Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 275: Go Home for the New Year.jpg

None of them dared to say what the situation was, so they had to put the situation aside, but this also made Kozuki Oden have another thing on his mind.

He passed by Heigoro's house unconsciously after his familiar dancing session.

"Xiao Mitian, what are you looking at? Why don't you come in?"

A woman with short blond curly hair greeted Kozuki Oden at the door with a pipe. She was Heigoro's wife, and like Musashi a few decades ago, she was a rare bad girl in Wano country.

In the end, he married Hyogoro, the underworld boss, and changed his way of life after that.

"Oh no, Ah Shi is still waiting for me at home, I'll go back today first."

"Really? That's really a pity, come and play next time."


Kozuki Oden turned to leave, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure, Kojiro, who walked into Heigoro's house with a gift box.

Moreover, Heigoro's staff did not stop Kojiro, but welcomed him in with a smile, which also made him feel a little more doubtful.

And this is just a very ordinary relationship between Kojiro and Heigoro. The shopping mall he opened has encountered a lot of troubles, and most of the petty thieves are gangsters.

And it is the best to manage the manpower of these gangster soldiers Goro.

Besides, Heigoro's subordinates have passed the age of fighting and killing, and Kojiro can help some of his old brothers solve employment problems, so that they can make a living, so the two sides have such exchanges.

Taoyuan Farm opened a drawer in an instant, and inside was a neat row of diaries, some of which were sealed with plastic film, which looked brand new at first glance, while some of the covers were starting to turn yellow.

That was her first diary. It has been a long time since she left Zou, and she is no longer that seven-year-old little wolf. She has undergone great changes in almost ten years, even the habit of writing a diary is still there. exist.

[December 27, 1500, sunny

It will be the 10th year since leaving Zou, and Zeraola is working hard every day, but he seems to have encountered the biggest opponent in life-height.

Setsuna remembered that he was already 1.8 meters tall, but he seemed to have reached his limit recently, and he couldn't grow any longer, only reaching Setsuna's chest.

So is Yanyan, they have always been so big, but they are all cute]

Yanyan is her Frost Milk Fairy, which is much cuter than ordinary rag dolls.

【But this time is different. This time, I plan to go back to Zou once in the New Year. Zeraora finally agreed to go with me. Mom should like him very much, but Dad may not be sure】

After getting the life card from Inulan, she found the way back to Zou, but she didn't go back because she had something to do in the past few years. It is impossible to say that she doesn't want to go home.

Those who have been brainwashed to forget their own race and country like Inuarashi or Momomushi belong to the minority. After putting away the diary, they start to pack their luggage in an instant, and finally go home. She hasn't figured out what to do what.

And today her next door is very quiet, there is no sound of generators, and there is no sound of electricity, because Zeraola is in the ghost island at this time.

"My lord, tomorrow I will go to Zou with Setsuna."

"Just go, it's not like you can't come back, so there's nothing to worry about."

Zeraora seldom troubled him, and this time he returned to Ghost Island and said some strange things to him, which made him feel a little abnormal.

"Well... I want to ask you, should I bring some presents?"

The purpose of his appearance is not so pure. Arceus created him to be able to contact the fur tribe, but Zeraora is a unique individual.

The fundamental thing in his bones is loyalty. In addition, his thinking is independent. He is a unique fantasy Pokémon, not a marionette.

At the beginning, his contact with Setsuna was purposeful, but in the past ten years, he has been with Setsuna almost day and night for almost 10 years. He has witnessed the change from a baby carriage to a cart, and he has a real sense of love for Setsuna. Feelings.

And before going back to Zowu, she talked about her parents for a moment, which invisibly brought a kind of pressure to Zeraora, the feeling of visiting son-in-law.

Arceus gave him basic common sense and let him cultivate his own way of thinking in life, but this kind of thing is completely a blind spot of his knowledge.

For the creatures created by Arceus, Arceus is their greatest reliance, so he will return here for help.

"Hehehe, have you reached this point yet? The treasure house of Ghost Island, let's pick out a few things. Hurry up, I really want to see what kind of children cats and wolves will have, yours The child should not be weak."

Arceus hadn't figured out what to bring him, and Kaido on the side directly handed over the treasure house of Onijima to Zeraora.

"But strength is the most important thing. If it doesn't work, you can knock them all down."

After finally saying something normal, Kaido then brought the topic to a very weird place. After all, he is a person with supremacy of power. In his opinion, as long as he has enough power, many things can be solved.

The task of picking things fell on himself in the end, and the fur tribe doesn't eat furry mammals, so most of the things he picked were preserved overseas specialties.

When he was struggling, he ran into Quinn, and after knowing what happened, he directly took the matter onto himself.

"Leave it to my uncle, I'm good at this."


Zeraora gave a skeptical look. He didn't really trust Quinn in this regard, after all, Quinn often did outrageous things.

"What kind of eyes do you have? When I was young, I was a heartthrob. If it weren't for worrying about making others unable to walk, I wouldn't be so fat. Just leave things like gifts to me."

The next day, Setsuna saw a Zeraora carrying a super package. Judging from the exposed parts, there were many strange things inside, and some mechanical products and the like.

"Those are"

"Gifts, that guy Quinn said that these things will definitely be useful in Zou, so he packed them up for me."

"Actually, you don't need to bring these things"

"It's okay, let's go, the flight is ready."

The leader of the Millennium Dragon landed in front of them. For the Millennium Dragon, it is the same wherever the New Year is celebrated, but if they take a boat, they may not be able to reach Zou this year, so they troubled a Millennium Dragon.

The Millennium Dragon's back is very broad, and the two people plus two big packages did not affect its flight. Following the direction guided by the life card, they flew towards Zou Wu in the morning sun.

Let me tell you in advance that Yutian is about to go offline during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so don't rush.

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