Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 153 Excellent intelligence personnel

Although the Navy and the World Government do not have a large number of troops stationed in the New World, there are always a lot of intelligence personnel. Bounty hunters, black market merchants, and some pirates are all disguised by the World Government and Navy personnel.

They have no other tasks, they only need to collect relevant information. Arceus often appears in the territory of the Beast Pirates. It is not difficult to investigate his name, but in terms of his ability, the agents have limited collection.

At the beginning, those elites were brought into the Wano country at this time, and those who stayed behind were those who had seen Arceus' ability and they were considered the little bosses of the pirates. touch.

In addition, although the Hundred Beasts Pirates now have a lot of abilities, it is not surprising to the navy personnel, and they only sent people because Arceus has the power to injure the Sengoku.

Under this illusion, they did not explore his true power.

Known as the holy beast by the members, it has a close relationship with Kaido, and it is suspected that it is the second in command or an equal status. This is the conclusion they reached after a simple investigation.

Although it is still not very comprehensive, compared with unknown creatures, the outrageous name of pets of the Hundred Beasts Pirates is much more detailed.

After the intelligence collection department collects the intelligence, it will feed it back to the boss behind it, and then the analysis department will analyze the specific situation based on the intelligence.

Based on this information they gather, the analytics department reformulates bounties and titles.

However, the analysis department has the same idea as Sengoku on this point. They think that Arceus is just a phantom beast with special abilities, not a strange creature. How could Kaido be on an equal footing with a strange creature?

However, the opponent's fruit ability is unknown. According to past data analysis, the opponent can control plants and flames, and also has the ability to fly. According to uncertain information, the opponent also has the ability to give others power.

The analysis department has come to two conclusions, one is that there is no problem with the collected intelligence, and Arceus does have this ability.

The other is that these are all Kaido's tricks, and those so-called empowerments are just technological breakthroughs made by the Beast Pirates. When this news was mentioned, Quinn's information was also sent up.

"Plague Quinn, a member of the Beasts Pirates, one of the original MADS research team members, later joined the Beasts Pirates, is good at human body modification, and also has a certain research on blood factors. We think he may have achieved some achievements in this area. better achievement.

Maybe we underestimated him at the beginning, so we should include him in the scientific research team. "

However, neither of the two sides could convince the other, and finally the two conclusions were sent to the empty table together, and the specific results could only wait for more detailed information from the agents.

But this did not cause too much reaction from the navy. There are not a few people who can injure the admiral. Some of them have now entered the large submarine prison Impelton, and some are still outside.

Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Roger, Red Earl Baloric Redfield, now there is only one more Arceus, so they just increase the reward according to the usual practice.

At the beginning, the navy didn't make any big moves before Lockes revealed his ambitions, but now the various behaviors of the beasts are just small troubles in their eyes.

As for Zeraora, he has less information than Arceus, at least Arceus will often be active in the territory, and Zeraora has no information other than the identities and names of the cadres.

In this way, the new reward order and the news of the Edwall naval battle spread throughout the world. As for the question of accountability brought up by the Warring States Period, it was only held high and put down gently.

The CP department is directly under the World Government. They are two completely independent departments from the navy. If the navy has to deal with its own subordinates because of any complaints from the navy, then the face of the CP chief will be lost.

The most important point is that the CPs don't think it's a big deal. Mistakes in the agent's information are inevitable. Even the ace agent can't guarantee that the mission will be 100% successful.

And the navy didn't take it too seriously, and didn't pursue anything after filing the complaint.

Therefore, under the Navy's complaint, the agent was only punished and confinement in words, and there were no more practical measures. The World Government also meant the same thing.

The navy is the thug of the world government, and the CP is their eyeliner. Friction between the two departments happens from time to time, and they are used to it.

Whether it's CP or the navy, each other's troubles will be resolved. Unless this matter is not clear with the Tianlong people, the world government will invest more energy.

However, this incident also gave birth to changes in the navy system. They needed more of their own eyeliners. Under the auspices of the Warring States Period, a secret force called SWORD appeared in the navy.

Collect and analyze information, hold meetings and discuss, and after the new reward order is finalized, the Shiyuan has already returned to Wano Country. There are two more towering chimneys, and it seems that two new factories have been added here.

"Master Saint Beast and the others are back, pull up the Siyuan!"

In the submersible port, the rotating gear drives the chain, and the original elevator brought the Siyuan into the inland sea of ​​Wano Country. Soon after they returned, Shaina appeared on the Siyuan, holding a stack of The document records some things that happened in Wano country recently.

Overall, the development is relatively good. The weapons manufactured by the factory have begun to be put into production, and the planted fruits have also begun to sprout.

And not long after Arceus came back, Kaido also turned into a blue dragon and left here again. The Wano country is still developing, and there must be a person who can achieve absolute crushing with force value to suppress it to prevent accidents.

On the way back, Arceus took advantage of Yamato's luck to choose a few more places, but her luck was not always there, and she didn't find the target these few times.

He planned to go back to Onijima first and then deal with other things. The exit of the diving port is still a long way from Onijima, and he had to cross the inland sea of ​​Wano Country, but there was a little accident on the way back. , Yamato's "Ajian" fell into the water.

Different from the lethargy of other children, Yamato has shown the talent of Kaido's daughter, she is very energetic, and can even make the lucky egg feel tired.

And that mace also became her favorite toy, but this time the force of throwing it was a bit stronger, and the mace didn't bounce back, but bounced into the water.

A burst of loud crying resounded through the entire cabin. Seeing this, Mandelfish jumped into the water before the others could react. The daughter of Kaido, the adopted daughter of Arceus, this is perfectly fine. As the future successor of the beast, it is definitely right to please her earlier.

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