will definitely sell well in the outside world. When Kaido sees this profit, he will definitely be unable to restrain himself from frantically expanding the factory, and by then the entire Wano country will be able to become one arms-producing countries.

When the factories occupy all the arable land, the citizens of Wano Country will enter a state of starvation. Although this cannot be achieved in one step, it is necessary to see the process.

But the current situation is very wrong. Heitan Orochi thinks that Kaido should unite with himself to squeeze the people of Wano, but now he is clearly sucking his own blood to develop the people's livelihood of Wano!

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