Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1439 The nearly damaged cotton-padded jacket and the time and space judge

On Gulan Tezoro, Tezoro was basking in the sun next to a swimming pool. Naturally, the huge investment in commercial ships back then would not be abandoned due to the establishment of the new order.

This ship is now defined as a free trade zone, where people from any area can make their own legal purchases. It is also the only legal casino on the sea with an official background.

There are still subtle differences in the laws of each kingdom, and they can make specific adjustments as long as they do not violate the regulations of the World Alliance.

If there is anything that violates laws and regulations, according to common sense, local laws will generally prevail. However, the exception is Gulan Tezzolo. The rules of the special zone here are above the laws of other countries and are directly under the World Alliance. .

After choosing to retire from the world stage three years ago, Tezzolo's life has become a lot easier. At first, many people did hope that he could come back, but as time went by, this voice faded.

After all, memories in the entertainment industry are basically like fish. Except for those die-hard fans, most people are quickly attracted by new actors.

For example, the King of Soul's comeback, and Uta's transformation from a solo performance to a team performance.

Although it was insignificant, it did save a security fee after that. For Uta, the red-haired security guard was the best.

And today, it seems that it’s time to welcome new ones.

"Why didn't I notice before that you are all interested in this kind of thing?"

"Isn't it very busy before? It's finally time to relax. I want the whole world to see my beautiful dance."

The beach chair next to Tezzolo creaked under the strain, and Quinn was sighing with a cup of banana milkshake. Except for the bandage on his head, he looked pretty good.

As for how the bandage came about, Tezzolo could only say that he understood everything and there was no need to go into details. Anyway, looking at Quinn's playful smile, he had already forgotten about it.

"I said Tezzolo, this shouldn't be complicated, right?"

"Of course it's not complicated. I think brother Quinn, your style should still have many fans. Let me check their schedule and find a variety show to warm you up."

This matter is simple for Tezzolo. He just no longer performs and has not directly retired.

Things that are difficult for ordinary people to handle are just a matter of words to him, and he has no shortage of resources or traffic.

"By the way, Brother Quinn, do you have any plans to lose weight? Style is still very important. Once the first impression is set, it's not that easy to change it."

"Of course not, I'd better give young people a way to survive. If I lose weight, my handsome appearance will make others unable to extricate themselves, and then it won't be difficult to compete at all.

I gained weight on purpose just to avoid this situation. Besides, losing weight is not a topic worth showing off. If you talk about it all the time, it will only make people feel disgusted. "

Quinn has always had sufficient confidence in himself, perhaps a habit he developed during his time at MADS. After all, when those people were young, Quinn was the most human-like among the men.

"But having said that, I understand that Brother Quinn has this idea, but Manderfish, do you also want to try it? If you package it in this appearance, you will look very uncle-like. Many people like you. Just one bite."

"Don't be ridiculous, Tezzolo, you know my character very well."

"Of course I know. I just said it casually. Rusaka looks like you. Is that Mero? It's normal for her to be interested in such things at her age.

Do you want to make your debut as a child star? It just so happens that he can be paired with Brother Quinn. The contrast is very interesting. "

Mero was playing with Rusalka in the swimming pool nearby. As she sang, a series of bubbles appeared in the water and danced wildly with her voice.

"It's not her, and Melo has a new hobby during this time, you will understand right away."

When he said this, Manderfish felt helpless, and his expression successfully aroused Tezzolo's curiosity.

"What, your little cotton-padded jacket has also reached the rebellious stage?"


There was a sudden explosion in Tezzolo's ears, and the cup in his hand shattered. The bubbles under Mello's control also exploded like fireworks.

"Is this... heavy metal rock style?"

"Yes, you also know that Mero's ability is the Sea Lion. This Pokémon can control blisters through singing, and Mero itself likes heavy firepower.

In order to enhance the power of her moves, she specially found a tape like this, and later became even more obsessed with it. If Mello was paired with Brother Quinn's rap-style combination, I can't imagine what she would look like. "

"Looking at the bright side, all she has changed is her singing style, at least her dressing style has not changed."


The heavy metal style is not to everyone's taste, at least not Manderfish itself.

"So it's not that your family has this idea."

"I didn't say it was my family. I just conveyed this to you on behalf of Princess Otohime. It is a mermaid opera troupe from Ryugu Kingdom that plans to perform around the world and wants you to make arrangements."

"That's okay. It's just that security will take a little more time."

Tezzolo agreed without thinking. It was not a matter of favor or face, but because mermaid performances were inherently a hugely profitable industry. In the past few hundred years, there were only two types of mermaids that would appear outside of Fishman Island. Slaves or pirates.

Now that the Slavery Abolition Act has been successfully implemented, pirates have basically disappeared, and those who occasionally appear to cause trouble will be quickly suppressed.

Most people have never seen a mermaid at all, and they can only learn about them through picture books.

Otohime wants to establish a new image for the Ryugu Kingdom in the public eye, which can be said to be the first time in more than a hundred years.

Of course Tezzolo would not miss this opportunity to make money. After all, he is not a philanthropist, and giving free performances does not seem wise to Tezzolo.

"Then let's settle it. I will send the plan after a while. It will go smoothly without any problems. Speaking of where the eldest lady is, she didn't come to play with you."

"The eldest lady went to observe the judicial trial."

"Are you sure you didn't use the wrong word?"

Tezzolo had some doubts about his hearing, saying that Yamato had demolished Thaksin's court, and he couldn't understand such a thing.

"Well, it's indeed a bit inaccurate. It should be said that he was involved. I heard that it was quite a big fuss."

Judiciary Island, after experiencing a freeze in Regice, most of the buildings on the island were scrapped, and not long after the World Government had just renovated it, it was completely overthrown.

