Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1443 Pokémon Fantasy Carnival

"Are you also affected by the ability? I didn't find you had this kind of personality before."

Kuina put away her weapon, but Zoro resumed his three-sword style posture. Since he was joking just now, it was time to get down to business. The competition in swordsmanship never diminished.

Adults' time is not as generous as that of children, and they can accumulate more than 2,000 competitions, but their total competitions during this period have also reached 2,300.

The battle situation has also changed from Kuina's unilateral crushing of Zoro to today's mutual victory. It can be said that Zoro is used to it.

"The focus of your attention was not on me before, right? How do you know that this is not my original character?"

Ability affects the personality of the ability user to a certain extent. This is not absolute, but there are many examples. Even those who have received power from Arceus sometimes behave this way.

Zoro didn't know whether Kuina was considered an esper in this situation, but he still felt that way.

"According to the classification of attributes, I am a ghost type. Isn't it normal for an "evil ghost" to have a bad character? But I'm not here to compete with you this time. I want to ask you if you are interested in participating in the competition."

"Competition? What competition? Sword fighting competition?"

"No, it should be considered a New Year celebration. Do you remember what day it is today?"

"Today is already December 1525. Time flies so fast."

The Holy Calendar is the official usage today, but it is not currency. Although the Hainan calendar will no longer be used in official documents, it is still spread among the people and is used together with the new calendar.

"It's the 36th year of the Holy Calendar. It's time to change your habits. This year's situation is very special. The large fleet of beasts has sailed to the star sea. After the order is basically stable, the Lord no longer directly interferes in ordinary affairs.

Members of the church and the league planned a celebration to show that things are getting better and better. I'm here to see my teammates. Just think of it as a New Year's celebration. "

Different islands have their own customs. The most popular way is to hold banquets, bonfires, delicious food, and spirits. This is a common means of celebration on the sea.

Today's alliance truly connects the world as a whole, which is why such an event similar to the "Spring Festival Gala" was born. It was officially planned for the first time, so most of the players involved are internal personnel to facilitate arrangements.

If it goes well, a bigger event will be held next year as well.

"I see, so you want to play too?"

"This is not a game, but a formal event. However, this is an internal test at best, so there are no luxurious prizes, but the experience will be wonderful."

"What are the specific rules for the competition? It seems like you have already prepared it, so I have no reason to refuse."

Zoro has no reason to refuse such a trivial matter, but whenever an acquaintance comes to him, he will probably get this answer.

"I don't know exactly what projects there are. Those are confidential contents. The only thing revealed now is the composition of the contestants. Since it is an internal test, the participating teams will be captained by Pokémon-related ability users."

This is considered an internal test category. After all, those who meet this requirement are either members of the Beasts or members of the church. As for who they find as teammates, that is their freedom.

"The team members include one Pokémon of any attribute, one non-ability user, and one ability user. The four-person team will participate in an unknown competition at a specific venue to compete for the first place."

"So...are you a Pokémon or a Pokémon's ability user?"

Zoro's nerves are sometimes very sharp and he will catch the key points in strange places. At least now he has discovered the blind spot in his cognition.

You can be sure that you are a non-able person...

"You thought my personality was affected by my ability just now, and now you are denying what you said? It seems that your mind has become less clear.

My situation is special, but I am still a special human being, so I am considered the captain. Is it clear enough? "

If we were to be more detailed, this competition even involved divisions. Guina was considered a player sent from the Huangquan Division, but there was no point in saying this publicly. It didn't mean anything, let alone mention it.

"It's no problem. It looks like I'm an ordinary human in this team. What about the other teammates? Do you have an idea about ability users and Pokémon?

Even if you don’t know what to compete with, you still need to get familiar with your teammates. I am familiar with a few Pokémon in this dojo, and they are pretty good. "

Not to mention being a sparring partner, even if you have been a punching bag for a few years, it's time to get along and develop feelings, so it's not difficult for Zoro to contact one or two Onion Rangers.

"Onion Ranger? It sounds good, but you don't have to worry about the Pokémon issue. My colleagues will participate with me. It's just the ability user issue that you have to worry about by yourself. I've been dead for too long. Now, I don’t know anyone with abilities.”

Devil Fruits are rare things in the East China Sea, and even Kuina has no esper familiar with them.

"You can find the best one. If you can't find it, you have to wait for random assignment. By the way, let's get to know your other teammate first, my colleague Dark Night Demon."

The air nearby was distorted, and a black ghost appeared next to Guina. A single eye was exposed on the gray head, and the body seemed to be covered with special cloth.

There is a golden disk above the head, which is the antenna of the Night Demon. Through this, it can receive the radio waves from the underworld and get Darkrai's instructions.

The lower body has a special tail like the ghost, but the body has the same marks as the mouth and eyes, and the mouth-like mark can really be opened. To a certain extent, they are similar to Gengar, with a mark on their belly. Endless space.

"Master Darkrai asked him to come and compete with us. He doesn't like to talk very much, and his usual mission is just to bring wandering souls back to the underworld.

However, the ghost-type Pokémon is dominant in most situations because it is close to the ghost, so it is a very reliable partner. "

"Hey, wait, did you say that the job of picking up the deceased has nothing to do with you? Then how can it be your colleague?"

"Zoro, have you put your brain into the sword? The operation of Huangquan is a very complicated thing, but you probably can't understand it. You can experience it yourself in a few decades.

I belong to the error correction execution team, responsible for dealing with some unlucky people who accidentally end up in hell. "

With systematic management, Underworld is essentially stable, and the spread will not happen again. The problem usually lies in the work of the Night Demon.

