Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1463 7: The Artifact Bicycle from Another World (Inuyasha)

It is known that Kaido is wandering around in unknown territory, but it is also certain that Kaido will not sail in an honest way.

Under this premise, whether Kaido will suddenly strengthen in the future, or whether he will be strengthened by eating meteorites, these are all unknown to Yamato.

But sometimes, some demands are destined to not be met.

When Kaido sailed to nowhere, Yamato's new journey also continued.


There are some calls of birds in the forest, and some smoke can be seen in the distance, but overall, this is still a forest that has not been developed much.

Along the path in the forest, you can see the traces left by a wheel.

If you follow this trace and look forward, you will find that someone is following something.

"It's over here, the smell is getting stronger and stronger, the thief must be over here!"

A man with animal ears, long silver hair, and a red robe is imitating the movements of a dog to track the scent.

Although there are wheel marks, these marks are intermittent, and most of the time they are still traced by scent.

As if he had confirmed some information, he rushed out towards a fork in the road.

"Inuyasha, wait!"

Maybe I shouldn't say imitating a dog, after all, he already has half the blood of a dog demon in his body.

As the son of General Inu, he and his companions are now traveling together with the common goal of searching for the fragments of the Shikon Tama, revenge on Naraku and other incidents.

However, what was stolen this time was not the few Shikon Jade fragments they had on them, but Kagome's bicycle.

As a high school girl in modern society, Kagome's physical ability is obviously not equivalent to that of a demon slayer, mage, half-demon and the like.

The crystallization of science and technology has become her help.

But they never thought that someone from the Warring States Period would come to steal bicycles.

The forest here was dense and Mica's flight could not be tracked in depth, so they had to walk together.

And Inuyasha was extremely excited today, and he was quite angry about someone stealing his bicycle during his vigil.

"I don't understand why someone would steal Miss Kagome's bicycle. Would anyone really use this in this era?"

Maitreya held the rosary beads in his hand and still couldn't figure out the other person's motive for doing this.

Food, money, and increasing strength, both humans and monsters mostly act for these purposes.

No matter how you think about it, bicycles are not included in this category.

"Maybe it's just a youkai who likes to play pranks. It seems that Inuyasha has found the thief."

There was a commotion ahead, several trees collapsed, and a monster with yellow scales was thrown out.

"Tell me, where did you, the pangolin monster, hide your bicycle? Hand it over now!"

"It's just a half-demon, it's just relying on the demon sword in your hand.

Without these external things you are nothing! If you have the ability, wait until I master the use of that iron horse and then we can compete! "

Even though Inuyasha had stepped on him, the monster still looked unconvinced.

After all, in this world, both humans and monsters look down on mixed-blood half-demon.

"Iron horse? You mean a bicycle? But it doesn't have the effect of enhancing the demon's power."

"Human? Monster? What a strange combination. I won't answer your questions. You will never find that treasure in your life!"

The pangolin monster stubbornly refused several people's questions, but after a series of friendly conversations, he came to understand the reality again.

The scales didn't change the outcome, the big bump on his head said it all.

At this time, with a smile on his face, he dug the bicycle out of the soil and began to explain why he regarded the iron horse as a treasure.

In this era where monsters are everywhere, this pangolin monster is considered a tyrant in the mountains.

Unlike the monsters that attacked human villages, this monster had no interest in eating people, but it did protect some bandits in the nearby mountains.

After all, those bandits would always pay tribute to him, but a few days ago, all his bandit brothers disappeared.

"That ghost girl rode such an iron horse and killed all my younger brothers!

I wanted to take revenge, but she didn't even look at me and knocked me out with that iron horse! "

"Ghost girl? If it's a monster, wouldn't it be normal to defeat those human bandits?

Why do you think it's because of bicycles?

"I didn't feel any demonic energy from her. Maybe she is a half-demon. Anyway, it must be because of this special weapon.

Otherwise, how could this pure-blooded monster like me be possible? "

Maitreya put a charm on his head and sealed him.

Monsters who protect bandits are never good monsters, and this is also their normal behavior.

But after that, they realized a more troublesome problem.

Monsters may not understand what a bicycle is, but this pangolin monster is not blind.

According to his description, there is another creature riding a bicycle in the forest.

"Can other people pass through the bone well? Or is something sent here from the future?"

"It should be something like that. Isn't it true that only Kagome can come to the bone-eating well?"

"I don't know, but I smell Cup Noodles."

The mystery of the Bone-eating Well is not well known, and the mage Maitreya did not believe that anyone could come through time and space before.

What worked at this time was Inuyasha's dog nose, and the breeze had brought the information he wanted to know.

Soon, the group arrived at the riverside, and a huge tent came into their sight.


"It's a tent from our time. It looks so high-end, so it should be very expensive."

The Higurashi family, which runs a shrine, has no problem with economic conditions, but it is far from the top consortium.

"And the size of that bicycle is too high even for a basketball star.

How can there be such a tall person in modern times?

I haven't seen the brand of cup noodles. It may be imported."

This is obviously a man-made camping site, and Kagome is judging the other party's situation by what she can see.

But no matter how you look at it, it looks like a place where giants live.

"Inuyasha, what's wrong with you?"

The hair on the back of Inuyasha stood up inexplicably, and he was also looking around vigilantly.

The instinct in his blood is reminding him that it is dangerous here.

Dog demons and dogs have many similarities, and this feeling in the blood is something that Inuyasha cannot completely avoid.

"I can't say for sure, but the people here seem very dangerous. I haven't found anyone with this ability in your era."

Inuyasha didn't smell any blood or monsters, and he had already assumed that this was a human.

The appearance of such a powerful individual in Kagome's era was not good news for Inuyasha. Just as he was thinking about what to do next, Kagome made a new discovery.

"It's a fragment of the Four Souls Jade! It's in the tent! And it's not polluted!"

This may be good news. The purity of the Four Souls Jade can reflect a person's heart to a large extent.

If it has been polluted, even if it is not on the body, it will not fade away before it is purified.

This doesn't mean too much, but it means that the other person's heart is not completely controlled by desire, at least it means that his nature is not bad.

As for the Four Souls Jade, they can't just leave. They are thinking about whether to take it away quietly or wait for its temporary owner to come back.

"No, why didn't the pangolin monster mention the Four Souls Jade before?

Why did this fragment just stay here, but didn't attract any monsters? I didn't feel any barrier around me along the way."

Many unreasonable things made Miroku feel like he had fallen into someone else's trap, but nothing happened around him.

At the same time, in the woods not far away, Yamato looked at this side impatiently.

"Move, move, you guys do it, how can I reel in the line if you don't bite the hook!"

The intensity of the world is different, and the purpose of Yamato's behavior is also different. At this time, she is fishing for law enforcement.

The new book is coming soon, it's coming soon

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