After Mandelfish, Babanuki also successfully obtained new rewards with his first-hand strange power technique. Although he failed to obtain the ability to breathe underwater like Mandelfish, he was better than the other party in terms of the types he obtained. Not a lot.

Compared with his own weak ability, he can only develop a basic foundation, and the rest depends on training. The king of asking for leave has excellent attack power and physical strength. Coupled with Babanuki's strange power technique, he can kill that terrifying giant. power to the fullest.

White mane appeared around Babanuki's neck, and his already tall figure was raised a lot again, and then he punched Kin'emon again.

Although he failed to hit him head-on, the aftermath of the hit on the ground also knocked him into the air. That was the terrifying power contained in the body of the king who asked for leave.

The temporary house was knocked down with a punch, and the supervisors in the mine reacted immediately when they saw this.

"Everyone, if you don't want to die, go back to your cell immediately!" With a gun, he fired a few shots into the sky, and the captured gangsters returned to their cells under threat.

And some other people have already rushed towards Babanuki's room, just in time to see Kinemon who was blown out.

Because of the aftermath, Kin'emon's body was not affected in any way, and his physique is not bad. In the future, this is a man who can take Kaido's blow and stand up.

At that time, he was sent to the future by Shi Shiguo, that is to say, he did not undergo much training in those 20 years, which can be said to be a kind of talent.

"Master Babanuki!"

"It's an intruder, don't let him get away!"

Babanuki walked out of the smoke and dust. The ability of the king of leave is very powerful, but there is only one drawback, that is, the king of leave is lazy.

The leave king will enter a stage of rest after attacking. It is not simply resting, but accumulating strength. This is the biggest drawback of the leave king. There is a certain gap in the attack.

After training, this gap period will become shorter and shorter, but now Babanuki has no ability to overcome this gap period, but he found another way and found another method.

Although he will be affected in the beast form and human-beast form, but the human form will not, so he has developed this unique mode, which Arceus calls "cutting gun mode".

As we all know, in fps games, the reloading speed of heavy sniper is extremely slow. In order to reduce this gap, people will use the main and secondary weapons to switch to shorten this time.

Babanuki, on the other hand, used the human form to get through that period of stiffness through state switching.

Although he would be much weaker if he didn't use his abilities, Kin'emon hadn't reached his peak period, and there were still two years before Kozuki Oden returned to his country.

Babanuki, who has obtained the ability to ask for leave, has greatly strengthened his own strength, and it is not a problem to deal with Kin'emon in this time period.

Although he will be weaker when he returns to human form, but this is the Rabbit Bowl mining field, and now it is the territory of beasts, Kinemon is not facing Babanuki, but a group of people.

"Catch him alive and see what he wants to do."

As the Beast Pirates came to Wano Country, they were the first opponents to actively provoke, so they didn't use firearms, but brandished their weapons and rushed up. Fool.

And for some reason, Kin'emon felt that the pirates rushing up were a little crazy. He didn't understand the system of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, where strength determines status, and achievements are rewarded.

If you want to get more, you have to work harder.

The rules made by Arceus and Assie are very restrictive for pirates, but no one refuses, because it is an absolute crushing in terms of status and strength. If you want to join the beasts, you must follow this rule.

Because beasts not only have rules, but also rewards.

And those rewards are something that all pirates are attracted to. As the first person to make trouble, Kin'emon is a lottery ticket in their eyes.

"Damn it, Foxfire! Draw your sword and cut!" Looking at the people who rushed up, Kin'emon did not give up resistance. He was called Foxfire Kin'emon because of this sword skill.

The two knives were drawn out, and flames ignited on the blades. Kin'emon parried the first attack, and then swung the knives to injure another person, but this did not stop the next pirates, but the ability to use flames, The Beast Pirates have long been accustomed to this.

Even if he cut down the first few people who rushed up, the people behind were still attacking him one after another.

He wanted to break out, but the guards at the Rabbit Bowl Quarry didn't intend to give him this chance. The gate had already been closed and sealed, and Babanuki's "gun-cutting state" was over, and he once again turned into the human-beast posture of the leave king. .

"Get out of the way!"

Under the explosion, the ground was full of cracks, and Babanuki's figure burst out. Although the king of leave looked lazy, when he acted, the explosive power was amazing.

Hearing Babanuki's shout, the surrounding people dispersed one after another. The members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates were basically assigned according to small cadres like Babanuki. They were responsible for leading ordinary pirates, and their crew members Thieves rarely make substitutions.

Because he is not familiar with his boss's fighting style, it is likely to cause chaos in the battle. Seeing Babanuki rushing towards him, Kin'emon also swung his knife to slash at him.

But unexpectedly, Babanuki neither dodged nor used domineering. Instead, he forced the next two swords he swung, and then took advantage of the situation to hug Kinemon.

"I got you, bastard." Then a strange wave lit up on Babanuki's body.

Then there was a scream, and two deeper stab wounds appeared on Jinweimen's body.

Double refund, double the physical damage received.

There are two sources of skills for Pokémon capable users. One is Arceus. In this regard, he is a universal move machine. He can master skills with slate attributes and hand them over to suitable people.

The other is to self-improvement with the exercise of the capable person, so as to comprehend new skills, which can be regarded as an alternative fruit development, and the double return is the skill that Babanuki learned by himself.

And it wasn't over yet, before he entered a lazy state, Babanuki, who was holding Kin'emon in his arms, activated the strange force technique, and there was a crisp sound, which was the sound of bones breaking.

The arm bones, ribs, and even the spine were all damaged, and Kin'emon passed out directly under the blow.

"Master Babanuki, didn't you mean to catch alive?"

"Isn't he still alive? Send it to Brother Jin, and say that we have captured a rebel, and let Brother Jin do the torture." Babanuki took the handed over to him. Bandages, expertly wrapped around himself a few times.

It seems that this is not the first time he has done something like double repayment.

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