Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1438 Set sail towards the endless blue (end of text)

"Be careful when fighting. You must not be knocked down by anyone else until I beat you with my own hands and convince you!"

Still at the top of Fuji Mountain, Yamato waved his hand and said a friendly farewell to Kaido in his own way.

After a little fussing a few days ago, Pluto also completed its own trial voyage. They successfully landed on the moon and dug a bag of potatoes back from the lunar base. They also tested it with meteorites and asteroids floating in the universe. The firepower of Hades.

Such a trial voyage was enough for Kaido. After confirming that the ship had no hidden dangers, the official sailing was scheduled.

To be precise, Kaido didn't even consider whether there would be any problems with the trial voyage. When he notified Charlotte Lingling to come here, he asked her to bring a train of people directly.

"Well, it's still too early for you to defeat me! But I will be waiting for you, so don't worry about that!"

On the bridge of Pluto, he and a group of accompanying people stood here and looked at the people who stayed behind. From the day it was established, the composition of the beasts was actually two parts, but this was the first large-scale Just separation.

"Abel, please pay more attention to yourself and remember to take good care of your clan members."

There are also people in the Lunaria clan who are interested in the Star Sea, and Jhin plans to follow Kaido to repay his kindness back then, so he naturally follows him at this time.

Based on the current situation of the Lunalia tribe, those tribesmen should be under Jhin's rule and protection.

But Shaina had no intention of going together. The road to Xinghai was not the road she wanted to take. They had already made this clear.

"How many years."

"If you count from the day you escaped, it's been 36 years. If you count from birth, it's almost 50 years."

Time has not left many traces on their faces. As long as their hearts are still young, the faces of the people on the sea can basically maintain a proper stage, and the average life span of Lunarians is much longer than that of ordinary people. .

"It's been so long. We are no longer the children we were back then, so there is no need to worry about anything. What's more, the power of the Holy Beast will still be with us. It's just that there are more unknown things."

"That's right. According to Mr. Kaido's character, it is impossible to sail safely. Perhaps we should pay a moment of silence for those space pirates. In short, may the military fortune be prosperous."

"The same goes for you. The sea has calmed down, but there are a lot of things to worry about."

The two fist bumped and completed their farewell.

In fact, everything that needs to be said has been said during this period of banquet. This was just the last chat between acquaintances before their trip. Even if they communicate in the future, such face-to-face situations will be rare.

"Congratulations to you two. This is a rare twilight love. I won't get involved in your affairs. If your health is really qualified, I have no objection to having a younger brother or sister."

Olga was saying goodbye to Asier and Naqin. The three of them together were almost five hundred years old. They were the most peculiar family combination here.

Olga, the beloved trainee of the group back then and now a capable cadre, will naturally not miss this trip to the sea of ​​​​stars, but her old father and stepmother cannot withstand this trouble.

Of course, if you still want to have children at this age, you really need to rely on external technology. Olga was just joking.

"By the way, where's that girl Hancock? Isn't she going to go with you?"

Hancock behaved like rice cakes during that time, always appearing in the area near Olga, but whenever Kuja didn't need her, she couldn't wait to stick to Olga.

It didn't appear now, which made Asier feel a little abnormal.

"The matter with Nine Snakes has not been settled yet. She is the king after all, and she has gained some consciousness over the years, so I promised to take her with me on her second voyage."

Olga spread her hands and omitted how troublesome it would be to convince the other party. All in all, she just wanted to sail quietly once.

"Okay, Olga knows better than you. Remember to pay more attention to the oxygen tank on the ship. Although this issue was considered when the ship was renovated, in case of reaching a star field where breathing is impossible, that is the top priority. .”

Naiqin is also a half-scientist and knows the key points in this area. Both of them told Olga what she needed to pay attention to based on their own level of knowledge.

Then Asier handed Olga a ring.

"Pure gold ring, you know what effect this thing has. After Master Arceus found all his lost items, the radar was no longer needed. I dismantled those radars and made this again.

If you encounter any wounds that cannot be treated, use this to stop the development, and then find a way to come back as soon as possible. "

"Don't worry, there is also a newly developed panacea on board, which is enough to deal with this situation."

"Don't worry, it's just a new voyage. I will pay special attention to it when I find a suitable fishing spot or discover a new type of fish, and I will record it for you when the time comes."

Jack stood aside with Frosty Nipple on his head. It was not just humans who were sailing on this voyage. Some Pokémon also participated in this voyage plan. Frosty Nipple was an example.

"Okay, okay, you go as quickly as possible. Don't make it feel like we are parting from life or death. This way, Xiaopei will be mine alone."

Ulti and Peggywan had no intention of exploring the sea of ​​​​stars, but stayed on the sea. As a serious brother-controller, this travel list means that everyone who will "rob his brother" for him will have to travel. This Undoubtedly a great thing.

"Little Ur, if you keep talking like this, no one will like it. When will you be honest?"

Watching Ulti send them away with a push, Maria covered her mouth and laughed.

"You clearly hate us, do you have to express it in this way?"

There was a Q-version pendant in Maria's palm, and Jack's hand was no exception. It seemed that Ulti had just given it to them.

"What do you think this is?"

"It's just a small pendant. If you don't want it, just give it back to me!"

"How could it be? I feel your thoughts. Do you have Governor Kaido's? Give it to me together and I will pass it on for you."

Ulti and Peggywan also have the same Q-version pendants hanging on their waists. The images are based on themselves. It is not difficult to see that this should be a complete set.

"Sister, don't you tell me what you have to say? You stayed up all night and made the whole set by yourself, but why are you so coquettish when you give it away? It's not your character to let go. If you let go, your neck will break."

