Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 212 The Beginning of the Yamato Good Friday, the Returning Oden

Although she understands some auspicious egg language, that kind of communication is completely different from the current feeling.

Previously, she could only roughly understand the meaning of Lucky Egg, but now she can understand the details, including what Jack and Maria's little fairy said.

"This is."

"Forbidden Power, its abilities are more than that, just develop it slowly."

Understand the voices of other Pokémon, communicate with them, heal their injuries, and enhance their strength in battle. This is the ability brought by the power of Changpan.

This is the power bred by the Viridian Forest, but it is not difficult for Arceus to do this kind of thing.

But at the age of three, she can only do this for the time being, and she doesn't have other powers at the moment.

The cake carefully made by the long bread is very delicious, and Yamato eats it directly to fill up his stomach. As for tooth decay, this is a world where teeth can be filled by drinking milk. Tooth decay is not worthy of life.

Teeth are a very hard part of the human body, and the moth that can eat Yamato's teeth may not have been born yet.

She just got the power of Viking Pan, and she seemed to have a lot to say, but when it was time to go to bed, she was sent away by the lucky egg singing away.

She has recently developed a resistance to singing. At first a lucky egg could put her to sleep, but now she has to sing in chorus.

The next day, in her sleep, she had just dreamed that she had helped Arceus find many stone slabs, when she felt that someone picked her up from the bed.


"Wake up, Yamato, your training is about to begin."

"Ah, but it's not dawn yet."

"Yeah, of course it's not dawn yet. It's still half an hour before dawn. Before the sun rises, you have to complete the mission goal I gave you, otherwise you won't have anything to eat today."

"Help her change her clothes, hurry up, or she will waste her time. Arceus should have told you about this." Kaido then issued his own request to the auspicious eggs.


Arceus had already told them the order before, even though the auspicious eggs were very distressed, they didn't stop the movement of their hands, and helped her change into the sportswear.

As for the weird clothes that Kaido had asked the tailors of Wano Country to make, Arceus directly rejected them. In his opinion, the wide clothes are completely meaningless and will only get in the way.

The blend of white puff and wind fairy cotton is very comfortable and suitable for wearing next to the skin.

On the roof of Ghost Island, Yamato stood at a loss, the sun in the distance was still below the sea level, and then she saw Ajian 2.0 being thrown beside her.

"Pick up your weapon and run. Don't stop without my order. Squeeze your body to the limit! Until you have no strength at all, now, immediately, run for me!"

At Kaido's request, Yamato was forced to run, but Kaido realized that he had made a mistake, that is, he miscalculated Yamato's physical strength.

Drinking milk from a large milk pot, eating eggs from Lucky Eggs, and some special tree fruits as supplementary food, her physical fitness is better than Kaido expected.

He didn't expect Yamato to be able to complete his training target, which was originally designed to challenge the limit, and only by constantly challenging the limit can he become stronger.

According to his estimation, Yamato should have fainted by now, but the reality is that she is only panting heavily, and obviously still has more energy left.

Looking around, Kaido randomly grabbed a handful of rocks and threw them towards Yamato.

"Accelerate! The speed has slowed down, and if I slow down, I won't miss it!"

Before the sun rose, Yamato still finished her physical training, her hair was wet with sweat, and locks of hair stuck to her face, although she was panting heavily, she was still standing here awake.

"It's good, 10 minutes of rest, 10 minutes later you have breakfast, after that you have an hour of rest and then you start training in the morning."

The training has just started, and he has to personally judge how far Yamato can accept it, and he can hand it over to other people after a while. In fact, Arceus' ability is more suitable for training Yamato.

Whether it's making obstacles or other special abilities, Arceus has an advantage over him in physical training.

But he felt that Arceus couldn't bear that kind of heart, so he personally tried Yamato's limit, which is why he hasn't seen Arceus today.



During breakfast, looking at the very tired Yamato and the auspicious eggs felt distressed, and Jack and Maria were also curious about what happened to Yamato, but they just asked Kaido's attention after they asked a few words.

"I almost forgot about you two. You will come together later, and your training should start."

In this way, the trainers changed from one person to three people, but their strength was much less than that of Yamato. In terms of physical fitness, even if Jack was a murloc, he was worse than Yamato today. .

And although the power of Viridian is the power to heal Pokémon, it will also have a certain impact on humans.

Although her Perpetual Power has not been fully awakened, she is constantly repairing her body internally, allowing her to receive stronger training.

"Continue, is this not enough? Do you still want to help your adoptive father at this level? It's too far away from Yamato!"

One day, two days, this kind of training has never stopped since the beginning. She also cried and shouted, but she never gave up.

The words of Arceus before and Kaido's words in training have had a profound impact on her.

As she got used to the training, Arceus, who had disappeared for a while, returned here again.

"She has grown better than expected. You really have spent a lot of time on her. Looking at it this way, her future is much stronger than I thought."

"Have you touched it to the end?"

"It's almost there. The current intensity is the most suitable for her. After that, it's enough to gradually increase it. I'll leave it to you. Don't be soft-hearted, otherwise the previous efforts will be in vain."

"Don't worry, I won't soften my heart at this time."

But Kaido didn't really believe this last sentence, otherwise Arceus wouldn't have left first during the previous training.

Time gradually came to the end of 1497, Yamato's training has become normalized, and on this day, the Golden Jackson also sent Kozuki Oden to the vicinity of Wano Country.

Kozuki Oden did not return to the Whitebeard Pirates a year later as he had promised Whitebeard, but returned directly to Wano Country. During his trip with Roger, his thinking changed a lot.

On the beach of Kuri, Kozuki Oden appeared here alone. After many years, he who was supposed to inherit the shogun finally returned to this non-human kingdom of Wano.

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