It will come to people who are nearing the end of their lifespan and lead their souls to the underworld. Occasionally, it will mistakenly take away the souls of people who are still alive.

Guina is responsible for dealing with the aftermath.

Since it is an entertainment competition, some people are not included in the competition. Otherwise, Darkrai might have to participate in it himself.

As long as it is a competition mode, the desire to win is there, especially some teams from the competition area have a strong desire to win.

There must be an upper limit to the strength of the contestants, otherwise it will turn into a New Year's Eve brawl, which would be interesting. In addition to Darkrai, there are many more Pokémon and humans on the banned list.

"That's it. Anyway, leave the ability user to me. As long as you don't get lost, you will definitely be able to get here on time."

"Um Zoro, just call the other person to come over. The boss will reimburse the travel expenses. If you go to pick him up, I think I can abstain."

Talent is a very mysterious thing, and it can even mutate over time. In past competitions, Kuina clearly realized how terrifying Sauron's lost talent has become.

His talent has gradually changed from a single-target passive to an aura skill. If he rides on the back of some animal, the animal will also be affected. It remains to be seen whether it will be further developed in the future.

"Protest! Sister Misu, I want to protest, why aren't I allowed to participate? I even have a team ready!"

Time began to pass, and everyone who received the news was preparing their own teams, and Yamato was no exception. However, after she prepared the list, she received some not-so-pleasant responses.

"Miss Yamato, there is no other way. Your strength is too supermodel. If you are allowed to participate, it would be better to directly award the prize, and the composition of your team"

Pokémon: Metagross

Power user: Nico Robin

Ordinary person: Charlie

Whether it is a mermaid or a fur tribe, as long as they have never eaten the fruit, they are considered ordinary people, so Charlie is also in compliance.

One is a supercomputing Pokémon, an external brain that is good at intelligence reconnaissance and analysis, and a mermaid who, although it has stopped over the years, is still proficient in divination.

This team has made its purpose clear, leaving the thinking to others, while Yamato himself is responsible for the physical part.

In a sense, this is a rather unsolvable lineup. After all, no matter what the event, when a certain ability of the contestants exceeds the extreme value, the balance will be broken.

"So, Miss Yamato, in order for the event to proceed smoothly, you should come and wait at the referee's table. There are many people who have the same experience as you."

Trying to avoid pure fighting competitions is the purpose of this celebration. However, it is unrealistic to avoid all armed struggles with this competition method. Therefore, after banning some supermodel contestants, a special competition is needed. Jury.

Those suspended members just became members of the referee team.

As he spoke, Misu also handed Yamato a list. The names of Shanks and Kuzan were all listed. For this celebration, they were both special guests and referees of the event.

"Miss Yamato, this celebration is not an ordinary New Year's festival. It is also to show the Lord that the times have taken a big step forward and a harmonious life is coming.

Although the rules have been as restrictive as possible, this event still has the nature of a military performance before the emperor, and you don’t want to be disappointed. "

"I know, I can be a good referee, but it's still boring if I can't participate. Is there a position for a level boss? Let me do it together."

"If there is, I will notify you, but there is no such plan at the moment. The specific links are still being planned, so please wait patiently."

Misu handed over a new book. The words "Pokémon Fantasy Carnival" were very clear on the cover. Most of the links had been planned. The only thing left vacant was the competition between these teams.

At the end of the 36th year of the Holy Calendar, the first large-scale celebration for Pokémon and humans around the world was held on the sea. This event was considered by many historians to be a day of great change in world culture, and it gradually evolved. It became one of the special championship events.

But when this carnival was first held, many people had some obsession with winning.

"Lami, I'll leave the team sent by the church to you. I can't tell you the specific content. After all, that would be fraud. I hope everything goes well for you."

"I'll try, Sister."

Lamy and Flame Horse left the church together, and then headed to the direction of the stadium with Luo Ga and another person. A total of twenty-five teams had arrived at the predetermined location and were ready to wait. facing unknown challenges.

On islands around the world, celebrations to welcome the new year have also begun one after another.

"Thank you Charmander, it's been a big help."

In Kuri, at Kentaro's house, Charmander used his tail flame to ignite the fireworks in other people's hands. As people waved their arms, the fireworks sticks also drew various patterns in the air.

The streets are crowded with people, and the domestic public notice screens show the summary and changes of the past year, while also warming up for the upcoming "Carnival".

The Pokémon Center was still running as usual. Even on days like this, there was no room for relaxation. In front of the hospital bed by the window, an old man sat up with the help of a nurse.

"Grandpa, you will be discharged from the hospital in three days. Congratulations in advance on your recovery."

"Thank you for taking care of me, and thank you little one. It seems you have brought me a lot of good luck."

The old man held an egg-like Pokémon in his hand, and it waved its arms as the old man stroked his hand. It was a Togepi, a special Pokémon generally regarded as a mascot.

On the street outside, the noisy atmosphere almost covered up the sound of musical instruments, but on the crowded street, the crowd automatically dispersed a path, and along with the rhythmic drumming, a green faucet appeared in people's sight.

The people below were struggling to dance with the wooden poles in their hands, and the yellow rings in the green scales shone in the night.

The dragon's head kept rolling in the air, as if chasing its own shadow.

The sharp screams hit the audience's eardrums like thunder, making people feel their ears vibrating slightly.

A custom that has only appeared in Wano in recent years, dragon dancing is used to pray for peace and wish for a better new year. However, here, the dancing dragon is in the shape of Rayquaza, which has been certified by the church.

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