Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1478 22: Change, from now on you are Kaido's apprentice!

On the snowy plains, the alien army began to retreat.

Although the empire began to decline, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even in this case, the aliens could not completely break through the empire's defenses.

With the arrival of the empire's reinforcements, the northern aliens had to retreat.

There was no point in continuing to waste time. During this period of war, they had snatched some food from the border areas and consumed the excess population of various tribes.

According to calculations, these rations were enough for the remaining people to survive this cold winter.

"Finally, we can go. I heard that a monster appeared in the back during this period."

"I heard that it was the Snowy Death God, right? I heard that many tribes encountered that guy in the back. It is said that he is a super dangerous species, a monster that simply kills people for fun."

"No, no, no, not one, but two. I heard that a tribe wanted to encircle and suppress the monster, but in the end the entire tribe was frozen into an ice sculpture. I hope we won't encounter it.

Those imperial tools are too difficult to deal with."


A sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a short spear flew from a distance. A person who was just chatting fell off his horse.

"The spear made by Bingbing! It's the Snowfield Death God! It's coming!!"

Their morale was low after the defeat, and now the rear was messed up. With the lesson of the whole tribe being wiped out before, these people had no intention of continuing to fight. They turned around and ran to the other side at full speed.

In the end, they successfully escaped from here at the cost of several lives.

"Well, very good, you have initially mastered the two-color domineering, mastered various combat skills, and are quite decisive in killing."

Yamato was quite decadent, lying on the snow with an indifferent look on his face, and the notebook in his hand was still recording something.

It has been several months since she came here, which is the longest part of her journey to the other world.

She didn't understand how Esdeath did it. No matter how much pressure she put on her, she could bear it.

As a student, she is undoubtedly qualified, but from Yamato's point of view, Esdeath's behavior makes Yamato fail completely.

"Esdeath, I think I have nothing to teach you. You can graduate. I am almost ready to leave. What you lack now is more practical experience."

"Eh? Teacher, are you leaving? I think I still have a lot to learn."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet. I will give you two choices now. The first one is that you stay here and hone yourself slowly. I believe that you will not die with your ability.

When I have time in the future, I will come back to see you."

After a pause, Yamato continued: "The second option is that you follow me. I will send you to a special place where you will definitely get full training."

The meaning of going with her is naturally to go to other worlds. Yamato has never done such a thing in the past, but this time is a bit of an exception.

After all, she is his first disciple, and there are some similarities. Yamato still has some feelings.

More importantly, she was still a little unconvinced. At this time, Yamato felt that there must be something wrong with him, such as the imitation was not similar enough, so he wanted Esdeath to experience the real original.

"Let me say hello to you first. If you leave with me, it will be at least a few years before you come back next time, and you will face life-threatening situations. You have to think carefully."

"Don't think about it. I am willing to leave with you, teacher. As long as I can become stronger, I don't care about the process."

"I knew you would say that. Do you need to say goodbye?"

"No, I can leave at any time now."

"Is that so? Let's go, Rotom! Help me contact them!"

Not long after, a door opened behind the two of them, and Celebi stretched out an arm from it, beckoning Yamato to hurry over.

"Let's go, get ready for your new journey!"

Yamato took Esdeath's hand and passed through the door of the world, returning to Onigashima again.

Esdeath didn't even react before she came to the new world from the cold snowfield. Yamato didn't delay anything. After whispering to Celebi for a while, a new door appeared in front of him.

At the same time, in the starry sea, Jin sat in the captain's seat and directed the voyage. The journey in the starry sea was exciting, but the long journey often made people feel boring.

This kind of loneliness was unbearable for Kaido, so he didn't stay here at all, but left everything to Jin and spent time on the ship.

At this time, a door suddenly opened in front of Jin, and Yamato jumped out directly with Esdeath.

"Miss Yamato? Why are you here?"

"I came to find my bastard dad, where is he?"

"Uh, Brother Kaido should be at the training ground now."

"Is that so? I know. See you later."

After saying hello, Yamato took Esdeath away from there, and at this time, Esdeath also realized some differences. Yamato seemed to be much taller than before.

"Teacher, have you grown taller?"

"This is my normal height. The previous one was just for convenience. After all, the people on your side are too short."

While explaining the reason to Esdeath, Yamato took her across the bridge and came to another special area.

The gate of the training ground opened and Kaido appeared inside.

Looking at Yamato who suddenly came to the ship, Kaido smiled. He was feeling bored now, and Yamato just came to him. But just when he opened his mouth to do something, Yamato had already completed the attack.

"Mushi Bingya!"

"Hot Breath!"

Ice and fire collided, and the destructive breath flooded the entire training ground, and the white steam also blocked everyone's sight.

After a moment, Kaido's laughter came from it.

"Hehe, isn't this Yamato? Why don't you play your travel game with your adoptive father and come here to find me? Have you made a new breakthrough?"

Took out his Eight Fasts, Kaido looked at Yamato eager to try, but Yamato stretched out his palm to signal Kaido to stop.

"Unfortunately, you only guessed half right. I do have some new ideas, but this time I'm not here to fight with you, I'm here to send you students."

Said and pulled Esdeath out from behind.

"This is Esdeath. You two talked on the phone before. I found that you two get along well for some reason. Maybe you will get along well in the future."

"Hehe, I remember this little guy, with interesting eyes. How long has it been since I saw an interesting newcomer? Little girl, I declare that you are my trainee from now on! The first trainee of this ship!"

The word trainee has a special meaning in the world of pirates. People with this identity are all group favorites. Since Olga, Kaido has not personally recruited a second trainee.

But Esdeath made him think again. It was an intuition, an intuition of the same kind.

Just a glance at each other, the fighting gene in his bones told Kaido that Esdeath and himself were the same kind of people.

Kaido didn't care whether Esdeath agreed or not. He didn't need the other party's consent. As long as he was sure of this matter, unless the other party could defeat him, it would never be changed.

Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the time. The investment seems to have failed.

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