Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1435 The passage of time, the new Pluto sets sail

【September 17, 36th year of the Holy Calendar, cloudy

The world war has ended three years ago, and the world has also undergone tremendous changes in these three years.

Today is the day when the new ship is launched, and it is also the starting point for Mr. Kaido’s new voyage. 】

Time flew by, and three years passed in a blink of an eye. This period of time did not leave many traces on their faces, and the furnishings in the room were even exactly the same as before.

If I had to look for any difference, it would be that the number of diaries increased by three.

In the past nearly three years, the elephant owner has stepped out of the new world, traveled all over the world with the fur tribe on his back, and witnessed the customs of different islands and countries.

In the process, they encountered kindness from strangers and unwarranted malice. After all, the appearance of the fur tribe was different, and not everyone could accept the form of this orc.

They wouldn't enter a country like that. If others don't welcome them, there's no need to forcefully cause trouble.

There is also a display cabinet in the room, which contains various souvenirs. Through the window on the side, you can see a completely different country of Wano.

The position halfway up the mountain is as before, but below, both the inland sea of ​​Wano and the outer walls have disappeared, and the land hidden under the water has been completely exposed.

[The ships sailing on the star sea are very different from ordinary ships. According to the information in the hands of the space pirates, the shipwrights also have their own ideas, but they still lack a suitable flagship.

Two years ago, after careful consideration, the boatmen finally chose to modify the existing ships, and Pluto, which was originally buried under Wano Country, was dug out.

In the documents of the World Government, there are some information about the construction of the King of Heaven and the Flame of the Holy Mother. Through these information, craftsmen from all over the world transformed Pluto and turned it into a battleship that can sail freely in the sea of ​​stars.

It is hard to imagine that people in ancient times built such a warship. In order to adapt it to new navigation needs, the craftsmen took two years to complete the work.

Today is the day it sets sail. 】

"Mom! The launching ceremony is about to begin, haven't you finished writing in your diary yet?"

Meow Na's voice came from not far away. In a while, Meow Na will celebrate her 15th birthday. However, her body has changed a lot in the past three years. The arrival of puberty has made her body develop faster. Now she has grown into a big girl.

"Here you go, go ahead. I'll be there soon."

At the former site of Wano Country, a giant battleship whose length is almost the same as the diameter of Wano Country is located here. The ability to take out this ship also required Hupa's power, otherwise the domestic environment of Wano Country may be affected. Influence.

"Lord Arceus, Lord Kaido, the debugging work of the new Pluto has been completed and it can set sail at any time."

On the whole, it is still the same Pluto, but except for the fire control system, the entire Pluto has undergone a major overhaul. In the past, it was a ship sailing on the sea. Even if it can destroy an island with one shot, it cannot change this fact.

In order to adapt to the star sea voyage, both the hull composition and the power system have been reshaped.

A large number of special materials were used, Wano's special forging process, skilled craftsmen from all over the world, and the magical abilities of Pokémon all played a vital role in this.

Dianxi changed the molecular structure of the material and forged special parts. In addition to Arceus steel, a large amount of new metals were also injected into the new Pluto.

At this time, there is a pile of special liquid metal that has not solidified yet. This is not a product of industry, but a special metal made by Melumeta, and it is also a new metal that has been transformed by Dianxi.

As one of the few fantasy Pokémon with an evolved form, Melmetal looks like a silver liquid metal man with a huge nut structure on his body.

Melmetal's name before it evolved was Meltan. It looked like a small screw, but this Pokémon is very special, although Melmetal is the evolved form of Meltan.

However, when Melmetal's lifespan is exhausted, Melmetal's body will decay like rusty metal, and the decayed fragments will turn into new Meltan, starting a new life cycle, invisible. A kind of reincarnation is achieved.

"According to your request, we not only have light energy charging equipment, but also prepared a special internal combustion engine. As long as you throw the stone in, the energy will be continuously converted into power."

There are countless science and technology trees on the sea, and Coca-Cola can be used as an energy source. It is natural to burn stones. After all, when sailing in the sea of ​​​​stars, the most indispensable thing is probably stones.

If it doesn't work, you can release Kaido and let him capture the meteorites and come back to provide energy for the ship.

When there are hot stars, energy can also be stored there.

Ribbons were hung on the huge Hades, making it look like a new ship.

Although he is a nostalgic person, he also knows that the King of Beasts may not be able to serve as the flagship of this voyage.

Pluto was originally built to fight against people who also had ancient weapons. They knew how destructive ancient weapons were, so Pluto was not only a battleship, but also an ark ship.

The huge ship not only contains a large number of weapons, but also an ecosystem that allows the entire ship's people to live.

And this is also the focus of the transformation in the past two years. This flagship has to bear huge responsibilities in the star sea.

Woohoo~! Click. Click

Kaido was just about to take a look at his new ship when the whistle of a train came from the side.

[This train starts from the Kingdom of Totland and ends in the Kingdom of Wano. It has arrived at the station. Please bring your belongings and prepare to get off. 】

Three years is a long time, enough to change the world. The perfect train track is one of the changes. The tracks between the main islands and sea areas have been completed. Charlotte Lingling took this train to catch up after receiving the news from Kaido. Got here.

"Mom~ is already here."

A big mouth suddenly opened at the front of the locomotive. It was originally just an ordinary locomotive, but Charlotte Lingling got interested on the road and simply added a soul to it, turning it into a Homitz locomotive.

This is the exclusive front of Wanguo, so it has no impact. Instead, it has become a national characteristic.

"Kaido! You really built an amazing ship!"

"Well, of course, you should be ready. I can't say how long this trip will take."

As recorded in Setsuna's diary before, today is a new starting point. Kaido does not intend to wait any longer. Now that the manpower and ships are ready, after the ceremony is over, it will naturally be the day for him to set sail again.

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