Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 231 The Hundred Beasts Pokémon Center Opens

A flower therapy ring is a sticky vine that protrudes from what resembles hair on the head, which is held in the hand, and the vine is then adorned with plucked flowers.

Its vines are rich in nourishment, and the flowers that adorn it are animated and bloom in brilliant colors.

It will often carry these flowers after picking them, and will feel uneasy without them.

The flower therapy wreaths that have just been created do not have flowers, which is why they are restless.

These animated flowers are the reason they act as medical aids, the fragrance from the petals can heal others.

If you soak the flowers attached to the vines in the bathtub, it will have a soothing effect in the bath.

Due to the different preferences of each flower therapy ring, they will pick different flowers, so the scents they emit are also different.

Those pirates who brought flower pots all harvested a wreath, which is also the habit of flower therapy rings, and they will give each other wreaths made of picked flowers.

"Dozens of doctors plus them, plus local nurses, the hospital should be able to operate, let's take them there."

"Understood, Lord Saint Beast, but do you want to name the hospital?"

"Name? Just call it the Hundred Beasts Pokémon Center."

Originally, the treatment objects of this institution were civilians who faced Pokémon and Wano at the same time, and the role of the Pokémon Center was not only to treat Pokémon.

In the world of Pokémon, registered trainers, board and lodging, and personal medical problems can all be resolved in the Pokémon Center, which already bears some hospital responsibilities.

Although this name plus Hundred Beasts will give people the feeling of a veterinary hospital, but it doesn't really matter.

The preparations for the Baiwu District Hospital have been completed. Kojiro bought a large piece of vacant land and nearby houses. Although the hospital will take a lot of time to repair, the problem of accommodation has been solved.

And in the sea off Wano Country, a ship with the flag of Beasts also approached here.

"Everyone, we are tired from the journey and we will soon reach our destination. Please pack your luggage."

A female pirate shouted to the people on board, this is the ship to pick up the doctors, Kaido directly pulled the King of Beasts out, the main ship can meet the requirements of this operation in terms of deterrence and tonnage .

Although there were only dozens of doctors, their family members also came together.

The sea transportation is not convenient, and Wano country has no fixed route. It is impossible for the Hundred Beasts Pirates to open a special route for a few people to go home, let alone these people come from various islands in the territory. One route is not enough.

So in the end, they moved directly to another house, and besides the doctor himself, family members took over.

Some doctors also brought their assistants and familiar nurses with them, and they also had family members, with a total of seven or eight hundred people.

Besides people, there are also some large-scale medical equipment. Although Wano Country's military industry is excellent, their manufacturing industry is obviously a bit crooked. Such equipment can only be shipped back from overseas.

If they sent a small boat, they might not be able to hold them all. Although the distance traveled was not short, no one complained about the lure of the high salary.

They also live in the territory of beasts, and changing an island will not have much impact on them.

The route they sailed was the hinterland of the beast territory, so they didn't encounter any danger. The group arrived in Wano country smoothly, and everyone was assigned their own house, which was also one of the conditions for their migration.

"This is where you will work from now on, and these are your assistants, they can help you treat patients."

Their family members were cleaning up the house, and the doctors came to the temporary work place, and also saw lucky eggs, flower therapy rings and almost dolls.

After getting along with Pokémon for a long time, you can understand their meaning, but these new doctors obviously can't.

But now is the running-in stage, and the running-in is the cooperation between these doctors and Pokémon.

Hearing that his assistants were these strange creatures, many doctors had strange expressions, and finally one of the oldest doctors came out.

"Gentlemen, may I ask, how can these creatures help us? Amuse children?"

"It's okay, it's understandable for you to see them for the first time, almost dolls, you can prove it.

But you should pay attention to what you say, they can understand human speech. "

It was Zeraora who brought them here, just to facilitate communication, because some Pokémon's expressions were not very happy because of the doctor's questioning.

"Chabu~Chabu Chabu!" A doll put its ear on his chest, talking about its own diagnosis.

"It says you have a bad heart rate, have chronic heart disease, have a stent, and are not in a great mood right now."

Zeraora translated Qibawa's words for him, which made the old doctor's face full of shock.

"That...can you try it for me?" Seeing this, a nurse next to her also came over, and of course the baby would not mind, and gave her a diagnosis directly.


"It says you're in good health, but you're pregnant and the fetus is almost four weeks old."

The nurse counted the date with her fingers, and then touched her lower abdomen in shock.

She wasn't sure if she was pregnant, but it was indeed that day that she had sex with her husband recently, and then she boarded the ship and transferred to Wano Country, and that kind of thing didn't happen on the ship.

"Okay, the ability has also been proved, this is the ability of almost dolls, and the three Pokémon have different abilities.

Before the hospital is built, all you have to do is to get along well with them. They are easy to communicate with, and you will be able to understand their words after a long time. "

After proving the ability of almost dolls, Zeraora left here, leaving the rest to them. As for the safety of Pokémon

It's not that Zeraora looked down on them, these doctors are really not good enough to beat lucky eggs and almost dolls.

However, after today's incident, the word Pokémon has also entered the minds of these doctors. Almost the doll can use its own ears to do what they can only do with precision instruments.

And almost dolls, lucky eggs, and flower therapy rings are all Pokémon that are close to humans. Although the doctors were suspicious of them at first, they didn't care about it.

The doctors also saw their abilities, and after accepting the concept of Pokémon, they gradually began to get acquainted with each other.

At the same time, the construction team on the open space next to it is also busy, but it is not the craftsmen of Wano Country, but the construction team of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. They are building the hospital according to the standard of building fortifications

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