Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 249 Yanwu King and Guo Wang

Although the navy has owned the lieutenant generals of the giant family through some plans, the world government is not satisfied with this, and those lieutenant generals of the giant family have their own ideas.

What they do has a lot to do with their own preferences. Behaviors like Sauro have already explained the problem.

What the World Government wants are weapons of war that obey orders, and the giants don't satisfy them.

And because of the powerful strength of the Giant Kingdom, non-member countries also have some agreements with the World Government. The World Government wants some countermeasures, and the ancient Giant Race plan will be put into production immediately.

This matter was led by Vegapunk at the beginning, but he lost interest in it after a while, because he thought it was impossible to perfectly reproduce the ancient giants.

The agreement with the World Government included a clause that the World Government could not force him to study something he was no longer interested in, so this experiment was gradually handed over to Caesar Courant.

But in the end they only produced some low-IQ failures. Although they reproduced the body shape similar to the ancient giants, they did not have the power of the ancient giants.

Not to mention Oz, the country of fortune back then, even Little Oz can't compare.

Moreover, the World Government's request is a weapon of war that has no emotion and orders and prohibitions. In the end, it turned into some low-IQ monsters with low IQs and it is difficult to understand orders.

He eats a lot, the order execution effect is poor, and it is easy to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy on the battlefield. Although the follow-up experimental products are getting better and better, in the eyes of the world government, this research result is far less than investment.

So after a certain number of test items appeared but still did not get the desired effect, they suspended the experiment. Originally, those test items were frozen underground in Punk Hazard.

Now they choose waste utilization, although this thing is very tasteless to the world government, and it is not comparable to ordinary giant lieutenant generals.

But it's a big world government, and no one outsiders can afford that kind of experiment, so they think it's a good deal for Kaido.

"Sounds good, but these guys are really biting. They should know what we want most."

Looking at the information eavesdropped by Ammonite Beast, Kaido has a new evaluation of those people, but the fact that they started to raise the price shows one thing, that is, they still need a lot of Hailou Stone.

But he is unwilling to give another highest price. Some things will appear to be very anxious if he proposes something proactively, which will put the negotiation at a disadvantage. Because of the leak of information, the agents of CP0 are always at a disadvantage.

"Quinn, have you heard of this thing?"

"When the research team was not disbanded before, that bastard Caesar had a similar idea, but I think it is impossible to reproduce that thing, and Gage thinks so too.

Although I don't want to admit it, that guy Gaji is stronger in terms of human cloning, and they also said that it was a failure, so I'm afraid it's really not a good thing. "

This thing was an idea before their research group was disbanded, and it was never put into practice. After the disbandment, the members went their separate ways, and Quinn couldn't tell what the specific situation was like.

Kaido intends to meet the other party and inspect the goods in person. Although the fish to be caught has not bit the hook yet, fishing cannot rely on brute force, and it must be relaxed. It is also necessary to set and release the line properly.

"But how do we reject them this time?"

The target is a slate or a devil fruit, not the giants who failed, so Kaido is already thinking about the reasons for rejection.

"It's nothing difficult, just say that their goods are not as good as ours, Quinn, it's time to prove yourself."

"Huh? Lord Arceus, I don't know how to do this, it's not my specialty."

Although Quinn has worked on many things part-time, this thing is indeed his technical blind spot.

"No, some things always have a rationale, and you are very suitable now." During this period of time, through the eavesdropping of the ammonite beast, they figured out the reason for the increase in Quinn's bounty.

There is always a reason to look down on something. If you can’t even come up with a reason, it’s not negotiation, it’s provocation. The best way to reject those failed products is to prove that you have something better.

For example, the genius Quinn has produced something more controllable.

"what do you mean"

"The pig has been a mascot for so long, and it should be useful now."

After the giant carp and the giant serpent of the sky island, it is already achievable to transform the giant Pokémon, so Arceus' goal is to choose the mountain god wild boar of Wano country.

As for where the pig came from, anyway, Quinn already had more than one mouthful of pot, and it would be okay to add a few more.

Nozomi, Kojiro's current residence is next to the place where the mountain god wild boar lives. Simply put, this is a pigsty, and today, this wild boar ushered in its new life.

In the past, it experienced being cut in half and then sewn together, but today, it understands that pigs can also walk on two legs.

For the symbolic meaning of the mountain god wild boar, it, like Elizabeth, belongs to the type that can switch between the main body and the Pokémon form, and it is now familiarizing itself with how to walk on two legs.

The final evolution of Nuan Nuan Pig, the Big Fire Pig Pokémon-King Yan Wu.

At this time, the mountain god wild boar stands on the ground like Bajie, with a raging fire burning around its neck, and the flames form its mane.

The black eyebrows were raised upwards, its two arms turned black except for the hooves, and there were two red circles on the wrists of its hands.

The tail behind is like a hairstyle, and it has the same effect as an explosive head.

He was not very familiar with the new body, and accidentally fell to the ground, but even so, its body was like a hill, standing upright at a height of nearly 20 meters, making it taller than Sauro.

After it was able to stand up smoothly, it looked at its own hands, and as its hands brushed against the flames on its neck, its two fists also ignited with flames.

At first it was a little scared looking at the flames on his fist, desperately trying to shake off the flames, but then he found that the flames didn't hurt at all, and waved his fist towards the sky.

"King Yanwu, this is your name from now on."


"Okay, get used to your new body as soon as possible, but don't use fire."

Sending King Yanwu aside to familiarize himself with his body, Arceus looked at Kaido.

"This guy should be enough to deal with the failures of those ancient giants. If the things they research can't even beat a pig, then they are embarrassed to make any deals, right?"

Today is the first three

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