Ulti forcefully interrupted Peggyvan's subsequent words, and then threw Kaido's to Maria.

"Here you go, I'll put the rest in your luggage, and you can share it with everyone when the time comes."

"Yes~yes~I will show everyone that that is what you want."

"Don't do unnecessary things like that! I will take care of Aunt Lizi for you, so just work hard. I'm looking forward to the day when Yamato calls you mom."

Seeing Maria hanging Kaido's pendant around her waist, Ulti had already guessed what she was thinking. Maria did not shy away from it, but happily accepted these things.

[Attention to all personnel, Pluto is about to officially set sail. Unrelated personnel please leave the ship as soon as possible. Unrelated personnel please leave the ship as soon as possible! 】

The announcement on the ship sounded, which also meant that the official time to set sail had arrived. There may be a lot of reluctance, but this moment has still arrived.

"Robin, go back. Your research on history and exploration of Pokémon are not over yet?"

Olvia was also on board at this time. Not only her, but also some scholars in O'Hara made the same choice to explore the mysterious starry sky, especially those who studied the history of astronomy.

Curiosity brought them a desire to explore, and also gave them more courage to embark on this trip first. Even a few locals from Wano Country joined the voyage.

"Sister, I will continue to convey the glory of the Lord in the stars. I leave it to you on the sea. Don't let some extreme people tarnish the name of the Lord. Our purpose is to bring liberation and equality to the world, isn't it?"

"Of course, I will pay attention to this matter, and you should also take it seriously, Father Tiger."

Most of Shaina and the others have not sailed, but this does not mean that everyone is not interested. At least some members of the cult have made the same choice as Tiger. After a while, they may establish a star branch.

"It's been a long time since I sailed. I haven't felt like this for a long time."

"Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared for you. The star sea near here is very special. There is no gravity and you can even breathe freely. But you don't know what it will be like when you get further away.

Once you reach the edge of that range, your first voyage will be over. Except for you who can use part of Rayquaza's power, others cannot live in a vacuum.

You will have to prepare again when the time comes. "

"You are really thoughtful, but who are the four of them? Do you plan to arrange bodyguards for me?"

At this time, there were four red Pokémon standing behind Arceus. Although their appearances were slightly different, anyone who was not blind could tell that they belonged to the same species.

With an orange-red body, a blue-green face, and crystal-like objects in their bodies, these four Pokémon meet the standards of aliens in terms of appearance alone.

This is also their source, the DNA Pokémon-Deoxys.

Deoxys in the Pokémon world was originally just a cosmic virus attached to a meteorite. It was a Pokémon that mutated after the DNA of the cosmic virus was exposed to laser irradiation.

Although they have obvious heads and facial features, the crystals on their chests are their real core. During the previous trial, Pluto collected some meteorites near the moon. Arceus also used these meteorites as a model to create Deo that was more suitable for this place. Chisis.

Because he was born in the universe here, he is more familiar with the situation there and can perfectly detect the situation of the star sea.

Although they appear in four forms, they can switch between these four forms at will, which is essentially just further manipulation of cells.

The balanced normal form, sharp attack form, sharp speed form and stocky defensive form allow Deoxys to adapt to many different situations.

“Well, hey, hey, he’s still as reliable as ever. Joining forces with you back then was probably the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

The time has come. Goodbye, old friend. "

"Goodbye, I think it won't be long. Don't get stranded halfway and be teleported back later."

"Ouch! That won't happen to me, kids! Let's set sail!"

The people who were still on the ship all left Hades either by their own abilities or with the help of others, and finally watched the huge battleship disappear into the sky with other ships.

"Phew, it's a long-lost feeling of freedom. At least I don't have to worry about that bastard daddy coming to sneak attack me for a short time."

Yamato lay on the lawn and relaxed her mind. She didn't resist. It was one of her ideas to defeat Kaido, but that didn't mean she was keen on fighting.

Although sometimes she has a tendency to become Kaido, after all, she is fundamentally different from Kaido. In this case, it is inevitable that she will feel relaxed.

Even if Kaido was scheming in her perception, he wouldn't use Dehang to make a joke. No matter what, he wouldn't use Dehang to make a joke.

"Indeed, Brother Kaido has left, and I am finally half safe. Miss, when are you going to travel? If you go to Lord Arceus, he should be able to arrange some adventures to other worlds for you.

It can not only increase your strength, but also expand your knowledge. That would be an endless adventure without Kaido, what a great thing. "

"Wait like this, Quinn? Why are you here?"

Although the voice in my ears is indeed reasonable, the person speaking is very unreasonable.

"Why can't I be here? Didn't I already say that I'm not interested in sailing on the star sea?"

"You're not interested, but father should tie you up by force. Aren't you the chief technical engineer?"

"I'm the one who designed the modification drawings, not the shipbuilder. Even if there is damage, they can fix everything according to the drawings. The things on the ship are all operated by fools. Those guys who have been trained in the past two years are not just freeloaders.

And there’s news that’s unfortunate in nature. "

At this point, Quinn's expression suddenly darkened, as if he remembered something very bad.

"Miss, you should know that Lord Arceus left space capabilities on the ship to prevent accidents."

"You know, Palkia, Hupa, Celebi, and Giratina all have powers related to space. Isn't it normal for my adoptive father to do this?"

"It's normal, but the problem is that the transmission is two-way. If something really goes wrong, Brother Kaido might open the door and pull people away, but it doesn't matter, I want to take a good vacation now!

Muhahaha, nothing can threaten me! "

"Well, I think what you said makes sense, but I have an opinion. How about you clear my account first?"

Yamato waved his mace in his hand and walked towards Quinn with a smile on his face, causing the Wano Country that had just calmed down to become noisy again.

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