Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1468 12: A dark day jpg

Chapter 1468 12: A dark day.jpg

Toyama Momi, an ordinary police officer in the Ministry of Transportation, encountered the most special situation since she joined the job today.

There are many speeding bikers on the streets of Tokyo nowadays, but there are not many people who are so ostentatious in broad daylight, and in front of the traffic police.

The traffic police who caught up thought it was a very simple matter, but Yamato started to play dumb.

It's just that she made a low-level mistake. If you want to pretend that you don't understand a language, the shorter the words you use, the better. But now she is pretending that she doesn't understand Japanese. It's a bit wrong to use English words. She should use simple Japanese words.

When Yamato reacted, this sentence had already been said, but she didn't panic. Faced with the question, she still answered in English in an orderly manner.

For people born on the sea, mastering these two languages ​​is almost basic, and even Luffy can use some words accurately.

"Miss, you were speeding just now. Please show me your ID."

"I said, I can't understand Japanese, can you speak English?"

She answered persistently in English, with her unique eye and hair color, the unique "hairpin", and her rare height, and successfully established a new image in the eyes of the traffic police. After all, when you go out, you set your own personality.

The previous words were also understood by the traffic police as Yamato saying that she was afraid that she would not understand, and the reason for her perception was her accent.

Due to regional issues, people here speak English with a very special accent. In the eyes of the traffic police, Yamato's tone is no longer a local.

But now they have fallen into a state of communication difficulties. There are different ways for Japanese police to join the job, and the requirements for joining the job and the status they can reach are also completely different.

The end of some people's lifelong struggle may be just the starting point of the professional group. For those who run field work in the wind and rain, Toyama Momi is undoubtedly the most basic one, and the English she learned in high school has long been returned.

Although she didn't understand a word, she couldn't remember the lines she needed to answer.

It took her a long time to remember how to say the word "document", and she said it several times in a row.

Yamato had plenty of experience in pretending to be stupid, and the confused look made Higashiyama Momi wonder how bad her pronunciation was.

But she finally got the document prepared by Rotom.

Compared with the Warring States period 500 years ago, this social environment is more conducive to Rotom's performance. The Internet has appeared, but it is still in its basic form.

The security departments of various countries are ahead of their own world, but facing electronic ghosts like Rotom, their firewalls are useless.

Whether it is the most basic knowledge or the information in the deep network, they have been captured by Rotom. According to its analysis, in this country, foreign nationality is more useful than locals, especially American nationality.

Five-star Emperor MacArthur also said that American nationality is useful here.

After verifying the authenticity of various information Rotom had searched on the Internet, it found that from many years ago to now, in the eighth year of the Heisei era, Americans had done many outrageous things here, and the local way of dealing with them was generally outrageous.

Speeding on a motorcycle is obviously not a big deal, especially when it does not cause any vicious consequences. If the matter gets out of hand, there may not be any benefits, and the boss may let him punish each person one by one to resolve the incident.

So Toyama Momi's choice is to turn a blind eye and get this matter over with quickly. Anyway, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't happen under her hands.

She returned the certificate with both hands and looked at Kagome again. This is obviously a local junior high school student, and it is easier to communicate with her.

"Are you friends?"

"I guess so, officer, we"

"Please remind your friends to slow down, forget it this time, please be careful on the road."

She waved her hand to signal Yamato and the others that they could leave. Kagome wanted to pretend, but before she could say the English words she remembered, Yamato had already twisted the handle again.

"This is the first time I've seen a policeman so polite."

"I've already said that I have a sufficient plan, so this is solved."

After slowing down, Yamato was not intercepted again. After a while, he arrived at the streets of Shibuya. Shibuya and Shinjuku are the areas that Kagome and her friends often visit. Compared with these two areas, Ginza's appearance rate is even lower.

Shuttled through the streets of the commercial district, Yamato's packages gradually increased, but they were all consumables, and there were no clothes or other things. Most of the ready-made clothing stores did not have the right size for her, but fortunately she was not short of clothes or other things.

"Why did you buy so many instant noodles and potato chips?"

Kagome also bought a lot of things along the way, but most of them were snacks.

"Qibao and the others like these very much. Every time they ask me to bring them more back, so I'll buy them along the way this time. But how much can your bag hold?"

"It's no problem to hold a warehouse. My adoptive father helped me expand it before I came out. By the way, are those people your acquaintances?"

Their hands were already occupied by shopping bags. Yamato had just found a place where no one was and stuffed all the things into his Daoyun backpack. The huge capacity made Kagome very envious. No matter how you looked at it, it was extremely convenient.

At this time, several girls who were walking together were waving at this side and had already walked over.

"My classmates, is it the weekend today? I'm confused."

Kagome was about to say hello to them, but was asked back first.

"Kagome? Why are you here? Aren't you recuperating in the hospital because of a heart disease?"

"Yes, and isn't your leg broken?"

"Is that your new friend? She looks like a foreigner. You haven't been with her during this period of absence, have you?"

The three people directly listed several disease terms for Kagome and started gossiping about what she was doing during this period. Kagome was very upset. It was obvious that her grandfather had racked his brains to ask for leave for her, and he made her a sickly person.

After all, she was still a student. If she skipped classes without a legitimate reason, it would be difficult to explain to the school. She had experienced such an incident last time, and specifically asked her grandfather not to make it so outrageous.

Now it seems that it is not without effect. At least her disease has changed from a rare disease to a common disease.

After she finally found a reason to perfunctorily deal with her classmates, Kagome walked into a coffee shop with a tired face. She was physically fine, but she was mainly tired. Today's experience was a big test for her psychological endurance.

"Don't be so discouraged. Cheer up. Do you want me to help you get a medical certificate? It's not complicated."

Looking at Kagome's expression of despair, Yamato casually encouraged her.

"Let's talk about it later. I hope it will go smoothly later."

"Uh, I think your wish may not be realized."

Looking at the TV on the side, Yamato suddenly remembered that they seemed to have forgotten something.

"What's wrong?"

"Look over there."

Yamato pointed to the TV on the side. At this time, the TV channel was playing Detective Conan, but the scrolling subtitles below made Kagome sweat.

[Many people reported that an unidentified man with white hair and red clothes appeared on the streets of Shibuya District. He behaved strangely and was suspected of having violent tendencies.

The police initially determined that he was extremely mentally unstable and were searching for his whereabouts. Citizens are requested to take precautions. If you have any clues, please contact us.]

It was just text scrolling, and there was no photo of the person involved. Yamato was just suspicious, but Kagome locked the target through these clues because he could really do such a thing.

She could even imagine the scene of Inuyasha lying on the side of the road chasing the smell.

"Well. Why don't you continue to walk around by yourself? I have to find him before he gets into trouble."

During rehabilitation, I find the habit of writing daily

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