Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 224 It's a pity that you don't have the halo of the protagonist

Moria's eyes were red. Stuffing someone else's shadow into the body is not a small burden, and it is a great burden on the mental power of the user.

Living people themselves have their own shadows, and inhaling a large number of shadows into the body will cause them to compete with each other, usually within a few minutes.

The greater the number of shadows, the greater the rejection.

If you want to maintain a high-intensity battle, this number of shadows is the most suitable number for Moriah, so he will carry this number of shadows with him,

The height of adult giants is generally twelve meters, and Moria's current size is relatively rare even among giants.

The small horns on the top of the head have also become a pair of larger horns, which are somewhat similar to Kaido.

The huge fist made a deep hole in the ground, and the nearby residents of Linghou felt the huge vibration.

Then Moria punched Kaido's position several times in a row, the snow layer behind Ling was shaken away, and the land below that had been frozen for many years was exposed, and a large number of cracks spread to the surroundings.

It was originally a small hill, but because of Moria's attack, it has now become a small basin.

Kaido, who was originally standing there, had disappeared in the center of the basin at this time.

In Moria's view, it was impossible for him to continue fighting after suffering so many attacks, so he turned his head and was about to leave. His partners were still waiting for them.


He was just about to participate in the battlefield on the other side, but there was a dangerous aura behind him. Moriah showed a reaction that was very different from his body shape, and moved his body directly to one side, and a scorching beam of light Pass him by like this.

"Well, you're an interesting opponent, but I've had enough of it."

There was only a big pit left where Kaido stood, but now Kaido has turned into a green dragon and appeared in the sky.

"Those who can?!"

Moria was not surprised by those with abilities. He had met all kinds of people, big and small, during the voyage for more than a year, and many of them were difficult to deal with.

But he couldn't accept it, and he was facing Kaido who hadn't used his ability when he shot almost with all his strength.

It wasn't until he used his strongest moves that Kaido used his abilities.

"The strength is good, but it's a pity that your domineering is too weak, you can't hurt me to that extent!"

Domineering is a person's own strength. During the long voyage, Moriah also gradually mastered the usage of two-color domineering in battle. This is also the way most people master domineering.

There are only a few who can be guided by the system, and most of them are tempered in battle. Compared with Kaido's domineering who has honed it for an unknown number of years, Moria's domineering is insignificant.

"It's a pity, although you have good abilities, but you rejected my offer, it's better for you to die here, hot breath!"

A flame spewed out from the dragon's mouth again. Although Moriah hid, he realized something was wrong the next moment. When he looked back, the members of the Moonlight Pirates were already in flames.

Just because of the huge shock he created, the two parties suspended the battle, and this also gave Kai a chance to attack in a large range.

"Bastard, Kaido, you bastard, what have you done!"

Seeing the tragic situation of his companion, Moria almost collapsed, and then attacked in the direction of Kaido like a lunatic, but compared to before, his attack did not see any tricks, it was just throwing punches indiscriminately.

"Since you are out at sea, you have to be conscious, and this is Lao Tzu's territory. You broke in here and robbed Lao Tzu's men. Don't make a victim's expression. From the moment you do it From now on, it is already declaring war!"

Domineering wrapped around Kaido's head, and the dragon's horns pushed towards Moriah's body. Moriah had a better way to deal with it, but the tragedy of his companions made him lose his mind, and he chose to head-to-head with Kaido in this state .

The result is self-evident, two blood holes appeared on his body, and he was hit to the place where the flames were originally burning.

"Since you declare war on Lao Tzu, you have to be prepared for this!"

Moria's huge body suppressed the flames, and the bodies of a large number of dead companions also came into view. At this moment, he didn't listen to Kaido's words at all.

"Captain Moria, I can't do it anymore, you must survive, I believe you can... become the King of Pirates"

"Sorry Captain, it seems our voyage has come to an end"


His companion's last words made him completely crazy, and when he got up, he rushed towards Kaido desperately, but this made Kaido completely lose interest.

At first he thought it was a good fighter, but now it seems that it is just a crazy beast.

"Idiot, what can you do like this?"

Moria just now deserves his seriousness, but now

Kaido returned to his human form, and after dodging Moriah's attack, he took a classic pose.

"Elbaf's Spear, Weiguo!"

Weiguo hit Moriah in the abdomen, but the strength of Moriah under the blessing of five hundred shadows is much stronger than that of ordinary sea kings. Weiguo did not penetrate his body, but on his body from bottom to top A huge wound was left.

Blood sprayed out, and the shadow in the body ran out uncontrollably, and Moriah's size was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Captain, you have to live."

"Molia, stand up, you can't die here!"

"Captain Moria, aren't you going to become the Pirate King!"

In Moria's chaotic consciousness, the voices of his companions sounded one after another, but they left one after another. The scene of his companion's death reappeared in his mind.

"I can't die here."

His own shadow was also mixed into those fleeing shadows, and then when Kaido was about to make up the knife, Moriah disappeared.

"Brother Kaito, are you going to chase after him?"

"Lost dog, let him go, clean up here, I still have things to do." He just finished the first round of Yamato, and according to his estimation, Yamato can last at least three rounds.

Now he is already thinking about what other games are fun, of course, they are all more terrible games.

Compared with Moria, he still cares more about Yamato's growth.

And the movement in Linghou area naturally attracted the attention of others. The whole Linghou saw Kaido flying in the sky, and shortly after the battle, a man with forgiving hair brought a fox and a group of samurai appeared here.

Empress Ling's daimyo, Shimotsuki Niomaru, looked at the destroyed ground of Empress Ling, his face similar to that of Zoro revealed a very complicated expression.

Today is three o'clock. The circuit is broken, and the electrician hasn't repaired it for an hour. The phone code is too slow and there is another book to be written. I will make it up someday.

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