Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 261 Family Tour in Chambord

Although it takes a lot of time to go to that position, the impact is not very big in essence. After all, the training of Kaido and Arceus is carried out alternately. Can.

For example, after the rock slab returned to the body, he also created some new tricks, using rocks as muscles and plants as meridian bones, and a group of dummies made of rocks were standing in front of Yamato.

Under the control of Arceus, these rock soldiers directly attacked Yamato as if they were alive. This is a brand new training ground he prepared for Yamato and others. He called it the eight formations of stone soldiers.

It is an upgraded version of Yamato Battle Royale. They have to walk through the maze made of rocks, knock down the rock soldiers who may appear at any time, and reach the exit within the specified time.

There may also be various organs, including but not limited to grass knots, invisible rocks, whirlpools and so on.

Kaido's training is more dangerous, but all kinds of dangers are known. Although Arceus' training is safer, it is full of accidents.

On the last night before departure, Yamato rushed out of the eight formations of stone soldiers arranged by Arceus panting.

"Father, I succeeded!"

"Well done, I can prepare you to open Level 2."

"Eh?! Adoptive father, you have been led astray by your father, you were not like this before."

"It's because you've grown up. That's fine. Today's training is over. We're leaving for Chambord tomorrow. Does anyone want to go with you?"

The Hundred Beasts Pirates group has the potential to develop towards the Hundred Beasts Kindergarten, and this trend is still strengthening as the Hundred Beasts' roots in Wano Country become deeper and deeper.

Kaido's daughter, the child Kaido picked up when he went out, the children picked up by other cadres when he went out, and some children of ordinary pirates under the Beasts Pirates.

However, there are only a few Kaido personally trained in Ghost Island. Although the competition mechanism of Beasts is that the best can be the top, there is still a big difference in what the internal members enjoy.

There are only a few of Yamato's playmates, and of course she wouldn't be the only one to go to Shambord.

"Well, Jack and Maria are going, but Robin hasn't answered yet, adoptive father, can Robin go out?"


O'Hara is the only person who can come and go freely. Although she is also a Ph.D. awarded by O'Hara, this degree has not been reported, and the world government has no information about her.


"Okay, go take a shower and rest, don't let the lucky eggs sing."

She would be so excited that she couldn't sleep whenever there was a major event, and it became normal for the lucky eggs to hypnotize her. However, as she grew older and her own resistance increased, the effect of singing began to weaken.

At the same time, on the empty island above Ghost Island, Robin also told Olvia Yamato's invitation to her.

"They're going to the Chambord Islands?"

"That's what she said, but it seems that they are going to the Chambord Islands for some business, and playing is just on the way."

Some things are lost and can never be found again. Now Robin has made up some childhood playmates in her life, but her mind is also much more mature than ordinary children.

Even if it is playing, there will be more things to consider.

"It's been about two months since Shampoo came back and forth. Do you want to go?"

"I kind of want to go."

"Okay, I'll pack your clothes for you and have fun."

Olvia has always felt guilty about Robin. Exploring history is her own ambition and her late husband's behest, so she left O'Hara when Robin was two years old.

She wanted to make up for Robin, but she never had a chance, and she didn't stop her in this kind of thing.

The next day, the Shiyuan set sail on time, and Shaina and Olga boarded the ship together. They have been handling the Chambord auction in recent years, and this time is no exception.

One and a half months later, they arrived at the Chambord Islands, which took longer than Olvia estimated because they did not walk in a straight line.

Ordinary people will dive through the coating and take the route of Murloc Island to reach the Chambord Islands, but the Beast Pirates will choose to take a detour and fly directly to the Red Earth Continent when they are accompanied by Arceus and Kaido.

And Yamato, who was sitting in his special seat, has now seen the towering mangroves.

Archipelago mangrove, a tall plant unique to this world, with thick roots above the water, 79 mangroves together form the Chambord Islands, each mangrove has a very wide root area, and people distinguish it by the labels on the trunks different trees.

The Alcian mangrove secretes special resins, and it is these resins that form the unique bubble culture here.

Bubble shopping cart, bubble ferris wheel, bubble house, here is a paradise for people with yellow cubes in Beechburg.

However, the bubble will burst after leaving this range, so the bubble culture has not spread.

Another function is coating. Through coating, ships can dive into the deep sea and pass through the vicinity of Murloc Island to reach the new world.

Coating craftsmen are a high-income group in the Chambord Islands, but there are also countless counterfeit products here. You must be careful when choosing a craftsman, otherwise the coating will crack halfway, and it will be bad.

Almost all craftsmen here maintain zero negative reviews. After all, those who fail to coat will die from the strong water pressure, and almost no one can come back alive to leave negative reviews.

Although there are navies stationed in the Chambord Islands, the biggest role of these navies is to maintain law and order when the Tianlong people appear here.

At the same time, it manages areas 60-69, where the navy is stationed and the entrance and exit of the world government offices.

Navy patrols can also be seen in some areas, and the law and order in these areas is relatively stable, but the Navy will not care about what happens in the illegal zone 1-29.

By the way, the area of ​​the navy and the illegal area happened to be next to each other, only separated by a section of tree roots, which reflected a completely different scene.

However, because of this management method, as long as the pirate ship does not dock next to the naval station, there is basically nothing to do.

The Siwon stopped directly at Area 30, which is where Soap Bubble Park is located.

The flag of the Hundred Beasts Pirates fluttered in the wind, which shocked many people in the port. Most people living here are used to seeing pirates, and they would not care about the ordinary pirate flag. , but beasts are different.

"Beast Pirates, why did they appear here?"

"I don't know, how did the pirates from the new world come to this island of failure?"

The island of failure and the island of departure, these are other names for the Chambord Islands, because countless pirates have run into a wall here, and countless pirates have entered the new world from here.

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