These ready-made buildings were naturally inherited and put to proper use. At this time, the Judicial Island no longer had a purely formal role, but played an audit role as the Supreme Court.

Under normal circumstances, the laws of each region are maintained by the local kingdoms themselves, and cases involving the death penalty need to be reported and reviewed. If the people involved are resolute, the nature of the case involved is egregious, and there is a lack of evidence to convict, this method will eventually be used. regulations.

“According to the latest paragraph of the World Alliance Amendment, page 577, paragraph 7.

An application has been made for the clergy to intervene in this case. Later, members of the Arceus Cult will review the case in an absolutely impartial manner.

If someone pleads guilty now, the result of the previous trial will be the final verdict. If the person still insists that he was wronged and it is determined to be an unjust case after review, the person concerned will be compensated and the false accuser will be severely punished.

If the verification is correct, then the crime will be increased and the sentence will be harsher. Does anyone have any doubts? "

"No, I already told you that I have an alibi. What does his parents being burned to death have to do with me? I did work as a pirate for a period of time, but I didn't have a bounty on my head, and I quit as you requested. He is making a false accusation. I.

Isn't it just a vow? How to say the oath? I am ready. "

"He was the one who set the fire. My sister saw him sneaking around behind our house with her own eyes!"

"Your sister is mute, and you have the final say what she says? I've already said that, you have to provide evidence, young man."


The judge knocked the hammer in his hand and silenced the scene. As the man said, no key evidence has been found in this arson case. Just one person's statement cannot determine the outcome of the case.

"Then let me emphasize again, no one wants to change their mind, right?"

Seeing that no one changed their story, the judge also stood up and respectfully opened the curtain behind him.

"Sir Celebi, please excuse me. You are required to conduct the final review of this case."

The so-called clergy does not refer to a certain person, but Celebi, and her way of reviewing the case is also very simple, going back in time and space.

As long as the scene at that time is reproduced, the lie will naturally be meaningless. This is the first case to be brought here after the establishment of the World Alliance, and it is also the first case to use this policy.

Before this, no one knew that their intervention method was so straightforward.

"I swear in the name of the Lord, what I did was absolutely selfless, just to reveal the truth to the world."

Celebi put his little hand on the new Bible, and then his power spread to the entire court. Both parties, the bailiff, and the jury all felt the change of time.

The body seemed to be solidified by an unknown force, and the surrounding environment began to change. The unfamiliar environment gradually enveloped the entire court, and the person who insisted that he was wronged also broke into a cold sweat at this time.

He originally thought that the intervention of the so-called clergy was to make people swear. He was not afraid of this kind of thing at all. Even if he took a polygraph, he would not worry about revealing the truth.

The lie detector is nothing more than a prop that monitors changes in body data such as heart rate to test lies. It can only be used against ordinary people. If the psychological quality is too strong or too weak, it will be ineffective.

No one had ever told him that he could distinguish truth from falsehood through the ability of time and space.

"Is there anything else you want to say now?"

The figure of arson has appeared in the public eye, and the hard facts make any debate meaningless at this moment.

"After the death penalty is verified, it will be executed immediately. All property will be confiscated to compensate the victim. Your soul will be burned by fire for 30 years. This is the price."

If the clergy intervenes, there will be no chance of turning back. Even if the plaintiff chooses to withdraw the lawsuit, the verdict will not change. Celebi cannot explore the truth in every matter.

There is such a large population in the world that it is impossible to explain trivial things, and even some messes may not be solved even if we go back in time and see the truth.

For example, regarding the ethical issues in Dressrosa, it took them three full years to resolve the original mess.

This gimmick is to curb the behavior of some people. After all, there is such an example. In the future, you have to consider whether you can bear the cost of lying.

If it were before this, the so-called burning of souls would only be regarded as a joke, but with such an example, it may not be a simple threat.

"How about it? This is a task specially assigned to me by Father God. I'm doing a pretty good job, right?"

After the trial, Celebi flew to the jury, and before ordinary people could react, he took Yamato and left there, emphasizing his importance.

Pokémon with authority each have their own tasks and ownership, and they also have their own choices. For example, Groudon and Kyogre chose to sleep after completing their tasks.

Zygarde's body fragments are scattered all over the world to monitor the development of the ecology. People on the voyage can occasionally find Lugia and Ho-oh.

Some people were lucky enough to encounter Suicune in the mountains and forests, and people who were lost in the desert also encountered Entei guiding the direction of the oasis. Compared with these Pokémon, Celebi is freer and gets along more with humans.

"Maybe, the law is really complicated."

"For the sake of fairness, some complicated procedures are inevitable, but human beings are really strange creatures. They have no grievances and no grudges, but they can kill others and destroy a family with peace of mind for half a million Singapore dollars."

"Don't look at me with that look. That's what that guy did. There are good people and bad people in human beings. It's not my decision to have such a scumbag. Don't you think so, Robin?"

"The human heart is the most complicated thing. Who can claim to understand this thing? You have seen very few of the dark sides. Wanting to build a perfect world is not an exaggeration.

Someone will always try to destroy it, and that's why tinkerers are needed. "

"I think you can just say yes or no. Forget it. If we don't talk about this anymore, how are you preparing?"

Kaido had left, and Yamato's passive intelligence was temporarily sealed. Although she could roughly understand what Robin meant, those words gave her a headache and simply opened a new topic.

"Of course I'm ready. To be precise, I don't need to prepare at all. I'm just going to explore history. There's no need to be so cautious."

"That's right. You are just a bystander anyway, Celebi, please."

"No problem, but I still have to remind you, don't try to play with time, otherwise time will definitely come back with a revenge."

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