Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 229 Tutu Dog and Tattoos

Charlotte Katakuri, Sherlock Cracker, "Phoenix" Marko, "Diamond" Jozzy, the cadres of the major pirate groups became famous during this period, and generally young people in their twenties People began to stand on the stage of the sea.

Moreover, many people's names were made by the remnant party who stepped on the golden lion. If they want to become famous in the sea, the easiest and most effective way is to pick an old senior and send him away.

As long as this opponent can be defeated, a pirate can instantly become well-known from obscurity to the world. Of course, to challenge these seniors, one must be prepared to pay a price.

Both Crocodile and Moriah paid a huge price for this.

The reward orders are not limited to these, some captains affiliated to the pirate group, and small cadres such as Elizabeth and Mandelfish also boarded the rewards. Judging from the photos, those photographers have been busy during this time.

Except for the ugly photos of a few people, the photos of most people are very handsome, and there are even situations where their eyes meet the camera, which makes this organization a lot more mysterious.

Kaido has already planned to hold a banquet when the cadres come back. Although the Beast Pirates had their own casualties in this operation, he did not come out to play house, and the actions of the living will not stop because of them. Down.

A ship's companions don't immerse themselves in it after reminiscing.

And Yamato looked at those reward orders thoughtfully.

"What's the matter, is there anything you're interested in?"

"Father, look at the tattoos of these people, they look so cool."

Tattoo culture is very popular among pirates. Tattooing the flag of one's own pirate group on the body is already a very basic behavior. Many pirates in those reward orders are like this, such as the huge pattern on Marco's chest.

Obviously it was a reward order, but those photographers abruptly filmed a talent show, which made Yamato have some interest in those tattoos.

"Do you want to get a tattoo too?"

"May I?"

"Where do you want to get tattooed?"


"Okay, then break your hand."

There is a big difference between the reality and what Yamato thought. She seems to have heard something terrible from Arceus, which is not in line with common sense. It stands to reason that only Kaido would say such words.

"Yeyifu, I think I may have misheard what you just said."

"You heard me right, every girl has a tattoo, and I'll interrupt you wherever you get it."

"But they all have tattoos, Father's entire arm is covered with tattoos"

"They are them, you are you, you are different."


Yamato's tattoo plan was declared bankrupt before it was implemented, but Arceus thought of a compromise for her, seeing her disappointed look.

"Tattoos can't be tattooed, but you can draw them later."

"But the painting doesn't look the same at all."

"It's not for you to draw, Tutu dog." A special dog appeared in front of Yamato as he spoke.

It is a bipedal dog with white overall, coffee-colored eye rims and ears.

However, its tail was very long, almost exceeding its height, and it was being held in its own hand at this time, with a paintbrush at the end of the tail.

It is important to note that the sex of this Tutu dog is female.

This is an alternative tattoo artist prepared by Arceus for Yamato. The Tutu dog will secrete a special liquid from the front of its tail as its own painting paint.

The color of the paint will change with Tutu's mood, which is generally controllable. There is also a hat-like body structure growing on top of the head, giving it some artist-like flair.

Wild Tutu dogs will use the paint on their tails to circle their territory. In addition to painting like humans, they also have unique marks of the Tutu dog race. There are as many as 5,000 kinds of paintings of various shapes.

Because the paint is secreted by the tail, it is very different from ordinary paints when painted on the body. It is waterproof and not easy to fade, and the Tutu dog itself has a way to remove it, so you don't have to worry about regretting it later.

"You can communicate with it yourself if you want to draw anything, but if you dare to play for real, my words will still take effect."

Yamato, who has the power of Viridian, can communicate with Pokémon without effort, and can accurately convey his meaning.

"I know the adoptive father, but can you tell your father to stop playing tennis?"

"Well, don't worry, he has played enough tennis, and he planned to replace it with volleyball for you before."

The training that should be done will definitely not stop, and the current training is actually not the strongest. According to Kaido's plan, the foundation of physical fitness has been laid, and what is going on these days is basic training.

After another two years of domineering practice, beatings will definitely be unavoidable, and beatings are an unavoidable part of domineering practice.

Tennis and volleyball are soft at any rate, but it won't be so after that meeting.

"Phew, is that guy a mad dog? He keeps chasing him as soon as we meet."

As for Olga, her ship is undergoing major repairs, and the naval strength she encountered is a bit supermodel for her, and the navy is the largest maritime violent group with the largest sphere of influence, and the speed of large warships is faster than that of ordinary pirate ships. Fast.

If Elizabeth hadn't broken their rudder underwater, it would be hard for Olga and the others to escape.

"Sister, that's a new monster that has risen in the navy these years, and it seems to be called Sakasky."

Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, the three of them also frequently appeared in the newspapers during this period. The Navy is using this method to appease the members of the alliance countries and prove their own force to them.

"However, the old woman's ability is more troublesome, and the phantom of the eldest sister's head has been seen through."

"Don't look down on her. That woman led the navy for an era together with Warring States and Karp. Who would have thought that we would meet the two of them. It is thanks to the ability of the eldest sister that we can escape."

Quinn is at best difficult to fight, and Olga is the real unlucky one, just in time to meet the crane carrying Sakalski on a mission.

"Whatever, the ship is repaired and ready to return to Wano Country, just as other places have already finished."

At the end of 1499, the ships of Olga, Jhin and others returned to the Wano country one after another. The remaining territory of the Golden Lion has been divided up. The pattern of the new world is roughly finalized, and large-scale conflicts will not break out in a short time.

It's only when some newcomers enter the new world that they cause trouble.

In Wano, the returning members’ celebration banquet and New Year’s festival just happened to be together, and they do as the Romans do, and the pirate group will not miss this kind of celebration, so compared to Wano’s mainland, Onigashima is more lively.

The special cannon was changed into a salute, and various fireworks bloomed over the ghost island

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